The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1074 Hercules Pill

Chapter 1074 Hercules Pill
If a sect does not have Chunyang Patriarch, it is not considered a large sect, so Tie Jian Sect is not considered a large sect, and with the current strength of Tie Jian Sect, it can still suppress Ba Dao Sect and Heishui Palace, then only It can be explained that in recent years, these two sects have not declined very much.

"At least in this Eastern Continent, we can be a little bit more arrogant!" After analyzing the sects of the Eastern Continent, Gao Jiuding was relieved.

He doesn't have to be trembling now, he is afraid that if he accidentally encounters a blood pill monk, his army may be wiped out.

At that time, although Gao Jiuding was able to protect himself with the trump card of the battleship, he was just deceiving himself at that time!
If he really provoked a master above the blood core stage, would he give up his subordinates and run for his own life?Or should all his subordinates give up and run for their lives?

No choice, what can he do?
At that time, he was just a cultivator who had just established the foundation pill, and the body refining level was the blood refining stage. When he met a cultivator with a higher realm, he could only run for his life!

And this is still when encountering a cultivator of the Blood Pill Stage, if he encounters a cultivator of the Faxiang Stage, even if he has a battleship, Gao Jiuding can't guarantee that he can escape with his life!

Thinking about it now, his heart was too big at that time. Of course, this is also related to Tie Jianmen being his backer.

How could Gao Jiuding have come to this point if there hadn't been Tie Jianmen planning behind him, giving Gao Jiuding all the open and hidden arrows?
"One cannot forget one's roots, but one still needs to rely on Tiejianmen. This is the sect, and it is the backing. You must not give up!"

Gao Jiuding once again strengthened his mind, he would not do things like crossing rivers and demolishing bridges, so there must be offerings and so on.

Well, this is all for hugging the thigh of the ancestor of Tianjian, Gao Jiuding will not yell indiscriminately!
Gao Jiuding's mind wandered around, and he first looked at Zijin Dapeng, who had been in seclusion for 30 years, and he had been cultivating the Earth Spirit Orb.

After 30 years of absorption, the earth spirit bead has derived five spiritual prohibitions. Unfortunately, perhaps because the earth spirit bead is the form of a spirit vein, although it has derived a little spirituality, the spirituality is still as weak as ever, and there is no trace of it at all. With intelligent performance.

However, although its spirituality is a bit weak, it is very easy to control. It can be said that as long as Gao Jiuding moves his mind, it can be manipulated as flexibly as an arm.

This is not bad, and Gao Jiuding can't force it, because he has checked a lot of information, and it is difficult to transform the spiritual veins into spiritual wisdom!
Gao Jiuding's bead turned out to be nothing more than a strange object of heaven and earth. After a few accidents, a spirit vein turned into a spirit bead and was sacrificed by him!

If it turned out to be an earth spirit bead, Gao Jiuding would have absolutely no strength to refine it back then.

Even now, if he is asked to sacrifice a miniature earth spirit bead, he will not do it, because it is always a miniature spirit vein, and it will take too long to completely refine it, and he does not need a miniature soil spirit bead. Lingzhu.

If you directly sacrifice a medium-sized or even a large-scale earth spirit bead, it doesn't matter whether it can be refined or not, and it doesn't matter how long it takes to refine it, but can you find it?
Gao Jiuding also had many adventures, but up to now, he has never found a spirit bead larger than a miniature size.

Even in the Daxue Mountain where the spiritual veins are clustered together, even in the Longevity Mountain where there are several large spiritual veins, after Gao Jiuding asked Qi Ling Wanshou to refine the Longevity Mountain, he did not find a few formed Lingzhu.

It seems that the Beast Master Sect used tricks back then, and there was no condition for the production of Lingzhu. Therefore, the aura here can only nourish the spirit veins, but it cannot promote the spirit veins.

For more than 4000 years, too much spiritual energy has been consumed here, and even the nine large spiritual veins have not recovered, so how can the spiritual beads be condensed?
And in these years, Gao Jiuding also consumed a lot of spiritual energy, such as the earth spirit bead, but it absorbed the spiritual energy equivalent to five medium-sized spiritual veins.

Every growth of the earth spirit bead will generate a spirit ban, and each spirit ban is a medium-sized spirit vein!
If you want the earth spirit bead to be promoted to a large spirit bead, you must gather nine spirit prohibitions, that is, nine medium-sized spirit veins.

Gao Jiuding wasn't worried that the spiritual veins around Daxue Mountain couldn't support it, but it would definitely take time to gather so much spiritual energy.

However, even if it takes a hundred years, Gao Jiuding still has to do it, because while rapidly absorbing the spiritual energy of the surrounding world, the tangled spiritual veins under the Longevity Mountain are constantly being corrected and opened up.

So, up to now, after three years of rapid absorption from the outside world, it has been 30 years inside the pagoda. A large amount of spiritual energy from the outside has been forcibly absorbed into the pagoda, thus opening up many spiritual veins around Longevity Mountain and Daxue Mountain.

This is like pumping water, the stronger the pumping, the more fluid the surrounding water veins will be!
Up to now, Gao Jiuding has felt that the aura flowing into the pagoda from the surrounding veins is getting faster and faster.

Since there are so many benefits, Gao Jiuding will naturally continue to do it, so after just looking at it for a while, Gao Jiuding doesn't care about Zijin Dapeng avatar.

When cultivating the Earth Spirit Orb, Zijin Dapeng's incarnation did not delay his cultivation, and now after 30 years of accumulation, it can also fully transform into form, and by the way, it can be advanced.

It's just that Gao Jiuding has no such plan recently, because there are many monster incarnations who want to advance to the Dharma, and he still needs to line up.

Of course, the most important thing is that Gao Jiuding needs to sort out the Zijin Dapeng avatar, which originally cultivated two supernatural powers of the metal system and the wind system.

This is another high-level bloodline inheritor with two attributes perfectly combined. Although it is not as powerful as the water and fire python, its qualifications are not much worse.

If we really talk about the gap, it may be that the bloodline is not pure enough, it still has this trace of Huoyuan's bloodline, and this is the problem.

Of course, even if there is a problem with a born powerful monster, it is a small problem!
For example, the blood of Zijin Dapeng involves Huo Shengfeng!

It is natural common sense that fire produces wind power!
This is also the case in Zijin Dapeng's body. As long as the cultivation method is suitable, golden body, fire energy, and wind are not so rare.

The gold system refines the body, and fire qi generates wind, this is the main line of Zijin Dapeng's cultivation.

Although the route was chosen, Gao Jiuding had never practiced metal-based exercises, so he planned to take the time to study it.

If it is really necessary to transform into a catastrophe to form combat power, it is better to let the fire kite transform into a catastrophe directly, because it is just a simple fire monk. Although it has part of the blood of the snow kite clan, this part of the blood has not been revealed. It is a single-attribute fire system physique.

Gao Jiuding has a copy of the alchemy inheritance of the Royal Beast Sect. Recently, he has been letting Huoyuan practice as an incarnation. During the process of alchemy, its cultivation base is also increasing. Since it can still grow, Gao Jiuding is not in a hurry to let it cross robbery.

Lay a good foundation, stronger than anything else!
In addition to the incarnation of Zijin Dapeng and the incarnation of Huoyuan, it is the incarnation of water and fire python!
In recent years, the incarnation of the water and fire python has refined a lot of thunder water, and he has refined a pure yang soul before, so even if it is huge in size, it needs to accumulate countless mana. It is also possible to advance to the middle stage of the law at any time.

In the middle stage of the advanced method, he also needs to overcome the calamity, so he is still refining the water of thunder calamity!
As long as this kind of refinement has reached the limit, it will definitely not be a problem after passing through the first thunder calamity after entering the Dharma phase.

All the incarnations are practicing step by step, so Gao Jiuding naturally doesn't have to worry.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Gao Jiuding saw Gao Xianzhi, who was already bouncing around in boredom.

"Baby, this Monkey Fist is too weak. Such a soft and sloppy fist is not of much use. Why don't I teach you the Vajra Palm?" Seeing Gao Xianzhi's Monkey Fist, Gao Jiuding couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

Gao Xianzhi ignored Gao Jiuding, seeing that she was getting attention, she played more energetically instead.

And that's not counting, while Gao Xianzhi was punching, he grabbed a branch and tied it up.

Gao Xianzhi sang loudly while sweeping away thousands of troops: How many demons have just been captured and how many demons have been subdued?
Why are there so many ghosts and ghosts (monsters, eat my grandson!)

If you kill your soul, you will lose your soul, and you will also tremble if you lose your mind.

The wolves, tigers and leopards had nowhere to hide, just captured a few monsters

I have captured a few demons and sprites again, why are there so many of them (monsters, eat my old grandson!)

(My old grandson will go too! Ah~~~) Going to your mountain is more dangerous and the water is even worse.
Gao Jiuding looked at his eccentric daughter speechlessly, who did he learn this from?

Seeing her stepping on the stick in her hand and jumping non-stop, don't tell me, the movements she made are really beautiful.

Of course, this is mainly because Gao Xianzhi's physical fitness is so good, she is familiar with all kinds of difficult movements, without any hindrance.

After watching it for a long time, Gao Jiuding couldn't help admiring that his physical fitness is really good.

Even the singing and the playing were done in one go, and finally Gao Xianzhi stared at Gao Jiuding calmly. Does this need to be praised?
Gao Jiuding could only say: "That's right, I underestimated the baby, you played well, keep working hard!"

"Well, I also feel very good. This juice is very good. After drinking it, I feel warm and feel very comfortable. I want to drink it!"

Gao Xianzhi pointed to the milk box on the stone table, the Phoenix blood in it had been drunk by her unconsciously.

"Dad has plenty here, but the baby has some steamed buns first. That's drinks and water. Children still need to eat!" Gao Jiuding took out a elixir, small in size, just like Wang Zai's child Steamed buns are about the same.

The elixir is shining with five-color auras. This is a Hercules elixir, a supernatural elixir specially refined from divine power grass. Such a pill consumes a single divine power grass.

The divine power grass is refined into a pill, which removes impurities and is easier to be refined by others. The most important thing is that the medicinal properties are not lost.

"It's so beautiful, just one?" Gao Xianzhi held the Hercules Pill in his hand and looked at it happily.

She can also see the spiritual light of the pill, because she inherited Gao Jiuding's clairvoyance and has awakened it.

Gao Jiuding had felt this for a long time, and it was confirmed by some clues.

(End of this chapter)

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