The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1122 Wholesale of Spirit Artifacts

Chapter 1122 Wholesale of Spirit Artifacts
In the ancient times of the earth, those who forged magic weapons such as suppressing demon banners were evil demons and heretics. Because the temptation was too great, in order to enhance the power of magic weapons, they would wantonly kill people, collect ghosts, or directly create demon heads, sacrifice and train them. Town Demon Banner.

In fact, this is the same as what the older generation of Song Yue's family did. They are all ruthless and vicious people, and they will do any conscientious things for the sake of profit.

In this era, naturally, there is no need to bring disaster to the world. As long as one enters the starry sky and gradually refines the demon group, one can naturally refine a powerful magic weapon.

"No wonder the closer you get to the solar system, the fewer demons. I'm afraid this is also a scarce resource for some masters?" Gao Jiuding looked at the windless and automatic soul-suppressing banner inside the battleship, a little surprised.

This Magical Artifact grows too fast, it was just an ordinary Magical Artifact at the beginning, but it was only delayed here for a while, this soul-suppressing flag has grown to a ninth-level Magical Artifact, and it is only one step away from being an advanced treasure. device.

The material of the soul-suppressing flag is not bad, but the strength is growing too fast, right?

Gao Jiuding couldn't help releasing part of his consciousness, and merged it into the soul-suppressing banner to check it out. He wanted to see how the nine laws and prohibitions in the soul-suppressing banner were formed so easily?
With his mind integrated into the soul-suppressing flag, Gao Jiuding immediately saw the nine-faced black net, which covered the interior of the soul-suppressing flag layer by layer, which is the nine-way ban.

"These nine forbidden laws are the most powerful nine little devils?" Soon, Gao Jiuding discovered the essence of the matter.

The nine little devils were completely integrated into the demon-suppressing banner, forming the nine-law ban. This is the reason why this soul-suppressing banner is so easy to advance to the ninth level.

"Is it possible to integrate a big devil, and this soul-suppressing banner becomes an advanced treasure?" Gao Jiuding looked at the soul-suppressing banner thoughtfully.

As if he had discovered something extraordinary, Gao Jiuding immersed himself in the work of cultivating the soul-suppressing banner.

With the movement of the outer cave, the asteroids in the surrounding asteroid belt were attracted, and some monsters hiding in the asteroid group slowly discovered the abnormality here, and all gathered here.

And as more and more monsters were collected, the demon-suppressing banner was really quickly training the monsters inside.

Under the control of Huo Ling, those big devils were directly pulled into Da Dao Hong Furnace, and were swallowed by Huo Ling!

Only the remaining little devils, who had no time to refine, would be thrown into the demon-suppressing banner.

In this way, Huo Ling devoured the big devil by himself, and at the same time took a little thought to control the demon-suppressing banner to refine the little devil inside.

Gao Jiuding watched quietly, and for an unknown amount of time, a group of little devils were almost eaten up by the fire spirits. At this time, there was only one big devil left in the demon-suppressing banner.

Gao Jiuding knew that there were enough little devils refined by the Demon Banner, and the internal Nine Dao Laws should be perfected. Now it's time to refine a big devil.

Sure enough, the big devil was wrapped in nine restrictions and slowly refined.

Gao Jiuding clearly saw that the Nine Paths were forbidden to use the big devil as the main body, and quickly merged together.

The devil is a spirit body, which has the advantage of devouring and merging with each other. Now with the control of the fire spirit and the help of the special environment formed inside the demon-suppressing flag, this makes the fusion of the nine bans and the big devil easier, and fast.

"It's that simple to create a treasure ban? Then if you smelt eight more big devils, won't this demon-suppressing banner have the power of a ninth-level treasure?"

At this time, Gao Jiuding thought of the third-tier warship that captured the magic general in the Kuiper belt!
The battleship released a large number of demon-suppressing banners at that time. Was it collecting demon heads to refine weapons, or was it to protect the solar system behind it?

I'm afraid he has both, Gao Jiuding sighed a little, the higher his cultivation level, the more secrets he knows.

Also, profit-driven can make a thing go on in the long run. If it is voluntary labor, after a long time and the passion is exhausted, it will not be able to continue.

Now there is interest traction, no matter how many years have passed, there will always be people who will continue to guard the solar system.

For example, now, Gao Jiuding also wants to guard the solar system, but unfortunately, the demon group here seems to be not good at it!
At this time, he thought of the big operation before entering the demon star. At that time, he seemed to have caught a few magic generals. Thinking about it now, how many billions did he miss?

At that time, when I saw the demon group, I was only afraid and nervous. Who would have thought that it was still a scarce resource?
The most important thing is, how could Gao Jiuding think that looking at the ordinary Banner of Suppressing Demons, it would have such a miraculous effect.

Gao Jiuding remembered that he had captured the three-headed demon generals at that time. If they were kept until now, would the two demon-suppressing banners around him be quickly promoted to the first level of spiritual weapons?
"The quality of these two demon-suppressing banners is not bad, and there is really a possibility of quickly advancing to a spiritual weapon!"

Gao Jiuding was full of pity. The three-headed demon generals captured at that time should have been killed by An Shenxiu and the others. They took the magic beads and sacrificed them to become Yin magic beads. They were put into their respective space pagodas to perfect the transformation of Yin-Yang and five elements. The magic circle.

"There are so many secrets in this world. Since you have the conditions, let's refine more double-faced demon-suppressing banners!" Gao Jiuding muttered, while earnestly looking for the demon group.

If it was said that the demons were a burden and a stumbling block to starry sky mining, then the current demons have become big mines.

"It's no wonder that the original Yin Demon Orb is also a scarce item. It must be because those masters are not willing to kill demon generals to practice Yin Soul Orbs!"

The current Gao Jiuding seems to have seen the Mantian Town Banner that he arranged.

Countless demon-suppressing banners, drawn by the astrological map, arranged a star-studded array, surrounding his flagship, rampaging in the deep space of the universe.

And as long as he encountered a group of demons on the road ahead, Gao Jiuding would go directly there. Wherever he passed, the group of demons disappeared, and they all became the nourishment of the demon-suppressing banner.

Why is the magic door repeatedly prohibited?It's not because it's easy to practice!
Just like the Demon Banner, if enough demon heads are collected, even the spirit weapons can be wholesaled!

"The main body is here to practice, and the incarnation can't be idle!"

The incarnation of Gao Jiuding's Zijin bee stepped out of the battleship and looked at the cave under his feet. The mysterious yellow aura attracted by the surroundings proved the value of the emperor's cave!
In this asteroid belt, there is indeed a lot of mysterious and yellow energy, but the speed of attraction is a bit slow.

"Take your time, the aura seems to be stronger over there, go and have a look!" As long as his training is not delayed, Gao Jiuding is still happy to hunt for treasures.

Leaving the cave directly on the periphery, the Purple Gold Bee incarnation controlled the Fire Spirit battleship and flew towards a group of asteroids with a relatively strong aura.

The incarnation of the Zijin bee does not have clairvoyance and cannot see the aura emitted by the aura, but the fire spirit battleship has a very advanced spirit detection circle.

Gao Jiuding is indeed not the former Wuxia Amon, and now all the equipment on his battleship is the top of the earth's cultivation world!
Although it can't be said to be the best, but compared to those old guys who have been in the starry sky for more than 100 years, he is not much worse.

For example, the spirit-exploring array on the spaceship is no longer the original spirit-exploring array, but a real spirit-exploring array.

The original spirit detection array can only detect the aura reaction if it is within 100 meters of the asteroid, but the current spirit detection array directly reaches tens of thousands of kilometers.

As long as it is within a range of [-] kilometers, aura can be detected.

Of course, to do this, you need to pay a price, such as top-grade spirit stones.

Magical artifacts of the spiritual level can only be perfectly activated by monks at the golden core stage, and the alchemy cultivated by the golden core stage monks is similar to the aura quality of top-grade spirit stones.

The battleship consumes too much, and there is no other way but to use middle-grade spirit stones as much as possible.

For example, the crocodile-class battleship, which is equivalent to a treasure, can exert the attack power of a monk in the foundation period, but it is only a low-grade spirit stone transformed to achieve the goal.

The same is true for the third-tier warships, the spirit energy used has been reduced by one level, which saves more spirit stones.

The reason why this can be achieved is due to the Dao Honglu, which imitates the demon refining pot, and other spiritual weapons cannot do it, such as the spirit detection array plate!
As long as it is a spirit array, it must be driven by high-grade spirit stones. This cannot be saved. If it is saved, it will lose the powerful ability to explore tens of thousands of kilometers.

With a distance of nearly [-] kilometers, only spirit stones and spirit mines can be found, which is of no use in discovering demons in advance.

The sensing distance of the demon bosses, as long as they reach the level of the demon general, they can sense the battleship from a million kilometers away. This is the advantage of the demon group, and of course, it may also become a disadvantage.

If only a demon general found the battleship, it would not be luck, it would be food delivery.

If Shura and Mara were not born within a starry sky, then the demons would not gather together!

Without the suppression of Shura and Mara with higher strength, if the demon generals meet, they will never die.

No matter who devours whom, they will quickly increase their cultivation.

It is because of this characteristic that in the vast starry sky, countless demons have not been allowed to succeed!
Although there are many demons in the starry sky, they are just a mess. For example, like now, groups of demons were collected by Gao Jiuding and Huo Ling and refined.

The soul of the Zijin bee incarnation is relatively weak, and it needs to refine some demons to make up for it, but it is too weak, and it takes a long time to refine it even to devour a small demon. This is the cultivation qualification and racial potential .

Insects really don't have much cultivation aptitude to speak of!

In line with the principle that it can be strengthened a little, it can be strengthened a little, Gao Jiuding still let the Zijin bee incarnate to practice, after all, the role of the bee colony is still very important.

"It's just an ore star, and the harvest is not big!" Zijinfeng said after landing on an asteroid with the most powerful aura response.

This is a chicken-leg-shaped asteroid with a diameter of more than 300 meters and a length of more than [-] meters. It feels very large when it is close, but most of the interior is black iron ore.

"It's not bad. It costs some spirit stones and can be refined into gold crystals. That's an earth-level material!"

Now that he has seen the black iron ore, Gao Jiuding will not waste it. He already knows the characteristics and value of the black iron ore very well.

(End of this chapter)

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