Chapter 1102 King Asura
Gao Jiuding swallowed the purest blood essence after refining Xuesha, and this drop of blood essence melted into the light of blood in his body without any hindrance.

Being nourished by the essence and blood, Gao Jiuding's blood became more intense, which made Gao Jiuding's heart move.

As the blood shadow divine light continued to condense, it would transform into a blood god child again, and Gao Jiuding knew very well what the blood god son was for.

The Son of Blood that was condensed earlier was completely an accidental product, but now it has been integrated into the primordial spirit of the dragon elephant and cannot be used freely.

Now that he has the opportunity, how can Gao Jiuding not be tempted?

With motivation, Gao Jiuding became more energetic in refining the blood demon, because after refining the blood demon, the water in the blood sea became the purest blood essence, and this essence blood could strengthen his blood shadow divine light, In the end, he became the Son of Blood God.

After a while, all the evil blood and blood essence in this blood lake were absorbed by Gao Jiuding.

The originally extremely viscous blood lake has become clear and clear. Although it is still blood-red in color, it is not much different from ordinary water.

At this time, Gao Jiuding knew that he should open the channel of the blood sea again to attract the water of the blood sea.

As before, as before, when the space changed, all the useless water flowed away around Gao Jiuding, and then, a hexagonal hole appeared, and the sea of ​​blood poured over here again.

This time, Gao Jiuding did not retreat, but just stood here and absorbed it directly.

Familiar with the situation in the sea of ​​blood, the first thing Gao Jiuding dealt with was naturally the ghost in the sea of ​​blood!

Hundreds of ghosts swarmed over, Gao Jiuding calmed down, and his body turned into a blood shadow to deal with it!

Not only did these ghosts not cause any obstacles to him, but they also became his help in cultivating his soul.

As for the blood demon, as long as he pays attention to it, he can easily deal with it.

Naturally, Gao Jiuding would not let his huge soul power just sit idle and wasted like this. He began to take advantage of the moment when his mind was clear to comprehend the various spells recorded in the exercise of Shura Huaxuegong .

Wanshou did a good job this time, and I don't know where she got this exercise. The power of this exercise is very good, after all, it is cultivated by condensing evil spirits.

Gao Jiuding discovered that Shura's Blood Flame and Shura's Blood Transformation Skill complement each other!
After completing the Shura Blood Transformation Kung Fu, the power of Shura's Blood Flame will also be strengthened. If you specialize in this skill, Shura's Blood Flame can even be cultivated as a natal supernatural power.

Asura's blood flame has grown stronger, and there are two changes, one step further becomes the blood flame divine light, and one step further forms the supernatural power blood flame lotus.

Blood Flame Divine Light is condensed from the unique true evil spirit. It is sharp, bursting, and extremely fast. It can be said to have extremely strong attack power.

In particular, it can be controlled by divine sense like a magical weapon, and it can gallop freely within the range of its own divine sense, which greatly increases the attack distance of this magical power.

As long as there is enough blood and evil energy in the body, it is absolutely possible to kill the enemy outside the country.

The blood flame lotus is even more powerful. It is made of the fusion of mana and blood evil spirit. It is more powerful and has both offense and defense!

It can be said that if it is practiced to great success, it is quite a powerful magic weapon.

Gao Jiuding is a down-to-earth person, so although he knew the power of the blood flame lotus, he did not rush to practice, but concentrated all his energy on the blood flame divine light.

He has to eat food bite by bite, walk the road step by step, practice step by step, and he will master all supernatural powers.

As time passed by every minute and every second, Gao Jiuding's bloodline magical powers gradually became full, and all of them began to grow.

This time, Ning Sha, because of the previous experience, seemed more relaxed!
More than an hour later, the blood lake's evil energy and blood essence were exhausted again, turning into ordinary blood.

At this time, nearly [-]% of the transformation of the true evil in his body has been accumulated. As for the blood light, it is already very strong, and it seems that he is about to turn into a blood god again.

Without the slightest delay, Gao Jiuding activated the jade talisman again, opening the passage to the sea of ​​blood.

The sea of ​​blood surged, submerging Gao Jiuding once again.

I don't know how long it took to practice, the jade talisman in Gao Jiuding's hand shot blood light again, and the hexagonal hole cracked again.

This is already the seventh time. After this time, he can cultivate all the supernatural powers of the blood path to the state of Dzogchen, and even the son of the blood god can be condensed.

The sea of ​​blood poured down again, and Gao Jiuding continued to swallow the soul, condense the evil spirit, refine the blood essence, and comprehend the law.

Between the heaven and the earth, there was a silence, about half an hour passed, and suddenly, the original void with hexagonal holes suddenly rippled one after another.

This kind of ripple is very faint, if you don't pay attention carefully, you can't notice it at all.

Immediately afterwards, but in an instant, the void cracked, and the hexagonal hole appeared again.

However, this time, there was no momentum like before, and no sea of ​​blood poured down.

On the opposite side of the hexagonal hole, above the boundless sea of ​​blood, a huge black shadow is standing there.

He was ten meters tall, with an extremely ugly face, and in the middle of his forehead, there was a fist-thick, crooked bull horn.

When people look at it, they will know that it is not a human race. ,
With one step, the black shadow stepped towards the hexagonal hole.

During the strides, his figure shrunk sharply. However, just as he was about to come out of the hexagonal hole, an invisible barrier suddenly appeared and blocked him back.

The black shadow tried several times, but it was the same. In desperation, he finally retreated into the sea of ​​blood.

However, when he retreated, he snorted coldly, but one of his thick fingers was broken, and flew out of the hexagonal hole.

The extremely powerful banning barrier did not react this time, but let the giant finger pass through.

As soon as the finger flew out of the hexagonal hole, it immediately squirmed like a stream of water. In just a split second, it turned into a human form. It looked exactly like the black shadow.

After the fingers were transformed into shape, they grasped the void, blood boiled, and a crystal clear giant knife took shape in an instant. Then, holding it in his hand, he slashed fiercely towards Gao Jiuding's head.

Because of Wanshou's special reminder, Gao Jiuding was very concerned about his own safety.

From the beginning to the end, he never let down his vigilance for a moment.

However, the appearance of the hexagonal hole this time did not reveal the slightest sound, including the impact of the black shadow, which was carried out without any sound, so he failed to discover it.

It wasn't until the black shadow attacked with his fingers and the cornucopia moved in Gao Jiuding's soul that he sensed the piercing murderous intent and became alert.

As soon as he came back to his senses, he saw a bloody sword slashing down!
Gao Jiuding was taken aback. This moment can be described as extremely dangerous.

In the moment of life and death, Gao Jiuding let out a loud roar, and all his spiritual thoughts erupted, directly activating the cornucopia, making a loud buzzing sound.

As the cornucopia was fully activated, Gao Jiuding's soul immediately recovered his composure, and he was even blessed to the heart. The blood-transforming and evil spirit in his body, like his arms and fingers, quickly condensed a bloody flame, which was shot out by the divine light. out!

The blood-flame divine light greeted the blood-colored saber with a bang, the blood-flame divine light turned into countless sparks and scattered, while the blood-colored saber turned into countless blood rains.

With a single blow from the blood flame divine light, Gao Jiuding immediately started to condense the second method without hesitation. However, this time it was not as instant as before, and it seemed very sluggish.

But at this time, the ugly monster with horns came up to him!
The strange man punched down, and in a hurry, Gao Jiuding could only muster all the strength in his body and punched him.

"Boom" was another loud bang, and the two of them flew upside down and fell into the blood lake, setting off monstrous waves.

Gao Jiuding shook his numb arm, feeling terrified in his heart.

He knows best how powerful he has achieved using the divine power grass and body training techniques recently.

And the power of this strange person who came inexplicably is still faintly on it.

Gao Jiuding was horrified, but his opponent in the sea of ​​blood was even more shocked.

He is the newly born Asura King in the sea of ​​blood, so his strength should not be underestimated.

Although the Asura family also has all kinds of strange spells, they think that the fundamental thing is this tyrannical body.

Although it was only his avatar formed by one finger, it was enough to sweep away thousands of troops.

With such a tyrannical force, but it was evenly divided, this kind of result almost made his eyeballs pop out.

"How can this be a weak human race? It's just a humanoid Tyrannosaurus!" the Asura cursed bitterly.

If you have just entered the stage of Dharma, you don't need to accumulate it, as long as you merge into the sea of ​​blood, you will be the invincible Asura King!
He didn't understand at all, how could this kid block his attack?
He could see Gao Jiuding's strength very clearly, this is a small person with crude methods, it is impossible to be his opponent, but Gao Jiuding really blocked his attack!
The current Gao Jiuding also had a shocked expression on his face. At this moment, he naturally knew that he had met King Ashura.

He didn't expect that when they met for the first time, this was just an Asura boy with the peak strength of blood pills, but he changed so much after advancing to the magic form. Is there any reason for this?
Of course, Gao Jiuding also thought of it at this time, he should have the blessing of the entire blood sea, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to be so powerful.

At this time, Gao Jiuding felt lucky, fortunately he opened the lower blood sea space through the formation method, instead of directly entering the blood sea, otherwise it would be miserable.

That invisible space barrier will not let King Asura come over at all.

King Asura's finger is already the limit that the small channel opened by the formation can bear.

Of course, if King Ashura comes out by force, it is also possible!
However, this channel was barely opened by relying on the remnants left by Gao Jiuding breaking through the space many times in a row, it was very unstable!

 Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, being updated quickly, the king of heaven and earth, book friend 20190714232221245 brothers for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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