The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1073 Strong Strength

Chapter 1073 Strong Strength
Longevity Mountain is definitely not simple, especially the resources accumulated in it, which many people cannot envy, because this is the foundation of a large sect!
Not to mention anything else, just the layer upon layer of protection restrictions have strengthened the foundation of the Beastmaster Sect countless times.

For the disciples of other sects, they will survive the catastrophe within the sect, not to mention that they will not let outside monks peep, and they can also help weaken the power of the catastrophe, which is of great benefit.

The weakening of power does not mean that the gift of heaven and earth has also weakened. Today, three years later, Qi Ling Wanshou has been able to adjust the prohibition in Longevity Mountain through the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

Although it can't be said to be controlled, it is enough to just adjust.

With the help of Qi Ling Wanshou, it is impossible for Song Yuedu to fail, and there are many benefits, such as the water of thunder.

Since the restraint helped to resist a large part of the damage, at the final stage, Song Yue's gorilla incarnation still had enough power to go directly into the robbery cloud and wantonly collect the water of thunder disaster.

At that time, Gao Jiuding was shocked when he heard that Song Yue collected one cubic meter of Thunder Calamity Water at a time.

His incarnation of water and fire python has been refined for so many years, and that one cubic meter of Thunder Tribulation Water hasn't been refined yet, and Song Yue has replenished it in multiples?
This is not over yet, with Song Yue at the beginning, An Shenxiu and other women, who are not to be outdone, also began to stop one by one.

The most powerful incarnation that An Shenxiu refined was that black tiger. .

In the Eastern Great Forest for thousands of years, the three peak blood core monsters with the best aptitude and strength have all survived the catastrophe of Dharma and became Dharma.

Gao Jiuding didn't know if these three strange beasts appeared in the forest over the past 4000 years, or if they were killed and turned into materials before they could cross the catastrophe. Anyway, Gao Jiuding was occupying it. After the entire forest, we found such three odd numbers.

Of course, there are still quite a few other monsters in the blood core stage, and there are not just one or two with good aptitude, but Gao Jiuding has not seen any of them that can be more powerful than the water fire python, gorilla and black tiger.

Although this is the case, the monsters refined by other people are only a little weaker. Now, after 30 years of Time God's Domain, there are a large number of people who can overcome the catastrophe.

According to previous statistics by An Shenxiu and others, there are more than one hundred monster incarnations who can overcome the catastrophe in recent years!

This is the accumulation in the Great Forest and the Great Snow Mountain for 4000 years, and this is not counting the monsters accumulated in the Tianyun River, the periphery of the Great Snow Mountain, the prairie and the northern mountains.

If Gao Jiuding can occupy all these territories, and sweep the monsters above the blood core stage inside again, then Gao Jiuding's strength will expand rapidly.

However, he is not in a hurry. Now that there are more than 100 monster incarnations that can overcome the catastrophe, Gao Jiuding will be stable. He will soon end the violent army. At that time, he will be able to occupy an overwhelming advantage and truly have some right to speak.

There are hundreds of monks in the stage of Faxiang, and they are all monsters with profound magic power. Even if they are all monks in the early stages of Faxiang, they are still very intimidating.

Monster beasts have been known for their strength since ancient times, but most of them are simple-minded, irritable and irritable. When confronting humans, they generally fail to do well!
Besides, monsters are not a race, they are not united at all.

Although humans have turned all monsters into monster races, they are definitely not a race. Even if they are numerous and powerful, but they are not united, to humans, they are just materials for refining alchemy.

But it's different here in Gao Jiuding, those monsters have been assimilated by human beings, and now it's human monks who control the monsters to fight in their incarnations!
With the wisdom of human beings, manipulating monsters with powerful combat power to fight, crushing several human monks of the same level, is just like playing.

This is the reason why the Beast Controlling Sect was so powerful back then, and it is also likely to be an important reason why the Beast Controlling Sect was overthrown by everyone and was exterminated.

The strength is growing too fast, and there is still the right to pick and choose, choose bloodlines with better qualifications, and more pure monsters to refine them into clones, then it is too bullying.

If you cultivate yourself, you can also refine a divine beast with superb aptitude as a clone. Most importantly, such an avatar is equivalent to several human monks at the same level. Does this still allow others to live?

Therefore, the Beastmaster Sect, which was not so low-key back then, was wiped out!
When he got to Gao Jiuding's place, he couldn't just wave casually. Even if he had accumulated strong strength, Gao Jiuding didn't plan to release it all at once.

Just make a fortune quietly, why make a high profile?Afraid that people don't want to kill you?

Therefore, no matter who advanced the Dharma and stabilized his cultivation in the Time and Space God Realm, Gao Jiuding would directly send him into the starry sky and let them go mining.

The reason why those guys were able to successfully advance to the Dharma phase must have something to do with having enough resources.

In the caves and palaces opened in the Longevity Mountain, the searched spirits of heaven and earth were all incarnated and refined by those monsters in the blood pill stage who have not advanced. Otherwise, even if there is a ban on the Longevity Mountain to weaken the thunder calamity, it is not so easy spent.

If you have rights, you have obligations, so these people go to mine in the starry sky, which can be regarded as a exercise of mind, so as to save them from swelling.

And with a cheating device like the Beast Fence, he can also hide the fact that they are monsters, because his current strength is considered strong, and he has already threatened some sects and families!

"I don't know who is crossing the catastrophe, who dared to drill into the clouds to collect the water of the thunder catastrophe. Is this for the sake of meritorious deeds?"

Gao Jiuding looked at the thunderclouds above the high altitude, all the thunderclouds gathered on the Longevity Mountain, and the surrounding aura flickered, which meant that the internal restraint of the Longevity Mountain was aroused.

The group of powerful guards under Gao Jiuding, as well as senior thugs like the four Mo Dahu brothers, have all survived the catastrophe. , the incarnation has achieved the Dharma image!

Who is crossing the catastrophe now?To actually have this strength, to drill into the calamity cloud and collect the water of thunder calamity?
"It doesn't matter, no matter how many monks there are in the early stage of alchemy, it can't stop a few great monks who are at the peak in the later stage of alchemy. Let's continue to hang on!" Gao Jiuding shook his head, and continued to pay attention to Gao Xianzhi beside him.

Did Gao Xianzhi fall into cultivation again?She is unconsciously drinking phoenix blood now!
Gao Jiuding could only helplessly wait for her to finish this training, and he needed to refine some disobedient Phoenix blood from time to time.

"Well, the concentric talisman researched by An Shenxiu and others recently is not bad, it can be used to refine Dao soldiers!"

Instead of caring about the people who crossed the catastrophe, Gao Jiuding began to worry about his own strength.

Gao Jiuding still doesn't know much about the sect above the demon star, but he also knows now that as long as it is a large sect, there must be at least one big monk.

A great monk is a cultivator who has survived two thunder calamities, or even three thunder calamities. Many of these monks are only one step away from advancing to pure yang.

A monk in the pure yang period, a terrestrial fairy!

Such a monk, no matter how many Dharma phase monks can't deal with it.

Gao Jiuding didn't want to deal with the great monks anymore, he was trying to figure out a way to deal with the mid-stage monks and the ordinary late-stage monks.

And the only way is the big Dao soldier formation. Of course, the simple Dao soldier big formation will not work.

So the concentric talisman that Gao Jiuding used before is now available!

That was an area An Shenxiu was more familiar with. Back then, she wanted to use this thing to gain Gao Jiuding's trust.

To deal with masters, the more people the better, of course, so if you want to deal with the mid-stage cultivators, it is best to have two peak cultivators in the early stage of the Phenomenology, conjoined and concentric, and use the combined attack technique to fight against the mid-stage Phenomenology monks.

Gao Jiuding has seen the power of Zixu's old team, and he is only the peak of the early days of Faxiang!

Patriarch Zixu is a famous genius monk, with that kind of power at the peak strength in the early stages of Dharma Aspect, I really don't know what kind of strength he will be in the middle stage of advanced Dharma Aspect!
To deal with such a monk, ordinary methods are definitely not enough, but as long as you think of a way, it is not impossible to deal with it.

As for the late stages of Faxiang, or the peak monks in the late stage of Faxiang, don't think about it, because Gao Jiuding doesn't even have a mid-stage Faxiang cultivator in his hands.

"I really don't know how powerful cultivator Chunyang and cultivator Huashen are!" Gao Jiuding could only sigh, he only had the strength to protect himself now, and he needed to continue to work hard if he wanted to overwhelm the demon star cultivator.

For the cultivators in the central part of Yaoxing, Iron Sword Gate and other sects are wild cultivators, casual cultivators, and miscellaneous cultivators, and they are not popular.

And for the top sect in the center of the mainland, the place where Gao Jiuding is now is just a remote place, a desert for monks!
Therefore, the three most powerful sects here are also not popular, and they are not even considered large sects.

You must know that the Beast Controlling Sect back then was the real No. [-] sect in the mainland, and he was a large sect, but the Beast Controlling Sect failed to advance to a giant sect.

Now Gao Jiuding already knows that large sects must have Chunyang cultivators in command, and Tianjianmen originally had Chunyang Patriarch, but in the last catastrophe, most of the masters in Tianjianmen perished I just don't know if there is only the ancestor of Tianjian left, or there are other Dharma phase monks.

Gao Jiuding's status in Iron Sword Sect is embarrassing, and Iron Sword Sect's status is also embarrassing to the ancestor of Tianjian.

At this level, even the remnants of Tianjianmen have not fully integrated with Tiejianmen, let alone Gao Jiuding, a newly rising small force.

Up to now, Gao Jiuding still doesn't know how many Dharma Xiangqi Patriarchs there are in Tiejianmen, and do they have great monks?
Probably not, or else the current Tiejianmen, how can the ancestor of Tianjian have the final say?
As for the ancestor of Tianjian, he is only a great cultivator at the peak of the late phase of Faxiang at this time, and he is still one step away from Chunyang!

 Thanks to book friend 20190318063022073 for the 500 coin reward!Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, the king of heaven and earth, book friend 20171231183742564 brothers for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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