The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1104 Great Asura Immortal Body

Chapter 1104 Great Asura Immortal Body

Gao Jiuding didn't expect that refining part of King Asura's flesh and blood would have such benefits.

Now, his energy is even stronger!

Gao Jiuding concentrated all his energy to deal with the remaining corpse of the weirdo. This time, if he didn't refine it, it wouldn't count as playing.

About an hour later, all the flesh and blood of King Ashura's incarnation completely turned into evil spirits and blood essence, and poured into Gao Jiuding's body.

At this time, Gao Jiuding also got his wish and achieved the state of Ningsha Dzogchen. Even the blood light he condensed was successfully transformed into the Son of the Blood God due to the replenishment of a large amount of blood essence.

Gao Jiuding heaved a sigh of relief after getting another Blood God Son, which was his biggest trump card.

However, his harvest this time does not stop there.

At the same time as he was refining all the flesh and blood, in the soul, those scattered memory fragments moved together, fused and reorganized with each other.

But in a short time, an article was made.

The characters were exactly the same as what Gao Jiuding had practiced before, although he didn't know them, but naturally, he understood the meaning inside.

This article is a cultivation method of the Asura family, called the Great Asura Immortal Body!
"Great Asura's Immortal Body? What's the relationship with Asura's Immortal Body?" Gao Jiuding looked at the exercises in the Sea of ​​Consciousness in surprise, not knowing what was going on.

Although he has cultivated blood nerves, it is impossible for him to have the blood of the Asura clan, and naturally it is impossible to obtain the blood inheritance, but what is going on now?

Just a little comparison, Gao Jiuding found that the Asura Immortal body given to him by the red-haired monk was definitely an abridged version, with many hidden dangers.

It can be said that there is no comparison with this great Asura's immortal body.

This method is strange and inexplicable. Although its content also has the method of tempering the physical body, it pays more attention to the soul!

The tempering of the physical body is to better cultivate the soul.

This great Asura's immortal body takes the physical body as the foundation. At the beginning of cultivation, he first accumulates the soul, and after reaching a certain level, he dissipates it and merges it with the physical body.

In this way, every part of the body has its own imprint of the spirit and soul. Therefore, as long as there is a piece of flesh and blood that still contains vitality, it can be reborn through years of practice. The word "immortality" lies in this.

Moreover, this method is not just a method of protecting one's body. His tempering of the body is far superior to ordinary methods. If he cultivates to a high level, he can completely break the method with pure strength without using any spells or magic weapons.

After figuring out the cultivation effect of the Great Asura's Immortal Body, Gao Jiuding immediately had an urge to practice.

Not for anything else, just for the life-saving ability of this method, it is too powerful.

Even if it is a demon or evil way, after killing a person, there are only a few who directly destroy the corpse and wipe out the traces, and as long as the corpse is kept, after practicing the immortal body of the great Asura, they will not die!
However, Gao Jiuding did not rush to practice after all, the reason is very simple, the secret method of the great Asura's immortal body is not complete, it is just a fragment.

After all, what Gao Jiuding killed was a clone of King Asura. How could it possibly contain the complete training method of the great Asura's immortal body?
Also, no matter what the beast master sect thinks, it is impossible for the Asura clan to have such a heaven-defying skill, right?

Therefore, even if you refine Asura King, you may not be able to obtain the complete Great Asura Immortal Body Technique!

In Gao Jiuding's mind, it is absolutely impossible for the Beast Master Sect to come up with such a level of exercises and let the Asura clan practice!

This technique is likely to be the inheritance left by the Asura family who practiced in the sea of ​​blood for countless years, and constantly perfected it.

Since it is inherited by blood, it is naturally impossible for Gao Jiuding to be obtained by refining an incarnation of King Asura.

Even if he also has bloodline supernatural powers, there is no such a good thing.

After carefully analyzing this exercise, Gao Jiuding thinks that even the fragments are very useful.

Of course, the Ashura family may have a more perfect version, but it certainly cannot achieve the effect described at the beginning of the fragment.

The basic state of this remnant is there, but there are quite a few gaps in the middle. It can be said that the potential for improvement is very small.

Although Gao Jiuding's cultivation base is still low, his mentality is very high, especially after refining two top-level monsters by chance, he will be even higher. If he can't achieve pure yang, he really disdains for renovation.

Of course, he still has to learn the exercises that can strengthen his own supernatural powers and smoothly integrate into his own supernatural powers, like Shura Huaxue Gong.

So, he doesn't want to cultivate this great Asura's immortal body now, but it's impossible to let it go. If he doesn't practice, he can't integrate into his own supernatural powers?
Strengthen the body, temper the soul, and finally the soul merges into the body, which is somewhat similar to advanced pure yang.

Cultivator of Chunyang is to practice the dharma form, integrate the primordial spirit, so that the dharma form can be separated from the physical body and manifest in the world at will.

The achievement of the immortal body is to let the dharma form and the primordial spirit finally merge into the physical body, and the three treasures of essence, energy and spirit can be integrated into one, and one can become an immortal immediately.

Now look at the immortal body of the great Asura, who actually integrated the primordial spirit into the physical body one step ahead of time, so what about the dharma?They take advantage of the sea of ​​blood and don't practice Dharma at all?
At this time, Gao Jiuding finally understood that although the red-haired monk had the peak cultivation of Dharma appearance, what he cultivated was not Dharma appearance, but a pure physical body.

No wonder the Beast Master Sect wants to create such a monster to sacrifice magic weapons!

The red-haired monk did not know how many years of cultivation, he condensed his physical body into a treasure, how high is the quality?
"I hope Wanshou can take control of Longevity Mountain as soon as possible, and then I can go to the Nether Space below to have a look, and maybe I can get that blood-red long knife!"

At this time, Gao Jiuding realized that the blood-red long knife was probably the blood-transforming magic knife, the most suitable treasure for blood monks.

Gao Jiuding realized early on that his attack power was insufficient, and his attack methods were also lacking. If he had the Blood Transforming Sword and the supporting skills, then his killing methods would make up for it in the future.

The magic weapon transformed by the half-step pure yang cultivator is at least a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, right?
Even if it wears away its mind, it will never wear off its soul after being tempered by a red-haired monk for countless years to preserve its primordial spirit.

Only this kind of strengthened physical body, fused with the primordial spirit, can survive in the Nether Space, right?
As long as it is cultivated a little bit, it may be advanced to pure yang, that is a cave spirit treasure!

"The Emperor Beast Sect is really against the sky!" After thinking about this, Gao Jiuding didn't want to continue to provoke the Asura Clan.

His goal this time has already been achieved, so even if he can't get the complete training method of the great Asura's immortal body, he is not disappointed.

In fact, as long as Gao Jiuding has the most basic cultivation method, as long as he can get started, he can then deduce it by himself in the visualization space, which is more suitable for him to cultivate.

Now he has an idea to integrate this exercise into his self-created body forging exercise. If it is done, it will be difficult for him to want to die in the future.

"Well, I still need to visit this Netherworld and Sea of ​​Blood frequently. Not only for the immortality of the great Asura, but also to devour some ghosts and souls. This thing strengthens the soul!"

With this in mind, Gao Jiuding didn't stay any longer, and holding the jade talisman, he left the Shura Blood Formation Formation.

After leaving the battle, Gao Jiuding did not rush to leave directly, but communicated with Wanshou.

One is to learn about the usage of some jade talismans; the other is to learn more about the Netherworld and the Sea of ​​Blood.

Wanshou appeared in the secret space, Gao Jiuding's footsteps were steady and high-spirited, and he knew without even searching, that he had gained a lot this time.

"This thing is easy to use, but I don't know if other people can use it? How many times can it be used?" Gao Jiuding asked Wanshou without much courtesy.

With a smile on his face, Wan Shou threw out a few jade talismans casually.

Obviously, anyone can use this thing, and Wanshou still has quite a few in his hand.

Wanshou was in a good mood at this time, she smiled and said, "This is the beast master sect's reward for meritorious disciples, or a trial reward, it seems that the sea of ​​blood below is very useful to you?"

Of course, the sea of ​​blood is very useful to Gao Jiuding. When he was refining Xue Fiend, he also refined a lot of blood essence, and he refined a large pool at a time.

After removing the evil blood, what is left is the purest blood essence. After refining so much, Gao Jiuding's cultivation at this time has reached the peak of the fourth level of blood pill!
This time it wasn't for improving his cultivation, but even so, after condensing a blood god child, he still accumulated a lot of background.

These accumulate in the body, in the blood vessels, in the stomach.

These will serve as his background, to expand his foundation, and let him quickly improve his cultivation level, and he will be able to do a job with ease.

This time laying the foundation, he has achieved the ultimate. He has refined the spiritual objects of heaven and earth, improved his supernatural powers, and accumulated accumulations. Now he only needs to break through the cultivation base.

Sensing that Wanshou was releasing his divine consciousness and scanning his body, Gao Jiuding didn't make formulas or chant mantras, just stood there, eyes slightly closed!
Suddenly, he let out a clear shout, and in an instant, his whole body was filled with blood, and he quickly turned into a blood dragon, lingering around his side.

This move was learned by Gao Jiuding from that Asura. Of course, he doesn't know the secret method, it's just similar in shape, but its power is not inferior.

"Awesome, your aptitude, this comprehension, should be rare in ten thousand years!" Seeing this, Wan Shou smiled and said, "All the evil spirits are exposed, and the blood dragon is condensed. This is the level that can be done just now. Master, you are too powerful!"

Gao Jiuding was speechless, he really wanted to take this flattery seriously.

This was the first time someone praised him for his good qualifications, which made Gao Jiuding a little suspicious of life.

After receiving the supernatural powers, Gao Jiuding is still very satisfied with his performance!
Maybe his aptitude was not good before, but various opportunities later on have improved his body. It seems correct to say that he is extremely talented at this time.

Although he was proud of himself, Gao Jiuding didn't forget the business!
He continued, "I practiced this time, but I refined part of Asura's body and got a secret method. I don't know what happened?"

 Thanks for the fast update, the king of the queen and the king of the soil for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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