The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1077 Dragon Fruit

Chapter 1077 Dragon Fruit

All the monster snakes attacked the green gold snake at the same time, among them, the monster snake that showed the appearance of transforming into a dragon was the most powerful, it directly sprayed out its own blood pill.

This blood pill is about the size of an adult's fist, round and round, shining brightly, and the whole body is silvery white.

As soon as the blood pill came out, nine runes were shot out immediately, and the runes were entangled with each other to form more than 20 white lines like silk strands, leaving traces in the void, and making an unusually loud sound of sword whistling .

"Good guy, this should be on par with ordinary flying swords, right? With so many means, the least powerful is considered a great supernatural power, right? It's not much worse than the great supernatural powers of the Faxiang period. I don't know if I can stop the green-gold snake!" Gao Jiuding thought to himself.

The situation here is really not simple, just strolling casually and saw so many powerful blood core monsters, especially the snake monster that is about to transform into a dragon.

Looking at the nine runes that first surfaced, Gao Jiuding knew that it must have cultivated nine supernatural powers.

A blood pill of this quality must have the qualifications to transform into a dharma form, and judging by the appearance of that snake, it is about to transform into a dragon, and its bloodline must not be low.

Of course, the origin of the green-gold snake that can suppress this monster snake may be even more complicated!
Gao Jiuding didn't care whether the little green snake lived or died, but he couldn't let it die now. In that case, the remaining demon snakes would have to rush to the location of the treasures of heaven and earth before they could fight each other.

Then, his chance of succeeding is not great.

The best result is that the two sides are evenly matched, stuck here, and no one can rush over for a while. In that way, he can take the shot calmly.

Obviously, the world of the demon snake is not as complicated as the human world.

The little green-gold snake was very powerful. First, it tore open the yellow smoke very forcefully, and headshot the demon snake with the triangular head. Then, it also opened its mouth and spit out a blood pill.

His blood pill is only the size of a marble, and the color is also gray, without any light!

However, as soon as the blood pill came out, it immediately released circles of gray ripples, absorbing the raging fire, thunder and lightning, poisonous smoke, sword energy and other things that came from the bombardment, all of them were absorbed into it, and twisted into a sky full of fireflies.

Among the monster snakes from outside, the monster snake showing the appearance of transforming into a dragon is undoubtedly the most cunning. After blasting out a strike with the golden core, it immediately took it back, with a strong wind blowing up and down around it, and flew forward. and go.

However, its speed was far worse than that of the green gold snake.

After a few bounces, the green-gold snake intercepted it, and its body swam like a sword light, and soon pierced through countless holes in its body.

The monster snake protected its vital parts very carefully, but the green gold snake failed to kill it.

Seeing this, the little green-gold snake didn't want to fight, and as soon as it turned around, it flew in front of the other monster snakes, attacking fiercely.

In short, whoever runs in the front is the most violently attacked.

If so, seven or eight of the monster snakes were cut off by the green gold snake, but in this way, the alien monster snakes united more closely under the unconscious instinct.

The group of monster snakes each showed their strongest means, delaying the little green gold snake, leaving it here, making it impossible to leave.

Although these monster snakes don't have enough wisdom, they all understand a truth through their instincts, that is, once the little green gold snake takes the elixir, it will definitely increase in strength, and when they all add up, It may not be an opponent.

The aroma is getting stronger and stronger, almost turning into a real mist.

Under such circumstances, the little green gold snake became more and more restless and unwilling to fight.

However, he wanted to use his extraordinary speed to leave twice, but was intercepted twice, which made him annoyed, but at the same time helpless.

Seeing such a situation, Gao Jiuding knew in his heart that it was time!

With this in mind, Gao Jiuding no longer hesitated, and immediately set off, flying ahead.

However, instead of moving forward quickly, he seemed rather slow.

Everything is for the purpose of making the nine-color mist that covers her body look more like an ordinary cloud, so as not to arouse the vigilance of those monster snakes.

Gao Jiuding's cautiousness allowed him to go over the heads of the demon snakes very smoothly.

After flying more than 300 meters, feeling that those monster snakes would never find him again, Gao Jiuding immediately ran towards the source of the fragrance at his fastest speed.

After rushing another 700 meters, Gao Jiuding saw a crypt with a radius of several feet, and black and ash mixed smoke was bulging outward. The fragrance came from the crypt.

Gao Jiuding didn't need to test it at all, he knew at a glance that the smoke was poisonous gas that had accumulated underground for many years, but it was nothing to him!
Gao Jiuding jumped directly, drifting all the way down, very relaxed.

In a short while, Gao Jiuding saw a small tree about a foot high, its branches twisted like dragons, and on a straight main branch grew a red fruit the size of a marble, which gently followed the tree. The wind swayed, as if it might fall at any time.

The aroma came from the red fruit.

The baby is right in front of you, how could Gao Jiuding be polite?

The Ice Soul Cold Light Sword flew out and blasted towards the stone wall, breaking through a layer of obstacles directly.

The Bingpo Hanguang Sword pierced and spun on the small tree at high speed. In just a split second, the whole small tree did not move, but the red fruit on the branch was cut off.

Holding the spiritual fruit in his hand, Gao Jiuding quickly sprinted out of the crypt.

He knew that he got the treasure this time, because this spiritual fruit tree only bore one fruit, and it was grown in a special place, so this kind of spiritual fruit must be rarer and more precious.

Holding the fruit in his hand, Gao Jiuding flew away all the way. It is not impossible for him to put away this treasure of heaven and earth. The reason why he took the trouble to hold it in his hand is because he is worried that once he puts it away, it will isolate the world. The aroma emitted by the fruit made all the monster snakes from outside sense that there was something wrong with the treasures of heaven, material and earth, so they didn't want to stop the little green snake.

You must know that the speed of the green gold snake is extraordinary, but the distance of hundreds of meters, if there is no obstacle, it can really be reached in the blink of an eye.

And just now, when Gao Jiuding broke through that layer of restriction, he immediately understood that it was impossible to hide it from him.

Although Gao Jiuding was not afraid of the little snake, he didn't bother to bother. If the fight went too far, it would be his own loss to kill it, even if the vegetation and rocks here were damaged, it would be his own loss.

Since it's useless to fight, why bother with the monsters here?

After Gao Jiuding came out of the crypt and quickly put away the fruit, he quickly flew out of the valley with ten thousand snakes.

The moment the fruit was included in the space ring, the fragrance stopped abruptly, and all the foreign monster snakes were a little confused, and they couldn't care less about intercepting the green gold snake, they all stretched their speed to the limit and rushed forward. I want to see what happened to my life.

But at this time, the green gold snake, who had been furious to the extreme, didn't care about killing these hateful guys, and turned into a streamer, flying away.

At this time, Gao Jiuding had already flown out of the valley, making the little green snake, who hadn't found the fruit thief, furious, turned around and returned to Ten Thousand Snakes Valley.

Then, it began to chase and kill those monster snakes who came to its territory to "plot evil plans" one by one, venting its anger.

In the end, including the one with the appearance of transforming into a dragon, all the monster snakes that came to its territory died tragically within a day.

Naturally, Gao Jiuding was not clear about the behavior of the green gold snake to vent his anger.

At this time, Gao Jiuding felt like he had nowhere to go, so he felt that it was effortless!

He has received a message from Wanshou that this is a spirit fruit that can make monsters with dragon bloodlines directly transform into dragons.

This fruit is called Hualong fruit, and it is a main material for refining high-level god and demon pills.

A spiritual fruit that can target blood vessels is definitely a treasure.

The Dragon Fruit in Gao Jiuding's hands, if refined into a pill, would absorb all the power of the medicine. Although Gao Jiuding could not transform into a dragon body, it was enough to make his physique strong to a limit.

Among the gods and demons, there is also a dragon physique, and with the help of the dragon fruit, it can be said to be twice the result with half the effort. This is a high-level spiritual fruit that can benefit even monks in the Dharma phase.

However, this kind of dragon fruit is more beneficial to snakes or scale monsters, such as dragons!
Gao Jiuding's incarnation of the water and fire python is definitely more suitable for taking this spiritual fruit, so he doesn't even need to refine it into a pill, just let the incarnation of the water and fire python take it directly.

This Longevity Hill is indeed a good place. Inside the Longevity Hill, not only is it a large territory, but there are also many good things!

This place is definitely not the Spirit Grass Garden outside, which can be compared with the mass-cultivated elixir in the Beast Control Dojo and Ice Soul Cold Light Cave.

Gao Jiuding was very happy to get such a big benefit just after coming in.

But after he was happy, he was thinking again. Longevity Mountain has lost its owner for more than 4000 years. Could it be that for so many years, the elixir in the secret realm inside Longevity Mountain has all been cheaper for the monsters here?

If this is the case, then where did the monsters that grew up here go?
Could it be that he was suppressed after advancing to Pure Yang?
Gao Jiuding thought of the restriction hidden in the void of the secret realm. Maybe the restriction here is not only the soul restriction, but also the killing restriction that he doesn't know about.

Otherwise, this place will definitely be occupied by powerful monsters. In that case, these monsters will be willing to be trapped here?
Although he felt that this secret place was a bit dangerous, Gao Jiuding had a big heart, and he quickly forgot all about it, whether it was dangerous or not.

Gao Jiuding continued to patrol around, hoping to find better things. Otherwise, he could catch some monsters with unfathomable aptitude and refine them into the second incarnation.

Gao Jiuding now has three powerful avatars, the water and fire python is an exception, the other Zijin Dapeng is a monster with a metal-based attribute, and the fire kite is a monster with a single fire attribute. beast.

 Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, the king of heaven and earth, book friend 20171231183742564 brothers for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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