The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1088 Evolution of supernatural powers

Chapter 1088 Evolution of supernatural powers

This time for body training, Gao Jiuding knew that he did the right thing, but he also knew that the road of body training had not yet come to an end. At this stage, his body still had potential to be tapped!

Although there was a big breakthrough this time, Gao Jiuding could feel that his body still had great potential to continue to practice after this physical improvement and transformation.

This is also the accumulation of decades of hard work this time. It took three to forty years to hide in the Time and Space God Realm, which was three or four times more than the nearly ten years of his previous training time.

This accumulation is absolutely solid enough.

Gao Jiuding's current qi training is at the third stage, but his body has broken through to the fourth stage, that is, he has entered the Dharma Form and Nascent Soul stage.

With such a body, it is completely possible to fuse with a heavenly spirit that is also in the fourth stage.

However, since there is still potential to continue to exercise, Gao Jiuding naturally will not give up.

Afterwards, Gao Jiuding tried other methods to check the firmness of his flesh!

He used all the sharp weapons he could find to awl, stab, chop, and pound various parts of his body until he scrapped a lot of spiritless embryos.

At this time, Gao Jiuding had already determined that his body could almost withstand various attacks from ninth-level spiritual weapons.

At this time Gao Jiuding was also very satisfied, the defense was finally high enough.

Gao Jiuding is a person who cherishes life very much. The reason why he is keen on pursuing a strong body is precisely because of this!
Although human monks have extraordinary powers, their bodies are too fragile, a proper crispy mage!
Even if it is as strong as the Dharma phase, even if the realm has reached the late phase of the Dharma phase, but the body is still similar to that of an ordinary person, plus the size is not as good as a monster, and the accumulation is far behind. How can this be possible?

Of course, Gao Jiuding would not say that he was afraid of quickly advancing his cultivation and leaving hidden dangers, so he tried his best to train his body.

Body training, defense is strong enough, can resist, this is the way to save life.

Although Fa Ye is also his pursuit and love, but Fa Ye's body is too fragile, this is a flaw!

Especially in the earth cultivation world, the modified guns and other things pose too much threat!

Simply, the hard work paid off, and after spending so much energy and resources on myself, I finally made a breakthrough in body training.

With his current physique, as long as the eyes and other vulnerable points of the body are not hit, it is difficult for knives, guns and bullets to pose a threat to him. It can be said that the threats posed by knives, guns and bullets to him have been reduced to negligible!
If he waited for another breakthrough in the realm of body forging, the threat of knives, guns and bullets would no longer exist, unless artillery, armor-piercing bullets and other big killers.

"Wait for my body to break through again, and then I will go a step further in the fourth stage of cultivation. Perhaps it is not impossible for one person to fight against one army. As long as I don't kill myself, ordinary monks will hardly be a threat to me!"

Gao Jiuding's heart was full of excitement, and when he really reached that point, he felt that perhaps he could no longer be considered an ordinary person, but an extraordinary person, starting to transcend the ordinary!
Standing in front of a condensed water mirror, Gao Jiuding took off his clothes again, and carefully looked up and down his body!
The skin has become fairer, with a sense of crystal, white as jade, flawless and spotless!

It was even smoother and more delicate to the touch, as if every inch of flesh had become perfect, with almost no flaws to be found, and the muscles that had bulged up a few days ago also disappeared again, returning to their previous appearance.

This made Gao Jiuding heave a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't evolve into a muscular man this time. That one is really not his favorite!
Of course, what he likes is not the girly one, he even hates the girly guy more than the muscular guy!

The kind of men who are neither male nor female are not as good as transvestites in his opinion. What he likes is the kind that is as rich as jade, elegant and elegant, handsome and masculine.

After checking his whole body up and down, Gao Jiuding put on his magic robe again and came to the small square, and started punching to get used to his body after the breakthrough.

This exercise lasted for one night. It was not until dawn the next day that Gao Jiuding realized that the whole night had passed, but he didn't feel tired all night, instead he was full of energy.

In the early morning, when the sun rises, wisps of sunlight bloom from the western skyline, gorgeous and picturesque, sprinkled on the earth, mountains and rivers.

This heaven and earth Xuanhuang Linglong pagoda looks more and more like a complete space, where the sun and moon have been supplemented.

Of course, now we can only borrow the sun outside the Longevity Mountain, not the pagoda itself. This is the sunlight projected by Qi Ling Wanshou through regulation.

This is already very good. The higher the level of refining, the more powerful Wanshou's control and fusion of the pagoda and Longevity Mountain will be.

This can be regarded as a double distraction, just like Gao Jiuding at this time, his mind is training the dragon and elephant while his body is exercising.

On the second floor of the palace, Gao Jiuding sits cross-legged, facing the morning glow, meditating and concentrating, his body is full of purple energy, he is inhaling the morning glow purple energy, conceiving and nurturing his body and soul.

From the outside, Gao Jiuding was no different, it gave people the impression that he was sitting with his legs crossed and his eyes closed, with a peaceful expression, only a faint glow, which cast an extra layer of halo on his body.

More than half an hour later, Gao Jiuding seemed to have something broken in his body, his body trembled suddenly, his eyes opened, and two rays of light visible to the naked eye shot out from his eyes with a "swish", fully submerged into the void for half an hour How far away did it dissipate!
Gao Jiuding's eyes also became extremely bright in an instant, and the rays of light bloomed, making it almost difficult to look directly at, and it took a long time for it to subside slowly.

The cultivation bases of blood refinement and qi refinement are all at the peak of the early stage of advancement. At this time, Gao Jiuding is already at the fourth level of blood core and the fourth level of gold core. If he continues to break through, he will break through to the fifth level and officially enter the mid-term cultivation base.

Consciousness entered the body and checked the situation in the body. After reading it, Gao Jiuding took a deep breath, a little happy and a little worried.

The ones who are happy are naturally the improvement of cultivation base, but the ones who are worried are that the improvement is too fast.

Seriously, his cultivation time is too short. It has only been ten years since he got the first crocodile-class battleship, but he is about to complete the third stage of cultivation. It's hard to doubt.

In terms of qi refining, it's easy to say, after all, he is a qi refining practitioner, and the rapid improvement now can be said to be a lot of accumulation, after all, he has practiced for more than ten years.

As for the aspect of exercising the essence, he cultivated faster, and he also took a lot of various ginseng medicines, plus the devoured monsters, he can say that he has reached the current level in seven or eight years.

The longer the cultivation time, the more Gao Jiuding understood that the demon star cultivator followed the path of refining essence among the three treasures of spirit, energy and spirit, while the earth cultivator followed the path of refining qi.

Refining blood is equivalent to accumulating essence, which is a bit different from body refining. Body refining is to comprehensively strengthen the body. This aspect of cultivation benefits the three treasures of essence, energy and spirit.

Therefore, if you want to improve your physical fitness in an all-round way, it is best to start with the most basic strengthening of your physical fitness, and as your physical fitness improves, the three treasures of energy, energy, and spirit will all improve.

Gao Jiuding suspected that if he continued to cultivate like this, he would definitely be able to become a saint physically, and it would not be impossible for Xiaju to ascend by then.

"Cultivating in this way, the possibility of achieving Pure Yang and Transforming God is the greatest, because there is no shortcoming!" Gao Jiuding murmured.

If it wasn't for paving the way for the future, if it wasn't for not having to worry about the limit of longevity, Gao Jiuding would never have been so troublesome to practice repeatedly.

In this regard, no one can teach Gao Jiuding, so he can only figure it out by himself.

Fortunately, he had a lot of time in the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, and after a long time of exploration, he also gained some experience.

Youdao means that the body is strong and strong. If the body and the soul cannot transcend each other in practice, the body and the soul are closely related. The body is healthy and strong, and can nourish the soul!

Similarly, a strong soul will also make people energetic and easy to be healthy!

After he stopped practicing, Gao Jiuding jumped from the balcony and landed on the open space of the palace, and started to practice boxing again. He wanted to develop this boxing technique into supernatural powers, and then he would be very powerful.

Boxing techniques are not limited to the ones you have learned. In fact, there is no fixed deadly move in any martial arts. As long as you master the true essence of the core, you can move according to your heart and never stick to one style!
Just like when you are fighting against others, is it possible that others will be strict and use deadly moves to defeat you? This is obviously impossible!

Gao Jiuding's boxing style has long since departed from the original ordinary foreign boxing style, there is a bit of a shadow, but it is more like a school of its own.

Sometimes it is hard and sometimes it is soft, sometimes it is fast and sometimes it is slow. Sometimes Gao Jiuding will even try to combine the techniques of Zonghe Catch the Dragon, Geshan Beating the Cow and Baibu Shenquan.

In this way, at close range, you can use the mountain to fight cattle, break through the enemy's defense to attack the enemy, at a long distance, you can use the technique of Baibu Shenquan to attack the enemy, and at the right time, you can also use the crane to catch the dragon to disrupt the enemy's attack , and even a magic weapon to capture the enemy.

After incorporating Gao Jiuding's powerful mana, these kinds of ordinary skills have transformed into supernatural powers.

At this time, Gao Jiuding sent him here casually, and his power was immediately displayed.

As Gao Jiuding's movements became faster and faster, there were gusts of strong wind around him, accompanied by sonic booms like the air exploding from time to time.

Sometimes even if the strength is just a little stronger, it will directly shoot out air waves visible to the naked eye in the air.

After practicing boxing for two hours in a row, Gao Jiuding felt that his blood was boiling. Gao Jiuding simply sat cross-legged on the edge of Hualing Pond, and once again entered the state of cultivation.

The glazed golden body has broken through to the fourth stage, and there are no major obstacles. As long as he continues to refine the resources in his body, he can advance to the middle stage of the fourth stage, or even the latter stage. After that, he will have to work hard to break through to the fifth stage. tried.

The fifth stage is the cultivation of the pure yang stage. Now Gao Jiuding doesn't think about it, because his body has not yet broken through to the Dharma stage!
Only when he has advanced to the law, can his physique break through a big realm again with the help of the Liuli Jinshenjue.

(End of this chapter)

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