The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1112 Asteroid Belt

Chapter 1112 Asteroid Belt
"Gravity magnets are very good for refining weapons. They can also be used for cultivating supernatural powers. You can cultivate small supernatural powers in the foundation building stage. It will become easier to enter the Jindan stage and the blood pill stage. You can also use the method of hemolysis to practice, but it will be difficult. Affecting the bloodline is not worth the loss!" Huo Ling replied.

Gao Jiuding released his divine sense and analyzed the spirit mine in his hand. The magnetic force contained inside was very pure, which was also very useful for him to practice earth-type supernatural powers.

This thing can even be refined, and it is definitely a good thing to increase the yin and yang magnetic power of the earth spirit bead.

"Well, it's fine to refine it to this level by consuming some spiritual energy!" Gao Jiuding could see that Huo Ling had put his heart into it, otherwise he wouldn't have refined these magnets so purely.

"I didn't waste the spirit stones, these basaltic stones are very neat and pure!" Huo Ling said immediately.

Gao Jiuding glanced at Huo Ling strangely, didn't he extract it on purpose?That's strange!

"Let's go when it's almost done. The remaining ones are worthless to mine. It's a waste of time to stay here!" Gao Jiuding waved his hand and didn't say anything.

There are so many strange things in the universe, and this is nothing more than finding some relatively pure magnetites!

Maybe next time, he will find the pure yin-yang element magnet!
After receiving the order, Huo Ling did not execute it immediately, but hesitated a little before saying: "I have calculated the source of this group of asteroids, according to their flying speed and trajectory, if there is no external force, they should It's coming from this direction!
Through analysis, they should have been a whole. I don’t know why they were shattered, and they flew here. So many asteroids flew here smoothly. It shouldn't be too far! "

Looking at the direction that Huo Ling pointed, it was indeed not far away, maybe it would be over after a few jumps, but going there was off course.

"It's reasonable to listen to your analysis, so let's go over and have a look. Anyway, we don't have the exact coordinates of the Sirius galaxy. It's okay to deviate a little bit. It's a big deal to correct it later!" Gao Jiuding knew what Huoling meant when he heard it. , he immediately agreed.

He is an earth-type monk, so he naturally wants to find some earth-type spirit mines and spirit stones, and the analysis of the fire spirit is also correct.

Even if it's just for verification, that little waste is nothing.

Therefore, every time the space jump ends, Huo Ling will stop for a while, and use the folding mirror radar to scan the surrounding environment!
It will make the next space jump when it doesn't find it!
Just stop and go like this, jumping a dozen times in succession, Huo Ling's voice full of surprises came again.

"There is really an asteroid in front of the master!"

Gao Jiuding naturally saw it too, but it was only a dozen or so asteroids, and the aura was dim.

"It's good to find out, it seems that there are some big and small devils!" Gao Jiuding said.

"Master, after discovering these asteroids, I can roughly infer their origin!" Huo Ling said happily.

The two points are connected in a line. Although it is impossible to calculate the flight trajectory of the asteroid so simply in the universe, but combined with the current situation, it is really possible to calculate which direction these asteroids are flying from.

Gao Jiuding thought for a while, then said: "Then follow the orbit of the asteroid to find it!"

There is no need to jump in space, just to fly fast, and it is just a waste of time, Gao Jiuding naturally will not object.

Next, Huo Ling was really powerful. It found many asteroids one after another within more than 100 astronomical units in front of it.

It's just that these asteroids are too scattered, and there is not much to gain. Of course, the devil still caught some.

Gao Jiuding refined another big devil, this time Gao Jiuding didn't directly strip off the memory of the big devil, because he found something strange.

Gao Jiuding discovered their birthplace from the memory of the devil, which was an unknown group of asteroids.

At the beginning Gao Jiuding didn't pay attention to the memory of the devil, and later he discovered something, but he didn't pay attention to it, but after discovering more times, Gao Jiuding had an idea.

It was a large asteroid, or an asteroid belt, a huge asteroid belt similar to the Kuiper belt in the solar system.

If he could really find an asteroid belt in this empty, seemingly empty universe, would he have made a fuss?
Gao Jiuding told Huo Ling the deduction, and Huo Ling was more active. This time they were not afraid of wasting the spirit stones, and started to jump directly into space.

"Master, I found it, it's really an asteroid belt!" Huo Ling said in great surprise.

After wasting a month of going around and going around, Gao Jiuding didn't know how many big and small demons he refined, they finally found out.

Gao Jiuding looked at the star map, and then at the astrolabe disk, Huo Ling's deduction was really accurate!
According to the flight trajectory of the previous group of asteroids, it was really on this course and found more asteroids.

The density of asteroids here is no longer a group of asteroids, but an asteroid belt.

The previous group of asteroids should be on the flight path of this asteroid belt, so Gao Jiuding could come across it, and following this orbit, he will definitely be able to find this asteroid belt.

"This is most likely the product of a planet with a diameter of more than a few thousand kilometers, after it was crushed!" Huo Ling said in an affirmative tone.

Gao Jiuding nodded and said: "The asteroid belt in the solar system is a planet that is about the size of the earth. It was formed after it was broken. If the situation is the same here, then this asteroid belt is really not small!"

Huo Ling directly shook his head and said: "This is different from the asteroid belt in the solar system. According to my analysis, the asteroid belt here has not been formed for a long time, and the asteroid belt in the solar system is probably formed in the solar system." It was formed during the process, and there are no galaxies here, so it is very suspicious that this asteroid belt is so completely preserved."

Gao Jiuding was a little speechless. Although this Huo Ling was just a newborn, his intelligence was very high, but his EQ was really bad. Is there anyone who refuted his master like that?

"What do you think?" Gao Jiuding asked directly.

Huo Ling smiled and said, "According to the analysis of the information in the database I read, the biggest possibility is that recently, a planet with a diameter of more than two to three thousand kilometers was shattered due to unknown reasons!"

"Broken?" Gao Jiuding asked suspiciously.

"That's right, it wasn't smashed, it wasn't blown up, it should have smashed the planet with the force that just reached the critical point, and only by breaking the planet in this way can the asteroid belt not collapse in all directions. Fly!" Huo Ling said confidently.

Gao Jiuding nodded. Only a very moderate force can shatter a planet and prevent the asteroid belt from spreading. That would not form an asteroid belt.

Flying in all directions, in the vacuum and gravity-free environment of the universe, it has long been invisible. Where will the asteroid belt be formed?

"What kind of power can cause such a result?" Gao Jiuding sighed.

"Maybe there is a massive star that suddenly appeared at our location, the huge gravitational force shattered the star, and finally formed an asteroid belt flying towards us!" After thinking for a while, Huo Ling said .

At this time, Gao Jiuding has already determined that Huo Ling is a tool spirit similar to an intelligent brain, and its analytical ability is really too powerful.

And this kind of analysis, Gao Jiuding actually agrees with it very much, because he knows that this is very likely to happen.

If it is really a planet, if it is close to this unknown collapsing planet, this planet will become what it is now!
There is a term in astronomy called the Roche limit, which is specifically used to discuss the shape of two planets under gravity!
Since planets, satellites, etc. are all composed of different substances, we can also regard them as fluid masses of substances!
Then when the distance between the two planets is close to a certain level, the gravitational tidal action between the two will cause the fluid mass to disintegrate and disperse. This phenomenon can easily occur between satellites and planets!
For example, this phenomenon occurs when the moon is 1.9 kilometers away from the earth (surface distance).

Others believe that the Kuiper belt was also formed due to the shattering of stars. Of course, there is no final conclusion on these.

However, it is really possible that the asteroid belt here is exactly what Huo Ling deduced. A massive star body suddenly encountered, using the power of gravitational tides, shattered this small planet, thus creating such a large area. , an asteroid belt flying in the void.

If an asteroid belt is really formed in this way, and it exists in a dark cosmic vacuum with no villages or shops behind, then all the resources on this planet have been preserved?

"This asteroid belt is flying towards the outer edge of the fourth cantilever!" Just as Gao Jiuding's eyes reflected light, Huo Ling said.

"Fly outward?" Gao Jiuding didn't react for a while.

"If you want to exploit the resources in this asteroid belt, it will definitely not be completed in a short period of time. If you do this, you will definitely deviate from the route of the Sirius Galaxy!" Huo Ling said immediately.

Gao Jiuding thought for a while and said: "Entering the asteroid belt, if there are not many resources, we will correct the course and continue to the Sirius galaxy. If there are enough resources in this asteroid belt, why should we look far away?"

"Master, I need to remind you that the greatest danger in the starry sky is far away from the galaxy. There is a vast starry sky outside the fourth cantilever. There may be such an asteroid belt there, and there may be large stars, but the bigger It might be nothing!" Huo Ling reminded.

Gao Jiuding waved his hand and said: "I know this, don't forget, we have a teleportation array, as long as we don't leave the solar system for ten light-years, we will be in no danger, this time it will be regarded as land reclamation, be careful when approaching the asteroid belt, over there There must be demons!"

"Yes, the coordinates are [-] kilometers away from the asteroid belt for a space jump, and the countdown begins."

 Thanks to the King of the Queen of Heaven, the King of the Earth, who poisoned you thousands of times, and the bookish brother of the scholarly family for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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