The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1076 Demon Snake Valley

Chapter 1076 Demon Snake Valley

No matter how Gao Jiuding looked at this secret place, it didn't look like the ancestral land of the Beastmaster Sect. Otherwise, the poisonous insects and monsters here would not pick up their family's ancestral graves?
However, since Wanshou reminded him, there must be opportunities in this secret realm. As for the danger, as long as he is careful, Gao Jiuding still has this confidence.

Undeterred Gao Jiuding, continue to search around!
And just as he was flying around like a headless chicken, he suddenly found more than a dozen snakes, all swimming in one direction.

The snake must be a demon snake, because they all have cultivation bases, and their cultivation bases are not weak.

Seeing so many monster snakes at once made Gao Jiuding intrigued. He simply used the protective god to protect himself, then flew up a tree and walked from a high altitude.

Gao Jiuding tried his best to mobilize the innate gossip god, and let the gossip flow continuously!
The five elements and eight trigrams transformed into each other, making Gao Jiuding's body-protecting qi like a veil, light and misty, and extremely gorgeous!

The phantom robe was taken away by the incarnation of the water and fire python. Gao Jiuding had to use this method if he wanted to become invisible.

As for the invisibility supernatural power, it is not easy to use here, because the breath brought by the fast movement is too conspicuous.

So invisibility is not as good as illusion. This is the best way to use magic robes. Of course, it is also a very good way to become invisible by transforming into a chameleon through the innate gossip body protection god.

Gao Jiuding floated among the bushes, really like a cloud, not conspicuous at all.

Gao Jiuding ran all the way, not only extremely light, but also very fast, followed the group of snakes and soon came to a valley.

He looked up, and there were dozens of monster snakes hidden on the rocks, in the grass, on the branches, inside and outside the valley.

All of them are entrenched there, with their heads held high, looking forward.

Among these monster snakes, there is one that attracts the most attention.

Its body is as thick as a millstone, 50 meters long, with a snake head like a bucket, two sarcoid-like protrusions on its forehead, about the size of a fist, and a strand of beard hanging from its jaw.

Looking at this posture, there is actually a transformation of a dragon.

There is no need to test its strength at all, it is definitely extremely tyrannical.

For this kind of existence, Gao Jiuding didn't dare to spy too much, his eyes just swept away, so as not to be sensed by it.

From top to bottom, Gao Jiuding saw these monster snakes very clearly.

They were all very restless, twisting and turning, looking at the situation, they both wanted to rush in, but they were also very afraid of the owner inside, so they just lingered like this, hesitating.

At this time, a gust of wind blows, and a very pleasant fragrance floats over, which makes people feel refreshed.

"Some elixir is about to mature!" Gao Jiuding said happily, Wanshou really knew something.

Such a strong medicinal fragrance has attracted so many monsters, so it is naturally a precious elixir. Could it be that this is a special place for cultivating snake monsters and elixir?
Gao Jiuding was thinking about it, when suddenly, there was a "shua", and the demon snake that had the appearance of transforming into a dragon was seen to rush forward at high speed like an arrow leaving the string.

And its actions also stimulated other monster snakes.

These monster snakes were all afraid of being left behind, so they showed their supernatural powers and rushed forward quickly.

At this time, Gao Jiuding discovered that most of them can fly, but the method is a little single, they are all controlling the evil spirit of smoke.

This kind of sobriety is exactly the same as the appearance of monsters described in Journey to the West, riding a black wind!

Seeing this, Gao Jiuding hesitated for a moment, then acted again, and followed "Piaofei" in.

After advancing no more than ten meters, Gao Jiuding heard an unusually sharp long hiss.

After the sound sounded, there were twenty or thirty monster snakes that were advancing at high speed, and immediately turned and retreated. The action was like a National Day military parade, unusually neat.

The rest also paused for a while.

As soon as Gao Jiuding saw this, he knew that this was the most instinctive manifestation of the monster snakes.

This also reflects from the side how powerful the owner of this valley is.

However, these monster snakes did not retreat too far, and after another burst of fragrance, they moved forward again.

"Two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and a good man can't beat many people! There are so many demon snakes coveting, thinking about it, a big battle is inevitable, and it's best to make a loser, so that I can take advantage of it!"

Gao Jiuding followed unhurriedly, and walked more than a hundred meters inward, his vision began to become blurred, because the whole air was gray.

Instinctively, Gao Jiuding felt that something was wrong, so he pumped his true energy to push the strength of his body-protecting qi to the extreme.

Sure enough, after entering this chaotic area, within a short while, there were the screams of several monster snakes.

Looking closely, it was these gray auras that had eroded into their bodies.

Although it is not fatal, but it also makes them very painful.

However, even so, these monster snakes have no intention of giving up. They burst out various smoke and brilliance from their bodies to protect and treat them. These monster snakes are really not easy.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding suddenly saw a one-foot-long green streamer shooting from the front, turning around in the void with extraordinary flexibility, and piercing through the head of a wounded demon snake in an instant.

Then, the azure gold streamer continued to swim without stopping, piercing through three demonic snakes one after another, before landing on the ground, showing its shape.

Gao Jiuding looked at the three dead monster snakes. There were auras flickering around them, and it was a rare black aura.

"Soul? No, there are white auras around. Why is it uncomfortable? Yin-yang aura? The power of the black spirit is yin, and those surrounding the black aura are yang? No, there are runes!

Well, there is a soul restraint in the surrounding void, which is a kind of masculine soul restraint, specially designed to deal with the soul power emanating from the body of the monster after death! "Gao Jiuding looked at the surrounding situation thoughtfully.

This is the first time in this world that he has observed the overflow of the power of the soul. To be more precise, it should be the separation of the soul. Is this the soul?
If these spirits are powerful and can continue to maintain a clear memory, will they become ghosts?
It's a pity that Gao Jiuding didn't observe the complete spirit body!

The black and white aura flickered for a moment, then disappeared, and Gao Jiuding's divine sense was once again locked on the blue-gold streamer.

This green gold streamer is also a snake, but it is only about a chi long, the thickness of a little finger, and a pair of small eyes, only the size of a bean.

Its whole body is covered with tiny scales the size of a pin nose, as if made of gold and iron.

If he hadn't seen the power of the little green-gold snake just now, Gao Jiuding would definitely have regarded it as an ordinary monster snake, but after seeing that scene, he knew that the little green-gold snake was the owner of this valley.

The green-gold snake's aggressive attack was obviously to scare the chickens and monkeys, and wanted to deter these foreign kin, and didn't want them to move forward.

However, the bursts of fragrance blowing by the wind made its actions futile.

The remaining demon snakes, instead of being stopped because of this, increased their speed even more.

Seeing this, the green-gold snake let out another sharp roar, turned into a stream of light again, and headshot a thick monster snake that was rushing forward.

This time, the little green-gold snake made it even bloodier. It took a small mouthful and sucked out the brain of the monster snake. Then the inner blood core appeared, followed by the blood essence. There was no sound at all. Be devoured by this little snake.

Afterwards, the little green gold snake roared loudly again.

At this moment, all the monster snakes seemed to be really afraid, and they all paused.

The monster snake that showed the appearance of transforming into a dragon was no exception.

Of course, Gao Jiuding was no exception, he was so horrified that he felt goosebumps all over his body.

Although he knew that a large group of monster snakes were not weak in cultivation, Gao Jiuding was still a little unacceptable after seeing their blood pills.

Such a powerful monster was easily swallowed by that little snake?

If it was him, would it be the same fate?

"Hiss." The little green-gold snake roared repeatedly, frightening many monster snakes who coveted its treasure.

And those monster snakes, although they are almost instinctively afraid of this little snake in front of them!
However, at this moment, under the temptation of the bursts of fragrance, none of the monster snakes retreated.

The two sides confronted each other like this.

On the surface, the little green-gold snake looks majestic, and with its own power, it can frighten many thick monster snakes!

But in Gao Jiuding's view, it is at a disadvantage!

Because, from the wafting of the fragrance, it can be seen that that kind of natural material and earthly treasure will soon mature!
It is absolutely impossible for it to persist like this forever, so it must be the one who can't hold back first.

However, in the situation in front of him, if he makes a move first, he will be attacked by many monsters from outside in all likelihood, and the result will also be very troublesome.

While waiting, Gao Jiuding secretly analyzed the situation on the scene.

But he was the least anxious one in the field, because for him, the more chaotic the scene and the fiercer the battle between the demon snakes, the more beneficial it would be for him.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and gradually, all the monster snakes on the ground began to become restless.

The fragrance blown by the wind became stronger in an instant.

At this moment, the green-gold snake finally couldn't hold back any longer. It bent and stretched slightly, and then turned into a streak of green-gold light again, shooting towards a monster snake with a bowl-thin mouth and a triangular head.

This three-cornered demon snake seemed to understand that it was a matter of life and death. It opened its mouth wide and suddenly sprayed out a yellow smoke like a column of air, exuding an unusually strong stench.

This is the elixir of the monster snake, an existence similar to supernatural powers!

And more than a dozen monster snakes nearby also opened their mouths wide, or spewed out a ball of fire, or spewed out a whirlwind, or spewed out a thunderbolt, and almost at the same time, they struck towards the green gold snake. .

(End of this chapter)

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