Chapter 1079
Gao Jiuding turned into a blood shadow, and the speed was like lightning. I saw the one-horned black vulture in the air, like dumpling, falling down!
After a while, within a radius of [-] meters, more than [-] one-horned black vultures were cleared away.

And the rest of the one-horned black vultures also flew around in panic.

It's just that Gao Jiuding didn't intend to let these one-horned black vultures go, the blood shadow flashed in the air, and continued to plunge into the group of black vultures to devour them wantonly!
After 30 years of retreat in the Time-Space God Realm, all that should be cultivated has been cultivated, and what should be accumulated has also been accumulated. Now it is time to fill up the empty stomach.

There are so many exclusive black vultures of blood pill level here, it is certainly not uncommon, since they are common goods, let him eat two more.

Gao Jiuding kept moving, and the one-horned black vulture could only wait to die, because the blood shadow was not something they could attack.

The blood shadow turned into an energy body, not to mention the speed, is also immune to most physical attacks, which makes the group of black vultures can only keep screaming angrily, and the others can no longer react.

All the one-horned black vultures were sucked dry of their blood, devoured their spirits, and fell to the ground with a rush, and then were swallowed by the poisonous miasma on the ground. It can be said that they died cleanly.

Soon, a sharp howling sound rose into the sky, and a group of one-horned black vultures, who looked at death like home, flew towards the distance in unison as if they had received an order.

Gao Jiuding accepted the Blood God Son, and looked at the group of black eagles transported away, with a smile on his face.

Fortunately for them, Gao Jiuding didn't think about exterminating them, otherwise they would have to be extinct today.

No longer paying attention to those one-horned black eagles, Gao Jiuding continued to move forward.

Rotten Peach Mountain, such a poisonous miasma, would naturally breed endless poisons.

After traveling less than [-] meters, they encountered five waves of snake insects.

However, to Gao Jiuding, these were all scum, and Xueshenzi could solve them with a pounce.

Halfway up the mountain, several almost invisible white circles of light flashed, and the two poisonous pythons that came to sneak attack were cut into several sections by it.

At this time, Gao Jiuding frowned and stopped.

Along the way, Gao Jiuding couldn't remember exactly how many waves of incoming poison he had wiped out.

Moreover, in order not to attract the attention of some powerful monsters that might exist, some powerful moves, Gao Jiuding was useless!

But if it goes on like this, when will it end?These poisons are too troublesome.

While thinking about it, suddenly, he felt that there was some movement in the mud under his feet.

At the moment, Gao Jiuding was blessed to his soul, he immediately stopped to recover, his figure flashed, and he moved to the other side.

And just after he left, the swamp exploded with a "bang", and a colorful beam of light rushed out.

Gao Jiuding was secretly rejoicing, when suddenly, a gust of evil wind came up behind him, with a faint sharpness, rushing straight at him.

At this time, he didn't turn around, and immediately activated the protective god.

The one who sneaked up on him was a golden-haired monkey less than one meter tall.

This monkey is not only very fast, but also very flexible!

When the golden monkey grabbed it, it didn't use its paws to touch the body-protecting god, but it activated the aura of the void and gathered it in its palm, forming a thick layer of aura.

This monkey looks short, but its strength is not small. It slapped on the purple thunder gang, not only sinking it several inches inward, but even Gao Jiuding's figure staggered forward.

Naturally, Gao Jiuding wasn't the one who suffered the most. After a while, the Blood God threw himself on the monkey, and the monkey immediately took the blame.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gao Jiuding turned around and took a look, but he recognized the origin of the monkey.

"The legendary stone monkey? There is also this trace of the blood of the Lingming stone monkey. This is the descendant of Sun Wukong, but compared with Sun Dasheng, these monkeys are far behind. However, since there is a Lingming stone monkey, then it proves that there Have a spirit stone?

The stone monkeys are cunning, but they don't know where they are hidden. According to the records in the ancient books and the information given by Wanshou, there should be a descendant of the Lingming stone monkeys here. Unfortunately, the Lingming stone monkeys are extremely cunning, and they know how to judge the situation. It is not easy to deal with ! "

After tidying up the stone monkey, Gao Jiuding observed the surrounding situation more attentively.

Stone monkeys are nothing, if you can find the real spirit stone monkey, that will be a great harvest.

Gao Jiuding still has a large Lingming stone in his hand, but unfortunately the level is not high. Maybe the Lingming stone hidden here can surprise Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding knew that it was impossible to have the blood of Sun Wukong. The stone monkeys that appeared here could only evolve slowly by refining some spiritual objects such as Lingming stone milk and other heaven and earth spirits.

Gao Jiuding cheered up and searched around for a while, but found nothing, and then started on the road again.

Flying all the way, all the way bloody.

Two hours later, the exhausted Gao Jiuding finally climbed to the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, due to years of volcanic eruptions and magma overflowing, there is no peach blossom forest, and no monsters live here. The monsters come out, but there is no need to worry about safety.

However, the destination has been reached, but no high-value targets have been found!

This is the center of Lantao Mountain, where the aura is the strongest. If there are high-level monsters, they will definitely live nearby.

Maybe the goal is right in front of you, Gao Jiuding's excitement surged from the depths of his soul, but it suppressed all the exhaustion!
Not daring to stay outside at will, Gao Jiuding simply activated the golden core in his body and went directly into the ground.

The outside environment is too dangerous, he might as well hide underground for safety.

Breaking into a rock, Gao Jiuding wandered around inside the rock, and found that the rock was quite hard, and he even found some spiritual materials in the rock.

"Huh? Fire-type spiritual materials, there must be a volcano in the ground!" Gao Jiuding grabbed it in the air, and a rock fell into his hand. It was a piece of fire glaze, which can only be formed in volcanic magma.

"Go down and have a look, the incarnation of the water and fire python uses fire control supernatural powers, but it does not use magma to quench its body!" Thinking of the recent cultivation methods of the water and fire python, Gao Jiuding also became excited.

Now that the crater has been discovered, Gao Jiuding doesn't mind wasting a little time. Go down and have a look. Even if he can't find the golden elephant, if he finds the Huoling Cave suitable for cultivation, Gao Jiuding can also temper his physique here for a period of time .

All the way down, Gao Jiuding soon noticed a strange fluctuation.

"Restriction?" Gao Jiuding followed the direction of the wave, and soon discovered the source of the wave. It was a restriction, which was being continuously impacted by underground magma.

Since there is a restriction, someone has set it up, and after the restriction, there is likely to be a treasure, or it is the sealed dragon elephant!
Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding's eyes glowed, and he turned into a blood shadow without hesitation, wanting to pass through the restriction and enter the restriction to have a look.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding's mind shook, and he immediately manifested his original shape and stopped outside the restriction.

"Is there really a sealed monster?" Gao Jiuding looked inside, and once again saw Wanshou manifested in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"This secret realm is called the Dragon Elephant Secret Realm. It is a breeding secret realm for some monsters with the bloodline of the dragon. Among them, the monster with the highest bloodline level is the gold-type monster dragon elephant. You can tell by the name. An elephant of dragon blood, and a golden elephant with unparalleled defensive power!" Wan Shou said.

"You sent me to the Ten Thousand Snakes Valley on purpose, right?" After confirming that there was a golden elephant here, Gao Jiuding was immediately delighted!
Wan Shou replied irrelevantly: "Since you found the Dragon Fruit so easily, you should make good use of it. This fruit is fatally attractive to the blood of the Dragon Clan. As long as they encounter it, they will definitely come across it without hesitation." devour!

And as long as you swallow it, you need to refine it. If you can't completely refine it in a short time, you will inevitably fall into a state of deep sleep, and the process of refining the dragon fruit in this deep sleep is irreversible, that is to say, as long as the strength is not enough , after swallowing the Dragon Fruit, he will definitely fall into a deep sleep until the Dragon Fruit is completely refined! "

"Is there such a good thing?" Gao Jiuding looked at Wanshou cheerfully.

Refining this weapon spirit, the benefits gained are too great, all the benefits will be brought to you automatically!

What Wanshou meant was very clear, as long as there was Hualongguo, the dragon elephant that was sealed under the volcano would be in Gao Jiuding's pocket.

"Although I can't control the restrictions in this secret realm, I can now understand some of the situation here. The dragon elephant below is sleeping. This is the process of tempering the body. When it wakes up, it may be in the advanced pure yang state. It's time, this is your only chance!" Wan Shou said.

"Advanced Chunyang?" Gao Jiuding was taken aback. Could it be that the one sleeping below is a monster beast at the peak of the late stage of Faxiang?

Based on the fact that one monster beats three human monks, isn't that the same as three peak monks in the late stage of Dharma Form?
Such a dangerous monster, if there is no dragon fruit, how far can Gao Jiuding run?
"The existence of this secret realm is to cultivate pure yang monsters. Only when pure yang goes further, can it advance to the immortal rank and achieve immortal artifacts. The Beast Master Sect is a guy who has no profit and can't afford it. Doing anything, there is something for you." Its purpose!" Wanshou said.

Gao Jiuding didn't continue to ask anything, but thought about it carefully. If a gentleman doesn't stand under a dangerous wall, no matter what Wanshou said is true or not, he can't be too risky.

With an idea, Gao Jiuding carefully checked the restriction in front of him. Instead of breaking the restriction, he used the method of breaking the restriction to make a small opening in the restriction.

Of course, Wanshou's help was also there, without her adjusting the underground spiritual veins, Gao Jiuding would never have been able to break the restriction so easily.

Entering the interior of the volcano, the surrounding area is not too hot, and Gao Jiuding, who is trained as a blood pill, feels a bit like a fish in water here.

The interior of this volcano is completely dominated by dragons and elephants, so he must be careful.

Although Gao Jiuding also knew that the dragon elephant was sleeping and cultivating deep in the magma and would not come out at all, but he was still very nervous in his heart.

 Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, the king of heaven and earth, and do your best to support your brother's reward!

(End of this chapter)

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