The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1080 1 Once and for all

Chapter 1080 Once and for all

Flying tremblingly into the volcano, only about ten feet down, Gao Jiuding stopped, dug a hole, and put the Dragon Fruit inside.

Of course, there is a layer of restriction on the outside of the Hualong Fruit to shield the fragrance in advance, so as not to alarm the dragon elephant at this time, Gao Jiuding dare not have the idea of ​​a monster race.

After placing it, Gao Jiuding pinched out a formula to Hualongguo, and then left quickly.

This tactic is specially designed for the restraint of Hualongguo, after playing, it can make the power of restraint dissipate slowly.

And this period of time was Gao Jiuding's escape time prepared for himself.

This time, a total of 2 minutes, this is already the limit of Gao Jiuding, he knows a lot about Fengling Restriction, he doesn't study much about the restriction that can automatically reduce the power and slowly collapse.

After Gao Jiuding flew out of the crater, he restrained his aura to the extreme, and then plunged headlong into the peach blossom miasma with the help of the innate gossip to protect his body, so as to be as safe as possible.

Not to mention raising the nine cauldrons, just talking about the Hualong fruit, once the 2 minutes are up, the restraining power will be completely dissipated immediately, and an extremely rich and extremely strong fragrance will dissipate.

But in an instant, dozens of poisonous substances appeared at the boundary between the peach blossom forest and the rock formations on the top of the mountain, among which snakes and pythons were the majority, and there were also some turtles, crocodiles, apes and so on.

These poisons, without exception, all had bright eyes, staring at the mountain top intently.

However, no one dared to cross that dividing line.

Because, they all know what a terrifying existence there is.

However, none of them left just now, they all stayed at the dividing line and waited eagerly, waiting for the almost impossible event.

As time goes on, more and more poisons are attracted by the aroma.

In the volcano, deep in the magma, a huge monster with a body length of 80 meters and a height of more than [-] meters is sleeping.

The whole body of this colossal object is golden yellow, in the yellow-red magma, if you don't look carefully, you can't see it.

It has two horns on its head, and the two horns are forked, like deer horns, of course, it can also be said to be dragon horns.

Beside the big horns, there are two huge ears and a huge nose in front. If you don't look at the two horns, this is a golden elephant.

But the size of this elephant is too huge. It lies in the magma like a small hill, and this small hill rises and falls, indicating that it is still alive.

This huge creature is sleeping, and if you observe carefully, you will find that it is absorbing magma.

As the behemoth breathed, the firepower in the magma condensed into long black and red dragons, pouring into its body.

Then, the huge monster would spit out a stream of air, streams of black impurities, which would be spewed out from its mouth.

This in and out made the aura of this huge monster seem to be thicker, and the body seemed to grow a little bit stronger.

Dragon elephants are metallic monsters. Although they have dragon blood, they should not live in such extremely hot magma.

However, the dragon elephant is special. It is born with a strong physique and is not afraid of fire. It even feeds on magma!

Of course, it does not need magma and the extremely rich fire aura, but absorbs the golden aura in the magma through the magma, and even gold-type spirits.

There are many rare metals in the melted rocks, and the dragon elephant relies on the help of the magma to more easily extract the beneficial substances in the magma to strengthen itself.

This kind of cultivation allows it to obtain all the substances needed for the growth of the body and cultivation base without having to spend too much time refining it. Moreover, when practicing here, it can also use the extremely hot fire aura to temper the body. have to.

This behemoth is the overlord of Mount Rotten Peach - Dragon Elephant.

For a monster like a dragon elephant, which is infinitely close to a real dragon, its cultivation is very simple, that is to rely on its own endowment and time to accumulate strength and complete its transformation.

Therefore, sleeping does not affect its cultivation in the slightest.

Unless it is necessary, for the dragon elephant, it doesn't bother to move at all.

However, when a wisp of fragrance passed through the barriers of magma and passed into the nose of the dragon elephant!

Immediately, the dragon elephant woke up, opened its eyes like copper bells, and shot out two golden lights, nearly three meters long, in the magma, revealed two huge cavities, which were hard to dissipate for a long time .

"What is this breath, so coveted?"

Dragons and elephants are born early, and their wisdom is much better than that of ordinary humans.

But at this moment, it felt that its rationality, which had always had the upper hand, seemed to succumb to its instinctive desire.

It has not suppressed it, because based on its past experience, whenever this happens, it means that great benefits will appear.

Thinking of this, the dragon elephant suddenly let out a long cry, and the firepower in the countless magma was extracted, turning into a cloud of fire, enveloping it, and flying upwards.

The dragon clan is the existence standing at the top of thousands of monsters. The power of the dragon's chant is born to have an incomparably powerful deterrent effect on those monsters.

With the sound of the dragon's roar, in an instant, there were countless poisonous substances on the dividing line, and they collapsed on the ground, trembling, unable to even move.

And the remaining powerful ones also fled in all directions.

The speed of the dragon elephant was also extremely fast. Soon, it arrived at the small cave not far from the restriction, and immediately saw a fruit in the small cave.

"Dragon Fruit!" The inheritance from the blood told Long Xiang that this is a good thing.

Although Dragon Elephant has never left his home since he was born, he was still recognized at a glance because of the inheritance of memory.

It deeply knows how beneficial this dragon fruit is to the growth of its own strength.

However, it is also clear about what kind of potential threats it will face after taking this Hualong fruit.

The dragon elephant has lived in this volcano for thousands of years. It can't be clearer what it is like here, and there is basically nothing.

The sudden appearance of this spiritual fruit, the reason why, the dragon elephant, who is not a fool, understands it very well.

However, the temptation of this dragon fruit is too great, even if it knows the danger, it can't help the longing in its heart.

The dragon elephant shook its head violently, opened its mouth, and a strong wind swept out, swallowing the Hualong fruit.

Strength is fundamental, although doubtful, but Longxiang has no more choices.

It was the first to act first, and got the Dragon Fruit, but it didn't take it right away, but incorporated it into its own Xumi space first.

Immediately afterwards, the dragon elephant let out another long cry, leaping out of the volcano and heading straight to the sky.

Regardless of the restrictions within the crater, or the enveloping Wuyun Peach Blossom Miasma, they have no effect on him at all.

The dragon elephant meanders among the high-altitude clouds, looking down coldly, the huge power of divine sense expands, like quicksilver pouring down the ground, scanning inch by inch.

In just a moment, everything within a radius of a hundred miles was reflected in its mind.

At this moment, the dragon elephant suddenly pounced down on a part of Lantao Mountain, and its golden thigh several meters thick, like a golden cudgel, smashed down with immeasurable Xinjin power.

In an instant, countless peach trees were incinerated into ashes, and a monster beast with a height of nearly ten meters and a strong physique rushed out of it, howling miserably, and fled down the mountain.

This monster exudes a strong green aura, and it is actually a very rare wood monster.

It originally hid in the peach grove and used the Yimu escape method to hide its whereabouts. If it weren't for its high strength, no one would be able to find it.

It's a pity that the Dragon Elephant's strength is too high. It only took a short scan and found the abnormality.

After being kicked out, the wood monster didn't dare to stay in the slightest, it strode forward in big strides, and fled to the distance as fast as a gust of wind.

However, in front of the dragon elephant, it was not enough to look at at all. In an instant, the dragon elephant chased after it, and the huge elephant legs pressed down again.

This time, when it hit the head of a wood-type monster, there was only a click, and the huge head of the monster turned into a cloud of blood mist.

After killing the wooden monster, the dragon elephant flew up again and swooped down in another direction without stopping at all.

There is another powerful poison in Lantao Mountain, the place where the mountain turtle is loaded.

The mountain tortoise belongs to the land tortoise, and it grows in the mountains. Perhaps it is because it has lived in the miasma of peach blossoms since it was a child, and it has adapted to the environment here.

The mountain tortoise can spray four completely different poisonous gases, which are very powerful. In the entire Rotten Peach Mountain, they belong to the top powerhouses.

However, when encountering a dragon elephant, it has no power to fight back.

Its hard tortoise shell that made it stand out from the crowd, under the huge legs of the dragon elephant, only three hits, and it became powder.

Then, it was also crushed and turned into a cloud of blood mist.

Then, within a quarter of an hour, the dragon elephant killed [-] more powerful poisons one after another, and then it gave up and flew out of Rotten Peach Mountain.

All the poisons that the dragon elephant killed with thunderbolts were all when it was unconscious, which might threaten it.

The Dragon Fruit is in his hands, and he thinks he can't resist that kind of temptation. If so, he will get rid of his future troubles.

The Dragon Elephant couldn't tell which one put the Dragon Fruit into the crater, so it directly came here once and for all.

In fact, if it didn't know that the catastrophe of other species is very serious and it is not easy to become enlightened, so it doesn't want to commit murder, it would have the heart to wipe out all the living things in the Rotten Peach Mountain and nearby. After all, this is the safest way Son.

Now, since the killing ring cannot be massacred, the dragon and elephant can only spend a little more effort.

"Boom." Dozens of massive flames smashed into a forest together.

After all, it is living in magma, so it is not difficult to control the flame and send out a few fireballs.

(End of this chapter)

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