The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1090 Otherworldly

Chapter 1090 Otherworldly
"Boom!" Finally, when this feeling reached its peak, a cloud of blood-red mist suddenly erupted from Gao Jiuding's body.

"Pfft! Puff! Pfft" This is the Qi and blood in Gao Jiuding's body, which directly burst out of his body.

Accompanied by a terrifying and powerful aura, the energy and blood exploded, forming a powerful blood mist that swept across like a hurricane, directly covering the space of more than ten meters around him!

From a distance, it looks like a large blood-colored cloud, more like a red flame, with a scorching hot breath, billowing hot waves.

Some qi and blood formed blood droplets, which splashed on the surrounding ground and spirit flowers and grasses, and directly burned the ground and tree trunks, creating charred black holes the size of thumbs.

This scene is astonishing, the red qi and blood swept across, like an incomparably hot flame, setting off waves of scorching waves!
Gao Jiuding, who was sitting next to him in the middle, was more like a brilliant sun. Some blood was sprayed out and splashed on the surrounding tree trunks and ground, and directly burned the tree trunks and ground into scorched pits the size of thumbs.

Although it was only a thumb-sized scorched pit, it was only caused by splashed blood, which was simply appalling!
If someone saw this scene at this moment, they would have been stunned!
The roiling heat wave swept across the surroundings, and it took a long time for Gao Jiuding to stand up from the ground, and his blood subsided before he calmed down.

When everything calmed down, looking at the ground where Gao Jiuding was before, and the surrounding places that were previously covered by Qi and blood, they were basically withered and yellow, as if they had been scorched by fire.

"This, this is body forging? This is also a kind of way?" Feeling the result of this body forging, Gao Jiuding himself was stunned.

At this moment, he realized that he seemed to have created a powerful cultivation method with all kinds of miscellaneous things.

Standing up from the ground, Gao Jiuding couldn't help but take a deep breath, feeling the vast power in his body that was many times stronger than before. He said to himself, and then shook his hands hard.

"Boom!" As he pinched his hands vigorously, a sound exploded directly in his palm!
The two air waves visible to the naked eye spread directly around his palm, like a strong wind, and spread out for a full three or four meters before dissipating. This is because the air was directly crushed by his hands!
After the last breakthrough, he still needed to wave his arm to cause this kind of explosion, but this time, he just clenched his fist!
powerful!Unprecedented power!
This is Gao Jiuding's only feeling at the moment, and he is so much stronger than before. He feels that his whole body is swollen!
The invisible shackles and barriers in the body no longer existed, replaced by an unprecedented sense of strength and pleasure, as if a qualitative change had taken place in the whole body.

Gao Jiuding knew that this was another breakthrough of the body's limit, which should not be much worse than the limit-breaking state during the Qi refining period.

Break through the original barriers and step into another new world.

It is a qualitative change of the whole body, touching the metamorphosis!
"Boom!" With a loud noise, the ground under Gao Jiuding's feet exploded in the night.

With a sudden force on his feet, his body slammed, and he jumped more than 20 meters high, and the ground under his feet was directly trampled out of a big pit more than half a meter deep.

"Boom!" Finally, Gao Jiuding's body jumped out of the palace and landed in a grove more than 30 meters away. As his body fell, a big hole was stepped on the ground!
The body fell to the ground, Gao Jiuding was not injured at all, his face and eyes were full of excitement, the strength after the breakthrough made him intoxicated, and he couldn't extricate himself!
He wanted to see how far his body had reached after the breakthrough. According to the physical changes he had just felt, he had already reached the point of transformation!
Washing the hair and cutting the marrow is too weak. To get rid of the mortal body and achieve the innate, is he walking on the road of rebelling against innate?Or turn into a fairy?

If you analyze it in detail, the kung fu created by Gao Jiuding's deduction is really extraordinary. If you look at it according to the qi training process, then he has reached the fourth stage of cultivation, or the fourth revolution.

The first turn is the physique of the Qi training stage. Entering the second turn, the changes are drastic. That is the physique of the foundation building stage, and the third turn is naturally the physique of the Jindan stage. Now it is the middle of the fourth turn, which belongs to the Faxiang stage. Metamorphosis.

Moreover, it was the middle stage of Faxiang, Gao Jiuding's physique at this time was absolutely comparable to that of the ancestors in the middle stage of Faxiang.

Gao Jiuding has experienced the attack power and power of the ancestor in the middle stage of Faxiang, which is more than ten times stronger than that of the monks in the early stage of Faxiang.

Therefore, although he has only entered a small realm now, compared with the previous big realm, his progress is even greater.

Gao Jiuding knew that every step of his progress would lead to a huge transformation until he truly turned into a fairy!
Now relying solely on his body, he can even unleash the attack power of a monk in the mid-stage of Dharma, so is he still far from Chunyang?You must know that cultivator Chunyang is a land god in the world!
Of course, without the mana blessing of the ancestor in the middle stage of Dharma, he is so powerful that he is a paper tiger.

However, one day he will advance to the Dharma phase and become the ancestor of the Dharma phase!
At that time, he will have a stronger body. At that time, the patriarch Faxiang will be slaughtered at will like a chicken or a dog in his hands?

Gao Jiuding knew that if he continued to practice like this, a natural beast like the water and fire python might not dare to compare his physique with him.

Even if it is a dragon elephant, Gao Jiuding has the confidence to wrestle with it at this time.

This is the so-called transformation, and transformation is so powerful!
"Boom!" With a movement of Gao Jiuding, the ground under his feet exploded again, and his body suddenly soared into the sky!

This time, it jumped up to a height of more than 30 meters and rushed to a flat place!
After a few vertical jumps, he was away from the palace.

Previously, he had scruples, he was afraid of destroying his own things, but after staying away from the palace, Gao Jiuding no longer had any scruples, and the strength of his whole body exploded, gathering on his feet, without any reservations.

"Boom!" The ground beside the high ridge collapsed directly under Gao Jiuding's foot, and his body was shot into the sky like a cannonball!
This time, Gao Jiuding's whole body directly leapt up to a height of more than 50 meters. When he looked back and overlooked the ground and the palaces behind him, he could see the whole palaces as far as he could see in almost an instant. Overlooking everything, the feeling of stepping on the world under your feet.

Standing high in the sky, Gao Jiuding suddenly soared into the air again, with his hands open, he was in the state of a big roc spreading its wings, and turned into a black shadow, sliding towards the distant mountains and forests, just like flying!
Carefree, comfortable, free. This is a feeling that has never been felt before!

The vast land, let me roam, and roam without any external force!
"Roar!" In the forest, Gao Jiuding roared loudly, shaking the mountains and fields!
Gao Jiuding leaped from one hillside to another, from one peak to another, from a distance, it looked like flying.

This is flying with only the body. His current physique is amazing, and his vertical leap ability is even more amazing. Even on flat ground, under full vertical leap, he can jump up to more than 50 meters, and he can move and glide in the air for several breaths. Then he jumped more than 100 meters, and because of his strong physique, the impact of landing had no effect on him at all.

This kind of gliding is not flying, but with such amazing jumping power, it is almost flying!

Even Gao Jiuding felt that if he used the same lightness kung fu as lightness kung fu, it would not be impossible to achieve a short flight.

Relying entirely on the body, one can fly without mana and essence, which breaks through the limitations of the physical body.

Running with all his strength, jumping in the mountains and forests, there is no clear purpose, all he wants is to test and vent!
Test your situation after the breakthrough and vent your emotions at this moment.

Regardless of others, he no longer needs to hide the emotions in his heart.

After running for a while, after testing his jumping and speed, Gao Jiuding saw a rocky cliff more than 30 meters high and 40 meters wide!

His eyes lit up, and he immediately moved to test his current strength. He rushed over, his body almost turned into an afterimage, jumped high, and punched in the middle of the cliff more than ten meters high!
"Boom!" As a result, he punched down, only to hear a loud noise, and before Gao Jiuding could react, the top of his head went dark!
A large boulder fell down, like a landslide, the entire cliff directly collapsed a large area more than ten meters wide!

Countless boulders fell down, and he was directly buried in the boulders.

"Bah! Bah! Bah!." After a while, Gao Jiuding was a little embarrassed, and climbed out from a pile of rocks more than ten meters high!
Looking at the half-collapsed cliff in front of him, several question marks appeared in Gao Jiuding's mind!
In other words, such a large area of ​​the cliff has collapsed, so the question is, how strong is my current strength?
Without specific data, Gao Jiuding can only rely on his personal feelings!
Strong, strong!Very strong!Then, gone.

"Is it really necessary to rebel against innateness? The transformation and leap of the whole body, not only the great increase in speed, strength, defense, jumping, etc., but also the vision, hearing, smell, etc., have reached an incredible level. eyesight, eyesight"

"Could the transformation of the body allow the body to awaken supernatural powers? The six supernatural powers of Buddhism, wouldn't that be how they came about? Divine foot power, celestial eye power, celestial ear power, and his heart power all seem to come from strengthening the body!"

The more he understood and the more he thought about it, the more Gao Jiuding affirmed this path of cultivation.

If one really awakens supernatural powers through physical training, it will be blood supernatural powers, which can be inherited through blood, just like his clairvoyance now.

After more than an hour, Gao Jiuding stood on the top of a high mountain!
His eyes fell on the trunk of a big tree about a hundred meters away from him.

Of course, what he was looking at was not the big tree, but an ant crawling on the trunk of the big tree!

(End of this chapter)

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