The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1110 There is an aura ahead

Chapter 1110 There is an aura ahead

When Gao Jiuding first got the crocodile-class battleship, he knew the way to advance to the Great Dao Honglu, that is, the more frequently it is used, the easier it is to advance.

However, knowing is not necessarily able to do.

If you lack spirit stones and are not willing to use them, then the road to advancement of the Great Dao Honglu may be the same as the previous Fox, even if decades have passed, you will not advance.

The current Fire Spirit is different. Its materials are all the best, and this time it has made space jumps for almost [-] times!

This kind of utilization rate has pushed Daohong Furnace to the extreme and refined it to an extreme, otherwise Huo Ling would not have raised the question of advancement.

As the Fire Spirit swallowed a spirit ban, the aura of the red Dao Hong Furnace, which was originally refined by the fire aura, began to restrain itself!
Gao Jiuding knew that it was because the newly added spirit ban was absorbing the spiritual energy emitted because it was too late to fuse.

With the new Spiritual Taboo absorbing and integrating the excess spiritual energy, the red light emitted from the Daohong furnace soon disappeared without a trace!

Obviously, Dao Honglu's strength has increased, and most importantly, its potential has also increased.

With the passage of time, space jumps again and again, and the spiritual energy is burned fiercely again and again, so that the newly added spiritual prohibition inside the Daohong furnace began to spread to every corner of the Daohong furnace!
Then, driven by the aura, the spirit bans began to grow and spread rapidly, and within a short time, the new spirit bans covered the entire battleship.

Gao Jiuding knew that by this time, the Fire Spirit would be considered an advanced second-level spiritual weapon!

Sure enough, this jump directly locked on to [-] astronomical units, and jumped over accurately.

"Stop, there is an aura ahead!"

After jumping over this time, Gao Jiuding found that the countdown to the jump had started again, and Huo Ling had already locked the coordinates of the next space jump.

However, Gao Jiuding just glanced at the surrounding starry sky habitually, and found that there was a large group of strong aura in front of him.

Fire Spirit just started to prepare for the next space jump according to its inertia, otherwise it would definitely be able to see that there are patches of asteroids in the dark void ahead.

The asteroids are spinning chaotically, and it can be said that they are going their own way.

But Gao Jiuding could see that those chaotic asteroids were all revolving around a big planet.

The reason why this group of asteroids looks chaotic is caused by the surrounding large planets.

"Haha, I knew there were asteroids in the darkness, and it really is!" Seeing countless asteroids, Gao Jiuding became excited.

"Master, you found the demon group, do you want to avoid it?" At this moment, Huo Ling's voice came.

It seems that it has initially controlled the newborn's spirit ban, but it will definitely take a while to get used to it in order to fully integrate.

"It's just right, you should also devour and refine some, your senior, little fox, likes devouring demons the most!"

Seeing a dark cloud in the distance, rushing towards him quickly, Gao Jiuding didn't panic at all, this is the embodiment of strength.

With strength, he will have confidence, and most importantly, he can see the group of monsters that he has attracted this time, the most powerful of which are just a few big monsters.

If even a few big devils are afraid, then Gao Jiuding's cultivation is in vain.

"There must be demon generals inside, at least demon generals, otherwise these big and small demons can't be suppressed!"

Gao Jiuding looked into the distance, he could only judge the size and number of asteroids over there based on the aura.

As for the group of demons that were darker than the void in front of him, he could see through them at a glance. There were only three big demons inside, and the rest were all little demons!
However, the number of little devils is really quite a lot. Gao Jiuding found thousands of them just by scanning his consciousness.

The group of monsters arrives in a flash, as long as you don't jump in space, you can't escape at all. This is Gao Jiuding's experience.

Now this experience has been verified again, but Gao Jiuding has no intention of avoiding it.

Of course, Huo Ling is also eager to try. It is a new life body that has just been born, and it still cares about strengthening its own spirit body.

As the devil cloud enveloped it, Huo Ling had no idea of ​​resisting the attack of the devil, so a group of thousands of devils all rushed into the battleship.

The restrictions on the outer layer of the battleship were not activated, and a large group of demons were easily let in.

"Seal!" Huo Ling yelled softly, and immediately activated the internal restraint of the battleship, covering a group of devils who broke in.

I saw a piece of spiritual light suddenly appearing in the inner space of the battleship. If you look carefully, you will find that this piece of spiritual light is a big net.

This large light red net is like the Blazing Fire Forbidden Net, but it is not as powerful as the Blazing Fire Forbidden Net, but the effect it creates is much stronger than the Blazing Fire Forbidden Net.

It's just that some big and small demons, the strongest strength will not exceed the late stage of foundation establishment. Such a group of demons, no matter how many in number, are still giving food to the Fire Spirit.

The spirit-level Fire Spirit has more potential than the Fox and Xuanwu, and this ultimately comes down to the two fire-type spirits smelted in it!

The restriction that Huo Ling is activating now is only a small part of the spiritual restriction, it can be regarded as a treasure restriction!
But just such a fire-type treasure can easily seal thousands of demons who broke into the battleship.

As the fire spirit sealed the big and small demons, the whole space seemed to stand still!
In front of Gao Jiuding, balls of black lacquer things were just floating there in the air. This was the first time Gao Jiuding saw the little devil so clearly.

It's just a cloud of black smoke, but it's denser than smoke.

Gao Jiuding stretched out his hand and caught a little devil through the restriction network, and the little devil immediately disappeared after touching the flesh.

Gao Jiuding felt a icy coldness in his body, was it invaded by the devil?

He stimulated the blood in his body a little, and the coldness disappeared, and it was integrated into Gao Jiuding's body.

After feeling it for a while, a little devil couldn't bear the consumption of his energy at all, and was completely refined almost in an instant.

It's a pity that this is a demon, and it is the power of the yin attribute. Although it can be absorbed by the body, and can even temper his physique, this kind of energy with incompatible attributes does not have much effect on strengthening his body.

Gao Jiuding stretched out his hand again, this time his hand was covered with a layer of blood light, the moment he touched a little devil, the blood light wrapped the little devil and swallowed it.

"En, this time the feeling is not bad!" Gao Jiuding could clearly feel that the little devil had merged into his own blood, and Gao Jiuding felt a chill in his heart.

The cool power made his brain extremely clear, and he knew that this was the result of his soul being nourished.

The blood god child can devour the spirit, energy, and spirit, while the devil is transformed from spirit. For such an energy body, it is not difficult for the blood god son to swallow it.

"Well, I really have a pure mind, this is the purest soul power!" After devouring a little devil and carefully checking the digestion of the soul, Gao Jiuding found that the situation was better than he imagined.

After devouring a little devil, unexpectedly, not many impurities were found, especially memory. These little devils have no memory, and their memory is almost blank.

"Master, maintaining the forbidden net consumes a lot of spiritual energy!" After Gao Jiuding devoured more than a dozen little devils one after another, Huo Ling spoke.

Gao Jiuding stopped his movements and glanced at Huo Ling. This guy looked aggrieved, what did he mean?
"Master, you can't eat too many snacks at one time!" Huo Ling looked at Gao Jiuding and said seriously.

Gao Jiuding was taken aback for a moment, then smiled: "Okay, leave me two big devils, and you can eat the rest!"

This little fire spirit also had a little thought, he also wanted to eat some little devil tonic.

Gao Jiuding was not stingy with the devil, after all, there were too many of them in the starry sky.

After receiving the order, Little Huoling was very happy, only to see a flash of aura within the battleship, and a large group of black air clusters disappeared.

Then the Dao Dao Hong Furnace started to run rumblingly, and Gao Jiuding knew that it was refining big and small demons.

A Daohong Furnace of the spirit weapon level can refine a big devil and thousands of little devils at a very fast speed!

On Gao Jiuding's side, before he had time to deal with the two big devils, the Great Dao Hong Furnace stopped operating.

"Huh! There are too many impurities, master, these demons have seen the world, and they have a little care, so they are not pure!" Huo Ling breathed out a black breath, and immediately said.

Gao Jiuding was stunned again, aren't these demons pure?He swallowed a few and didn't feel it.

"You'll know if you eat a big devil, but a little devil is useless!" Huo Ling said again.

Gao Jiuding was ashamed, his experience was not as good as this newly born Huo Ling.

Gao Jiuding didn't hesitate either, he directly released the Blood God Son, and rushed towards the two big devils one after another.

When the blood god child fit together and pounced, one big demon disappeared without a trace, and then the other one was swallowed.

The Blood God Son returned to his body, and Gao Jiuding carefully sensed the changes in his body.

The Blood God Son is actually the essence of Gao Jiuding's body, the Blood God Son is him, he is the Blood God Son, so after the Blood God Son merges into the main body, Gao Jiuding can clearly feel any feeling of digesting the big devil.

"Huh? There are quite a lot of impurities!" Gao Jiuding also needed to digest the big devil in the foundation building period, but he only digested a little bit, and felt some messy things.

Feeling it carefully, Gao Jiuding discovered that it was actually the memory of the great devil, from birth to being devoured, he had all the memories.

Although these two big devils were born a long time ago, they don't have many memories, but memories are memories, which is different from the little devils.

After a little tidying up, Gao Jiuding understood the experiences of these two big devils!
With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, a ball of black yin energy, wrapped in that ball of memory, was spat out by Gao Jiuding.

Looking at the black air mass in front of him, which disappeared without a trace in a short moment, Gao Jiuding felt that the scene in front of him was a bit familiar.

 Thanks for the reward from the brothers of the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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