The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1101: Swallowing Soul and Refining Sha

Chapter 1101: Swallowing Soul and Refining Sha
Looking at the black shadow mixed in the sea of ​​blood, Gao Jiuding murmured in his heart: "Blood evil? It doesn't look like it!"

With a bang, the sea of ​​blood rolled back, this time Gao Jiuding could see it more clearly, but it was in the boundless sea of ​​blood, countless ghosts and ghosts were floating in it.

It wasn't the first time he had seen Gao Jiuding, the spirit body, so he recognized it immediately. Those hideous and hostile creatures were all ghosts!

Seeing this, without saying a word, Gao Jiuding stepped back as soon as he activated the jade talisman.

The Shura Blood Transformation Formation is very miraculous, it seems to have imprisoned the surrounding area of ​​several hundred meters, those ghosts can only struggle in the sea of ​​blood, but they cannot escape the imprisonment of the sea of ​​blood.

The water of the sea of ​​blood poured down, but it didn't completely disperse. Instead, when it reached a certain limit, it seemed to hit an invisible dam and rolled back.

The water of the sea of ​​blood poured non-stop, and there were many ghosts and souls mixed in it, roaring endlessly there.

No wonder this place is called Nether Blood Sea. I didn't see Nether before, is it because I didn't open the Nether channel?Or was it suppressed by the red-haired monk?
Whatever the reason, this is not a good place!
Gao Jiuding just stayed out of the matter and waited quietly.

He knew very well that the power of the Shura Blood Transformation Formation invoked by the jade talisman alone was not enough to support the long-term existence of the channel!

Therefore, it won't be long before the channel will be closed!

At that time, the water in the sea of ​​blood here is the rootless duckweed. At that time, it is the best time to absorb the absorption.

Sure enough, in just a short moment, the hexagonal hole was closed, and there was no more crack.

However, at this time, the water of the Blood River on the ground is already three to four meters high, and with the area of ​​several hundred meters, it can be regarded as a small lake.

After Gao Jiuding kept his mind and ensured that he was in the best condition, he activated the jade talisman again and resolutely stepped into the lake of blood.

As soon as he entered the blood lake, Gao Jiuding felt that the water in the blood sea was very different from ordinary blood!
The water in this sea of ​​blood is very viscous, almost like glue, and it is very restricted in movement, which greatly reduces people's flexibility.

Moreover, it also has a strong corrosiveness, which seems to corrupt everything.

However, Gao Jiuding's body transformed into bloody light was unusually tyrannical. He didn't even need to activate the alchemy in his body, so he spontaneously raised a bloody light to block all of them.

Seeing this, Gao Jiuding was naturally overjoyed, because he could deal with those ghosts with all his strength.

The ghosts and ghosts who were floating in the bloody water rushed towards him crazily as if they had seen a peerless delicacy.

That speed is in no way commensurate with the time of floating and sinking in the sea, it is extremely fast.

Fortunately, Gao Jiuding had been prepared for a long time, and the blood light emerged, fused with the blood fire outside his blood shadow, and naturally formed a blood fire aura.

Inadvertently, Gao Jiuding discovered that there was not much difference between Shura's blood flame and his blood fire qi.

At this time, the blood gang is strengthened, the blood fire is born, and the Shura blood flame is naturally born.

It is so easy to cultivate Shura's blood flame, which makes Gao Jiuding's defense stronger, and he is already invincible now!
With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, the blood light vibrated, and blood shadows emerged one after another. The extremely powerful blood shadows roared out, turning into tangible ripples, spreading towards the space in ten directions.

But all the ghosts and ghosts touched by the ripples will all be stagnant.

Although they were not like ordinary humans and beasts, they were absorbed immediately and blended into Gao Jiuding's bloody shadow, but they all showed various colors of pain.

Under one blow, howling everywhere!
However, Gao Jiuding was not moved by it at all, the alchemy in his body surged like a tide, and Shura's blood flames around him swayed again and again.

Soon, dozens of ghosts couldn't bear it, they condensed into a black ball of light, and threw it towards Gao Jiuding.

The ghosts and souls are combined with the blood shadows, and the next step is to refine and devour these ghosts.

So Gao Jiuding controlled the blood shadow, pulled the ghost, and threw it directly into his sea of ​​consciousness.

The reason why these ghosts can exist is entirely because they are parasitic in the sea of ​​blood, which is equal to their bodies, and with this layer of protection, they will naturally not disappear.

Now these ghosts have been stripped out by Gao Jiuding, without the body of the sea of ​​blood, naturally there is no foundation for standing!
In addition, they are not afraid of Gao Jiuding, and even very eager to enter Gao Jiuding's physical body, so, like moths to a flame, they quickly disappeared into Gao Jiuding's sea of ​​consciousness.

Gao Jiuding has long been envious of the great monk Faxiangqi's ability to condense the primordial spirit. This time he has an opportunity, how can he let it go?
Facing the surging ghosts, Gao Jiuding, who had been prepared for a long time, activated a blood shadow in his body, opened a big net, and swallowed all the ghosts that broke into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Gao Jiuding was determined to clean up all the sundries except the blood fiend.

Under the continuous vibration of the blood shadow divine light, within a moment, all the ghosts and ghosts became his supplements.

Sensed by his spiritual sense, Gao Jiuding just stopped after there was no more ghosts around him.

"In this world, it seems that it is not conducive to the breeding of ghosts!" Baba clicked his mouth, feeling that the soul is not much stronger, Gao Jiuding was a little disappointed.

"Well, being able to spread the consciousness for 3000 meters is comparable to a cultivator in the Dharma phase, but it's nothing special!"

After experimenting, Gao Jiuding was even more disappointed, he still needs to work harder!
Although there are many ghosts, they are not strong enough to cause danger to them, and they are not even qualified as supplements.

Obviously, this is not the crisis that Wanshou said, but Gao Jiuding doesn't want to practice in this situation, he prefers once and for all.

However, he searched and waited for more than an hour, but still nothing unusual appeared.

During this period, the bloody aura was constantly draining away, but at this moment, he couldn't hold back anymore.

"Perhaps those Asuras also know to be afraid!" Gao Jiuding thought to himself.

Naturally, Gao Jiuding couldn't let the blood flow from him be wasted like this!
Therefore, after waiting for a while and the surroundings remained calm, he didn't delay any longer!

Gao Jiuding began to use the method of congealing the evil in Shura's Blood Transformation Art to absorb the incomparably abundant blood evil.

A trace of blood, like light mist, floated up from the blood lake, from Gao Jiuding's palms, submerged into the meridians, and began to combine with his own blood-transforming essence.

The evil spirit is naturally created by the heaven and the earth, and it also has spirituality. After combining with the alchemy, it not only replenishes the strength, but also makes the cultivated true evil spirit have a strong spirituality.

Through those formulas that specifically control the evil spirit, it can be kept under control after it leaves the body.

Therefore, condensing Tiangang Disha not only greatly enhances the strength, but also changes the fighting style.

If a monk under the foundation establishment and hemolysis period does not have a powerful magic weapon in his hand and wants to challenge by leapfrogging, it is purely courting death.

Blood Transforming True Essence and Blood Fiend are like two halves that have been separated. The two blend together very easily. Soon, strands of Blood Transforming True Spirit appear in the meridians.

With them as the introduction, Gao Jiuding didn't need to attract or absorb at all, and those blood demons swarmed towards him like rivers returning to the sea.

In a short moment, Gao Jiuding was covered by a thick blood-colored mist.

Gao Jiuding found that he was extremely relaxed in condensing evil spirits, but he began to pay more attention to his surroundings, because he never believed in his heart that condensing evil spirits in the sea of ​​blood would be so "safe". ".

Sure enough, after practicing for more than an hour, when the condensed blood demon in Gao Jiuding's body was about [-]%, the blood lake spontaneously churned for no reason.

In just an instant, a half-length giant formed by the condensation of countless blood and water manifested.

His lower body was connected to the blood lake, and holding a spear that was also condensed from blood in his hand, he suddenly stabbed at Gao Jiuding.

That speed was as fast as a meteor, and that momentum was as fierce as a thunderbolt.

On the tip of the spear, countless bloody auras surrounded it, condensing into a demon head, with its bloody mouth wide open, as if it wanted to devour it.

Gao Jiuding was also quite knowledgeable, and recognized at a glance that this was a kind of blood demon naturally produced by the sea of ​​blood.

Immediately, he flicked the five fingers of his left hand repeatedly, and a dozen Shura blood flames flew out, shooting towards the blood gun and the blood giant respectively.

Shura's blood flame is very domineering, it can be said that it is the nemesis of all bloody things.

As soon as he touched the blood gun, the blood flame Shura burned violently like a tarsal maggot!

All of a sudden, the appearance of the devil was incinerated. From this point of view, the devil is also ordinary.

However, the blood giant was not incinerated at that time. With a loud shout, a blood-colored flame spontaneously rose from its body, confronting Shura's blood flame.

Gao Jiuding was about to increase his strength, suddenly, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, dozens of blood shadows rushed out of the blood lake!
The blood shadow rushed towards him quickly, he could only press down temporarily, and greeted him with a wave of his palm.

It's not that Gao Jiuding is incapable of releasing Shura's blood flame, but he feels that this is just a small role, and there is no need to waste his Dan Yuan.

"Bang bang. Bang." Accompanied by continuous loud noises, those blood shadows collapsed one after another under the mammoth alchemy, turning into a rain of blood all over the sky.

Blood itself has spirituality, and after forming a blood demon, the spirituality becomes stronger.

However, spirituality is only spirituality after all, without even consciousness, let alone wisdom.

The blood demon, dominated by the evil spirit of the sea of ​​blood, has only simple attack and defense instincts. Although it looks powerful, it is actually not difficult to deal with.

Gao Jiuding was not in a hurry either, while continuing to practice, he used Shura's blood flame to slowly wipe it away.

Half an hour later, the aura on the blood giant's body was shattered, and in an instant, it was disintegrated by Shura's blood flames and restored to blood evil spirit, and in the blood evil, a drop of blood essence like blood jade was wrapped.

(End of this chapter)

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