The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1093 Dragon Elephant Supernatural Powers

Chapter 1093 Dragon Elephant Supernatural Powers

Looking at the surrounding sea of ​​clouds, the sea is calm, but Gao Jiuding can still feel the huge confinement, which is the suppression of the ice soul cold light formation.

It doesn't matter, although he can't control the Ice Soul Cold Light Formation yet, it will be a matter of time!
When the Longevity Mountain is completely refined, at that time, the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead that is part of the Longevity Mountain will naturally be controlled by the Longevity Mountain!
At that time, this large formation, including the cave inside it, will also belong to him.

Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding felt very comfortable. He let out a long roar, and the vitality of heaven and earth echoed immediately, starting with him and rushing in all directions, overlapping into endless ripples.

Then he turned his magic power far away, absorbed the vitality of the world and threw it towards himself, and a primordial spirit did it with all its strength, the power was really terrifying.

But seeing the sudden changes in the surrounding hundreds of miles, the vitality of heaven and earth poured into the incarnations outside the body one after another. In a trance, Gao Jiuding felt that the sun's light seemed to be distorted, caught in the vitality, and refined into mana together.

Gao Jiuding was so comfortable, the second soul was possessed on the dharma form, and it immediately manifested!

A white dragon with the size of a kilometer suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth, roaring with its head raised, swallowing the vitality of the heaven and the earth, playing with wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and its power overwhelmed thousands of miles away.

Gao Jiuding's second incarnation manifested its power, and immediately alarmed the monks within a thousand miles. They all came out of the cave, looked at the white dragon swinging in the wind and clouds, and only had one thought in their hearts. Treasure?
Gao Jiuding was full of joy, and was displaying the power of the second incarnation to his heart's content. Suddenly, several dull sounds of rolling thunder sounded from the sky, reaching his ears.

As soon as the thunder sounded, Gao Jiuding felt an inexplicable sense of crisis.

Before he had time to think about it, a strong invisible coercion descended from the sky, intending to crush it into a pulp.

He has no ability to resist this kind of pressure, so the second incarnation naturally hovers over his head to block that pressure!
In such a situation, how could Gao Jiuding not guess what was going on?

"How can there be a catastrophe? There is no record of this in the classics of the Beast Master Sect!"

To achieve the incarnation of the primordial spirit, do you have to go through the catastrophe?
Naturally, Gao Jiuding knew the calamity of the dharma phase and the kalpa of pure yang, but his second incarnation, the dragon elephant, had already achieved the dharma phase.
If it is said that the dragon elephant has achieved the pure yang state through his own refining, then he will not believe anything he says!

Although Gao Jiuding was very surprised, now is obviously not the time to pursue this. The catastrophe is coming soon, and the most important thing to do is to be prepared.

Of course, Du Jie couldn't be outside, otherwise people would take advantage of it, but there was no reason to go.

After thinking about it for a while, Gao Jiuding decided to go to Lantao Mountain and hide in the secret place to survive the catastrophe. Not to mention that the number of catastrophes can be reduced a lot, others can't see it.

Lantao Mountain was originally the territory of Dragon Elephant, it occupies a favorable location, and there are two powerful weapons of magma, ground fire and five-cloud peach blossom miasma to rely on, it is the best place he can think of now.

If you make up your mind, Gao Jiuding will act immediately without any delay.

The white dragon's dharma form suddenly dispersed, pouring down like a flowing spring and waterfall, and then turned into a shocking blue rainbow, fleeing towards the ground.

This method is the unique supernatural power of the master of the primordial spirit - the body turns into a flying rainbow, not only with unparalleled speed, but also with tyrannical combat power!

The thunder shook the sky, and the blue rainbow crossed the sky. Such a vision shocked countless monks around the Daxue Mountain. Some people were frightened and wanted to take action unconsciously.

Looking at the sky again, the sound of rolling thunder became more and more dense, and dark clouds also surged from all directions.

Under such a situation, who doesn't understand what's going on, someone is going to cross the catastrophe!

They all put down their minds to fight, and no one wanted to be accidentally injured by Tianjie.

The rainbow turns into a flying escape with unrivaled speed, and the land of thousands of miles becomes crossed in the blink of an eye.

Because no one stopped him, Gao Jiuding quickly disappeared into the formation!

Without anyone's attention, Gao Jiuding escaped into the ground, immediately tore apart the space, appeared outside the Longevity Mountain, and then was lured by Wanshou, and escaped into the secret realm.

With the higher refining level, Wanshou became more familiar with the control of Wanshou Mountain, and it became faster.

After entering the secret realm, he was immediately not far from Mount Rotten Peach.

This time, Gao Jiuding naturally didn't need to be so troublesome, he directly flew in from high altitude, feeling the coercion emanating from the white dragon's amulet, at this time no monster dared to come out to attack him.

It fell smoothly and submerged into the volcano.

The heavenly tribulation is designed for each person, and it locks on the life breath of the person who crosses the catastrophe. As long as they are in this world, no matter where they go, they will follow.

If you want to hide there, there are only two ways: first, open up the world and form a small world of your own, hide in it, and never come out;
Second, there is a secret method of deceiving the sky, which can conceal one's cultivation.

These two methods are impossible for Gao Jiuding to do. Of course, even if he could do it, he would not do it.

Because, he practiced the conjoined body art to make himself powerful enough to protect his deity in a short period of time!

If he can only be a tortoise after repairing it, or if he can't make casual moves, then he might as well not waste this time!
Therefore, Gao Jiuding was very determined to overcome this catastrophe.

Even if there is a secret place in the Longevity Mountain to hide his aura, he didn't choose to hide it, but faced the doom head-on!

Gao Jiuding has always been scheming, so he is not a reckless person, and he has something to rely on for daring to overcome the catastrophe just after the second incarnation of Dragon Elephant has been achieved.

His reliance is that Longxiang himself has experienced the experience of surviving the catastrophe twice, and if he survives the catastrophe again, he is probably a monk of pure yang.

"Damn it, is this the Transformation Tribulation?" At this time, Gao Jiuding thought that the Dragon Elephant might never have survived the Transformation Tribulation, and he just went out for a while, but inadvertently made the Dragon Elephant Transformed!

At this time, Gao Jiuding could only smile wryly. How could he have imagined that both dragons and elephants were at the peak of their dharma appearance, and they were only half a step away from advancing to the pure yang stage, so they didn't survive the transformation.

Why did the Yaozu cross the Transformation Tribulation very early?As long as there is a demon clan with inheritance and some knowledge, they all survived the catastrophe of transformation in a very early period!
Although the transformation may not be complete, such as keeping the head and tail of the beast, but the sooner the transformation is over, the easier it will be.

And when it comes to the strength of a dragon and an elephant, the number of crossing the transformation calamity is almost the same as going through three calamities!

The most important thing is that he will go through the third calamity of the Dharma phase, and the power of the catastrophe will definitely increase, at least it will be much stronger than the power of this time.

Feeling very bitter, but crisis is also an opportunity!
If it can survive, then with the aptitude and accumulation of Dragon Elephant, after advancing to Pure Yang, it will certainly not be an ordinary Pure Yang cultivator. The most important thing is that it has unlimited potential.

"It's a good thing!" Gao Jiuding gritted his teeth and said.

There are countless planets in the starry sky, who knows what dangers they will encounter?

Even above the demon star, the stronger the strength, the better.

Gao Jiuding's mind was concentrated in the primordial spirit of the dragon elephant, trying to understand the physical condition of the dragon elephant as much as possible.

Although Longxiang's thoughts were dispersed, his memory remained intact.

Speaking of which, although Long Xiang, an otaku, has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, ninety-nine percent of them are sleeping and practicing. He really doesn't have much memory, and even less of it is useful.

Apart from a few limited supernatural powers, only the experience of crossing the tribulation is left.

"Scattering beans into soldiers, judging the heaven and earth, calling the wind and rain, shaking the mountains and the earth, riding the fog and rising the clouds, shining the golden light on the earth, turning the rivers and seas, pointing the earth into steel, and changing the body into shape?"

His mind was completely integrated into the Dragon Elephant Primordial Spirit, and after Gao Jiuding understood his supernatural powers, he was stunned.

He is familiar with the names of many supernatural powers!

What are these?The familiar supernatural powers are far superior to those of the water and fire python.

Bean soldiers?Condensing the supernatural powers of puppetry, as long as Longxiang thinks about it, it is just a thought, and it can be transformed into a soldier puppet by splitting a trace of golden energy, which is similar to Monkey King's life-saving hair!
As long as the strength is strong, countless clones can be evolved to fight. As for the strength, it depends on the strength of the main body. This is a kind of supernatural power.

Not to mention Faxiang Tiandi, this thing is the supernatural power of changing size, although it is common, but for a big man like a dragon elephant, it can even destroy the world when it is used.

Calling the wind and calling the rain, flying the clouds and driving the fog, and overturning the rivers and seas, these three supernatural powers seem to come from the blood of the dragon clan. Although the names seem a bit rustic, it is definitely not easy to do it.

Not to mention shaking the mountains and shaking the ground, this may be the supernatural power derived from the Dragon Elephant's body. With his size, just a casual movement is enough to shake the mountains and the ground.

There is also Zongdi Jinguang, which is an escape method, and it is a very powerful escape method. It mainly travels underground, and it is very fast.

As for pointing to the ground to form steel, this is also a supernatural power derived from the metal attribute of the dragon and elephant, and I don't know what it is useful for.

And the final transformation of the fetus into shape is even more difficult to understand, but through the fusion of the memory of the dragon and elephant, Gao Jiuding knows that the reason why the dragon and elephant have slept for thousands of years is because of this supernatural power.

In other words, this supernatural power was derived from his sleep for thousands of years. This is the fundamental method of dragon elephant cultivation, and his whole body of cultivation is accumulated through this supernatural power.

After learning about these nine supernatural powers, Gao Jiuding realized that these supernatural powers are either natal supernatural powers, or supreme supernatural powers derived from natural talents, which are much more powerful than the water and fire python.

Of course, the dragon blood of the water fire python is very sparse, or even none. As long as he has the two abilities of water fire god thunder and god evil, he is enough to fight against dragon elephants.

"What a talent, what a supernatural power!" Originally, Gao Jiuding thought it would take him a long time to use it, but he didn't expect that this moment would come so soon.

Above the sky, thunder rolled, and with the sound of thunder, countless black clouds suddenly emerged from the void, rolling in like waves of the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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