The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1078 Five-Colored Peach Blossom Miasma

Chapter 1078: Colorful Peach Blossom Miasma

Gao Jiuding is not greedy either. Unlike Song Yue, he has to create a large number of avatars to form a star formation. He only needs to form a five-element battle formation. Such a small Daoist formation is most suitable for him.

After wandering around for a long time, Gao Jiuding discovered that this place is a poor place, and the most distinctive feature is the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes and a mountain full of peach trees.

Since there are treasures in the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes, what about the mountain?

Not found in other places, Gao Jiuding urged Jian Guang to go straight to the peach mountain, and soon arrived at the peach mountain, landing on a protruding emerald green peak.

This mountain belongs to Peach Mountain, but it is on the periphery, surrounded by multi-colored mist and haze, and Gao Jiuding feels the body-protecting god quickly melt away if he gets closer.

"Poisonous gas? Miasma, could it be that this is peach blossom miasma?" Gao Jiuding observed the surrounding situation, because the mountain he settled on was on the outskirts, so he was less affected by the colorful peach blossom miasma.

He intends to take a rest here to adjust his condition to the best, and then walk to the main peak of Peach Mountain.

Where poisons are everywhere, there must be treasures!
"There are treasures. The Peach Blossom Miasma in front of you is a kind of treasure. This is the place where the Royal Beast Sect specially cultivates Peach Blossom Miasma. Some of them, especially monsters, are precious resources!" This time, Qi Ling Wanshou directly It manifested in Gao Jiuding's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Peach Blossom Miasma is also a treasure?" Gao Jiuding asked in surprise.

Wanshou smiled and said: "What is your condensed protective energy? These peach blossom miasmas are also a kind of evil spirit, and they are wood-type evil spirits. They should be the most precious kind of wood-type evil spirits!"

Gao Jiuding was taken aback, he really didn't expect this, think about it carefully, the poisonous gas formed by the rotten peach blossoms is naturally evil, so it must belong to Mu Sha!

"Aside from peach blossom miasma, what other treasures are there?" Gao Jiuding said with his eyes shining.

Wanshou said: "I don't have a high degree of refinement of this secret realm, but I just vaguely thought of some things. For example, when I saw this mountain, I immediately thought of the rotten peaches everywhere, so this mountain is called Rotten Peach Mountain. Such a place, There must be a big demon king guarding it.

According to the routine of the Beast Sect, guarding the demon king is the most precious resource, followed by the peach trees in the mountains, but I don’t know that those peach trees are spiritual trees, and the fruits they bear are treasures. , spirit grass, all of these need to be discovered by yourself!
Be careful, as the core secret realm of Longevity Mountain, guarding monsters is definitely not easy, so don't take risks for the spiritual materials and grasses in the mountain. By the way, have you got that Dragon Fruit yet? "

"I got it. It's really a good thing. With it, the Water Vulcan Python can go a step further!" Gao Jiuding said cheerfully.

Wan Shou directly shook his head and said: "It is too wasteful to use the incarnation of the water and fire python. Although he also has a trace of dragon blood, but more of the phoenix blood, let him take the dragon fruit, it is difficult to directly transform the dragon, it is better to use it." Use the dragon fruit to calculate."

"What are you planning?" Gao Jiuding looked at Wanshou who was stunned in the sea of ​​consciousness space, what did he think of?Why is it stuck?
After a while, Wanshou said: "It seems that the legend is true. There is a golden elephant with dragon blood under this Rotten Peach Mountain. It is said that it is the blood of a dragon elephant, and the dragon elephant has a strong dragon blood!"

"Golden elephant? Dragon elephant? I've only heard of elephant dragon!" Gao Jiuding said.

"An elephant dragon is a dragon, and a dragon elephant is an elephant, and there should be a sealed metal dragon elephant here!" Wanshou said with certainty.

"What strength?" Gao Jiuding became interested. Just now he was thinking of catching a metallic monster as an avatar, but he never thought that it would be sent to him.

"No matter what your strength is, your combat power should surpass yours. If you are not fully prepared, you must not provoke the metallic sub-dragon race, so you'd better use the Hualong fruit to calculate it!

As long as the dragon elephant eats the dragon fruit, it will surely sleep for a long time, this is your chance, otherwise, you will never be able to get close to it, let alone refining it into a clone. "Wan Shou said.

"The Burial Soul Flower is not enough?" Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

Wanshou shook his head and said: "No, because that guy doesn't go out at all, it hides in the underground volcanic lava all the year round, well, I will tell you everything I can think of, I will continue to refine Wanshou Mountain, only the refined The deeper it is, the more it can help you!"

After finishing speaking, Wanshou sent Gao Jiuding some information, which disappeared in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Gao Jiuding shook his head, recovered and continued to rest, but he had just rested for a while, when he suddenly felt the change of the light outside.

Gao Jiuding raised his head and suddenly found that the sun had risen in the sky.

Is this the morning in the secret realm?When the sun rose, Gao Jiuding opened his eyes wide.

Because, because the mountain peak is facing the main peak of Lantao Mountain, it can be seen clearly.

There are at least tens of millions of peach trees all over the mountains and plains.

On the ground, in the rotten swamp mud, multicolored clouds and mists are "chugs and chugs", against the backdrop of the sun, it looks like pieces of gorgeous rays of light.

Seeing this scene, Gao Jiuding couldn't help frowning slightly, and a smile appeared on his face.

When he first smelled the rotten gas, it had a strong corrosive effect, and even his protective qi could quickly smile, but now the colorful clouds and mist scattered all over the mountain are all peach blossom miasma, and the quality is obviously higher .

The five-colored peach blossom miasma erupted exceptionally powerfully, and among them was a thousand-year-old miasma, which was more than a hundred times more poisonous than ordinary miasmas!
Gao Jiuding sighed, he came at the right time, these resources have been accumulated for at least 4000 years, right?

Among other things, this colorful peach blossom miasma can definitely condense the magic weapon. If it is smelted into the protective qi, it can also be refined into the colorful peach blossom miasma, which can enhance the power of the protective qi.

Although the defensive power can't be enhanced much, the Five-Colored Peach Blossom Miasma is good at transforming, avoiding poison, and even absorbing and smelting poison.

Therefore, although he was expressing emotion in his mouth, Gao Jiuding didn't have the slightest intention of shrinking back. After getting up, he straightened his body and flew directly to the main peak.

Gao Jiuding stretched out his body-protecting god, and transformed himself into a cloud of mist of nine colors about Zhang Xu in size. It was actually ten colors, but the white color was invisible under the skylight.

He went straight to the top of the main peak of Lantao Mountain, which was a shortcut and a dangerous situation.

The shortcut is said because the road is the shortest.

And speaking of its dangerous situation, it is because it is difficult to guarantee that it will not attract monsters and beasts in the Rotten Peach Mountain to attack in such a ferocious place.

"I hope my luck will be better, so that I can arrive smoothly!" Gao Jiuding prayed secretly in his heart.

He came here this time with his body, he only has a blood core cultivation base, a group of monsters at the blood core stage will appear here every now and then, there is no way to fight hard!
However, it is a pity that his silent prayer did not have the slightest effect!
As soon as Gao Jiuding rushed into the dense miasma of five cloud peach blossoms, he heard an unusually sharp cry, and then, huh huh huh, tens of millions of big birds rushed towards him.

That big bird, with a bald head and one horn, claws like steel hooks, is covered in black ink all over, except for a tuft of white hair on its chest.

As soon as Gao Jiuding saw this appearance, he knew that it was a kind of fierce bird - one-horned black vulture.

In the information Wanshou sent him just now, there was this kind of big bird, but Gao Jiuding didn't expect that there were so many one-horned black vultures here.

This kind of black eagle itself is not a powerful monster, but the one with horns is not so simple!
According to the information given by Wanshou, this monster bird also has the blood of the dragon clan. I don't know how hungry the dragon clan is.

At this time, Gao Jiuding thought of the water and fire python, not because it was powerful, but also because of its blood, it was obviously a snake, but it turned into a little bird, who could argue with it?

Shaking his head, Gao Jiuding concentrated on dealing with the group of black eagles.

In this place full of peach blossom miasma, his protective qi is being consumed all the time, so he has to be quick to do anything, otherwise, it will consume him to death.

The one-horned black vulture itself was not easy to deal with, but there was still a group of them living here. After Gao Jiuding learned about the situation, he quickly responded.

It is the nature of the one-horned black vulture to live in groups. This thing itself is very powerful, and there are tens of thousands of them at every turn, so it is not easy to mess with.

Needless to say, this group of one-horned black vultures must be the overlord of this place.

Being discovered by this group of one-horned black vultures, Gao Jiuding not only did not slow down, but increased his speed even more.

"Bang, bang, bang,..."

Accompanied by repeated explosions, the one-horned black vultures that collided with the nine-color mist outside Gao Jiuding's body were instantly knocked into the air one by one.

As for the barrier itself transformed by the body-protecting god, there were only slight ripples.

However, the huge impact force caused Gao Jiuding's body to sway, and his speed was greatly reduced at that time.

Facing tens of thousands of one-horned black vultures, how could Gao Jiuding be willing to defend himself? Immediately, on the barrier, countless transparent light circles burst out, like sharp swords, striking those close one-horned black vultures Two halves.

This is the first time I have used ice-type supernatural powers after I advanced the Blood Pill!
This is still under the light of the water and fire python, and without practice, he automatically obtained the ice control supernatural power!
And now the transparent circle of light is actually the ice gang, the ice-type body shield gas activated by Gao Jiuding, and the automatic attack, it can be regarded as using the body shield god gang into a flower.

The body-protecting God Gang was originally a highly condensed body of Gang Sha. At this time, it was activated by Gao Jiuding to form a trace of Gang Qi like a sword gang. In an instant, it killed more than a hundred one-horned black vultures.

However, they seemed to have never seen it at all, and they continued to come one after another.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding suddenly activated the Blood God Son.

There are no outsiders here, and Gao Jiuding's body does not have much strength. After all, what he is facing now is countless one-horned black eagles with blood core cultivation bases.

Gao Jiuding just had a thought, and immediately, a blood shadow rushed towards these one-horned black vultures!
(End of this chapter)

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