Chapter 1118

The resources in the periphery of this asteroid belt are really not enough, there are only some primary materials, such as ice crystals, platinum copper, and emperor stones. If you encounter them, you will be lucky.

Where Gao Jiuding is now, only black iron ore has been found so far, as well as some copper, magnets, ice crystals, lava rocks, etc.

Even Huoliuli is considered a rare commodity, and Gao Jiuding will be happy for a while if he can find some Xuanhuangshi!

"Master, you must like this discovery, I found a big golden star!" Just when Gao Jiuding was a little disappointed, Huo Ling reported good news.

"Is it worth being happy to find gold? I'll be happy if you find the Emperor's Stone Cave Mansion! Ah, what did I see?"

The battleship stopped and flew, and the two of them had been in this area for several days. This time, Gao Jiuding actually found a piece of golden light.

Not far away, there was a rich golden aura, not a golden aura, but a mysterious yellow aura.

When the mysterious yellow energy is strong, it is bright yellow, but now it is bright, how strong is this?

"Come closer, let me, what is that?" As soon as he approached, Gao Jiuding saw the rich aura, which actually began to transform into a string of large characters.

Gao Jiuding rubbed his eyes and took a closer look, only to find that those auras freely combined two lines of characters: Heaven and earth create black and yellow, and the universe turns into prehistoric!

When he first saw it, Gao Jiuding was shocked, but when he saw it clearly, he immediately burst out laughing.

He immediately flew out of the battleship, looking at the mysterious and yellow aura in front of him, he really didn't know what to say at this moment.

Of course, those two lines of big characters were pure illusions, no matter how he looked at this time, he couldn't see those two lines of big characters anymore.

"Is it really a hallucination?" Gao Jiuding was a little dazed, he felt something was wrong.

Looking inside with his spiritual sense, Gao Jiuding immediately discovered that it was not an illusion just now.

The two lines of characters he saw just now have been deeply imprinted in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Within the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Gao Jiuding could still see two lines of big characters made up like smoke: Heaven and earth produce black and yellow, and the universe becomes prehistoric!

These two lines of characters are really easy to understand, just by looking at them, you can tell what they mean.

The heaven and the earth give birth to black and yellow, and the universe will turn into a wilderness.

The universe at this time, in human cognition, is boundless. Doesn't this justify the legend of the prehistoric?
It is not difficult to understand the universalization of the prehistoric.

So what about Heaven and Earth Born Xuanhuang?Isn't the mysterious and yellow aura in front of you born from heaven and earth?

This asteroid belt must be a planet, which was transformed after being smashed!

But the heaven and the earth gave birth to the mysterious yellow, and when the heaven and the earth were shattered, the mysterious and yellow aura would naturally emerge!

"Good thing, the grade of this Xuanhuang Qi is at least a mid-level heavenly grade, right?" With just a thought, Gao Jiuding came to the place shrouded by the Xuanhuang Qi.

"Huh? Is this a cave?" Dimly seeing that it was surrounded by the mysterious and yellow aura, it seemed to be a cave, which made Gao Jiuding's expression a little strange.

Did God hear his prayer?He just said a few times that he wanted a cave surrounded by mysterious and yellow aura, so it was delivered to him?
However, in the void of the universe, how could there be a cave?Is it naturally formed?

That's not right, if it was formed naturally, how could the aura emanating from those mysterious and yellow auras form those two sentences.

By the way, he still knows the words in those two sentences. In fact, if you think about it carefully, are they runes?
But with a little perception, he naturally knew what those words meant, which was amazing.

After logging in to the asteroid, Gao Jiuding found that the asteroid was not too big, and its texture didn't seem to be too strong, but after getting close to the mysterious and yellow air, he felt a sense of heaviness.

If you want to get close to that cave, you must enter the Xuanhuang Qi!

As soon as he got closer, Gao Jiuding felt a heavy pressure. The strong yellow aura in front of him was indeed a mysterious yellow aura.

Gao Jiuding immediately mobilized the true energy in his body, absorbed a little, and wanted to refine it for a try, but the mysterious and yellow energy in front of him was too strong, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

After only a little refinement, Gao Jiuding confirmed the authenticity, and being able to gather so much mysterious and yellow energy, it is very likely that there is the Emperor Stone in the cave. If the entire cave was carved out of the Emperor Stone, it would be even more All right.

Although it felt heavy, Gao Jiuding still took a few steps forward quickly, but these dark and yellow auras were beyond Gao Jiuding's expectations, and he felt as if he was stuck in a quagmire, unable to move forward.

Gao Jiuding was cruel, opened his mouth directly, and sucked in a big mouthful.

A large amount of dark and yellow air quickly entered his mouth. With this skill, Gao Jiuding clearly saw the place covered by the mysterious and yellow air through this piece of black and yellow air!
What surprised Gao Jiuding was that what appeared in front of his eyes was indeed a cave with obvious signs of artificial modification.

Natural caves and cultivation caves are so easy to recognize, Gao Jiuding will never admit it wrong.

Gao Jiuding was even happier this time. Who would have imagined that while mining in the starry sky, he could still meet a cultivator's cave?

"Could it be the cause of this cave?" Gao Jiuding carefully refined the surrounding Xuanhuang Qi while checking the situation of the cave.

A star was shattered, but this cave can still survive, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible.

Gao Jiuding carefully inspected the appearance of the cave. This cave does not only have a dark entrance, but like the caves on the earth, it is very delicately built, with doors, windows, flues, vents, etc. all The construction is very delicate, and it can even be said that the construction is very atmospheric.

It can be said that this asteroid, which is [-] meters long and wide, is a cave, or a cave dwelling, and he was still in the void just like that.

"Huh? Can't get close? Is it because of the mysterious yellow energy? The restriction of this cave has extracted the mysterious yellow energy and evolved it into a protective layer?"

Gao Jiuding just wanted to get closer, but found that his body suddenly became very heavy, which must be caused by the mysterious and yellow energy.

"Such pure Xuanhuang Qi is very rare!" Feeling the pressure, Gao Jiuding was not in a hurry to explore in the cave.

After thinking about it for a while, Gao Jiuding took out his personal jade document, logged into, and searched for information about Xuanhuang Qi.

After searching for more than an hour and reading enough information, Gao Jiuding realized that the mysterious and yellow energy is more precious than he imagined.

In the world of earth cultivation, if there is no spiritual root, few people choose the earth system to practice if there is no spiritual root, and there are few people who choose the earth system to practice. The main reason is that the cultivation is slow and the cultivation materials that are easily obtained are relatively low.

Of course, there are high-grade soil materials in the starry sky, but they are not easy to obtain.

For example, the most well-known earth-type spiritual materials Liangyi magnetism, Yin-Yang magnetism, Taiji magnetism, etc., can be found on many planets, but it is very difficult for you to absorb magnetism on a complete planet. .

There is also Xuanhuang Qi, which is among the earth-type heaven and earth spirits, and it is the most suitable heaven and earth spirit for cultivating supernatural powers!

Almost all the stars have the mysterious and yellow aura, but on the complete stars, the mysterious and yellow aura does not appear, they are all integrated in the heaven and the earth.

So how can it be collected?Only when the stars are broken, the mysterious and yellow energy will be released. If it cannot be collected, it can only be lost completely.

Of course, some of them will be attached to the star fragments, but it is difficult for asteroids to preserve much mysterious and yellow energy.

Just like the Xuanhuangshi and Dihuangshi that Gao Jiuding found before, they were all born under such circumstances.

But the real situation is that the pure black and yellow aura in front of Gao Jiuding's eyes is all gas!
The mysterious and yellow energy fused between the vast world can be detected by ordinary monks of the earth system, but if you want to absorb more, then you should grind it slowly!

Because the world is too big, if you want to separate enough mysterious and yellow energy, it will take a lot of time, hehe.
Of course, man is the spirit of all things, as long as it is valuable, someone will find a way to extract it, so a large area of ​​strong black and yellow aura appeared in front of Gao Jiuding's eyes.

The planet was shattered, but the cave was preserved because of the prohibition!

The mysterious and yellow energy around must have been attracted by the restriction in the cave at the moment when the stars were shattered, thus gathering here.

This is a chance, and it is a chance for Gao Jiuding, but the benefits of strengthening the supernatural power after smelting are inexhaustible.

The more spiritual objects are smelted, the more the better, because the body has a limit to bear, but after Gao Jiuding's recent research, that is, experimenting in the visualization space, he found that the body is stronger, and he can still choose more spiritual objects. It would be even better if they could complement each other.

The reason why the major sects above the demon star can only fuse one kind of heaven and earth spirits, and it is impossible to cross-level fusion, and there is even a limit on the number of fusions, etc., is because they do not have enough resources.

The result of fusing two heaven and earth spirits of the same level cannot achieve the result of one plus one equals two, but it can also achieve the result of one point one or one point two.

For Gao Jiuding, as long as there is still a slight possibility of growth, he can do it, but such a thing is almost impossible in the sect, and it is not cost-effective, so it must not be done.

How did Gao Jiuding improve himself, how did he come here!
Even if there is only a slight improvement, he will not give up.

After his research, the fusion of multiple copies of heaven and earth spirits at the same level, even if the body and supernatural powers are not strengthened much, is still beneficial!
If you can't awaken your supernatural powers or strengthen your supernatural powers, it must be because there are too few fusions.

If you can't integrate more, it must be because your body is not good enough, not because there are too many spirits in the world.

Heaven and earth spiritual things are great nourishing things, if they are devoured less, they will have no effect!

As long as it can accommodate more, it will naturally have an effect, because hard work will not be wasted.

Of course, too much is too late, if you can't bear it, then it's better to take it easy.

But, can Gao Jiuding not bear it?His physical potential is still great!
(End of this chapter)

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