Chapter 1092
The spiritual consciousness fell into the body of the spiritual weapon Wanshou, through her, Gao Jiuding checked the situation of the entire pagoda!

The speed at which the pagoda absorbs spiritual energy is faster, and there are more fire-type spiritual energy, and even the fairy energy in the Spirit Transformation Pond has increased, which is the effect of dredging the underground fire spiritual vein.

A huge planet, as long as it is active, the largest spiritual veins must be the earth-gold veins and fire veins. If there is no huge gold-type veins to maintain, the planet will collapse. If there are no fire veins and water veins, Then life would not be born.

With the four spiritual veins of earth, fire, metal, and water, the wood spirit veins will naturally be derived, and only with the wood spirit veins can life be derived.

The size of the demon star is not small, so naturally there is no shortage of spiritual veins, especially large or even giant spiritual veins!

However, these spiritual veins are hidden deep underground, and ordinary people cannot see them, nor can they search hundreds of thousands of meters underground.

Therefore, the spiritual veins exposed on the ground are especially important!

And now the incarnation of the water and fire python has dredged this one, which is a large spiritual vein that can go deep into the ground and connect the entire demon star fire spirit vein!
As time goes on, this spiritual vein will definitely be upgraded to a giant spiritual vein.

Of course, now this possibility has been transferred to the Longevity Mountain or the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, because in these two treasures, there are large spiritual veins that want to be promoted to giant spiritual veins.

"Next, dredge the water spirit veins. If the water and fire python is not good at the golden escape technique, it is best to dredge the underground gold spirit veins first. Wait, this dragon elephant is about to be refined, and then he can control the sun, moon and seven star gods." Axe, go deep into the ground to dredge the golden spirit veins!"

Withdrawing his spiritual thoughts, Gao Jiuding's mind fell into the body of the dragon elephant. Ten years later, this dragon elephant was about to be refined, and this time the refining was not just refining his primordial spirit, but Refining together with the body, it is truly conjoined.

At this moment, the huge body of the dragon elephant in front of him became almost transparent, crystal clear, like an ice sculpture.

But his soul was completely swallowed by the blue and red sun, and Gao Jiuding's shadow could be faintly seen in the light of the blue and red sun.

Suddenly, Gao Jiuding opened his eyes, and as his eyes opened, his hands danced with phantoms, forming an extremely mysterious seal formula, and at the same time, he uttered a silent curse.

In an instant, the brilliance of the sun was completely reduced, and then, with a loud bang, the sun disintegrated, turned into countless blood-colored charms and exploded, merging into every inch of flesh and blood of the elephant, dragon and elephant.

Immediately, Long Xiang's body that had been silent for a long time and remained motionless, in Gao Jiuding's perception, unexpectedly had a strong fresh charm.

Of course the dragon elephant is alive, but he is more like a living magic weapon!
Gao Jiuding wanted to train the dragon elephant as a whole into a treasure, and then incorporate a trace of spiritual thoughts into it, assimilating the dragon elephant's primordial spirit, and then activate the dragon elephant's primordial spirit and mana.

This time, Gao Jiuding didn't use the blood shadow magical power to completely assimilate the dragon elephant, mainly because the dragon elephant had already advanced to the law, and he had his own nine great supernatural powers, so he didn't need to continue to use the blood shadow magic power to exert influence at all.

Therefore, compared with the water and fire python, it takes longer to refine the dragon elephant this time, but the benefits are also more, because he can increase the nine supernatural powers again, and all of them are great supernatural powers.

With this kind of benefit, Gao Jiuding naturally had to work hard, so he used the light of thousands of spells, and soon, the body of the dragon elephant returned to its original appearance, as if it hadn't changed at all.

At this time, Gao Jiuding's two-hand seal formula dispersed.

Two extremely blazing thunderfires surged out, and began to burn towards the body of the dragon elephant!
On the body of the dragon elephant, many flesh and blood were incinerated into smoke, making crackling noises.

However, there wasn't the slightest smell of burnt smell coming out, instead there was a different kind of fragrance that filled the entire secret room.

The body of the dragon elephant is more than 300 meters long, and it is extremely huge. Although the flames are unparalleled, they can't wrap it up and burn it in a short time.

The output of thunder and fire lasted for nearly three days before it melted the whole body of the dragon elephant.

At this time, the few impurities left in the dragon elephant's body also disappeared during this calcination.

The flames were extinguished, and the green smoke from the dragon elephant's burning also fell down due to the sharp drop in temperature, turning into a light blue jelly-like substance.

All the jellies add up to hundreds of tons and pile up like a hill.

These jelly-like things are similar to the blood light transformed from Gao Jiuding's body, except that what the dragon elephant transforms is a cyan substance, while the blood shadow divine light transforms a blood substance.

Originally, Gao Jiuding thought that the dragon elephant was metallic and should be transformed into a golden yellow color, but unexpectedly it was bluish white.

Thinking of the whiteness of the western refined metal, Gao Jiuding also realized that this is still not pure. If there is no impurity, the body of the dragon elephant refined at this time should be pure white.

Release your spiritual sense and sense a small mountain in front of you. If you sense it carefully with your soul, you will find that this jelly-like thing is composed of tiny particles.

And if you look closely, you will find that the extremely small particles are all miniature rune crystals.

Each miniature rune is crystal clear and contains aura.

Seeing these runes, Gao Jiuding knew that this was the subtlety of the body of Jilian. As long as these runes were not completely destroyed, the body of the dragon and elephant would be almost immortal, because Gao Jiuding could feel it on it. To faint soul fluctuations.

This point is similar to Gao Jiuding's blood shadow supernatural power, but Gao Jiuding has never observed before, the blood shadow he transformed, I don't know if there are such tiny runes in the blood shadow.

But Gao Jiuding was very sure that there was a trace of soul fluctuation in every trace of his flesh and blood.

The Concentric Blood Curse deduced by Gao Jiuding also uses the power of the soul in the blood to realize the Concentric Concentric Art.

Gao Jiuding has long felt that there are many similarities between "The Second Incarnation" and "Blood Shadow Magic Ability", and after seeing such a scene, he is completely sure.

However, this is not surprising. They are all energy transformations of the body, so there should be something in common.

It's a pity that it's too difficult to completely refine its body without using the blood shadow magic skill, just like practicing the dragon elephant. This time, Gao Jiuding definitely doesn't want to come again.

Spending decades of time just to refine an avatar is a bit of a loss. If you really want to become an avatar, you might as well use the blood shadow magic skill to refine it directly.

Of course, if you put in the effort, you will gain. This time refining the dragon elephant, Gao Jiuding gained a lot.

After Gao Jiuding calmed down and adjusted his breath to the best state, a beam of magic light blasted on the body of the dragon elephant. In an instant, countless bluish-white jelly turned into a long river and flew up from the ground .

Gao Jiuding opened his mouth, and swallowed it completely into his stomach without any haste, following the meridian, it flowed into the dantian.

The dantian is a boundless void, and a vast void flows in it, which is Gao Jiuding's mana space.

As soon as the bluish-white jelly entered the dantian, it began to absorb the power in the void!

One by one, the bluish-white substances all manifested the appearance of runes, and all of them bloomed with dazzling splendor, just like the stars in the night sky.

After all the cyan jellies were inside, they began to line up and reorganize like a galaxy of stars. In just a short moment, a white dragon about [-] meters long was formed.

There is a dark blue in the white, which is the result of impure blood. Although this dragon elephant has a very strong dragon blood, it is still an elephant, not a dragon. This is the difference.

After refining at this time, being able to manifest the dharma form and become a bluish-white dragon is already considered very powerful.

At this time, Gao Jiuding just released a formula with both hands, and the magic power in the meridian acupoints flowed back together, entered the dantian, and benefited into the white dragon.

This process lasted for about an hour, and suddenly, Bailong's whole body was shaken, and terrifying mana aura erupted from everywhere in his body.

"Click, click, click."

The white dragon skyrocketed rapidly, and in just a short while, it turned into a giant white rice.

Where is the white dragon at this time?Now it is exactly the same except for the color and the dragon elephant, there is no difference at all.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding understood that this second incarnation had successfully practiced himself!

Moreover, it is a complete sacrificial training, a sacrificial training that is completely integrated into Gao Jiuding's body. Gao Jiuding can [-]% stimulate the power of the dragon and elephant.

From now on, he is no longer an ant, but a strong man.

Although it can't suppress the world yet, it is enough to make a move and lay a solid foundation for a broader future!

Having achieved the second incarnation of a peak monk in the late stage of Dharma, Gao Jiuding can be regarded as standing at the pinnacle of this world.

As long as Chunyang doesn't come out, he doesn't have to be afraid of anyone, even if Chunyang appears, he is not an ant, and under Gao Jiuding's other means, he is confident that he can save his life.

There was another sharp increase in strength, and Gao Jiuding didn't have the heart to practice anymore, because if he continued to practice, he couldn't increase his strength quickly in a short period of time.

Manifesting the incarnation of the dragon and elephant, leaving the main body to continue to practice, Gao Jiuding got up and walked outside the hall!
As soon as he got to the outside room, he suddenly felt relieved.

He has practiced continuously for decades, even if he is devoted to cultivation and sacrifices to the avatar outside of the body, he still feels a little bored.

Feeling the endless pure magic power in the incarnation, Gao Jiuding flew out of the mountain protection circle of his own mountain gate with a thought!

After so many years, the outer layer of restriction covering Longevity Mountain has been completely refined by Wanshou. At this time, he just had a thought, opened the restriction, and naturally flew out of Longevity Mountain.

Looking at the pitch-black underground river in front of him, Gao Jiuding casually swiped, and a crack in space appeared.

Drilling into the space crack, when it reappeared, Gao Jiuding had already come to the Daxue Mountain again.

(End of this chapter)

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