Chapter 1085
Gao Jiuding knew long ago that too much consumption of essence and blood would damage his lifespan, so after entering the demon star, he accepted the cultivation inheritance of the demon star without any reason.

If he does it step by step, there is nothing special about him. Although he is stronger than ordinary monks, he will not exceed too much!
However, the blood refines blood nerves and phoenix blood, making all the blood in Gao Jiuding's body turn into light. At this time, it can also be said that Gao Jiuding's entire body has been condensed into blood essence.

In such a state, even Gao Jiuding didn't know how much life energy and blood essence he had.

According to ordinary people, a Qi-refining cultivator can only live for more than 900 years if he cultivates to the golden elixir. This is the limit.

And Gao Jiuding is only at the early stage of Golden Core. Even if he is now at the peak of the fourth level of Golden Core, he is only one step away from breaking through to the middle stage of Golden Core, but he is still at the early stage of Golden Core. At this time, he will have at least 200 years of lifespan.

And to condense the blood god child, one must have the cultivation base of the Dharma phase, that is, the body of the Dharma phase, otherwise there is not much blood to condense.

Gao Jiuding refined the phoenix blood, and there was no shortage of blood essence, because his whole body could be transformed into blood essence, which means he had such a deep capital!
It is also because of this that Gao Jiuding was able to condense a blood god son. It can be said that this blood god son was transformed by the essence and blood of Gao Jiuding's whole body.

If a cultivator of ordinary Dharma phase can only condense one blood god child, and this is a thousand and eight hundred years of lifespan!
Even if Gao Jiuding was a body cultivator, his lifespan was longer than that of a Qi refiner, and with the awakening of the Blood Shadow Divine Light, his lifespan increased a lot, but with a lifespan of 800 years, he didn't dare to joke about it.

But this time, for the purpose of a single battle and a fatal blow, Gao Jiuding even used the Blood God Son, but the effect was not as good as he had imagined.

He didn't expect that the dragon and elephant actually had such a secret technique, and the primordial spirit was condensed like a spar, and it was not invaded by foreign methods.

Seeing this situation, Gao Jiuding wanted to vomit blood, and he was also afraid at this moment, if the Blood God Son was destroyed, he would be miserable!

Only then did he understand how difficult it is to go against the current and reach the sky in one step.

However, how could he give up willingly when things had come to this point?
Feeling that the dragon elephant began to control the huge dragon's body, Gao Jiuding's eyes became resolute and fierce. If he is not crazy, he will not survive!
Gao Jiuding has already comprehended the Conjoined Body and Concentric Art very thoroughly. On the surface, the sacrificial practice is a soul curse and a blood curse, but in fact, the fusion of the two is fundamental, because in the end, it depends on the blood to integrate into the soul, or it can be It is said that it is to integrate into one's own spirituality to obliterate the monster's own thoughts, so as to gain the right to dominate.

However, the blood curse is a tangible thing, and it is very difficult to directly invade the soul, especially the soul of a strong person who surpasses himself too much.

But the soul curse is different, its essence is an invisible method, it is very easy to invade the soul, so the purpose of using the soul curse first is to let the blood curse enter the soul faster and more effectively.

It's a pity that the dragon elephant is the existence of the primordial spirit, not an ordinary divine soul. Although Gao Jiuding expected this, he didn't expect that the primordial spirit is so difficult to refine.

If the soul is strong enough, it's enough to just crush it directly, and naturally there is no need for so many tricks.

However, Gao Jiuding didn't have absolute strength, so he had to take a shortcut. The help of the Blood God Son at this time to that round of bright moon was immeasurable.

Gao Jiuding became cruel, and the palm of his right hand burst into light, like a sharp knife, and cut a big hole directly on his chest and abdomen.

Then, with the urging of mana, there was a loud bang, like a river bursting its embankment, the sea surged, and blood-red blood swarmed out and scattered in all directions.

In an instant, the boundless rain of blood scattered in all directions merged into the Blood God Son, increasing the Blood God Son's power.

Immediately, he turned into the Son of the Blood God who was restricted by the soul, and his blood light soared. In such a scene, it was really like a demon descending into the world, and the blood light enveloped the entire practice room.

Under the control of the power of Gao Jiuding's soul, these blood essences gathered into a river of blood that was one meter wide and more than ten meters long, poured into the Blood God Son, and through the Blood God Son, merged into the body of the dragon elephant. In the spirit and soul, he became one with the red moon.

At that time, the red bright moon shook violently and doubled in size.

The light became brighter and brighter, and in just an instant, the red moon transformed into a scorching sun!
The scorching sun was like a fire, and the brilliance of the red moon, which was as warm and moist as water, suddenly exploded. On every red light, there was a blazing blood-colored flame, billowing like a tide.

The crystal-like spirit of the dragon elephant couldn't stand it under the blood-colored flames, and melted away one after another.

The blood-colored rays of light took advantage of the situation and extended aggressively. In a short while, they invaded [-]% of the land again.

The dragon elephant did not expect that in just a split second, the human youth, who looked like an ant to it, would turn the situation around once again.

At this time, where does it still care about controlling the physical body, it hastened to concentrate all its strength to resist the radiance of the scorching sun!

At this time, Gao Jiuding had collapsed to the extreme, his whole body was shriveled.

However, the blood shadow magical skill was activated, and the whole body turned into a blood shadow. At this time, the countless qi and blood that were hidden in his stomach all surged.

A strong blood energy surged in all directions like Wang Yang, penetrating into every inch of Gao Jiuding's flesh and blood.

In just a short moment, the wound was healed, the flesh and blood were full, and everything was back to the original!
At this time Gao Jiuding was rejoicing, fortunately he had devoured a large number of one-horned black vultures earlier, otherwise how could he have so much energy and blood to supplement the loss at this time?

This is the power of blood nerves, this is the power of blood shadow divine light and blood shadow magic skills!

With the blood shadow devouring countless blood essences, the bloody scorching sun has almost controlled nearly half of the Dragon Elephant Primordial Spirit at this time.

Without the slightest hesitation, Gao Jiuding slashed down on him with his right hand like a knife again.

It's not that Gao Jiuding has a tendency to self-torture, nor is it that he has too much blood, but he knows very well that powerful monsters with dragon blood, especially dragons with high-level intelligence, are very proud.

Since ancient times, dragon slayings have been seen frequently in the world, but there are very few people who actually subdue dragons as mounts.

What Gao Jiuding is doing now is completely enslaving, even worse than being a mount.

And the dragon elephant, infinitely close to the blood of the real dragon, is also more arrogant. Therefore, if things cannot be done, the dragon elephant is likely to choose to blew its soul.

Although, after this, the vitality of its body is still there, and it can also be sacrificed to become a second incarnation, but without the powerful control of the soul, the body power of the dragon elephant will inevitably be greatly reduced.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding would rather endure some hardships and suffer some hardships, but also achieve perfection once and for all!

Soon, the second long river of blood curse poured into the soul of the dragon elephant, and became one with the bloody scorching sun.

At the same time, the power of the soul curse was also integrated again.

Immediately, the bloody scorching sun doubled in size again, like the sun shining all over the world!
The power of light is no longer a strip of light, but a continuous piece, overwhelming, rolling out!

In an instant, all the soul crystals of the primordial spirit melted and were brought under Gao Jiuding's control.

Then, the thoughts of the dragon elephant itself were completely scattered, leaving only pure memory, which was kept in the soul.

This, however, will not have any impact on the training of the second incarnation, on the contrary, it will be of great help.

Because, at the last moment, Gao Jiuding no longer had to put his own blood into the battle.

Generally, monks who lack self-confidence choose the second incarnation as snakes, centipedes, or even Gu worms, because they have a long lifespan and extremely low spiritual intelligence. The battle at the last moment is very easy, and it is easy to play jokes. almost.

And like Gao Jiuding, the person who chooses the dragon elephant, a monster with extremely high intelligence and strong will, counterattacks half-step Chunyang with the realm of blood pill, and refines it into the second incarnation, which is unique , Shock the past and shine the present!
Chunyang can be called a land god, but what is Jindan?
To put it bluntly, what Gao Jiuding is doing now is Yifan Nixian. If others find out, they will definitely be so scared that their eyeballs will pop out!
It was also fortunate that Gao Jiuding had cultivated into the Son of the Blood God by mistake, which was a combat power similar to that of a Faxiang, otherwise, he would never have succeeded.

As the Blood God Son continued to devour the essence and blood, the speed of refining the Dragon Elephant Yuanshen became faster and faster.

The refining process went smoothly, and Gao Jiuding's body also recovered, after all, he has a profound background.

As long as he has enough resources, his body will quickly recover to its original state.

Gao Jiuding was naturally very happy when the future troubles were completely resolved, even though he had paid a heavy price.

The sun rises and the sun sets, the flowers bloom and wither, and before I know it, three months have passed.

The sacrifice training with all one's heart, the exchange is naturally a huge and incomparable harvest.

Now the real soul of the dragon elephant, or the primordial spirit, has been completely infected by Gao Jiuding's blood soul curse, and the concentric technique is naturally deeply planted in it.

This time was Gao Jiuding's first time refining the souls of monsters and beasts separately, which can be described as full of thrills.

But in the end he succeeded, which is why he was well prepared.

Concentric Art, Blood Soul Curse, and Concentric Blood Curse, all of these are the foundation of Gao Jiuding's success.

Of course, even now, the Dragon Elephant Primordial Spirit condensed into a spar is not something that Gao Jiuding can perfectly control.

Gao Jiuding's Blood God Son had turned into the Concentric Blood Curse, and had completely integrated into the Dragon Elephant's Primordial Spirit, but the Blood God Son had no strength left to completely infect the entire Dragon Elephant's primordial spirit.

At this time, he can only give orders to control the dragon elephant through the dragon elephant primordial spirit, and there must be a delay in the process.

Only by really contacting the Yuanshen can one understand the great power of the Yuanshen.

The primordial spirit manifests, like an entity, it can leave the body, or it can merge into the dharma to fight thousands of kilometers away. This is the strength of the pure Yang monk!
 Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, the king of heaven and earth, and brother Nan Shaoyi for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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