The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1083 Super Fighter

Chapter 1083 Super Fighter
After a while, the incomparable body of the dragon elephant was finally fully displayed in front of Gao Jiuding.

At this time, although the dragon elephant was unconscious, the natural tyrannical coercion of the dragon clan still covered all directions, which put great pressure on Gao Jiuding's spirit.

However, the current Gao Jiuding has no scruples at all, because, to him, the dragon elephant now belongs to him.

The more powerful the dragon elephant, the higher the achievement of the incarnation after refining its primordial spirit.

Gao Jiuding didn't dare to delay the slightest time, and suddenly shook the demon tower. The pagoda, which had already been proficient to the point where he could no longer be proficient, swept out the five-color aura like a horse training.

The five-colored horses were only about a foot wide when they first came out of the Demon Town Tower, but after rushing a few feet away, they spread out to cover the sky and the earth, as if they wanted to contain the world.

The five-color aura irradiated, and the five-color horses swept across. All of a sudden, the entire dragon elephant was sucked into the five-color aura, and then was sucked back.

At this moment, the dragon elephant was still soundly asleep, motionless, without the slightest resistance.

Seeing this, Gao Jiuding was completely relieved.

With the momentum of pulling back, the dragon elephant became smaller and smaller, and finally, it turned into about a foot long and submerged into the Demon Suppressing Tower.

After the Dragon Elephant was collected successfully, Gao Jiuding didn't dare to delay. After putting away the Demon Suppressing Tower, he immediately pushed his speed to the peak, rushed upwards, and rushed out of the crater in one go.

Gao Jiuding flew down the mountain without taking a breath, but he didn't want to leave this mountain of rotten peaches.

He ran all the way and quickly went to the hiding place he had found before.

The reason for this was that Gao Jiuding was also helpless.

Although the Dragon Elephant was taken into the Demon Suppressing Tower by him at this time, it was not under his control. Therefore, it was difficult to cover up the incomparably surging dragon aura.

The breath of the dragon clan is like a bright light in the middle of the night, extremely dazzling.

There is only one result for him to go out of the mountain like this, and that is to be discovered by monsters in the secret realm, and then besieged, and finally the dragon elephant will change hands soon.

After all, Qi Ling Wanshou has just controlled Longevity Mountain. She doesn't have much control over the secret realm inside Longevity Mountain. Otherwise, Gao Jiuding would have left the secret realm with a thought at this time. How could he be afraid of being attacked by the monster in the secret realm? Besieged?
In desperation, Gao Jiuding decided to conduct the preliminary training of the second God Transformation here first, to ensure that the dragon and elephant are under his control and there will be no problems, then it will be safe.

With a half-step pure yang monster at the peak of the late phase of the Faxiang as the second incarnation, he should be able to lie down and win in this secret realm.

I chose the cave where I lived before. One is that Gao Jiuding stayed there for a while and was very familiar with it; the other is that the monsters nearby were all killed by the Five Clouds Peach Blossom Miasma launched by the Dragon Elephant because they joined the Dragon Slaying Alliance. Very safe.

However, even so, Gao Jiuding, who is cautious by nature, still activates the innate gossip god to protect himself, and the nine-color mist mixed in the peach blossom miasma plays a role of concealment and protection.

Gao Jiuding sits cross-legged in the cave, and the Zhenyao Pagoda is about a foot in front of him.

Through the invisible connection, he could see that the dragon elephant was still sleeping inside, and had no intention of waking up.

Of course, Gao Jiuding still didn't intend to release it, not because the cave was too small and there wasn't enough space, but because with the blessing of all the patterns in the Demon Suppressing Tower, his sacrificial training would be easier, and the effect would be will be even better.

After refining the second incarnation of "Conjoined Body Art" several times, Gao Jiuding has already thoroughly understood it. Now that he is practicing dragon and elephant, his technique is even more proficient.

According to the information given by Wanshou, using the dragon elephant as the second incarnation is more troublesome to practice, because the dragon elephant is different from the monster of the blood pill stage. big monk.

Yuanshen is a highly condensed body of soul, so it is not easy to refine it, so according to Wanshou's short legs, even if it is just the first step of sacrificial training, it will take at least three years and six months of hard work.

The first step of the concentric technique is to refine the soul of the monster. This step is extremely important, but Gao Jiuding is not a monk of the Beast Sect. His soul is more powerful, so it should be easier to assimilate.

The Dragon Elephant is too strong, and after a long time, there are many nights and dreams. It is impossible for Gao Jiuding to give it a chance to come back, so he doesn't have so much time.

Here, he only intends to complete the first step of this method, assimilating the spirit of Xianglong. In this way, even if Longxiang really wakes up, it will be of no avail. Jiuding arranged the fate for him.

To do this, the blood curse must be used to cooperate. For Gao Jiuding, it is not easy to play with the blood curse.

The consciousness sank into the Demon Suppressing Pagoda, and immediately after, Gao Jiuding cut his finger with his nails and drew out a large stream of his own blood.

A moment later, this stream of blood burst open, turning into [-] blood-colored words, floating in the void, like a page of chapters.

If you look carefully at these bloody characters, you will find that each of them is a small rune, representing a specific power.

This was done strictly according to the guidelines of the Concentric Technique and the Blood Soul Curse. Gao Jiuding did this step very completely, even more complete than before.

This time refining the dragon elephant, Gao Jiuding was more cautious. He did not directly use the blood spell that he had researched, but the main body was the concentric spell, with the additional blood spell.

The most fundamental difference between the two is that one directly targets the soul, while the other targets both the body and the soul at the same time.

Obviously, Gao Jiuding wanted to choose a more secure method, he didn't want to take risks, and he didn't want to take shortcuts.

Gao Jiuding controlled the [-] blood talismans, which were branded all over the dragon elephant.

Immediately, countless bloody lines appeared on the tough and smooth scales of the dragon elephant.

After the blood curse was added, Gao Jiuding did not stop at all, and started to activate the concentric curse and the blood soul curse again.

The concentric blood curse fell into the soul and body of the dragon elephant, constantly eroding the body and soul of the dragon elephant.

Dragons and elephants are really different, whether it is spirit or body, they are not comparable to water and fire pythons.

Of course, when Gao Jiuding was refining the water and fire god python, it was only at the peak of the blood pill, but after that, the dragon elephant was at the peak of the law, and the two monsters were not the same.

The dragon elephant is not only difficult to sacrifice because of its primordial spirit, but even its physical body is even more difficult to refine!
Day after day, Gao Jiuding kept superimposing the Concentric Blood Curse, eroding the flesh and soul of the dragon elephant.

In the following time, Gao Jiuding kept repeating this boring and exhausting work, and before he knew it, a month and a half passed.

On this day, the endless mantra power generated by the soul curse and the endless runes formed by the blood curse suddenly fused together to form a fingernail-sized rune, which sank into the depths of the dragon elephant's soul.

Through this rune, Gao Jiuding could clearly feel the emotions of the dragon and elephant.

Now it doesn't know that it has become the prey of others!

At this time, the Dragon Elephant, in that self-concept, is very comfortably enjoying the joy of greatly increased strength.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding understood that the first step of the concentric technique of the second Huashen had been successful.

Next, what needs to be done is years of hard work until the physical body of the dragon and elephant is refined, and the conjoined body art is truly completed.

The concentric technique has completed the preliminary training, at least it can affect the thinking of the dragon and elephant, making it its own thug, and it is a super thug!
With this guarantee, Gao Jiuding no longer wasted time in the secret realm.

After controlling the dragon elephant and letting it restrain its momentum, Gao Jiuding communicated with Wanshou. He flew into the sky carefully, and then flew towards a void.

Half an hour later, when they came to the void where they entered the secret realm, Wanshou was there to guide them. A space crack appeared in the void, and Gao Jiuding flew into it without hesitation.

Falling into the vortex of space storm again, Gao Jiuding appeared on the small lake in Longevity Mountain in just a moment.

"Haha, not bad, not bad!" Gao Jiuding looked at the gazebo, stone table, stone bench, and a small lake that wasn't too big in front of him in a daze. This place was still in Longevity Mountain.

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, a towering pagoda not far away immediately flashed with aura, and Gao Jiuding's figure disappeared in the place shrouded in aura.

As soon as he returned to the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, Gao Jiuding entered the secret practice room, first looked at Gao Xianzhi, and the little treasure fell asleep again.

It has been almost two months since he entered the secret realm, and twenty months have passed inside the pagoda.

Unexpectedly, a divine power pill could make Gao Xianzhi sleep for such a long time.

"If I knew I would teach her to sleep, she would have become a sleep god!" Gao Jiuding was a little helpless, maybe it was a child's self-protection mechanism, and he would go to bed after eating something good.

Shaking his head helplessly, Gao Jiuding cleaned up the pill in his hand!

It will definitely take a long time to retreat and refine the dragon elephant this time, but as long as it can be refined, Gao Jiuding will not be afraid of anyone in this world.

"Well, among those giant sects, there must be a hidden ancestor of Chunyang, and we still need to keep a low profile!" As soon as a trace of embarrassment rose in his heart, Gao Jiuding was secretly vigilant.

The ancestor of Faxiangqi is considered a master in Iron Sword Sect, but in the central area of ​​the mainland, where the cultivation civilization is developed, there is no shortage of Faxiangqi monks in those big sects, and the ancestor of the Zhenpai is a monk of Chunyang.

The sect above the demon star must not be underestimated. There used to be immortals sitting in the sect, but now it has declined, and it is impossible for the ancestor Chunyang to become scarce.

He picked out some elixirs, and got out some ginseng, sealwort, and various calming treasures, and placed these things around him, and then he started to activate the Blood Soul Curse again.

Layers of bloody restraints appeared in the air, and layer after layer were superimposed into the body of the dragon elephant.

 Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, the king of the emperor and queen of the earth, for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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