Chapter 1075
If the clairvoyance hadn't been awakened, in Gao Xianzhi's eyes at this time, this elixir should be pitch black, there is no such thing as beautiful at all.

"One is enough, after eating this little steamed bun, you will be full immediately!" Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

"Really?" Gao Xianzhi said in surprise.

Seeing Gao Xianzhi's hesitation, Gao Jiuding knew that he was reluctant to eat it, so he immediately said: "I still have a few here, eat it quickly, and Dad will take you to explore later!"

Now he really has no shortage of divine power grass, and he even gave a large batch of Mavericks to train his guards around him. However, eating one of these things is enough, and any more is a waste, so if he can't waste it for Gao Xianzhi, he I still don't want to give it.

After wasting half a day outside, Qi Ling Wanshou was already in the Time-Space God Realm inside the pagoda, and worked hard for several days. Now the entire Longevity Mountain has almost been infiltrated by Wanshou.

Although with her current strength, she couldn't completely refine Longevity Mountain, but she was originally the weapon spirit of Longevity Mountain, and it would not be as difficult as imagined if she wanted to regain control of Longevity Mountain.

"I'm so full, Dad, I'm sleepy!" Just when Gao Jiuding wanted to take Gao Xianzhi into the Longevity Mountain to find some inheritance, the little girl Gao Xianzhi yawned again.

How long have you been playing?Gao Xianzhi couldn't be tired or sleepy, the only reason was that Hercules Pill.

A child who has not practiced exercises and swallowed a panacea, the only way to do it is to slowly digest it after sleeping.

Although Gao Jiuding was a bit regretful, he quickly accepted it because he had learned from the past.

Gao Jiuding devoured an emerald fruit and refined it easily, but it took Gao Xianzhi 30 years to digest it smoothly.

What I am eating now is a warming and tonic panacea, so I don't need to waste so much time!

With a thought, Gao Jiuding took Gao Xianzhi into the palace in the center of the pagoda!
The place where the spirit pool is located has no shortage of aura, and it is the purest aura of heaven and earth, which is conducive to Gao Xianzhi's awakening of supernatural powers.

The blood shadow supernatural power needs to refine a large amount of phoenix blood, which is a slow process, and Gao Jiuding does not want to leave hidden dangers too quickly.

Unlike Hercules Pill, this kind of panacea has no hidden dangers, as long as it is digested, it will naturally awaken the talent of divine power.

After checking for a while, Gao Jiuding withdrew his divine sense when he felt that there was no problem.

Gao Xianzhi's aptitude has been modified to get better and better, and it's time to find her a practice method.

Gao Jiuding has a lot of exercises in his hands, and there are also many powerful ones, but don't let Gao Jiuding veto them.

Gao Xianzhi's current glazed body has all the five elements, if he only cultivates one attribute or two attributes, it will be a waste.

With Gao Jiuding's current resources, step by step, Gao Xianzhi first awakened the supernatural power of the blood shadow, and this supernatural power is actually a fusion of five elements. The blood shadow is transformed from the human body and has the five elements.

Next, he took the pills refined from three kinds of spiritual grasses: Divine Power Grass, Sky-Catching Grass and Invisibility Grass, so that Gao Xianzhi could strengthen his body and awaken the three magical powers of Divine Power, Sky-Catching and Invisibility.

And these are innate supernatural powers, even if they don't practice, they can increase their power as the body strengthens.

In this case, strengthening the body in the future has become an inevitable thing!

Therefore, what Gao Xianzhi needs most now is a body training method, and among the body training methods, there is nothing more suitable than the Yin-Yang Nine Transformations Body Training Art in the four major lineages of the Royal Beast Sect.

Although Gao Jiuding didn't get this exercise, but he had read many classics of the Beast Sect, some clues showed some power of this exercise.

The Shenmo Pill was actually researched specifically to cooperate with this exercise, so there is another name for the Yin-Yang Nine-Turn Body Refining Technique, which is called Shenmo Body Refining Art.

Those great gods in ancient times were able to refine an immortal physique just by eating and simple external exercises.

When he first entered the realm of self-cultivation, Gao Jiuding had seen the legend of God and Demon Body Training Art on At that time, he did not expect that this exercise would be so close to him.

Of course, this technique of the Beastmaster Sect is unlikely to be handed down from ancient times, nor can it be a practice practiced by ancient gods and demons, but it is only possible that after countless years, the ancestors of the Beastmaster Sect re-studied it. The exercises that came out.

Even so, it's pretty good. Can it be called the skill of God and Demon Body Refining Art? Can it be bad?
But Gao Jiuding knew that this technique could be cultivated to the peak state, but it could defy innate nature and turn people's body into a battle body of gods and demons.

This technique is likely to have been passed down in the Beast Master Dojo, but it is a pity that Gao Jiuding did not encounter it!

Of course, it may have been snatched away during the war that year, but for so many years, this practice has not appeared in the world.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding still has one last hope, and that is the ancestral land of the beasts, and this ancestral land is in the Longevity Mountain, and that place is the final destination of the monks of the beasts after their death.

In fact, it is where the ancestral grave of the Beastmaster Sect is located. I heard that countless monsters and demon souls are suppressed in that place.

Monster beasts that can be refined become magic weapons, and monster souls that can be refined become part of the seal of ten thousand beasts, while those that cannot be refined will remain under the ancestral tomb to be worn down until the soul is destroyed. , Flesh, all transformed into aura, and it will be considered as the end when it is emptied.

This kind of place is naturally dangerous, and Gao Jiuding would not dare to break into it easily, but with the help of Qi Ling Wanshou, it will be different.

Now Gao Jiuding knows that Longevity Mountain is a specially refined magic weapon. Its internal spiritual veins have a specific flow direction, and the external mountains and rivers are not arranged randomly. It can be said that every inch of Longevity Mountain is the result of careful design. .

Outside the Longevity Hill, it is a place for living and working, mainly planting spiritual grass and spiritual plants!
But inside the Longevity Mountain, it is formed by the fusion of space magic weapons, or simply put, the Longevity Mountain is composed of small secret realms.

This is the same reason as Gao Jiuding encountered the Beast Sect Dojo and the small secret realm before.

The dojo of the Beast Sect is a part of Longevity Mountain, and of course it also incorporates some of the fragments after the collapse of the seal of the beasts, so there will be a part of the inheritance of the Beast Sect in the dojo of the Beast Sect.

The small secret realms inside Longevity Mountain have more inheritance, among which various functional places of the Beastmaster Sect, such as the land of refining tools, the place of alchemy, etc., are placed in those small secret realms.

Of course, for the Beastmaster Sect, the most important function is to tame monsters. Unfortunately, it is unknown how many of these are left.

"At first, I wanted to find a few safe caves and secret places to visit, but now it's easier, let's go to the place where monsters are suppressed underground first!" Without Gao Xianzhi by his side, Gao Jiuding can let himself go.

With a thought, Wanshou exerted strength, she directly controlled the pagoda, controlled the ban in Wanshou Mountain, and opened a portal.

In the small lake where Gao Jiuding was located, layers of aura flickered, and layers of restrictions were activated and opened!

Soon, a vortex appeared in front of Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding knew that this was a transmission channel leading to a secret place underground.

He jumped down without hesitation, but when he got off, Gao Jiuding was dumbfounded.

Why is the secret realm under here so big?This is much larger than the core small secret realm of Wanshouyin that Gao Jiuding entered before, and it is even much larger than the Beast Control Dojo.

If you want to compare it with the magic weapon of space that Gao Jiuding harvested before, only the real Qiankun bag can compare.

However, this place is incomparable to the real world, because it is a complete world.

"The world is so big, I want to see it!" Gao Jiuding directly volleyed into the air and flew into the air, seeing that there was no danger around him, Gao Jiuding quickly flew in the sky.

There must be more than just such a secret place under the Longevity Mountain. There is no need for him to waste time here. Now he wants to wander around as soon as possible. If it is not of great value, he must leave immediately.

Flying all the way, there were no extra problems, and soon in Gao Jiuding's eyes, clouds and mist flashed faintly in the atmosphere ahead, and he smelled a sweet smell in his nose.

The surrounding trees are tall and the air is humid. Is this miasma?
Such a bit of miasma is naturally not a problem for Gao Jiuding, who is already a master of the blood pill stage.

Hiding his figure, Gao Jiuding flew fast in the sky!
There are valleys and peaks in front, and in that mountain is a peach tree?
This wouldn't be an environment specially prepared for the production of Peach Blossom Miasma, would it?
what is that?Just after flying over Peach Blossom Mountain, Gao Jiuding saw a violent poisonous smoke rushing straight into the sky.

As for the poisonous gas, there is no hindrance, after all, no matter how much poison there is, Gao Jiuding doesn't need to pay attention to it.

"This is definitely not a good place!" Gao Jiuding muttered, observing the world below from high above the sky.

"For you, it is a good place. I feel that there is a powerful existence around here, but this kind of place also means that there are treasures!" Wanshou sent a message to Gao Jiuding abruptly, and then there was no news. .

Gao Jiuding was a little confused, this place is really not a good place, it seems that he should be careful.

After observing for a while, Gao Jiuding was sure that the environment here is really bad, poisonous substances are everywhere!

This made Gao Jiuding a little disappointed. Could it be that there was no one managing it for many years and the place was abandoned?
Logically speaking, it shouldn't!
If it was someone else, maybe they would be happy to see such a huge secret realm, but Gao Jiuding has seen the world, at least he has seen the demon battleship.

You know, it's just an ordinary resource collection ship built by Yushouzong, and it's incomparable with Longevity Mountain.

Since there is a setting for cultivating spirit beasts in the demon battleship, is it not here?
As for the powerful existence that Wanshou said, Gao Jiuding didn't find it, so it couldn't be the poison in those valleys, right?

Although the centipedes and scorpions were a little bigger, Gao Jiuding didn't look like any powerful existence.

 Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, the king of heaven and earth, Nan Shaoyi, and book friend 20171231183742564 brothers for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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