Chapter 1120
Zijin bee, like Bai Yufeng, relied on nectar and royal jelly to improve its cultivation. The cemetery under Gao Jiuding had been patronized by Wind Wing before, so it was more difficult for Gao Jiuding to cultivate Zijin bee this time.

However, who made the Longevity Secret Realm so vast?

Coupled with the countless peach blossoms on the Rotten Peach Mountain, Gao Jiuding cultivated the Zijin bee, and it went smoothly.

However, insects such as bees are still difficult to cultivate. Even if Gao Jiuding has enough resources, there is no way to make it cultivate faster.

Therefore, it took him seven or eight years, coupled with the advantages of the Time and Space God Territory, to cultivate a hemolytic peak monster bee, only one step away from advanced blood pills!
This is a threshold. If there is no special opportunity, it should be difficult for a low-level monster like Zijinfeng to advance to the blood pill.

And this reflects the luck of the Queen Bee Wind Wing, his white jade queen bee incarnation is almost about to advance to the Dharma.

"Go!" Gao Jiuding waved his hand, and the Zijin Bee in his hand immediately flew out of the attic, while Gao Jiuding began to absorb the mysterious and yellow energy pouring into the attic.

Gao Jiuding is already familiar with refining the world's spiritual objects, not to mention the current Xuanhuang Qi is still the purest gas state, which makes it easier for him to refine.

Gao Jiuding was soon immersed in cultivation and couldn't extricate himself.

And his second incarnation, following the mysterious and yellow energy absorbed by Gao Jiuding, went upstream and slowly approached the cave in front.

Suspended in the void, on top of an asteroid flying non-stop, there is actually a monk's cave, which is very strange.

Encountered such an opportunity, Gao Jiuding naturally wanted to explore.

Gao Jiuding aroused the mysterious yellow energy here, hid in the space-time god domain, and began to smelt it at ten times the speed. At this time, the mysterious yellow energy outside would naturally flow.

And as long as the Xuanhuang Qi flows, the heavy pressure brought by that Xuanhuang Qi will be relieved a lot.

Besides, Zijin bee is small in size and not weak in strength. At this moment, it seems to have entered a pool and is diving.

If the Xuanhuang Qi does not move, it will be like a ball of cotton now, but if it flows, it will become a pool!
Although every step forward is very difficult, but apart from some pressure brought by the flowing water, there is no other difficulty.

Originally, Gao Jiuding thought that he would be intercepted by the formation restriction, but when his Zijin bee incarnation came to the entrance of the cave, he didn't feel any restriction!
It seems that this cave is guarded by mysterious and yellow energy, or that there is no defensive formation at all.

Arriving in the cave very smoothly, Gao Jiuding discovered that the cave was also filled with the mysterious and yellow energy, which meant that there was a treasure that gathered the mysterious and yellow energy in this cave.

This made Gao Jiuding happy. If there is, it will definitely be a big harvest.

After entering the cave, Gao Jiuding found that the cave was very simple, but extremely spacious, and this cave was separated from a star, but the inside was not damaged.

After careful observation, Gao Jiuding was sure that although this cave was not carved out of the Emperor's Stone, at least a lot of Emperor's Stone was incorporated into it, otherwise it would not be so strong, and it would not attract so much mysterious and yellow energy.

After confirming that this is a treasure cave, Gao Jiuding felt relieved. Even if there is no gain in the cave, this time he has made a lot of money. He really got a cave full of emperor stones!
The value of this cave alone is immeasurable!
After finding the master's practice room, Zijinfeng walked in incarnation.

In the training room, Gao Jiuding found the body of a monk who had been sitting and melted. On a small stone platform in front of the body, there were two jade slips and a delicate storage bag the size of a palm.

This kind of storage bag looks like a primary storage bag, but the workmanship is very fine. Gao Jiuding has only seen it on the classics of Tiejianmen. It should be very old!
Through analysis, he knew that the area inside this storage bag should not be small.

Sure enough, the incarnation of Zijin Bee swept it with its very weak consciousness, and found that the space inside was several times that of ordinary primary storage bags, which was as large as a room.

In the storage bag, there were dozens of jade boxes. Gao Jiuding opened them one by one to check, and found that there were all kinds of spiritual herbs inside. Each jade box contained a kind of spiritual herb, one to several plants in each box, and the number varied. There are almost 200 spirit grasses down.

Gao Jiuding knew about half of them, and most of them were spirit herbs for refining blood-refining pills. Among them, there were three kinds of spirit herbs for refining blood-dissolving pills, and there were five plants in total.

In addition to these, there are more than a dozen plants, which are the spiritual herbs that Gao Jiuding knows to refine the hemolysis period elixir.

In addition, there were still 100 medium-grade spirit stones and more than [-] low-grade spirit stones inside, which made Gao Jiuding, who was mentally prepared, still couldn't help but feel disappointed!
In this storage bag, apart from those spirit herbs, there are only more than 5000 low-grade spirit stones, and Gao Jiuding was even more disappointed as for the remaining few middle and low-level magic weapons.

I don't know how many years this cave has drifted in the universe, but the spiritual grass sealed in the jade box has no trace of damage.

This shows that this is exactly the ancient monk's cave in Gao Jiuding's mind.

The ancient monks are so powerful that they were able to avoid the damage of time to the spirit grass and preserve the spirit grass without damage. What kind of method is this?Go against the sky!
But, what kind of spiritual herb does he keep?Refining the elixirs of the blood refinement period and the elixirs of the hemolysis period?And it seems that the spirit grass in the hemolysis period is more precious?
Also, what's the matter with putting some common magical artifacts, especially Zhen'er, in the storage bag?

"Able to attract the mysterious and yellow energy, to preserve the cave during the Great Destruction, and to keep the spiritual grass from decaying for ten thousand years, is it possible for a little monk to do it?"

Gao Jiuding looked at the harvest in his hands, this place is a complex of contradictions!
"I hope there will be some gains in the jade slips!" Gao Jiuding picked up two jade slips.

He released his spiritual sense to check, it was really miraculous, there was no loss in this jade slip.

There are two jade slips, one is called the "Yu Ling Dan Jing", which should be the method of alchemy passed down by the Yu Lingzong.

Gao Jiuding really didn't expect that there was another planet in Yulingzong that was shattered. In fact, when he saw those blood-refining elixir, Gao Jiuding guessed that this cave might be related to the demon star. About the demon star.

It's all right now, Gao Jiuding doesn't have to doubt it anymore when he sees the alchemy classics that have been inherited in the same line, this is a solid hammer.

It's not too far from the Demon Star, but it's definitely not close. Is this asteroid belt the result of the demise of the Imperial Spirit Sect tens of thousands of years ago and evolved into the Beast Imperial Sect?

Shaking his head, this has nothing to do with Gao Jiuding, he checked the contents of the jade slip again.

This Imperial Spiritual Alchemy records a summary of alchemy experience. At the end of the alchemy, there are more than a dozen pills for the blood refining period, five kinds of pills for the hemolytic period, and even one in the blood. The pill formula of the god and demon pill used in the cultivation of alchemy.

"Indeed, it has been passed down for a long time. I didn't expect the magic pill to appear tens of thousands of years ago!" Seeing the formula of the magic pill, Gao Jiuding felt a little emotional.

The civilization of this comprehension world is really long enough, but it is a pity that no technological civilization has been developed, or else it should hang the whole universe by now, right?
"No, it seems that the current result is the best choice. If you don't have enough lifespan, how can you travel the universe? Longevity is the choice of all civilizations in the universe. Without a strong body, it takes a little longer to enter the starry sky. Sickness and death, not to mention the vast starry sky, need enough time to fly!"

Pick up another jade slip, called "Starry Sky Experience Record", the basic textbook compiled by Yulingzong back then, mainly to teach the disciples some knowledge about the starry sky.

In Gao Jiuding's view, this is a hodgepodge, which contains astrophysical knowledge and some anecdotes.

Here are some monks' life experiences, especially the growth environment, cultivation methods, medicinal properties and pharmacology, collection methods, etc. of many spiritual herbs, which are all-inclusive, which opened Gao Jiuding's eyes.

Through the jade slips, Gao Jiuding once again identified more than a dozen kinds of spiritual herbs for refining blood-dissolving pills from the jade box of the storage bag.

Gao Jiuding bowed to the monk's body and said: "Today, the younger generation is fortunate to receive the legacy of the senior immortal, and will do everything possible to inherit the legacy of the senior, so as not to cut off the legacy of the senior."

After all, he turned the monk's body into ashes, put it in a jade bottle, and prepared to throw it into the sea of ​​stars.

Longevity and inheritance are the two most important things for every monk. Gao Jiuding received favors from others, so naturally he had to express it, otherwise he would inevitably feel uneasy.

He came to the alchemy room next door. Around the alchemy room, there were stone cabinets used to store elixirs, and the jade bottles containing the elixirs were already covered with dust.

Gao Jiuding counted [-] to [-] jade bottles, large and small, and more than a dozen kinds of elixirs, most of which were from the blood refining period. I don't know how much time has passed, but the elixirs in these jade bottles are still preserved good.

This is technology, but what is preserved are some basic elixirs.

"Could it be that these basic pills were just developed tens of thousands of years ago? So they are more precious?" Gao Jiuding shook his head while cleaning up.

After careful counting, there were only seven jade bottles, because the spirit sealing talisman was pasted on them, thus maintaining the medicinal power of the elixir.

There are three special bottles in it, which actually contain blood essence, and they are very unusual-looking blood essence.

It's a pity that this kind of blood essence should have been very common back then, so it was left casually, and one of the bottles was still dry, leaving only some black blood scabs.

This made Gao Jiuding feel distressed for a while, but fortunately the blood essence in the other two bottles was well preserved.

The remaining four bottles were the elixir for the hemolysis period, but unfortunately Gao Jiuding hadn't found the blood essence of the beast that Gao Jiuding had been looking forward to.

In the middle of the alchemy room is a alchemy furnace close to one person. This is a mid-level magic weapon, but if this middle-level magic weapon is taken out to measure its value, it can be exchanged for two Three high-quality treasures.

But what use is this to Gao Jiuding?

However, the ancient alchemy furnace is still worth studying. If you can find some ancient prohibitions, it will be great.

(End of this chapter)

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