The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1084 Concentric Blood Curse

Chapter 1084 Concentric Blood Curse
After using it many times, the blood soul restriction arranged by Gao Jiuding has become more complicated, more extensive and profound, even a bit obscure!

As the strength becomes stronger, as the vision is broadened, as the continuous research of the Blood Soul Curse and the Concentric Art, the spells Gao Jiuding casts at this time have more powerful effects, and at the same time, they also have stricter requirements and are more powerful. strict condition.

Since Long Xiang was too strong, Gao Jiuding couldn't be too careful.

This time he started from the beginning, just like when he first started cultivating the soul, relying entirely on the mysterious spirituality of the spell itself, he was exerting its power!

The power of Gao Jiuding's help can be said to be negligible.

However, he was very calm, calm and unhurried, laying out spells layer by layer.

After one pass, stop immediately, and then start bleeding, and cast the blood curse again.

Similarly, this blood curse is not the other blood curse, it is more effective and requires more blood.

The wound appeared, blood came out, and the wound healed immediately.

Gao Jiuding's blood light was different from before, the original blood light was a bit dim, it was dark red, but now, the blood light was crystal clear, with a little bit of fluorescence inside.

The blood shot out, suspended in the void, and under the influence of Gao Jiuding's secret method, it turned into runes and danced, and finally, it turned into a page of chapters, like snowflakes, falling one after another, engraved on the body of the dragon elephant superior.

The soul arranged a concentric technique, engraved on the primordial spirit of the dragon elephant, and the blood turned into a spell, submerged in the body of the dragon elephant.

If so, Gao Jiuding once again started the process of cyclical sacrifice training.

One day, two days, three days. Soon, more than three months passed.

On this day, Gao Jiuding was practicing as usual. Suddenly, the body of the dragon elephant trembled and opened his eyes.

At the same time, an incomparably mighty thought, like a vast ocean, impacted Gao Jiuding's soul.

Gao Jiuding was taken aback, that idea was really too majestic!

Fortunately, the cornucopia that had been silent in the sea of ​​consciousness sent out a warm and gentle force in time to block the impact of the dragon and elephant's divine thoughts, and Gao Jiuding's spirit returned to calm.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding's heart was terrified.

Because he knew very well that the dragon elephant hadn't fully recovered from his stupor.

Therefore, this idea does not have the slightest intention of aggression, it is just the diffusion of instinctive ideas.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding realized that he had underestimated the strength of the dragon elephant and half-step Chunyang when he was really facing the dragon elephant.

I was able to enter the secret realm when the dragon fruit was ripe, and used the dragon fruit to plot against the dragon elephant very smoothly. It can be said that I was lucky!
That is to say, the dragon elephant grew up in a secret realm since he was a child, and he is powerful and defenseless. Otherwise, how could Gao Jiuding have a chance?
If he had known that Dragon Elephant was so powerful, he wouldn't have dared to vouch for the results of his first step of sacrificial training!

With the help of the cornucopia, Gao Jiuding resisted the impact of the dragon and elephant's spirit and soul. Immediately, he made a tactic with both hands and began to communicate with the primordial spirit deep in the dragon and elephant's sea of ​​consciousness.

The primordial spirit of the dragon elephant is already a golden elephant that is exactly the same as the dharma appearance and body, but it is even smaller and exquisite.

And in the primordial spirit condensed from the soul, there is a cyan crystal-shaped rune, which is the most essence of the soul spar among the primordial spirits, and is a highly condensed body of the soul!
When this part of the crystal condensed with runes penetrates into the entire primordial spirit and completes the transformation of the primordial spirit, then the primordial spirit of the dragon elephant can also be materialized, and at this time it is the cultivation base of pure yang.

Now there is only a crystal formed by a rune, which proves that the Dragon Elephant has already qualified for advanced Dharma, and he has already embarked on the road to the sky of advanced Dharma, so the Dragon Elephant has this half-step pure yang strength.

And only by turning the power of the soul into a concentric spell and penetrating into this cyan rune crystal can it be strengthened to control it.

The abnormal movement in the soul made the dragon elephant completely awake in an instant.

Naturally, the cyan crystal in the depths of the Dragon Elephant's soul can be seen at a glance.

Although the dragon elephant is a house elephant that almost stays at home, but with the existence of inherited memory, what situation does it face in an instant!
How can the dragon elephant, who has always believed in the respect of the strong and considered himself superior to all living beings in the world, be able to bear this?
Immediately, it was overwhelmed by furious emotions, and at the same time, its spirit seemed to turn into a boundless sea, setting off a boundless storm.

The incantation in that cyan crystal is like a canoe traveling through the monstrous waves, which may capsize at any time!

In just a split second, the runes that could have easily radiated divine light and penetrated every part of the Dragon Elephant's soul couldn't let out a single ray of light, all of which were suppressed by the violent power of the Dragon Elephant's soul.

Not only that, the rune itself also became much darker at the same time.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding even had some doubts. If he hadn't put in a lot of strength just now, he was afraid that the rune would be shattered immediately, and then it would be his turn to be slaughtered by this monster!
Before he knew it, Gao Jiuding was sweating profusely, and his clothes were completely soaked!
"Chila." With a soft sound, the clothes on Gao Jiuding's left chest burst open, and then, a small red needle emerged from the tip of his right finger, and he stabbed it towards the heart suddenly.

At that time, a blood thread as thin as a hair rushed out from it, and immediately turned into a blood-colored rune.

This rune is very small, but it is very agile, it flashes quickly like a living thing.

This rune is completely different from what Gao Jiuding used before.

It blooms with a special aura, which is extraordinarily detached and different from the vulgar.

This rune quickly entered the dragon elephant's eyebrows, entered the sea of ​​consciousness, and merged into the cyan crystal.

In desperation, Gao Jiuding urged the blood god son in his body to evolve the blood shadow magic power, transforming it into the concentric blood magic spell, which once again strengthened the control over the dragon elephant.

The dragon elephant is not easy to get along with, it just moved a little, and the cyan crystals became brighter, like a bright moon rising from the sea.

The bright moon rises, and the clear and warm radiance shines out, turning into countless real rays of light, extending in all directions.

But at this moment, a ray of blood enveloped Mingyue, making Mingyue stained with a trace of blood red.

Gao Jiuding used a concentric blood curse transformed by the son of the blood god. As long as it invaded the dragon elephant's sea of ​​consciousness, it would have no chance to resist.

Sure enough, the Blood God Son is the nemesis of all creatures, no matter how high your cultivation level is, as long as it enters your body, you can only be slaughtered by the Blood God Son.

As the Blood God Son turned into the Concentric Blood God Mantra, another change appeared in the Dragon Elephant Sea of ​​Consciousness.

The original bright moonlight was dyed red, and then where the red light touched, the wind stopped, the big waves subsided, and the sea of ​​souls regained its gentleness and tranquility, as if it suddenly turned into a small mountain lake.

At the same time, the power of the dragon elephant's soul was once again controlled by Gao Jiuding.

With the blessing of the Dragon Elephant's spirit power, the red moon is more prosperous, bright and radiant, and continues to extend outward.

With such a momentum, Long Xiang couldn't help being surprised, and hurriedly used a secret technique to freeze all the power of the soul that was still under his control!

At this time, the primordial spirit of the dragon elephant as a whole becomes like a spar, with a strong and eternal charm. Among them, such a primordial spirit has a characteristic that is invulnerable to all dharmas, and will not be worn out in a thousand aeons!
The rays of light from the red moon shone on the spar, and they "jingled" unexpectedly, making the sound of gold and iron.

Not to mention that the hole was penetrated in, but even a trace was not left behind.

"Little Huangkou, you dare to control me. If you don't tear your body into pieces, it will be hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart!"

The dragon elephant has already discovered through remote sensing that the person who wants to refine itself is a human youth in the realm of blood pills, and the anger in its heart can be described as overflowing.

However, it also found that after this round of attacks, it is impossible to disintegrate the shackles in its soul in an instant, because Gao Jiuding's primordial power controlling it has reached [-]%.

Unless it can be ruthless and abandon and destroy the two tenths of the primordial spirit!
However, how could it be willing to sacrifice this kind of sacrifice until the last moment?

After all, once you give up, it can be said that you have worked hard for thousands of years, and you will lose every move!
Especially, he was facing a little cultivator who hadn't even cultivated his primordial spirit!
Yes, in the eyes of the dragon elephant, monks who have not cultivated the primordial spirit and failed to reach the state of Dzogchen Dharma are all ants.

Therefore, at this moment, the dragon elephant began to rely on that he still had most of the dominance advantage of the primordial spirit, and began to control his physical body.

The Dragon Elephant is an existence that is naturally tyrannical and stands at the top of the pyramid. It believes that it will be able to break the spell that imprisoned it and get out.

And once the body regains its freedom, it is only natural to sweep everything away.

Long Xiang was shocked by Gao Jiuding's methods, but Gao Jiuding was even more shocked in his heart!
Because what he used just now was not ordinary blood, but the Blood God Son. After entering the Blood Pill Stage, with the promotion of the advanced incarnation of the Water and Fire God Python, he was very lucky to condense such a Blood God Son. In the past, the Blood God Son Infestation is absolutely invincible, but this time, it did not make meritorious deeds easily.

The son of the blood god, the essence of blood essence, is the ancestor of blood, the source of blood, and the foundation of life!
Among ordinary monks, it is very rare to be able to condense a drop of blood essence.

As for the clone-like existence derived from the essence and blood, this blood god child represents a Dharma phase cultivator.

Essence and blood are the foundation of a monk, and the Son of Blood is the lifeblood of Gao Jiuding's life and cultivation.

The reason why monks can judge the life span of ordinary people at a glance is to use this method of observing blood.

Of course, this refers to the situation where there is no calamity or calamity. Unexpected disasters and the like are not in the scope of the blood observation method. It belongs to the way of fortune, which is too ethereal and few people can understand it.

(End of this chapter)

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