Chapter 1081

As the dragon and elephant cut grass and roots, in an instant, everything within a radius of hundreds of feet was razed to the ground.

After the instant high temperature condensed again, the trace of a bull-shaped beast could be faintly seen on the waxy ground.

Obviously, Dragon Elephant is very confident in his own means, so after making a move, he continued to fly forward without even looking at it.

Flying all the way, killing all the way, within a radius of a hundred miles, all monsters that might threaten him when he was unconscious were all wiped out, without a single exception.

However, the dragon elephant was not satisfied with this, and continued to expand its non-threatening zone outward.

It has the cultivation base of the peak in the late phase of the law, and the talent of the body is extremely powerful. Under the sweeping of the divine sense, it has a radius of hundreds of miles, and every detail is visible.

This is still purely based on its power. If it knows some special detection spells, it will be no problem for thousands of miles.

The sound like rolling thunder kept ringing, and countless "calm" mountains and forests were hit by seedlings.

The speed of the dragon elephant was too fast, and there was no time for those monsters to react.

What's even more unlucky is that those monsters who suffered from the disaster didn't understand why they were attacked until their death.

They are all sitting behind closed doors at home, and the disaster is coming from the sky!
Being a fool has become their common ending.

The Dragon Elephant carried out the action of sweeping up potential threats very thoroughly. After about an hour or so, everything within a radius of thousands of miles became a non-threat zone.

Some powerful monsters that Gao Jiuding had seen before, such as the green gold snake, were also within the scope of being wiped out.

Although the little snake was extremely powerful, it was crushed without any resistance in the face of the dragon elephant's devastating blow.

After killing all known threats, Longxiang returned to Lantao Mountain.

The current level is already the limit of the dragon elephant. Even if it continues to expand its range, it will not be able to find a few powerful monsters, because those monsters are all hiding.

Although the Dragon Elephant is powerful, it is also afraid of causing public wrath, so it decisively withdrew to Rotten Peach Mountain.

The movement made by the dragon elephant earlier was indeed too loud, but it attracted the attention of many nearby monsters.

Although there are not many of these monsters, there are many powerful ones.

The movement from Rotten Peach Mountain immediately disturbed these monsters and caused them to hide in advance.

When the surroundings returned to calm, all these monsters changed their minds, especially those who understood the situation, even had ideas.

What is the situation in this world, some monsters with long enough lifespans are eager to transcend, but they have no chance at all.

And the actions of the dragon and elephant gave them hope. Of course, this is also because some dragons and elephants bully demons too much.

The monsters in the golden core stage are dishes, but the monsters in the faxiang stage are all old, treacherous and cunning. If they leave here, even if they are above the monster star, they are also powerful masters.

At this level, there are very few things that can make them take action.

And slaying the dragon is precisely the most attractive thing to them.

After all, the benefits that a dragon elephant with strong dragon blood can contribute are too great.

Of course, they are not fools. From the movement, it is clear that no one can be the opponent of the dragon elephant alone.

Even if they think that they are highly intelligent, even if they think that the magic weapon in their hands is mysterious
Therefore, by coincidence, these monsters with certain wisdom began to unite.

Within half an hour, a colossal Dragon Slaying Alliance was born.

In this alliance, there are thirteen monsters in the late phase of the law, and more than a hundred monsters below.

Those monsters are basically their descendants and descendants.

Although the strength of these monsters is weak, they are not even qualified to plug the teeth of dragons and elephants, but once they are combined into a formation, their mighty power cannot be underestimated.

The dragon-slaying alliance is full of black clouds, marching towards the mountain of rotten peaches in a mighty way, with evil wind and evil spirit, straight to the sky.

Long Xiang returned to Lantao Mountain, thinking of forcibly enduring it for a few more days, to see if there would be any "wishful person" coming to sneak attack.

However, just as it landed on the mountain, before it entered the volcano, it sensed a powerful momentum approaching from afar.

With the golden eyes, he immediately looked over, seeing the soaring demonic aura, the dragon elephant didn't know where it was, what was it coming from?
Although Dragon Elephant is quite proud, he is still very afraid of those powerful monsters around him.

Because the strength of those old guys does not only depend on themselves, but also on their magic weapons!

After thinking about it for a while, Longxiang made a decision in his heart, and rushed into the volcano with a sudden pounce.

A moment later, the monsters from the Dragon Slaying Alliance arrived at Mount Lantao, but there was no trace of Silk Dragon Elephant.

"Pearls of rice grains also emit brilliance!" At that time, a demon sneered.

This demon has transformed into a human form, which means that he has existed for at least 4000 years, because in these 4000 years, no one has ever entered the secret realm.

It is impossible for a monster that has never seen a human to transform into a human.

The monk who appeared in the form of a monster looked about forty years old, with a gloomy face and a long beard. He was a Taoist in Taoist robes.

The Taoist is dressed in a sackcloth Taoist robe, which is densely covered with black runes.

With a four-foot ancient sword on his back, standing at the forefront of the black demon wind, it is obvious that he is the leader of this Dragon Slaying Alliance.

It can be seen that he waved his hand slightly, but did not speak. Immediately, seven or eight demon cultivators took out a mirror-shaped magic weapon from their own magic bag, each of them made a formula and recited a mantra, and performed the practice.

In a short while, all the situations of Lantao Mountain flashed in these mirrors.

It's just that some are clear, some are vague, some have a wide range, and some are slightly smaller.

Soon, the real body of the dragon elephant was reflected in the mirror of the three demons.

The [-]-meter-long body was bathed in the hot, churning black-red magma.

They haven't had time to be happy, but they found that huge head, turned around, facing them, and those golden eyes revealed an extremely cold killing intent.

"Disturbing this king's Qingxiu is a crime worthy of death!" At this time, a high-pitched, deep voice full of majesty resounded in the ears of each of them.

"Bang, bang, bang,..." In an instant, all the magic weapons that peeped at the dragon elephant exploded and turned into countless fragments.

"How dare Nielong do this?" The leader grabbed it casually, and all the fragments fell into his hands, but no other monsters were hurt.

However, he felt that his face was greatly damaged, but he was very annoyed, and he shouted coldly, and then ordered all the monsters to prepare to attack.

The formation, the dragon slaying alliance has been formed long ago, once the order is obtained, immediately, the magic power of all the monsters penetrates into one yuan, and all of them are blessed on the leader.

"Qiang" sounded the sword, and the ancient sword behind it came out of its sheath, turning into a cyan flying rainbow more than a hundred feet long, lying across the void.

It was about to make a tactic to control the sword, and issued a unique move in its own unique swordsmanship, to show the dragon elephant some color, when suddenly, it heard a passionate dragon chant, which shook the sky.

Then, the entire Rotten Peach Mountain shook violently.

"Puff, puff, puff,..." Accompanied by countless muffled sounds, the muddy ground in the peach blossom forest exploded one after another, and countless dense and incomparably colorful smoke rose into the sky, converging into a huge multicolored smoke that was hundreds of acres in size. beam of light.

All of a sudden, all the monsters of the Dragon Slaying Alliance were enveloped inside.

After a while, the shaking of the mountain stopped, and the colorful beams of light turned into colored smoke and sank into the ground again.

Above the sky, where the people of the Dragon Slaying Alliance were originally, became a void, as if nothing existed there at all.

Gao Jiuding hid in the deepest part of the peach blossom miasma, covering himself tightly with the god of protection.

In front of him was a round blood-colored light curtain with a size of one meter. On it, various scenes of Lantao Mountain were played out one after another.

At the beginning, he used the telescope to observe the dragon elephant, but after discovering the actions of the Dragon Slaying Alliance, he decisively put away the telescope.

Sure enough, the monsters then alarmed the dragon elephant, and the magic weapon was broken by the dragon elephant.

This kind of supernatural power is really amazing, so Gao Jiuding became more cautious.

Although he became more careful, the scene in Mount Rotten Peach still needs to be checked, so Gao Jiuding used another magical power.

The blood-colored light curtain in front of Gao Jiuding is called Xueguangying, and it actually uses the method of blood induction to observe the scene in the distance.

This kind of induction technique uses the bloodline induction. If you want to check the situation, you must leave a means in advance, such as a drop of blood essence hidden in the crater of Mount Lantao.

This drop of blood essence is not the son of the blood god, but it also has some supernatural powers, at least it has the function of restraining breath.

Therefore, even though it sensed this drop of blood essence, it didn't care about it when it came out and killed the dragon elephants in all directions.

The smell of blood is so normal in this mountain of rotten peaches, why would it care about a drop of blood?

It was under the induction of this drop of blood that Gao Jiuding could accurately grasp the actions of the dragon elephant.

Of course, with Gao Jiuding's ability, he can only illuminate within a few hundred meters around Lantao Mountain, but this is enough.

What Gao Jiuding wanted to know the most was the movement of the dragon elephant, but he didn't dare to focus on it.

Because, in case of being sensed by the dragon and elephant, it would be a trivial matter if the incarnation could not be cultivated.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding used the blood light and shadow supernatural powers to observe the movement of Lantaoshan more.

He believed that the dragon elephant was not the kind of fool who would not think about anything when he saw something good and just devoured it, so he predicted that the dragon elephant would make a big move.

Sure enough, not long after the restriction was lifted, the dragon elephant flew into the sky, and killed thirteen powerful poisons in the posture of a peerless overlord.

 Thanks for the reward from the brothers of the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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