The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1097 Ashura Immortal Body

Chapter 1097 Ashura Immortal Body
The red-haired monk acted very tough, but Gao Jiuding was not afraid at all, he looked at him without giving in, without flinching at all.

After a while, the red-haired monk snorted coldly and said, "No matter what, you and I are fellow monsters who have been imprisoned here. Don't you think you should do something? Don't you think you can break the barrier by yourself? space here?"

"Well, in order to break the space here, I can provide some help, but what do you use in exchange? Don't talk about fellow Taoists or comrades, we are not familiar with each other!" Just a change of mind, Gao Jiuding immediately replied.

"I've been prepared for a long time, see if this works!" As he said, the red-haired monk carved one of his exercises into a jade slip and flicked it to Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding was a little amused at first, thinking that the red-haired monk seemed to be lacking in sincerity, but he took the jade slip over and looked at it, and immediately exclaimed: "Asura is immortal?"

Seeing Gao Jiuding's surprised look, the red-haired monk smiled triumphantly and said, "Exactly, I don't know if you are satisfied!"

The red-haired monk stared at Gao Jiuding, steadfastly.

Gao Jiuding spied in his heart, these old guys are really cunning and cunning.

Naturally, Gao Jiuding had heard of the art of Asura's Immortal Body. He just read some hints in the jade pupil slip, and knew that it was a magic art of the blood path, and it had something to say, so it couldn't be a fake.

Cultivating blood-type exercises, what can compare to blood nerves?

But judging from the brief description of Asura's Immortal Body, this exercise is really comparable to blood nerves.

The blood nerves are sacrificial and refined blood, the thicker the blood, the more it is, the more powerful it is, it is said that the sea of ​​blood will never dry up, and the blood god will never die!
And this Asura immortal body is successful in cultivation, and the real body achieved is not a god, and it is easier to practice, because there is no need to refine the body to become bloody.

This is a kung fu method that absorbs essence and blood to train oneself, and finally trains the body into an immortal body.

At the end of this exercise, although the body cannot be turned into blood, it will also be turned into a ball of blood essence, and as long as there is a drop of blood essence, one will not die.

Asura's immortal body also has a key point, or outline: Rebirth from a drop of blood!

Whether it's blood nerves or Asura's immortal body, they are sacrificed to practice blood essence. As long as there is a trace of essence blood, they will not die, so the name Asura's immortal body is worthy of the name.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding knows the urine nature of blood cultivators too well. It must be difficult for this Asura immortal to succeed in cultivation, but with the help of Xuehai, it will be easy to cultivate.

And this red-haired monk came from the sea of ​​blood. Gao Jiuding really didn't know that there was actually a sea of ​​blood in the secret place in Longevity Mountain.

"This demon is indeed from the sea of ​​blood. His body is a mass of blood essence. The current human form is transformed from blood, not a transformation!" At this moment, Qi Ling Wanshou's sound transmission came.

"Blood essence becomes a demon?" Gao Jiuding couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth. If it wasn't for the red-haired monk still in front of him, Gao Jiuding couldn't help but ask.

"It was only after this monk appeared that I discovered the situation in the lower level of the secret realm. It is not that simple to evolve a secret realm into a cave, because the space is too small and the rules are not complete, so it is difficult to become a real cave!
But this secret realm is different, perhaps because it has been operated by the Beastmaster Sect for tens of thousands of years, so all the arrangements here are set up to make this secret realm evolve into a real paradise, so the situation here is more complicated! After finishing speaking, Wanshou transmitted a large amount of information to Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding looked at the information in his mind, and it turns out that under this secret realm, there is a sea of ​​blood, and the essence and blood in the sea of ​​blood did not come out of thin air, but from the secret realm.

The secret realm is vast, and unique battles are happening every moment, and those monsters that are not to be killed have lost part of their blood, and these blood have seeped into the underground blood sea.

Originally, with Wanshou's strength, he still couldn't get in touch with the deep secrets of the secret realm, that is, the more secretive space!
However, the red-haired monk discovered that the dragon elephant had transformed into a catastrophe, and opened the passage to the secret realm by himself!

It was at this moment that Wanshou discovered the passage from the secret realm to the underground blood sea, thus discovering the blood sea.

Gao Jiuding was only slightly distracted, and then returned to normal. He thought for a while, and burned a part of the transformation technique he had obtained on a blank jade slip, and threw it to the red-haired monk.

The red-haired monk didn't say anything, just picked up the jade pupil slip and scanned it.

"Transfiguration? It's really amazing, and it can be used by all monster races!" After seeing part of the content, the red-haired monk showed a hint of surprise on his face.

Gao Jiuding also had a smile on his face. This shape-changing technique is naturally miraculous, but unfortunately, he doesn't know if he can use this secret technique to break the embryo-transformation magical power of the Beastmaster Sect.

And this secret technique requires every kind of monster race to evolve and create its own transformational supernatural powers by studying its own body structure, which will take time.

What Gao Jiuding needs is this time difference. When the red-haired monk studies and understands, no matter whether he can break through the confinement or not, he already has the strength to eliminate this hidden danger.

In a secret realm, countless monster races are fighting every day because they need to eat!
And the blood essence of countless monsters just fell into the underground blood sea!
For countless years, in the underground sea of ​​blood, I don't know how much blood has been accumulated!

Even if it contains blood evil spirits, dead energy, etc., but with the purification of the Asura clan, there must be a lot of usable resources deposited in it.

Gao Jiuding focused on these resources. Of course, he didn't insist on cultivating the immortal body of Asura, but he wanted to use the underground blood sea to cultivate blood nerves.

"Changed, this is all Asura's undead body! First the villain and then the gentleman. I used the soul secret technique internally. The two of us check the content of the secret technique at the same time. If we find something wrong, activate the soul secret technique to destroy the jade. Tong Jian, I hope no one will hold back!" The red-haired monk burned another jade pupil slip, staring at Gao Jiuding and said.

Gao Jiuding smiled, and took out a blank jade pupil slip again, and burned the shape change technique!
Of course, he has also placed the soul restraint, as long as he has a thought, all the contents of the internal records will disappear.

Exchange jade pupil slips, both of them read at the same time, as long as the internal soul restriction is not activated, both of them can see the whole content.

And in this process, no matter who is dissatisfied or harbors evil intentions, they can destroy the jade pupil slips they paid.

A few seconds later, both of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. Maybe it was because both of them were sincere, or maybe they both had ulterior motives, so the transaction was successfully completed.

In a few seconds, both of them quickly read the whole content. Gao Jiuding saw all the secrets of Asura's immortality, and the red-haired monk also got the complete secrets of the transformation technique.

Both of them were very satisfied, and they all laughed weirdly. If it was said that there was no ghost, no one would believe it.

"Fellow daoist, if you want to practice Asura Immortality, you can come to my sea of ​​blood. With the help of the sea of ​​blood, you can get twice the result with half the effort. Maybe with this step, fellow daoist can advance to pure yang!" the red-haired monk said with a smile.

Gao Jiuding also laughed so hard that he couldn't see his eyes: "I must bother you. The blood-type exercises do not conflict with my physique. I really need to practice hard. It is easy to break if it is too strong. My body is too rigid. It is natural to make up for the shortcomings, if it can increase the flexibility of the body, that would be the best!"

"Asura's Immortal Body can not only increase flexibility, but also increase the recovery ability, and the vitality will also increase. When it reaches the limit, it will be equal to the immortal body. The body of the Taoist is already strong. If the recovery ability is enhanced, it will survive the third thunder disaster. It's easy!" the red-haired monk said with a smile.

"I hope Fellow Daoist will transform into form as soon as possible, and I will bother you after the Lightning Tribulation of Transformation!" Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

"Then I'll go first with the good words of fellow daoist." After speaking, the red-haired monk turned into a bloody light and quickly left.

"Can you open the passage to the sea of ​​blood?" Seeing the red-haired monk disappear, Gao Jiuding asked within the sea of ​​consciousness.

Wanshou manifested his figure, and said with a smile on his face: "My will has penetrated into the sea of ​​blood, and now I can enter the sea of ​​blood from any place, but the master doesn't really want to practice the immortal body of Asura, right? ?”

"Is there a hidden danger?" Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

Wanshou said: "The Asura clan is one, and one clan is equal to one person!"

Gao Jiuding fell silent. Asura came from the sea of ​​blood, and was transformed from the sea of ​​blood. Since it was originally a whole, it can naturally merge into one in the end.

The sea of ​​blood has existed for a long time, as long as there is enough magic power, it is not too difficult to completely smelt it into one body.

Therefore, it is really not easy for Gao Jiuding to avoid the red-haired monk and refine the blood essence in the sea of ​​blood alone, because he is extracting the blood essence of others for cultivation!

"If you want to practice, it's not impossible. Take the blood from the blood sea and take it for alchemy. I remember that in the year of Yushouzong, there was a sacrifice method for pills such as essence and blood pills!" Wan Shou saw Gao Jiuding's silence, and immediately knew what he was Meaning, naturally put forward opinions.

Gao Jiuding glanced at Wanshou, she had followed him for a short time, but she didn't know much about him!

This is also because Wanshou has always been hiding in the Wanshou Mountain to refine this big treasure.

He wanted to refine the essence and blood that belonged to others, and still use alchemy to take it?
Drinking it directly can digest it, and directly transforming into a blood shadow can swallow it faster. No matter which method, you can plunder the red-haired monk's resources.

However, there is a problem here. The red-haired monk was able to voluntarily hand over the cultivation technique of Asura's immortal body, which must have left a huge hole.

If Gao Jiuding was an ordinary person, as long as he couldn't resist the temptation in his heart and really went to practice, the consequence would probably be controlled by the red-haired monk.

It can also be seen from this that in the underground sea of ​​blood, there are backhands left by the red-haired monk.

Of course, Gao Jiuding also played tricks, the most important thing is the transformation technique, which definitely can't let the red-haired monk get rid of the imprisonment set by the Beast Master Sect!
(End of this chapter)

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