Chapter 1094 Dharma monk (100 monthly tickets plus updates)

When the catastrophe came, the world changed drastically. In an instant, endless black clouds filled the sky, covering the sky and covering the entire Rotten Peach Mountain.

In the black clouds, countless distorted electric lights flicker, piercing the clouds and chasing the fog, like a golden snake dancing wildly, shining for nine days.

Although the dragon elephant incarnation is deep in the earth fire magma, but with the huge consciousness of the dragon elephant incarnation, he can perceive everything outside very clearly.

Seeing this, he understood that the Heavenly Tribulation had already accumulated almost all of his savings after his wild run, and next, he was about to face the real power of the sky.

How dare Gao Jiuding neglect this?

The incarnation of the dragon elephant shouted loudly, and from the billowing lava, large balls flew out of it.

These round balls, with black and red colors constantly flowing, are exactly the earth lung poisonous fire.

In an instant, hundreds of earth lung poison fireballs rushed out from the crater!
The poisonous fireball flew into the sky and rushed towards the black robbery cloud that was almost pressing down on the mountain.

To Yang Thunder Tribulation, it is most effective to use Yin Fire to respond to it. This is the experience Gao Jiuding gained from the memory of Longxiang.

Therefore, he wanted to see if he could dispel some of it before the Heavenly Tribulation failed to gain momentum!
As soon as the earth lung poison fireball rushed into the robbery cloud, it immediately dispersed and turned into a ball of blazing flames, silently eliminating the surrounding robbery cloud.

Hundreds of poisonous fireballs shot out, immediately melting away a radius of about [-] meters, and the robbery cloud within this range was completely empty.

However, Gao Jiuding, who hadn't waited to be happy, heard a "click" explosion, and a golden thunder light that was as thick as the mouth of a bowl meandered down along a zigzag route, aiming to destroy the bones He swept away all the earth lung poisonous fire, and then continued downward, hacking directly from the crater.

Immediately afterwards, more black clouds emerged from the void and gathered, making the robbery cloud thicker and thicker.

"Puff puff"

Under the control of Gao Jiuding, the ground fire magma cooled instantly, condensed into countless fine steel long swords, burst out, and slashed towards the thunderbolt.

The supernatural power of pointing to the earth to form steel is still very useful. Countless fine steel long swords strangled all the way, and soon wiped out the thunder from the sky.

However, as soon as this ray of lightning went out, another ray struck down, and it was even stronger, more dazzling, and more powerful.

Gao Jiuding once again incarnated as a dragon elephant, swelled the power of magma, turned into countless long swords, and wiped them out.

Gao Jiuding at this time, although it was easy to deal with it, he understood that this was just Lei Jie's initial temptation, and the real power of heaven had not come down yet!
If it comes, it can really be said that the sentence is fulfilled: Thunder is like a rainstorm!

"If this goes on like this, it will inevitably be passive. It is still a matter of offense and defense, and it is appropriate to defend against the enemy outside the country!"

Thinking of this, the incarnation of the dragon elephant immediately let out a shocking and long cry, and the power of the earth fire magma instantly became violent, intending to erupt.

Mount Rotten Peach shook like an earthquake.

Accompanied by the shaking, chug. chug. Countless miasma that had settled in the depths of the swamp for thousands of years surged out, turning into countless colorful beams of light, soaring into the sky.

As more and more colorful beams of light gradually merged together, a colorful beam of hundreds of acres in size was formed, soaring into the sky!
In an instant, the entire top of Mount Rotten Peach was shrouded in it.

At this moment, thunder and lightning lashed down wildly, but no matter how difficult it was to directly smash into the crater, they all smashed on the colorful beam of light.

This colorful beam of light is exactly the Five Clouds Peach Blossom Miasma. However, it is different from the ordinary Five Clouds Peach Blossom Miasma. substance.

The thunderbolt strikes on it, ripples and ripples, and a large part of its power is unexpectedly removed.

Although it was still torn apart and obliterated under the evil-destroying attribute of Thunderbolt and Lightning, the Wuyun Peach Blossom Miasma was like a tide in the ocean, and as it disappeared and replenished, it consumed more than half of the power of Thunderbolt and Lightning.

Although Wuyun Peach Blossom Miasma is fierce, but facing the thunder, some of them have not completely penetrated through, and their strength has been exhausted.

Although this method is effective, Gao Jiuding felt blood dripping from his heart when he saw it.

Because these thousand-year-old malaise are the materials he has prepared long ago to refine the magic weapon for his second incarnation.

He is very clear that these thousand-year miasmas are not endless, and if they are consumed too much, their power will inevitably be greatly reduced.

Although there are many magic weapons in the world, it is not easy to find one that is incomparably compatible with oneself.

However, there is nothing he can do now, he can only step up the power of the ground fire magma at the same time, erupt out, and work together to stop it.

After all, the immediate difficulties are the most important.

When Gao Jiuding was going through all kinds of hardships, a figure of a person quietly appeared on the emerald peak opposite Lantao Mountain.

This person, dressed in blood-colored animal skin, with long blood-red hair hanging loosely, has a refined face and a slight smile. He is indeed a great cultivator in the late stage of Dharma Aspect!

I saw that he took off the big red gourd that was about a foot high on his back without being in a hurry, lifted the cover, and faced Lantaoshan from a distance, muttering something in his mouth.

In an instant, above the multicolored beam of light, a thousand-year-old miasma with a thick bowl mouth flew out admiringly, towards Cuifeng, and sank into the gourd.

He was just absorbing the thousand-year-old miasma surging up from the ground. It seemed that not only Gao Jiuding knew that these peach blossom miasmas were treasures, but even the natives of this secret realm knew that they were treasures.

The Five Clouds Peach Blossom Miasma was a big barrier for the Dragon Elephant to cross the catastrophe several times before, and all its movements were naturally under the monitoring of Gao Jiuding.

Such a change, of course, cannot be hidden from the incarnation of the dragon elephant.

Immediately, the consciousness of the Dragon Elephant's incarnation expanded. Looking at it, it was discovered that the one who collected the Five Clouds and Peach Blossom Miasma was a demon who couldn't see the truth!

With a slight twist in Gao Jiuding's heart, he realized that this person was a great monk hiding in this secret realm.

At this level, there are not many who dare to provoke dragon elephants, but they just don't know what kind of existence it is.

While surviving the tribulation, Gao Jiuding searched for the memory of the dragon elephant.

It turned out that it had been premeditated long ago, and Long Xiang was well aware of this red-haired great monk's covetous heart for the thousand-year-old five-cloud peach blossom miasma.

Through the memories left by the elephant dragon, Gao Jiuding knew that almost every time the dragon elephant vented the accumulated hostility, the red-haired monk would come to collect it.

It's just that the millennium miasma has long been regarded as the private property of the dragon elephant, so the time for each emergence is very short, only a moment.

Moreover, the time is still not fixed, so the amount collected by the red-haired monk in the past was not much.

Judging by his current posture, it is obvious that he wants to take this opportunity to charge more once and for all.

However, at a time like this, he would not dare to let the Dragon Elephant incarnate remove the Five Clouds Peach Blossom Miasma, after all, Heavenly Tribulation is no joke.

Not only that, he also had to allocate part of his strength to keep an eye on the movements of the red-haired monk and prevent him from taking advantage of the situation to rob him.

Gao Jiuding's current second incarnation is only in its infancy. Although a part of his soul has been integrated into the primordial spirit of the dragon elephant, it cannot be directly controlled yet!
In fact, he can't control the dragon elephant like an arm and a finger, but controls the dragon elephant incarnation through indirect commands.

There will be a delay, if it is dealing with ordinary monks, it doesn't matter, but for this unknown monk who is also a big monk, Gao Jiuding must be careful.

Now the primordial spirit of the Dragon Elephant, without the command of Gao Jiuding himself, would not be able to exert its due strength at all.

If this second incarnation is taken away, it is almost easy to wipe out the spirituality, and then transfer one's own thoughts.

It's so easy to get a clone of a peak cultivator who is comparable to himself. Anyone who sees it will probably be tempted.

Gao Jiuding was very wary of this red-haired monk!

At this time, he also realized that in a place where immortal artifacts can be cultivated, the cultivation of high-level monsters here must be able to reach the peak of Dharma.

Because of the peak monster beasts, the Beast Master Sect can make them evolve into heaven-reaching spiritual treasures.

Only a pure yang monk can evolve into a cave spirit treasure!

This secret realm can also be regarded as a cave, but it has been severely damaged.

Such a big cave, supporting the growth of all things, is a miracle of heaven and earth, and ordinary monsters can't afford it.

As for the fairy weapon, it needs to be evolved into a magic weapon in the cave, and then continue to be promoted!

At this time, the secret cave at the foot of Gao Jiuding may have the qualifications to be promoted to a fairy weapon.

"What kind of cave is this?" At this moment, Gao Jiuding realized that he was a little confused. What level of secret realm is this secret realm?

It must not be the secret realm derived from the ice soul cold light pearl, so what kind of treasure is the secret realm derived from?Is there a spirit of mystery?

The magic weapon of the cave must be controlled by at least one pure yang spirit, right?

However, now it seems that there is no pure yang spirit controlling here, no, there should be, and Qi Ling Wanshou should know about it.

Gao Jiuding pays attention to the red-haired monk from time to time. He knows that without the support of the giant spiritual vein, it is unlikely that there will be a pure-yang monk here, and naturally there will be no way to evolve the Dongtian Lingbao.

However, without the pure yang cultivator, there should be no shortage of Faxiang great cultivators. Longxiang is one of them, and the red-haired cultivator not far away is also one of them.

After digesting Longxiang's memory, Gao Jiuding found that he still had a vague impression of this person, as if he was elusive and difficult to grasp.

Long Xiang searched for him, but couldn't find where he was staying.

For such a person, the specific strength is not clear, so naturally he will not be at ease.

Gao Jiuding can only concentrate on controlling the dragon and elephant now, and will never leave any flaws. If one is not careful and loses the control of this avatar, it will be troublesome.

In fact, if you want to avoid this, there is no way!
As long as Gao Jiuding separates his soul from his body and transfers all of it into the Dragon Elephant Primordial Spirit, there will be no future troubles.

Because a large part of the conjoined concentric technique created by the Beastmaster Sect is used to extend life, which is also similar to rebirth by seizing the house.

 Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, the king of heaven and earth, lads4017 brothers for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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