The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1096 Breaking the Imprisonment

Chapter 1096 Breaking the Imprisonment
Although the Dragon Elephant has cultivated a magic weapon similar to the Dragon Ball, but the quality is not good, so it emits golden light. If the quality is high enough, it should emit white light.

The Qi of Gengxin, the genus of sharp metal, the purest should be white.

If it is said that monks use magic weapons as the strongest combat power, then monsters are the magic weapons of Yaodan, the natal magic weapon.

The accumulation of monster pill energy is more difficult than the refining of magic weapons, so once it is cultivated, it will change psychically, like an arm and a finger.

If you practice to a high level, you can also place your thoughts on it. Thousands of people will kill the enemy. If you cultivate into a primordial spirit, you can directly use it as a second primordial spirit.

The second soul is not the second incarnation, it is equivalent to having an extra soul, and it really has two lives!

The most important thing is that Gao Jiuding's body can also use this fake dragon ball to cultivate into a second soul, so this thing is extremely precious.

Of course, Gao Jiuding has many incarnations, and now he is not eager to split his soul, cultivate into a second soul, and obtain a second life, so he didn't make this idea either.

The demon pill of dragon elephant is condensed according to its blood inheritance, and its quality is higher than that of ordinary monsters, and its power is also greater.

Although this demon pill is not a dragon ball, it is not bad. It is the purest ground fire smelted gold condensed. It is not only extremely sharp, but also contains powerful flame power.

It can be said that every pill energy is equivalent to a powerful golden flying sword, so Gao Jiuding is not afraid of the enemy's head-on collision.

In the void, thousands of red rays of light criss-crossed, colliding with each other, shattering one after another, turning into an infinite rain of light, which scattered colorfully.

Gao Jiuding didn't dare to take it lightly, because he knew very well that the split sword light was condensed with mana and would be shattered, but the body of the blood sword condensed by the red-haired monk could not, so he was Watch carefully.

Sure enough, before the light in the sky was completely shattered, a streak of bloody light rapidly expanded, and in an instant, it turned into a huge sword light with a length of a hundred meters and a width of a few meters, chopping down.

Gao Jiuding also did not back down, and above the inner alchemy above his head, he also shot out a thick and extremely thick white alchemy, which collided like a dragon.

With a loud bang, the invisible hurricane turned into real ripples, rippling in all directions.

Fortunately, there is a void there, otherwise, it would be an absolute mess.

In the rain of colorful blood, the huge blood knife turned into a size of three feet again, flew back upside down, and was put back in the sleeve of the red-haired monk.

And Gao Jiuding's fiery alchemy was also taken back.

Seeing that the red-haired monk had no intention of continuing to attack, Gao Jiuding also did not fight back, but the inner alchemy was still hanging above his head and did not take it back.

"This fellow Taoist, why are you so angry?" Gao Jiuding originally wanted to have a good talk with the red-haired monk, but he didn't expect that when he came out, he would encounter such an outburst, and he would naturally be angry in his heart. A little sarcasm.

"Hmph," the red-haired monk snorted coldly, "Old friend, are you going to continue to cover up? I don't believe it, you never found me!"

Hearing this, Gao Jiuding was a little confused, and the original anger in his heart had all gone to the sky.

In the eyes of the red-haired monk, Gao Jiuding's confused image became the best appearance to cover up.

Immediately, the red-haired monk's face changed drastically, and he said angrily, "Dragon Elephant, you and I have cultivated to our current state, and have not yet transformed into a magic weapon. You are so capable, do you want me to continue talking?" ?”

These words, like a thunderbolt, suddenly landed in Gao Jiuding's chaotic and confused mind.

In an instant, Gao Jiuding connected many things together, as if opening up the world, distinguishing the turbid world, and all the confusion disappeared.

The strands of clues were integrated almost instantly to form a system.

At this time, Gao Jiuding also fully understood why the actions and tone of the red-haired monk were so weird, and even somewhat contradictory!

"It turns out that the red-haired monk thinks that the dragon and the elephant have escaped the imprisonment of the Beast Master!" Gao Jiuding looked at the red-haired monk thoughtfully, he knew a little too much.

Gao Jiuding naturally knew what the transformation magic weapon meant!
If there is no accident, the monster monks in this secret realm all have a destiny in the end, that is, according to their own attributes, after transforming into a special magic weapon.

If the dragon elephant practiced step by step, it would eventually be transformed into a gold-type flying sword.

Thinking about it, the metallic monster is even more powerful when transformed into a flying sword.

But what does this have to do with transfiguration?Think about it carefully, I'm afraid it has a lot to do with it!

The basic magical power of the dragon elephant is the transformation of the fetus into shape, and it is with this magical power that he can cultivate to the present level in the 4000 years of cultivation.

But from the tone of the red-haired monk, it is obvious that there is something wrong with this birth-transformation supernatural power!
Obviously, even if there is a problem, Longxiang is not clear.

Thinking about it, Xianglong is a nerd dragon, and he has almost never been out of Lantao Mountain. In addition, the Royal Beast Sect and the Yaozu who know the inside story are all deliberately kept secret. How can others know?

What happened to the incarnation of the dragon elephant at this time, in the eyes of any monk, it was also the dragon elephant that broke through the barrier and really took shape.

This transformation was not transformed into a magic weapon at the mercy of the Beastmaster Sect.

If it was back then, the first treatment that such a magic weapon would have enjoyed would be to be refined!
In this process, the soul will be assimilated, which is equivalent to the assimilation of the spirit of the weapon.

Based on the cultivation of the dragon elephant at this time, the transformed magic weapon must be at the level of the Tongtian Lingbao, and it is the top-level Tongtian Lingbao, and it is only half a step away from being promoted to the Dongtian Lingbao.

If the Beastmaster's plan came true, they would not only say they were invincible, but they could also traverse the starry sky, so how could they be wiped out?

Is it too loud?Being targeted?
This must be the case, Gao Jiuding secretly sighed, it is better to keep a low profile!

Thinking about this in an instant, Gao Jiuding's dissatisfaction and resentment towards the red-haired monk disappeared in an instant.

Because, in comparison, what the red-haired monk did before can definitely be called broad-minded.

If he made trouble in the middle, the dragon-elephant incarnation might not be able to break through the confinement at this time, escape the restriction of the womb-changing supernatural power, and thus truly take shape.

People have made such a big "sacrifice" and "concession", and it is always necessary to vent.

Of course, Gao Jiuding also understands that this is also inseparable from his own strength that is now on par with the red-haired monk. After all, tolerance also depends on the object.

Gao Jiuding's mental process was not covered up, it was clearly revealed from his face.

Seeing this change, the red-haired monk said again, "It's good to think about it, now, fellow Taoist, it's time for a showdown with me!"

Hearing this, Gao Jiuding felt a little funny in his heart.

Because he was [-]% sure that the red-haired monk was cheating on him!
In fact, the red-haired monk didn't know at all how to break the shackles of the womb-changing supernatural power.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding also thought that this red-haired monk must be a demon cultivator, and he must also face the doom of transformation.

Gao Jiuding could guess that the Beastmaster's expectation for these monsters might be Chunyang!
As long as the pure yang calamity is passed, or simply when the pure yang calamity is passed, it will trigger the metamorphosis demon calamity.

At this time, no matter how powerful the monsters are, they will be plotted against!

At that time, they will naturally transform into a different kind of magic weapon according to the variables hidden in the supernatural power of transforming the fetus into shape, and according to the plan of the beast control sect.

Now that the red-haired monk saw the performance of the dragon elephant, he was naturally very excited, because he was only half a step away from advancing to the pure yang stage. In order to avoid the doom of pure yang, he should suppress his own cultivation, right?

The road ahead was right in front of us, so the red-haired monk didn't make trouble when the dragon and elephant transformed into a tribulation.

As for the attack just now, I'm afraid it was really a test, to test the dragon elephant, to see if it really turned into a human, so as to prove that the dragon elephant is not a magic weapon.

Gao Jiuding was about to explain a few words, but suddenly an idea burst into his mind, why didn't he follow the trend?

Looking at the red-haired monk like this, it is also necessary to negotiate. In this case, why not learn more about the situation?
Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding changed his words at the time and said: "Fellow Daoist is right, I have indeed broken the imprisonment, and the reason why I was able to break the imprisonment is because I still have some other memories in my mind, which may come from the blood! "

Speaking of this, Gao Jiuding changed his words and said, "However, my bloodline is not pure, so I don't have many inheritance memories. Those memories are few and scattered!"

"Do you think I'll believe you if you say that?" The red-haired monk's expression changed with Gao Jiuding's words.

"Fellow Daoist, whether you believe it or not, I always answer this, because I have a clear conscience!" Gao Jiuding said solemnly.

Hearing the words, the red-haired monk stared coldly at Gao Jiuding. With only a few scattered memories, can he break the soul restriction of the Beastmaster Sect?

What joke?These monsters were banned from the beginning of their ignorance, and when their spiritual intelligence was activated, they began to practice the Changing Art of Embryo Transformation according to the forbidden art issued by the Emperor Beast Sect back then.

By the time they have enough wisdom to understand the hidden dangers of the embryo-transformation technique, at that time, they have often cultivated the fetus-transformation technique into a natal supernatural power.

How can this kind of natal supernatural power engraved in the bones and blood, which can be inherited through the blood, be easily broken?
Even if this dragon elephant has pure dragon blood, it won't work.

The only possibility is that in the blood inheritance obtained by the dragon elephant, there is a secret technique to lift this forbidden technique.

With this kind of secret technique, the red-haired monk can also break through the confinement and go a step further.

When he advanced to Chunyang, the world really let him go.

Therefore, seeing Gao Jiuding's ignorance, the red-haired monk's eyes became fierce.

 Thanks for the reward from the brothers of the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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