Chapter 1119
After Gao Jiuding's experiment, among the spirits of heaven and earth in the earth system, the Xuanhuang Qi is the most tolerant, and it can even be said to be tolerant of everything.

If he uses the mysterious and yellow energy as the foundation, he can continue to integrate the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil, and even five-color divine stones. Unfortunately, treasures such as five-color divine stones and bipolar Yuanci are hard to come by.

Now Gao Jiuding can only aim at it, the Xuanhuang Qi and the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil will be smelted!
Now that they met, how could Gao Jiuding let it go? Although there are still many treasures in the asteroid belt, Gao Jiuding didn't bother to explore at this time.

He sat directly in the mysterious yellow aura in front of the cave, and started to practice!
It was at this time that Huo Ling's voice sounded: "Master, the teleportation array is activated, and the mistress has sent good things over!"

"What good thing? Take it here and have a look!" Gao Jiuding said calmly, any good thing is not as good as the dark and yellow aura in front of him.

Although he didn't think it was really a good thing, Gao Jiuding was still very curious. He took out the jade ultimatum and planned to ask about it.

As soon as he took out the portable jade document, the portable jade document exuded a strong brilliance, and when he started it, Tie Lan's figure appeared again!
"Boy, have you received the gift? I discussed it with the boss, and I still plan to give you some benefits. A rich man like you doesn't like ordinary things anymore!" Tie Lan said with a smile.

Picking up what Huo Ling sent, Gao Jiuding's eyes widened. Isn't this the space-time attic he used before?

Without the help of this space-time attic, he really couldn't cultivate so fast!
"Haha, got it? Boss said, I'll give it to you for another year, isn't that interesting?" Tie Lan said with a smile.

Gao Jiuding nodded, feeling a little moved in his heart. Now Gao Jiuding understands the value of the Time and Space God Realm very clearly.

It is because of his Time and Space God's Domain that he can truly feel its power and value, and such a good resource has been given to him twice in the alliance.

Although Gao Jiuding also paid some price, whether it is wind-milled copper or some secret books, it is nothing.

Time and Space God's Domain is a precious and rare opportunity, while others are just ordinary opportunities. Wind-milled copper can be bought with money, but Time and Space God's Domain is very difficult to buy the right to use.

For example, Gao Jiuding's Time and Space God's Domain does not belong to his forces, and no one can get the chance to use it.

If Gao Jiuding didn't have the God of Time and Space, how would he feel at this moment?Overjoyed?
Using one year for ten years is cheating!
Originally, he regretted that he didn't bring the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda here, and he even interrupted the rhythm of Wanshou refining Longevity Mountain, and sent the pagoda directly to fight!
Only the Space-Time God Realm can speed up the speed at which he absorbs and refines the mysterious and yellow energy of this place!

Unexpectedly, Tie Lan became timely rain, and immediately sent the Time and Space Attic over.

"Between us, don't say words of gratitude, just ask what you need!" This time Gao Jiuding was sincere.

"If you say that, I really want to remind you that the secrets of exercises are actually incidental, and sometimes they are icing on the cake. It's okay if you don't have them, but you have to pay attention to the basic medicinal materials I told you earlier!
If you have left manpower on the demon star, try to plant some basic medicinal materials. Our alliance needs to expand, and basic medicinal materials are indispensable. This is the most precious resource! " Tie Lan said.

Gao Jiuding was taken aback, and said: "How can our alliance expand? I remember that there are trading shares every month, right? Are those medicinal materials not enough for the alliance?"

This time Gao Jiuding is really strange, he has never fooled Tie Lan, since he entered the demon star, An Shenxiu and others have never stopped trading with Tie Lan!
And every time she was traded a large number of basic medicinal materials, it has been more than ten years, she should have cultivated a large number of resources, right?Why is there such a huge gap?
Tie Lan glared at Gao Jiuding and said, "The loose cultivators who don't want to be restricted by the Shenzhou Taoist League have joined our scattered alliance. How much basic resources do you think we need? The earth's spiritual energy has only recovered for less than ten years, and relying solely on that little spiritual energy to promote the birth of spirits medicine, but also to improve the physical fitness of the earth’s tens of billions of people, how can it be enough?”

"So, the purpose of our group of people entering the demon star is to collect medicinal materials?" Gao Jiuding smiled wryly.

Tie Lan laughed and said: "With your cultivation at that time, what do you want to do when you enter the demon star? Kill all directions and rob resources? Establish a fairy dynasty? Ten thousand immortals come to the dynasty? Then you don't have to collect, and others will give you offerings, But that was a joke, a dream, just think about it!

In just over ten years, how far can the groups of people we sent in grow?Of course, you are an exception, and everyone else is working hard to farm now. I heard that the most common land on the demon star has the effect of a first-level spiritual field. As long as you work hard enough, you can provide us with a few thousand catties of basic medicinal materials every year. much? "

Gao Jiuding fell silent. What Tie Lan said was the truth, but the truth hurts people. Could it be that the Shenzhou Daomeng spent such a high price to choose a group of people with such good qualifications, and sent them to the demon star just to farm?

Of course, this is not important. The important thing is that Gao Jiuding really has no shortage of basic medicinal materials. He has tens of millions of people, such a large site, and most of the things he produces are basic medicinal materials, even if they are produced by ordinary Lingtian. Lingdao can also refine some basic Qi Refining Pills.

You must know that they are ordinary food crops above the demon star, and the yield of this kind of food crops is more than [-] catties per mu, and the yield of high-yield lingtian has reached [-] kilograms per mu, so even if it is used for food, On his territory, the annual output is enough to feed tens of millions of people for two years.

"Understood, I will send you dozens of tons!" Gao Jiuding said directly.

"Dozens of tons? What's going on?" Tie Lan didn't realize anything at first. When she heard Gao Jiuding's words clearly, she didn't know what to say.

At this time, Gao Jiuding had already closed the call, and he left a message to An Shenxiu again, asking her to give Tie Lan dozens of tons of spiritual rice.

When he occupied the Golden Wolf collar, he seized too much of that thing!
Afterwards, they were produced every year, and many of them could only be brewed into spirit wine, or they could only be piled up in the warehouse to rot.

Monster star monks need essence energy, which cannot be refined into true energy, so having more food is not as good as having more monsters.

They mostly use food to feed monster beasts, and collect animal blood to refine blood-replenishing pills, essence-blood pills, and other blood-refining elixir.

If it weren't for the large amount of grain that can be used to make wine and feed monsters, the guy who has recently allocated land and is already qualified to practice for the whole people may not be willing to grow high-yielding grain crops.

If there are more harvests, the price will naturally be lower. If it is not used to pay taxes, there will definitely be fewer people growing food crops.

Therefore, what Gao Jiuding has received the most these years is grain, such as white jade rice, golden rice, sky green rice, and even blood rice. They have harvested a large amount, and now they are piling up in the grain depot and getting moldy!
Since Tie Lan needed it, it was time for her to help consume a batch. Of course, the first batch was free of charge. After that, it would need to be discussed carefully.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding was already thinking about what resources he needed to exchange!
Elixirs, cheats, magic weapons and so on are fine, it is best to ask for high-level spirit stones, or other resources.

He hasn't entered the starry sky in the past ten years, and even the resources he hoarded in his hands will be consumed now, not to mention some scarce resources.

Gao Jiuding didn't know about Tie Lan's surprise, and he didn't know how hot Tie Lan's heart was at this moment. He just knew that this time the harvest was not small.

Dozens of tons of the most common golden rice can only be used to refine Qi-refining pills. Even advanced Qi-refining pills can be refined a lot. Of course, Tie Lan is happy to get so many resources for free.

However, after she was happy, she was jealous, and her heart was hot!
She really didn't know what Gao Jiuding had done in the past ten years to be able to send out so many resources at once.

Even if there are spiritual fields everywhere above the demon star, you still have to be able to occupy them!

In a lawless world without any order, just because you have planted spiritual fields does not mean that you can reap them.

At this time, Tie Lan deeply realized the power of Gao Jiuding, not only his own cultivation was advanced, but also the strength of his subordinates should not be weak.

Next, Tie Lan contacted the sword leader again, ready to negotiate with Gao Jiuding!

Gao Jiuding didn't know all this, he had already started to practice at this time.

Randomly picked up a jade token hanging on the space-time attic, Gao Jiuding immediately refined the entry and exit jade token with a surge of blood in his hand.

Walking into the attic, the first and second floors are still the same as before, shrouded in aura, and these precious elixir should be planted in it.

Looking at the hazy aura at this time, Gao Jiuding can already see some of the situation inside the formation. This is because his cultivation base has been enhanced, his body is stronger, and his clairvoyance is also much stronger with his bloodline supernatural power.

The ones that are easy to identify are ginseng, and others include Polygonum multiflorum, Polygonatum and so on!
It seems that there are only a few elixir that can make the most of the time-space gods' domain on the earth.

Other elixirs have a short growth time, and cannot give full play to the advantages of the Time and Space God's Domain.

I didn't continue to check, because I saw Wannian ginseng, could I still go in and steal some?
Since it's not yours, don't worry too much about it!

Walking into the third floor of the small attic again, Gao Jiuding felt a little emotional, how did he survive back then?This is really a small black house!

This time it was different, Gao Jiuding didn't plan to close the third-floor attic, because if it was closed, he couldn't collect the dark and yellow atmosphere outside.

"Practicing can't delay getting rich!" Gao Jiuding thought, and a purple-gold bee separated from his body.

The bee is the size of a child's fist, and its body is purple-gold. This is the first purple-gold bee that Gao Jiuding trained, and it has been cultivated by him to the peak of hemolysis.

After seeing Bai Yufeng cultivated by Queen Bee Wind Wing, Gao Jiuding has always wanted to cultivate his own Zijin bee. When he was retreating, Gao Jiuding used the Longevity Secret Realm to cultivate such a clone.

 Thanks to the king of the emperor, lads4017, and book friend 20190103004646188 for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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