The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1103 Blood Flame Divine Light

Chapter 1103 Blood Flame Divine Light

If Gao Jiuding has opened the space channel many times, if he walks through it again, he is afraid that under the guidance of the rules, the space will be broken and a space storm will be caused, and no one will dare to enter such a space casually.

Whether the power of space can kill King Asura, Gao Jiuding doesn't know, but accidents will definitely happen when he enters the chaotic space.

In that case, no matter whether Gao Jiuding dies or not, King Asura will definitely lose!
If there is no gain, there may be losses. Naturally, King Asura would not do such a stupid thing.

However, if you don't do this, Gao Jiuding won't have any fear!
Even if King Asura split into a clone, Gao Jiuding didn't show any sign of backing down.

The avatar was very fast, almost without any stop, it rushed towards Gao Jiuding.

While Gao Jiuding was retreating, he activated the cornucopia in his body, sending out an unknown energy, like a sea tide, rushing out.

Gao Jiuding knew that this kind of energy could deal with the power of the soul, as if no matter how powerful the attack of the soul was, it could absorb and refine it.

For Gao Jiuding, the cornucopia is his big killer.

Because this kind of attack aimed at the soul is the most difficult to defend against. Once he is hit, it will be his chance to kill.

However, the cornucopia, which is always good for everyone, has let him down this time.

Under the washing of the ripples, that strange man didn't even feel the slightest daze, as if he didn't feel anything.

As a result, it caused Gao Jiuding quite a headache, because the cornucopia was ineffective, so his most powerful method was the Son of Blood.

Now his blood god son has not yet fully formed, but his whole body has turned into a blood shadow, and he can still achieve the effect of the blood god son.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding felt that his methods were a bit single.

Tens of Shura's blood flames popped up quickly, and within one of the Shura's blood flames, there was a bloody light hidden!
At this time, Gao Jiuding also fitted himself up and rushed forward again. He was completely sure that the danger Wan Shou mentioned was referring to King Asura!

However, this King Asura has just entered the stage of Dharma after all, and has not even survived a catastrophe. Gao Jiuding doesn't believe how powerful he is, even with the blessing of the sea of ​​​​blood, he is not afraid.

Of course, he didn't believe that he could win with just that bit of Asura's blood flame, so he had to go all out.

Sure enough, that weirdo didn't even have the slightest intention to dodge when he saw Shura's blood flame flying towards him!
The strange man shouted loudly, and black smoke came out of his body, like a black dragon, circling and flying around him, blocking all the blood flames of Shura.

And he himself swung his fist again, fighting with Gao Jiuding.

With a thought, Gao Jiuding didn't activate the blood light, and let the blood light fall into the sea of ​​blood under the incarnation of King Asura.

When the blood light entered the sea of ​​blood, it naturally wanted to devour the essence and blood. It would be the best if it could form a blood god son.

Because the absorption of blood and blood essence led to King Asura, Gao Jiuding was not afraid to disturb the entire Asura clan.

"Bang bang bang" fists and feet clashed, and there were continuous explosions.

The blood lake kept churning, and large swaths of blood evaporated, which made Gao Jiuding feel distressed, but there was nothing he could do.

He can only attack more violently, in order to crush the opponent as soon as possible.

At the beginning, Gao Jiuding only relied on his own cultivation to fight recklessly, but soon he discovered that although this seemed mighty, it did not pose much threat to the opponent, on the contrary, it was his own strength that It consumes a lot.

At this time, he suddenly remembered the two methods recorded in Shura's Blood Transformation Art: Shura's Palm and Shura's Finger.

Both of these methods follow the path of combining law and martial arts, which are suitable for physical combat.

Although he focused on the blood-flame divine light before comprehending spells, he also dabbled in other spells.

The Shura Palm takes the way of wide opening and closing, the palm technique is not mysterious, the key lies in the method of exploding energy.

Gao Jiuding used the Shura palm, and it was very easy to swipe it.

Because it is the first time to use it, it is very immature, which palm can be successfully used to exert power far beyond the ordinary, it is simply a matter of luck, there is no rule at all!

This made the strange man unable to notice it. As a result, the strange man's neat moves were turned into a mess by Gao Jiuding's indifferent attack. For a while, he was at a disadvantage.

Seeing that this method was effective, Gao Jiuding was even more calm, and used the Asura palm method as he wished.

In fact, to deal with monks, simply mastering kung fu is not suitable. On the contrary, simple methods such as catching cranes and catching dragons, big handprints, hundred-step magical fists, and beating cattle across mountains are more effective.

The most important thing is that Gao Jiuding is more familiar with this ordinary method, and at this time when he incorporates Shura Kungfu, its power is even stronger.

Anyway, without breaking out of strength, he can match the opponent's full strength with strength alone.

The mentality is very important in the fight between the two sides. The more Gao Jiuding fought, the more calm he became, but the avatar of King Ashura was in a hurry and disorganized.

In a short while, Gao Jiuding stamped a dozen palms on his body, his skin and flesh burst, blood splattered everywhere, and he howled miserably.

The King Asura on the other side saw this and understood that he would not get any benefits this time, so he waved his sleeves and flew away.

The hexagonal channel is also closed.

Gao Jiuding's soul is unparalleled, distracting and multi-tasking has long been no problem.

At this time, he saw that he was in the upper hand, and there would be no problems for a while, so he immediately divided into a ray of spirit, and began to secretly condense the blood flame divine light.

He didn't want to continue fighting like this, so he naturally had to find a way to destroy his opponent as soon as possible.

The other party has a strange background, and the time has dragged on, so there is no guarantee that there will be no problems.

Soon, he condensed a blood flame divine light, but he didn't make a hasty move, but continued to condense.

The blood flame divine light has spirituality, it is not like the blood flame of Shura at the primary stage, once it is successfully condensed, it must be refined with all its strength, otherwise it will hurt itself.

After about a quarter of an hour, Gao Jiuding finally condensed three blood-flame divine lights. He didn't delay any longer, and at the same time he waved his palms, he released them all in one fell swoop.

Where the weirdo had no time to dodge, the three blood-flame lights blasted up with an ear-piercing scream.

With an extremely violent roar, not only the black dragon around its body was scattered, but its body was also blown to pieces.

After observing for a while, there was no movement in the pile of minced meat, so Gao Jiuding let out a long sigh of relief.

However, when Gao Jiuding saw that the sea of ​​blood he summoned with great difficulty was only three or four inches deep, his good mood immediately faded by half.

That's right, he was able to use the jade talisman to activate the Asura Transformation Blood Formation and open the passage to the sea of ​​blood again, but who can guarantee that there won't be another monster coming over?
No way, the next time it will be the entire Asura clan!
Gao Jiuding also thought about whether to stop here, anyway, he is not far away from the Great Consummation of Asura Kungfu, it can be said that it is only one step away.

However, when I think about it, if I can't make a breakthrough in one fell swoop now, I'm afraid it will take at least several months of hard work to complete it!

This made Gao Jiuding very unwilling, this was a difficult choice, thinking of this, Gao Jiuding's head was getting bigger!

"What are you thinking about now, let's absorb it first, and see how far it is from Dzogchen before making a decision!"

Gao Jiuding, who was unable to make a decision for a while, pressed his mind first, and he performed the Asura Blood Transformation Kung Fu again, and began to practice.

The remaining blood was indeed too little, but within half an hour, Gao Jiuding absorbed it all.

At this moment, since he reached the state of Dzogchen, it seems that there is only a layer of window paper left, which seems to be broken with a poke, but he still has not cultivated to perfection.

Gao Jiuding gritted his teeth, and was about to activate the jade talisman again, wanting to open the passage again.

But at this moment, he saw the torn body of the strange man.

The shattered flesh and blood were bright red, and the blood did not flow into the bloody water.

Seeing such a strange situation, Gao Jiuding suddenly thought: This flesh and blood also contains evil spirits, no, there is also pure blood!

Looking at the strength of that person just now, there must be a lot of evil spirits, why not absorb it and try?If it is refined, it must be stronger than ordinary blood, right?
As soon as he thought of it, Gao Jiuding immediately collected all the flesh and blood of the strange man, placed them in front of him, and then began to absorb the evil blood contained inside.

Gao Jiuding was taken aback by this absorption, because the evil energy of essence and blood flowed slowly like a trickle, unlike the previous absorption of blood and water!

This time he absorbed it a little, and the bloody demon was like the tide of the Yangtze River, the waves were rolling and surging.

Needless to say, the essence and evil spirit inside are extremely thick.

Such a situation naturally made Gao Jiuding overjoyed!
In such a situation, he didn't need to open the blood sea passage at all, it was enough for him to enter the realm of Ningsha Dzogchen.

About half an hour later, Gao Jiuding refined a small piece of flesh and blood from the incarnation of King Asura.

He not only absorbed the blood demon on it, but also refined the condensed blood essence in it.

The essence, blood and evil spirit were completely drained, and Gao Jiuding was about to transfer to another piece of flesh and blood, but at this moment, this small piece of flesh and blood suddenly changed!

This small piece of flesh and blood disperses by itself into a beam of blood, rushing into Gao Jiuding's body.

This blood light is extremely powerful, compared to the blood demon absorbed before, it is simply incomparable.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding also had to concentrate more energy to circulate his true essence and refine it.

Following Gao Jiuding's refinement, fragments of thoughts rushed into his mind.

At first, Gao Jiuding was quite panicked, thinking that this was some kind of trick from King Ashura!
However, after these thought fragments entered the soul, they stayed there obediently without the slightest change, so he was relieved just now.

Gao Jiuding controlled his mind to scan over slowly, wanting to see what this mind was carrying!
However, because it was too fragmented and incomplete, he could not see anything.

However, he can confirm one thing, this should be a method of cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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