Chapter 1089
Physically cultivated to Gao Jiuding's current state, there is no way to break through the big realm, but it should not be difficult to break through the small realm!

This is Gao Jiuding's idea, as long as he can break through several times in a row, there will be more choices for smelting heaven and earth spirits.

Everything is to make up for shortcomings, everything is to accumulate foundation, since there is no shortage of time, why doesn't Gao Jiuding do it?
Glancing at the dragon elephant beside Hualing Pool, Gao Jiuding could clearly feel the situation in the dragon elephant's body within the range of his spiritual consciousness.

With the Son of Blood sitting in the body of the Dragon Elephant, Gao Jiuding was not worried that it would come back, but it was definitely not easy to refine the primordial spirit of a great demon at the peak of Dharma.

But at this time, only water grinding is left, which is considered very lucky.

In the Time and Space God Realm, Gao Jiuding was not in a hurry to waste some time, he withdrew his divine sense and began to cultivate the glazed golden body again.

Getting ready again, Gao Jiuding's mind fell into his stomach, and he wanted to refine the accumulation in his stomach again.

With a thought in his mind, a familiar warm current appeared in an instant. Gao Jiuding had encountered such a situation many times, so this time he was able to better control and use this warm current.

He consciously guides this warm current, spreading from the stomach, along the veins and blood vessels, to the limbs, bones, skin and flesh, to every inch of flesh and even every cell in the body!
In just a few breaths, this warm current flows through the whole body!

Gao Jiuding once again felt that his whole body was wrapped in this warm current!

From the inside to the outside, from the outside to the inside, every inch of skin and flesh, even every cell, is wrapped in this warm current!

Then in the warm current, it has been washed and washed again and again.
It was as if all the cells in the whole body were revived in an instant, absorbing this warm current greedily.

And with the integration and absorption of these warm currents, the body also began to slowly undergo a good improvement and transformation.

"En..." Gao Jiuding involuntarily let out a muffled groan, this kind of feeling is simply not too comfortable.

He felt that his whole body was about to fly. This kind of comfort spread all over his body and penetrated into almost every cell. The feeling that the soul is about to break out of the body, like being in a cloud.

This feeling is as if a soul is flying out of the sky, like being on a cloud.

This continuous process lasted for nearly an hour, making Gao Jiuding enjoy it all the time, but after that, he couldn't enjoy it anymore.

"Kaka.ka." A crisp sound began to come from Gao Jiuding's body, as if the bones were beginning to shift position.

Gao Jiuding's bones began to undergo an indescribable transformation, and under the washing of huge waves of energy, they began to creak.

This process is very painful, if the pain is graded, Gao Jiuding thinks this is definitely the most painful grade!
This feeling is like the bones are being smashed inch by inch, and then slowly reassembled.

The tendons are the same, Gao Jiuding feels the tendons in his body being pulled and pulled in various ways, like playing with rubber bands!
"Boom, boom, boom, boom" Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of roaring sounds from Gao Jiuding's body, like thunder.

Gao Jiuding felt his blood was boiling, mixed with that warm current, rushing through his body crazily.

The roar became louder and louder, Gao Jiuding's face and neck and other exposed skin began to turn red, as if being boiled, and the magic robe on his body also slowly swelled up, as if there was a lot of blood hidden inside. It took a breath, more and more, and the clothes became more and more swollen and bloated!

"Bang" at the end, an ordinary magic robe swelled to the extreme, bursting directly, like a balloon exploding, turning into pieces of cloth and flying around.

In an instant, Gao Jiuding's entire upper body came out naked, revealing an astonishing picture of his body.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding's entire upper body was covered with blue veins exposed, each tendon and blood vessel protruding from his flesh like a suddenly bursting horned dragon, trembling!

These tendons seem to be alive, as if they are about to break out of the body!
Gao Jiuding's flesh also became red, wriggling inch by inch, sometimes contracted, sometimes swollen, red blood and sweat seeped out from the pores.

At first glance, Gao Jiuding's entire body was wriggling violently, as if the flesh, blood, tendons and veins in his body had all come to life, and this appearance was scary to look at.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!." In Gao Jiuding's body, there were constant roars, like thunder.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding only felt as if there was a torrent in his body, hitting a certain barrier in his body, like a flood hitting a dam!
Although it didn't rush away, the torrent was getting bigger and bigger, and the impact became stronger every time.

In the constant impact, his flesh, tendons, bones, viscera, acupoints and even every cell in his body are also bearing the damage caused by the impact.

Slowly, I don't know how long it took, it seemed like an hour, and it seemed like longer.

The protruding tendons and blood vessels on Gao Jiuding's body began to subside slowly, and the violently wriggling flesh also returned to calm.

The whole person returned to the way it was before, calm as before.

However, within his body, the thunderous roar did not diminish in the slightest, instead it became louder and louder.

"Boom. Boom."

There was a loud noise, as dull as thunder, and it was heard hundreds of meters away. Fortunately, there was no one practicing around here, otherwise it would be absolutely scary.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding only felt that his body was filled with an explosive force, wanting to explode!
But in his own body, there seemed to be an invisible barrier, like a shackle, tightly restraining this force, preventing it from erupting.

In the end, this force seemed to become a torrent, and that invisible barrier became a dam, colliding fiercely with each other!
This process was very painful, Gao Jiuding felt like his body was going to explode in this kind of impact and collision.

Bright red blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth, and Gao Jiuding felt that he had suffered an internal injury. If this continues, even if his body doesn't explode, all internal organs in his body will explode.

"Chichi." Two soft sounds of flesh tearing came from Gao Jiuding's skin. On his chest, there was a finger-long crack where the flesh suddenly split.

"Chi! Chi! Chi!." And after this crack opened, it was out of control.

With the sound of skin and flesh tearing, Gao Jiuding's body was like a fragile porcelain, with cracks densely covered.

Chest, abdomen, arms, thighs, back, neck, face... the whole body, everything!

At this moment, Gao Jiuding looked like an extremely fragile piece of porcelain that was slowly cracking.

This is astonishing, Gao Jiuding's physique is so strong now, it is difficult to break through with a sword, and its toughness is stronger than steel, but at this moment, it is starting to crack like fragile porcelain.

Soon, Gao Jiuding's entire body was also stained red with blood, and streams of blood flowed out from the split flesh!

Because there were too many cracks, in just a moment, his whole body became a blood man, which looked extremely tragic.

Gao Jiuding sensed this situation, but he didn't panic, because he seemed to have experienced such a situation once.

Thinking of the stone bridge not far away, how many tissues in his body were crushed from the inside to the outside under the pressure of endless gravity?
But didn't he recover easily in the end?Now his body has not collapsed, and it is still within the tolerance range.

However, Gao Jiuding sighed secretly in his heart, his potential should be almost exhausted!
It's too late, he's a bit self-righteous, after this breakthrough, if his own cultivation level doesn't improve, he can't continue his physical training.

If there is not enough greed, maybe the next time he devours a lot of resources and quickly increases his physical strength, he will only be able to collapse his physical body instantly.

Up to now, how can Gao Jiuding not know that none of the three treasures of spirit, energy and spirit can surpass the other great realm!
Gao Jiuding means that he has accumulated a lot, otherwise, this time he will look good to him!
Of course, he is miserable now. Fortunately, the current situation is not the worst, so Gao Jiuding has been insisting, 1 minute, 10 minutes, an hour.
Time passed by every minute and every second, and I don't know how long it took, as if everything had returned to calm.

Gao Jiuding sat cross-legged on the ground quietly, the blood all over his body had solidified into scabs, covering his whole body, motionless.

The breath is almost imperceptible, as if it has passed away!

However, in less than a moment, Gao Jiuding's body, who was sitting quietly, suddenly shook violently.

A powerful aura suddenly erupted from his body, and the scabs formed by coagulated blood on his body exploded and flew around in an instant.

"Boom!" A huge energy in the body broke through the dam like a torrent.

In the silence, Gao Jiuding's body trembled violently, and he felt an invisible shackle in his body suddenly shatter!

The moment the shackle-like barrier in his body was broken, his consciousness had already fallen into a mysterious and mysterious realm, ethereal and self-centered.

A powerful mysterious energy spreads in the body in an instant, like a torrent that has been opened, it flows through the limbs and bones in an instant, covering every inch of bones, flesh, tendons, and blood in the body!
Even every single cell was constantly flushed, and under the covering and flushing of this energy, Gao Jiuding's body also directly undergoes an astonishing transformation and evolution.

His consciousness was ethereal, and he fell into a mysterious state. He felt that his soul and body were completely connected at this moment, and felt every slight change in his body!
The beating of the heart, the circulation of blood, the respiration of cells
He clearly felt that under that mysterious energy, his entire body was improving at an astonishing speed!

Feeling full of strength, feeling more and more expanded.
 Thanks for the reward from the brothers of the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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