Chapter 1100

Blood evil, as the name suggests, is the evil spirit formed by blood.

The higher the strength in life, the more miserable the death, the stronger the blood evil spirit contained in the blood lock, and vice versa, the weaker it will be.

Evil spirit is not a good thing, but it is also useful.

The simplest application is to protect the body and condense the heavenly and earthly evil, and the blood evil is also a kind of earthly evil.

The strength of the protective qi has a lot to do with the monk's condensed evil spirit. The stronger and purer the evil spirit, the stronger the monk's strength.

If the blood demon is too weak, absorbing it is purely a waste!
The powerful blood fiend in the underground blood sea must be at least 10 people, or the blood of beasts gathered together before they can be formed, and it may take many years.

Blood evil spirit seems to be everywhere, however, it is really not easy to collect it. If normal methods are used, ordinary people will not be able to condense the evil spirit within 50 to [-] years.

However, the Beastmaster Sect, or the entire demon star, needs blood essence to cultivate, especially during the body refining period and the hemolysis stage, a large amount of blood essence is required to be smelted.

Therefore, the appearance of this sea of ​​blood is definitely not an accident, but probably one of the secrets specially created by the Beastmaster Sect.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding didn't find all the inheritance of the Beast Sect. He didn't know if there were any blood-lined skills in the Beast Sect.

However, even if he didn't find it, Gao Jiuding could guess that there was one, at least there should be an Asura Immortal Body.

Although the red-haired monk looked formidable, he was nothing but a weakling in the Beast Master Sect.

Since even Gao Jiuding was able to obtain a copy from the hands of the red-haired monk, it is impossible for the Emperor Beast Sect to not have one.

In other words, this Asura Immortal Body is probably also a method of the Beastmaster Sect.

Because of practicing Asura's immortality, the pure blood and blood are all good things.

However, although the sea of ​​blood is a shortcut, it is quite dangerous. If you are not careful, you will end up with annihilation. Maybe this is still a place of trial?
Time flies, Gao Jiuding understands more and more through Qi Ling Wanshou.

"It turns out that there is a nether world under the sea of ​​blood, and if you want to enter the sea of ​​blood, you need Shura's blood transformation array to open it!"

"Try to activate it first!" Gao Jiuding thought, and a streamer flew over.

Gao Jiuding took a look, but it was a blood-red jade talisman.

"Hold this talisman, and activate it according to the secret method I taught you. In a short period of time, you can use the power of Shura's blood transformation formation to open the nether channel and attract the water of the nether blood sea. The blood essence and blood evil contained in it , enough for your cultivation.

However, in that sea of ​​blood, it is hard to guarantee that Asura will not hide, so you have to be more careful when condensing the evil spirits. If you want to send disciples in, just let them hunt and kill the Asura clan. Essence and blood, you can quickly become an Asura Immortal! "

"En, I got it!" He waved his hand and let Wanshou go to work on his own, while Gao Jiuding came to an underground cavern. Although it was surrounded by lava, there was no magma interference.

"By the way, these are the other two supernatural powers of the Asura clan. One is the Asura Blood Transformation Art, and the other is the Asura Blood Flame Art. They just make up for the lack of your blood-line art. Although the Blood God Son is powerful, its attack methods are single. It's better to prepare some more methods, which can also strengthen your blood shadow supernatural power." Before Wanshou left, he gave Gao Jiuding two more exercises.

Holding the two jade pupil slips, Gao Jiuding carefully read them several times!

It is indeed a good skill. Shura Blood Transformation Kung Fu is a skill that activates the blood-transforming sword. This kind of kung fu needs to condense the blood demon, and use the power of the blood demon to activate the blood knife, so as to achieve the effect of melting other substances.

If it is cultivated into the Blood Transforming Sword, in principle, it can dissolve all things, such as the monk's magic weapon, flesh body, dharma appearance and even mana. If it comes into contact with the Blood Transforming Sword, it will be attached, polluted, and melted.

The same is true for Shura's blood flame. This is also a supernatural power achieved by condensing blood evil. If more blood is condensed, a blood flame will be born in the end, which has the characteristic of burning all things!
It's just that compared to the blood-transforming sword, which only has the property of destruction, Shura's blood flame can not only destroy, but also strengthen itself by burning others.

This is a more powerful supernatural power, and it is very vicious.

Gao Jiuding was very excited when he got the Shura Blood Transformation Kung Fu and Shura Blood Flame Kung Fu. This time he went into the sea of ​​blood, so he naturally had to make persistent efforts and continue to practice.

Familiar with the road, Gao Jiuding began to practice the Asura Blood Transformation Kung Fu after browsing the two secret methods.

Cultivator, in order to break through from the blood refinement stage to the hemolysis stage, the true qi must be transformed into true essence again.

Because, only the more condensed power of true essence can be fused with the evil spirit instead of being eroded away.

This is the same as the condensing of heaven and earth in the foundation building stage, and in the blood pill stage, the true essence is transformed into elixir, and it is even less afraid of being contaminated by ordinary evil spirits.

Gao Jiuding has done a lot to condense evil energy, it is indeed not difficult for him.

If he first cultivated Shura's blood flame to assist him, after he transformed the blood shadow himself, his degree of condensedness would really reach the pinnacle.

This is the first time that Gao Jiuding has obtained a complete exercise that can strengthen his supernatural powers, so naturally he attaches great importance to it.

After his cultivation base entered the blood pill stage, his practice was actually not much different from the hemolysis stage, which was also a metamorphosis after accumulation.

It's just that after the metamorphosis, it is necessary to condense the avenue runes, and the agglomeration of the avenue runes requires various rules of heaven and earth.

And where did the rules of heaven and earth come from?The easiest thing to get is various exercises.

It can be said that the reason why each kind of cultivation method has various abilities and powers is that it contains a certain way!

As long as you understand it thoroughly, or if you succeed in cultivation, you will naturally comprehend part of the Dao, which is the origin of the Dao Rune on the Blood Pill.

The same system of skills, the strengthening of the same system is naturally the supernatural power, and the condensed avenue runes also complement each other. Therefore, practicing blood-type supernatural powers can indeed enhance the power of the avenue runes above the Gaojiuding Jindan.

This is also a shortcut for monks to transform the small magical powers they have comprehended into great magical powers after they have advanced to the Dharma.

Gao Jiuding was not worried about accumulating Dan Yuan, because he had countless resources.

Now he mainly wants to condense the Dao runes, and possessing the fundamental cultivation method has this advantage. As long as there is a trace of guidance, he can continuously transform and generate. can be compared.

Practicing a new technique naturally needs to consume resources, and it is still very dangerous to open the Nether Blood Sea alone. After all, Gao Jiuding's body is a monk in the blood pill stage.

At this time, the Asura clan, even if there is only one Dharma-phase blood cultivator, Gao Jiuding has to guard against it, so he must do his best to prepare.

If this is the case and something goes wrong, he has nothing to say, he can only say that it is a trick of good fortune!

But if something goes wrong due to lack of preparation, then he will be a ghost, and he will be a ghost of regret.

The Asura Transforming Blood Formation came from the Beast Controlling Sect, and it was the foundation of the Beast Controlling School to protect the underground Nether Blood Sea. Anyone who entered or exited the Nether Blood Sea had to pass through this formation.

Therefore, after refining the secret realm, entering the sea of ​​blood, and peeking at the ghostly Wanshou, he is no stranger to the Blood Transformation Asura Formation.

Of course, Gao Jiuding knew very well that even what Wanshou could see was only the fur, not even a scale or a half claw. ,
Today, perhaps he can truly appreciate some of the essence of the Asura Blood Formation Formation.

Holding the jade talisman given by Wanshou in Gao Jiuding's hand, he walked smoothly all the way, no matter which direction he was facing, under the red light of the jade talisman, the fog receded and a road manifested.

Gao Jiuding kept walking in, according to his estimation, he stopped when he reached the center of the earth.

Wan Shou didn't explain to him whether this was the eye of the Asura Transforming Blood Formation, so he didn't know why he chose to open a passage here, it was purely his own subjective conjecture.

Arriving here, holding the jade talisman, Gao Jiuding couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

After calming down, he mobilized the alchemy in his body, made a formula and chanted the mantra, and mobilized the jade talisman.

In just an instant, thousands of brilliance radiated from the jade talisman, flying in all directions like strands of silk.

But at this time, Gao Jiuding noticed that every ray of brilliance moved some runes indistinctly, and finally the runes converged to form a banner waving in the wind.

These flags and banners didn't really show their shape, but under the guidance of thousands of brilliance, Gao Jiuding could clearly feel that the Shura's blood transformation array was activated.

Because his original perception was completely disrupted, and he was already unable to distinguish the direction at this time. If he didn't have the jade talisman in his hand, he believed that he would definitely not be able to go out.

Gradually, Gao Jiuding could vaguely feel the movement of those banners.

During the movement, the entire space shattered like a glass cover.

At this time, another brilliance shot out from the jade talisman, like a core. Under his guidance, those space cracks that were invisible to the naked eye and only existed in perception were arranged according to certain rules. In an instant, A hexagonal hole is formed.

"Boom." There was a loud noise, the void cracked, and the hexagonal hole really appeared.

Gao Jiuding looked at it, but it was a boundless sea of ​​blood that he had seen before, but this time he observed it at a closer distance, and he could see it more clearly.

The originally misty sea of ​​blood was actually a bit clear to the bottom. Only now did Gao Jiuding realize that the sea of ​​blood was not filthy at all, and even smelled a faint fragrance.

Before he could look any further, he heard a splash, and blood was pouring down the hexagonal hole.

Rolling blood, like an angry dragon, roared and rushed out of it, pouring down.

That momentum, like the shattering of the sky and the collapse of the Milky Way, was astonishing.

"En, what's that?" As the sea of ​​blood surged, Gao Jiuding suddenly discovered that the sea of ​​blood, which was originally clear to the bottom, became turbid, and some black things appeared in it.

 Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, being updated quickly, and the king of the emperor and the queen of the soil for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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