The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1111 Infinite Metamorphosis

Chapter 1111 Infinite Metamorphosis
"The cornucopia guy is the best at spitting things out!"

Gao Jiuding had just devoured two big demon heads, and Gao Jiuding was at the moment when his mind was clear, so he immediately thought that after the cornucopia devoured other people's souls, he would finally spit out some memories.

At that time, Gao Jiuding was very happy to receive these memories, but now that he thinks about it, it is the garbage spit out by the cornucopia.

Gao Jiuding does not need the spirit energy attached to memory, because after refining, this part of memory is equal to his own memory.

Just now Gao Jiuding just understood a little bit, it can be regarded as reading the memory.

This kind of reading is selective, some boring and messy memories, and some mood swings, Gao Jiuding will not even touch them.

The memory read at this time will become your own memory!
If more memories of the big devil were fused, Gao Jiuding's memory would be chaotic in the future.

Now because the memories of the two big devils are weak, they can be easily fused without being affected, but what if there are more fused?
"I fused the memories of several monsters before. It seems that I need to refine them carefully. I must not rush for quick success!" After swallowing the two big demons, Gao Jiuding calmly digested them.

And without the Huo Ling who was troubled in this regard, it had already controlled the battleship, rushed into the group of asteroids, and began to devour the surrounding resources wantonly.

The two big devils threw away half of the rubbish, and after refining, the remaining soul energy was ten percent, but even so, it was equivalent to devouring one-tenth of a foundation-building stage monk.

Of course, the energy of the demon's soul is much worse than that of humans, but no matter how bad it is, the speed of devouring it is definitely not slow!
"The speed is a bit fast, just to practice the immortality of the great Asura!" Gao Jiuding sat cross-legged in the center of the battleship and began to practice.

The cultivation process of the great Asura's immortal body is to constantly separate a part of the power of the soul and integrate it into the physical body!
This process is very slow, because the soul is too fragile, if one is not careful, the magic skill is not practiced, and it hurts the soul instead.

According to the records of the Great Asura's Immortal Body, the final result was to shatter his own soul and completely merge into his body. Gao Jiuding would never choose or accept this kind of result, because his Dharma form also needs to integrate the soul.

In Gao Jiuding's mind, this process is gradual and infective rather than infiltrating.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding chose the basic part of the first half of the Great Asura Immortal Body to practice!
It is to slowly infiltrate one's soul power, until every cell in the body is covered with soul power, or let each cell of oneself carry a large amount of soul power.

Gao Jiuding didn't know what happened to others, but he had discovered long ago that his own blood, especially essence blood, could carry the power of the soul. His Blood Soul Curse was created based on this point.

Gao Jiuding has specialized in soul restraint, so he naturally knows that as long as it is active essence and blood, it is naturally attached to this trace of soul, otherwise how did Gao Jiuding's Concentric Blood Curse be refined?
In fact, it is not only the Concentric Blood Curse, but also the Blood Slave Seal, which also relies on blood essence to carry soul power to achieve its goal.

The Blood Slave Seal is actually more thorough. It can carry a trace of spiritual power into the body of outsiders, and can let this part of influence be passed on from generation to generation. This is the reason why the Blood Slave Seal can control the blood slaves from generation to generation.

Combining the Concentric Blood Curse and the Blood Slave Seal, Gao Jiuding has already deduced the immortality of the great Asura in the boring rush!
He used the principles of the Blood Slave Seal and the Concentric Blood Curse to practice his own blood essence.

The power of the soul is integrated into the blood essence, and then this drop of changed blood essence, or strengthened blood essence, is reintegrated into the body, and when it is completely integrated into the body, another drop of blood essence is taken to continue the sacrificial training.

This is equivalent to casting the Concentric Blood Curse on yourself, or imprinting a blood slave mark on yourself!

Of course, the great Asura's immortal body is simply integrated into the soul, so that the power of the soul that has been integrated into the blood essence cannot be dissipated, and it can also use the blood essence to strengthen the power of the soul.

When deducing this exercise, Gao Jiuding realized that this is actually tantamount to practicing a drop of his blood essence into a clone, such as the Son of Blood.

After the Blood God Son was condensed, he had his own independent wisdom.

Of course, it is not easy for the Blood God Son to condense, but it is easy to infect the essence and blood.

When the cultivation reaches a high level, a drop of Gao Jiuding's blood can be thrown out, and a clone can be transformed immediately, that's amazing.

Of course, this is just thinking about it. He knows very well that this kind of supernatural power is definitely impossible in the mortal world.

If you use the power of science and technology, you may be able to do it, because cloning technology can clone a clone from a drop of human blood, but such a clone does not have a soul.

Now Gao Jiuding is doing very thoroughly, using this idea to practice the method of infinite metamorphosis. If he really succeeds, he will really have an immortal body.

Legend has it that there are hundreds of millions of clones of the great Asura, and it is very difficult to kill them. Even the Asura King Gao Jiuding saw at the Dharma stage can easily transform into a clone. He probably used this kind of supernatural means .

And Gao Jiuding has another advantage. In principle, his blood god son can also clone hundreds of millions, as long as you have enough energy.

Here, blood essence is energy, and Gao Jiuding can even use the method of cultivating the blood god son to refine his own blood essence, so as to deduce and perfect the cultivation method of the great Asura's immortal body faster.

Therefore, even if Gao Jiuding got the Great Asura Immortal Body is a fragment, he is not afraid!
He is very sure that the Great Asura Immortal Body he deduces is definitely better than the Great Asura Immortal Body of the Asura clan, at least it is the most suitable method for human cultivation.

Combining the three methods of practicing blood curse, blood slave seal and blood god son, they merged into a new great Asura immortal body, and Gao Jiuding practiced very smoothly!
Because at the beginning, he just kept casting blood curses on a drop of blood essence.

In this process, it consumes a lot of soul power!
If the soul is weak, just cast the blood curse a few times, the soul will become extremely tired!
At this time, you will feel very tired and want to sleep very much. If you forcefully continue to practice, you will fall into a coma.

Do this kind of thing a few more times, not to mention cultivation, your spirit will definitely be crippled by you.

Therefore, to cultivate the new version of the Great Asura's Immortal Body, one needs a powerful soul, and it is best to keep nurturing and strengthening the soul, so as to support the cultivation of this exercise.

As the saying goes, if you are poor and wealthy, if you have no money or resources, you should not practice.

Gao Jiuding now has a lot of soul power to replenish, and it will naturally go smoothly when he cultivates the immortal body of a great Asura.

After the balls of blood essence were sacrificially trained, they immediately merged into the body. During this process, the blood essence was sacrificed again and divided again!
And during this process, a small part of the soul power in the blood essence will be fused with the blood essence, and the rest will be lost. After all, the soul power belongs to yin, while the blood essence belongs to yang, and the two mutually restrain each other.

Of course, Gao Jiuding will not allow this part of the soul power to be wasted. Under his control, the lost part of the soul power will flow back to the sea of ​​consciousness and reintegrate into his soul.

And the remaining traces will be parasitic in the essence and blood!

The effect of this kind of cultivation is actually very low efficiency.

However, no matter how inefficient, as long as it is effective.

After practicing for a while, Gao Jiuding discovered that this is actually a method of cultivating the soul.

As long as there is enough soul supplement, part of the body is refined, part of the soul is absorbed, and the last bit is integrated into the blood essence and dispersed throughout the body, this is already a good result.

If you rely solely on your own spiritual power, it will be a loss, because part of your body will be depleted.

However, if there is external spiritual power to supplement, or even borrow external power to cast a blood curse to fuse the divine soul, then every piece of divine soul power absorbed is an enhancement to oneself.

There is no consumption, no matter how little you absorb, it is also absorption and growth.

"No wonder there are so many ghosts in the sea of ​​blood. I'm afraid those things are the cultivation resources of the Asura clan. Unfortunately, swallowing jujubes is a hidden danger, so each of the Asura clan is very tyrannical, or inhumane." !"

Gao Jiuding opened his eyes as if he had realized something, and his cultivation came to an end, because the spirit power he refined just now had been exhausted.

The cultivation was completed, and Gao Jiuding also saw the harvest this time!

The harvest is not big, and the spiritual stones of each department have harvested more than one million yuan, but all of them are low-grade spiritual stones.

However, a lot of soil materials have been harvested, mainly collected from several large planets.

There are more than a dozen large planets surrounded by chaotic asteroids in the center, each with a diameter of more than 800 meters, and the largest one is even more than 600 meters, which is definitely not small.

The size is not small, the volume and mass are large, and the natural gravity is not small, so they attract many asteroids around them and revolve around them.

Of course, attracting so many asteroids to orbit is naturally not only relying on that nod, but mainly because of the earth-based material contained in it, which is a kind of gravity material.

These materials were specially extracted by Huo Ling and piled up in the battleship warehouse.

After Gao Jiuding woke up, he saw a large pile of khaki bricks.

The group of asteroids has almost been disintegrated by the fire spirit!
After the mined ore was broken down, it was pulled close to the Hong Furnace on the main road and passed through it again!
After valuable refining, spit it out and pile it up in the warehouse!
Those that are worthless, or that have no refining value, will be refined and absorbed directly, and the impurities will be ejected out of the battleship.

After such a process, what is placed in front of Gao Jiuding is the spirit mine after a rough refinement.

"Magnets? The grade is not low. This is a black magnet? There are a lot of them!" Picking up one, Gao Jiuding immediately felt the weight.

It wasn't the weight of the palm-sized tiles, but the force of mutual attraction between them and the large pile underground, which made the tiles in Gao Jiuding's hands even heavier.

(End of this chapter)

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