The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1087 King Kong is not bad

Chapter 1087 King Kong is not bad
Gao Jiuding felt that the changes in his body were extremely violent. He only felt that every cell in his body seemed to be revived at this moment, trembling violently, and the blood in his body was more like boiling water, rumbling, Like the raging sea beating against the rocks, it's more like thunder resounding, breathtaking!
At this moment, Gao Jiuding even felt that there was a prehistoric beast hidden in his body, and he let out a deep roar as if he was about to revive at this moment!
Gao Jiuding sat cross-legged on the ground, and the floor with runes engraved on the ground gathered a lot of spiritual energy and poured into his body.

At this time, the clothes on his body had already been broken, and they were scattered into pieces scattered on the surrounding ground. If it wasn't for the phantom robe, Gao Jiuding would be almost naked.

At this moment, his appearance is also a bit shocking, his whole body is red, and there is steaming white steam, as if his whole body has been steamed!
But it didn't completely look like it was transpiring, because although his flesh was flushed at the moment, it also became very crystal clear, even translucent!
Through the flesh, some veins and bones inside are revealed.

The whole person looks extremely crystal clear, every inch of flesh and blood, every inch of skin is extremely crystal clear!
Gradually, Gao Jiuding's skin began to wriggle inch by inch. It was because the pores on his body began to shrink and expand, opening and closing like breathing.

With the violent activity of these pores on his body, some dark red viscous liquid seeped out from Gao Jiuding's skin!

These impurities are like a mixture of blood and some other substances, with a bloody smell and stench.

Smelling the stench, Gao Jiuding found that it was more like a mixture of blood and some toxins in the body.

pain!hot!itch!These are Gao Jiuding's three strongest feelings at the moment.

It's like being put on a fire, and it's like someone is holding a knife and wielding a knife on every inch of his skin, flesh and bones!

At this time, Gao Jiuding felt that thousands of ants had entered his body, eating every inch of his flesh and bones!
This feeling is like burning with a knife, or like being devoured by thousands of ants.

Because of the severe pain, Gao Jiuding's face became a little distorted, and his teeth were clenched tightly together. Because of too much force, the gums overflowed with blood.

He did not expect that the effect of the glazed golden body, which has been perfected to a perfect degree, would be so good, and the reaction of lifting the body would be so violent.

He doesn't know if it's because he wants to break through the current big realm, but he can be sure of one thing, his body is changing, which seems to be a kind of evolution!
There were bursts of roaring in the body, like a raging sea, like thunder, more like a beast roaring in Gao Jiuding's body!

The voice was low and frightening, resounding through the entire room!
Fortunately, he was the only one around at the moment, otherwise, if there were other people, he might be frightened by the sound directly.

Steaming white hot air evaporated from Gao Jiuding's body, and slowly, the white hot air turned red, like a layer of faint blood mist, bursting out from Gao Jiuding's body.

The dark red fishy liquid, more like an uninterrupted trickle, seeped out from the pores of every inch of Gao Jiuding's body.

Top of head, face, back of head, upper body, lower body, limbs.
Not long after, Gao Jiuding's entire body was covered by a layer of dark red viscous liquid, which looked terrifying and disgusting, accompanied by a disgusting stench.

This process lasted for a long time, and lasted for most of the night. In the end, Gao Jiuding's own consciousness was almost blurred, relying on the last bit of perseverance, he gritted his teeth tightly to prevent himself from screaming!

In the end, a long-lost intense pleasure hit him, leaving his mind blank for a moment, and his whole body seemed to be sublimated, and then he slowly woke up.

Gao Jiuding's head was a little dazed, he knew that this time he should have broken through a big realm, and the most fundamental reason seemed to be because his accumulation was too thick.

This breakthrough is not only the accumulation of physical cultivation, the accumulation of foundation, but also the accumulation of resources!

It is because there are too many resources hidden in his stomach that he has made a big breakthrough this time because of practicing the secret technique of body training.

If there is no accumulation, such a breakthrough will only consume the foundation of the body, and even cause damage to the foundation.

With the support of countless resources, there is no problem at all.

A small cloud and rain technique was issued, and a group of dark clouds gathered above the head and began to rain. The rain washed away the filth discharged from Gao Jiuding's body.

After 10 minutes, after washing up and changing into clean underwear, Gao Jiuding came to an open place.

Standing in the center of a group of palaces, feeling the surging power in his body, Gao Jiuding took a deep breath and punched the air directly.

"Om!" With a punch, there was a thunderous roar, and then, with Gao Jiuding's fist as the center, a wave of air visible to the naked eye appeared, spreading for a full two or three meters before dissipating.

The air is directly broken, forming sonic booms and air waves visible to the naked eye.

"This feeling!" Gao Jiuding clenched his fists, his eyes showing an unconcealable intoxication.

With such power, Gao Jiuding feels that he can use the magic weapon, because the magic weapon is close to him, and he can blow it up with one blow.

Besides, with his current attack power, some ordinary magic weapons are not as powerful as him!
"I haven't broken through the third stage of physical training, but my body has undergone a transformation, and it is much stronger than before. In terms of strength alone, it has definitely reached more than [-] catties."

This is a pure use of physical strength without any external force. You must know that this is Gao Jiuding's body, not the incarnation of Faxiangqi.

Now if he superimposes the energy, blood and true energy in his body, he may be able to reach hundreds of thousands of catties with just one punch!

This kind of power may be easily achieved by some monsters with extraordinary talents, but it is difficult for human beings to achieve this ultimate state.

Gao Jiuding's body is a human being, which is far behind the physique of a monster incarnation, but now, Gao Jiuding feels that his physique should not be much worse than that of an ordinary monster of the same level.

Close your eyes and savor the changes in your body carefully. Gao Jiuding knows that the third stage is the body training in the blood pill stage!
He broke through a small neck bottle, that is to say, his physical strength has surpassed that of a cultivator in the late stage of Xuedan, and he has definitely entered the level of Faxiang level physique.

With the physique of Faxiangqi, one can fuse with heavenly spirits, and this is what Gao Jiuding had planned long ago.

Of course, Gao Jiuding's physique at this time is equivalent to that of a monk who has never been trained and promoted to Dharma. His future cultivation path is still far away, and he still has a long way to go!
When his body transformed to the strength of the blood pill stage before, he also thought he had made a big breakthrough. At that time, his body transformed more violently, but now, he not only felt the changes in his body, but also clearly saw the way forward.

Now Gao Jiuding can clearly feel that the barrier shackles that obviously still exist in his body are extremely clear!

He knew that he still had a breakthrough!
However, the breakthrough this time caused his body to undergo a real transformation, allowing him to greatly improve his strength.

In terms of strength alone, Gao Jiuding feels that now that he punches with all his strength, it must have reached more than [-] jin.

This was only in terms of strength, afterward, Gao Jiuding took out a flying sword and chopped it directly at his arm.

"Dang!" The edge of the Lingbao-level knife was cut on the arm!
With a soft sound, a large hole was directly flicked off, and on Gao Jiuding's arm, there was only a red knife mark, and the skin was not broken.

The strength of Lingbao is equivalent to that of a cultivator at the Blood Core Stage, and the sharpness of killing Lingbao must have reached the limit of a cultivator at the Blood Core Stage!

But even such a spirit treasure has no choice but to take Gao Jiuding's body.

"My current skin and flesh are almost as hard as a ninth-level spirit treasure. It's hard for ordinary people to cut open my flesh and blood."

Looking at the big cut off Feijian and the red mark on his arm, Gao Jiuding laughed!

Even if a monk added his own strength to the spirit treasure, his body could still bear it.

"I'm afraid even if it's an ordinary hot weapon, as long as it doesn't hit my vitals, it's not a big threat to me." Thinking of this possibility, Gao Jiuding's heart felt hot.

This transformation is still very powerful, this is definitely an important breakthrough!
The most important thing is the breakthrough in physical defense. If I cut it down, I can only leave a red mark on my skin!
This kind of one can't be broken open, but a large piece of the knife edge will be broken.

It can be predicted that if ordinary monks attack Gao Jiuding with a spirit treasure that they think is very powerful, what will happen?
Even if it was a modified Vulcan Cannon, as long as the bullets didn't hit Gao Jiuding's vital points or weak spots, it would be difficult to hurt him.

With this level of cultivation, it is probably not an exaggeration to say that he is invulnerable!
Even compared with Lingbao-level armor, Gao Jiuding feels that he should not be weak.

And this is just the defensive power. With this breakthrough of the body, Gao Jiuding not only has a stronger defensive power, no matter whether it is strength, speed, or defense, there should be a big breakthrough.

The body is comparable to a top-level spiritual treasure, and just this makes Gao Jiuding's heart beat!
Although his current physique is definitely not as good as some high-level monster races, but with the resources he has mastered, as well as the supernatural powers and spells he has cultivated, he has the confidence to compare with even a beast of the first level of the water and fire python!
Although his state is not as good, but his current physique has reached an almost extreme level, even if his state is not as good, but if he really fights together, Gao Jiuding's overall strength will add up, and he will definitely have the same level as the water and fire python. There is a strength to fight.

"Perhaps, when the glazed golden body is fully cultivated, my body can still give the dragon elephant a hard fight." Gao Jiuding said confidently after feeling the loosening of the realm barrier in his body.

 Thank you brother lads4017 for the reward of 200 coins, thank you for the king of the earth, and do your best to support your brother's reward!

(End of this chapter)

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