Chapter 1123
Black iron ore can be roughly smelted to form black iron, and continue to be refined and compressed to form golden crystals!

Although this is the lowest material at the earth level, it is also an earth level material that can be used to refine spirit weapons.

"Basic five-element materials can be improved through continuous refining. Knowledge is wealth. So many black iron ores were sold, what a loss!"

Whenever Gao Jiuding thinks of what he did when he first entered the starry sky, Gao Jiuding's heart aches.

Those seniors who entered the starry sky early are really not human beings. When they bought black iron ore with three low-grade spirit stones for one ton, wouldn't their consciences hurt?

"Well, I actually forgot to open an online store!" Gao Jiuding suddenly remembered, he seemed to have delayed ten years, how many billions was lost!

Tiandao opened an online store on the Internet and bought all kinds of ores wantonly, which would definitely be able to detect leaks.

Gao Jiuding immediately sent out his thoughts, and then he was hit in the head.

"Good fight!" Looking at the information fed back from the jade document, Gao Jiuding burst into laughter.

The way of heaven is reincarnation, he finally made up for the original loss.

It turned out that someone lied to him, but now he is cheating a newcomer!
Well, when those latecomers mature, they can continue to teach the younger generation.

After logging in to and looking at a shop named Houdao and Honest Gao Jiuding, Gao Jiuding's expression changed insignificantly.

This is too shameless, to be honest and honest?

Although he is really kind and honest, what he is doing now is really not kind. Alas, his skin is still too thin!
"Should I increase the purchase price? One ton of black iron ore and three low-grade spirit stones is really a bit of a trap!" Gao Jiuding looked at the price list with a smile.

A low-grade Jinjing flying sword is 30 yuan, but it only needs high-grade spirit stones to refine, which is a bit of a waste of spirit stones. However, how many Jinjing flying swords can be produced at one time by refining a furnace of gold crystals?
This was absolutely violent, because Gao Jiuding knew that if he spent 3 yuan to refine a furnace of high-grade spirit stones to refine a furnace of gold crystals, he would definitely be able to make a golden crystal flying sword worth eight thousand yuan.

Calculated in this way, how much is the production cost of a golden crystal flying sword?
Even if five high-grade spirit stones were used to convert 5 yuan into low-grade spirit stones, the refining cost of each Golden Crystal Flying Sword would not exceed five low-grade spirit stones.

Even with the premium of top-grade spirit stones, it is absolutely impossible to pay a premium of ten thousand times!
Besides, does Jin Jing have a cost?There seem to be many in the starry sky!

Well, Xingchen Jianwan has 30 billion low-grade spirit stones. This is also a flying sword made of earth-level materials. Compared with Jinjing Feijian, the quality is higher, but the price is more expensive!

I took a look, and there are still seven in stock!

Ten of them were put on the shelves, and three of them were actually sold. It seems that the market is still ok.

Of course, although these high-end products make money, they are nothing compared to other goods.

Gao Jiuding looked at it, and it looked like a dark iron spaceship shell, ten tons of 100 million low-grade spirit stones, a blue whale battleship shell, [-] million low-grade spirit stones, and the shipments were not large.

Although these goods make money, the shipments are not large, so the earned spirit stones will not be many. Among them, the shells of black iron spaceships are the most shipped, or ordinary first-class spaceships without Daohong Furnace!
This kind of spaceship has a 100 million low-grade spirit stone, and more than 8000 ships have been shipped.
Well, I made a lot of money. After careful calculation, it is really a big deal to ship [-] ordinary first-class warships.

"Business on the earth is so easy to do?" Gao Jiuding was a little strange, but then he remembered that the current earth is for all people to cultivate.

As long as the cultivation and non-proliferation treaty on the earth is cancelled, there will be hundreds of thousands of monks, or hundreds of millions?
"Well, the market for small things is still big!" Looking at the 870 black iron flying swords in stock, Gao Jiuding smiled like a flower again.

There are millions of them on the shelves, but there are only so few left?This is close to 90 black iron flying swords sold?
You must know that this black iron flying sword is worth 100 low-grade spirit stones!
Only this batch of goods recovered 9 million yuan of low-grade spirit stones?

The business is so good, who would go to mine in the starry sky?
No, Gao Jiuding is still reluctant to mine in the starry sky, after all, it is a waste of money.

"Haha, so that's what's going on. If you buy Black Iron Flying Sword as a member, only members can buy cheap and unlimited pills. This is an advantage!"

After careful study, Gao Jiuding discovered that Song Yue and An Shenxiu were indeed profiteers.

Compared with the seniors in other stars, what is Gao Jiuding's biggest advantage?Of course it is the basic medicinal material.

"No, isn't that guy Tie Lan fooling me again? She cultivated a descendant of eggplant, and I'm afraid she also used basic medicinal materials to collect the resources discovered by those novices?" At this time, Gao Jiuding also reacted.

What can the most basic medicinal materials that were born in the past year do?
Don't tell me, there are quite a few of them, such as Xisui Pill, Yijin Pill, Bone Strengthening Pill, Bone Forging Pill, Yuanyang Pill and so on!

There are also the most common common Bigu Pill, Bigu Yangyuan Pill, Bigu Quenching Pill and Bigu Paidu Pill.

No matter how good it is, you can also refine the Bigu Exercise Pill. Other Jingjing Pills and Vessel Protecting Pills are elixir specially used to protect and strengthen the meridians. Gao Jiuding used it a lot!
The medicinal materials needed for these panacea are not more than a hundred years old, and many of the basic medicinal materials can be refined.

The other best-selling Zhuyan Pills, Yanshou Pills (common), Tuomai Pills, and Burning Spirit Pills are also used by monks in the Qi Refining Stage, and the medicinal materials consumed are all less than a hundred years old.

Even if you don't use the Space-Time God Territory for this kind of medicinal material, Gao Jiuding can buy a large number of it every year if you buy it in the Golden Wolf Territory.

Who has the most people on earth right now?The most basic practitioners!
The spiritual veins on the earth are reopened, the spiritual energy is revived, and a large number of Qi practitioners are emerging. What they need most now is the low-level cultivation pill.

There are many seniors who can provide them with a large number of weapons, but there are not many merchants who can freely supply low-level pills.

Who should buy an entry-level flying sword like the Xuantie Feijian?
If you can buy flying swords as gifts for members, you can buy medicinal pills for cultivation without any restrictions. Who would not do such a good thing?
The black iron flying sword is the standard equipment for monks after getting started. In addition to this, there is a magic weapon robe and a storage bag.

For those who have not entered the starry sky and have no chance, they don't need to think about magic weapon robes, but the black iron flying sword is a necessity because it is the threshold to buy medicine pills.

The second is the storage bag. Among the online stores that An Shenxiu and the others set up, the primary storage bag with a cubic space is the most sold. Each of these storage bags costs 100 low-grade spirit stones.

For earth monks, this price is not expensive, because the cost of cultivating spiritual beasts such as silkworms is not low, and it is time-consuming and labor-intensive to collect silk, weave it into cloth, and intersperse formations to refine it into storage bags. 100 yuan low-grade spirit stone is definitely a price of conscience.

However, for Gao Jiuding, who has tens of millions of cheap labor and tens of millions of square kilometers of vast land, this thing is really worthless.

In his territory, there is a lot of land suitable for planting spiritual mulberry and silkworm!

Especially in the eastern forest, there are many natural mulberry forests, and the spiritual silk harvested every year is not to mention piled up into mountains, it is also a car load!
To the people on earth, that thing is a spiritual thing, a magic weapon, but to ordinary people above the demon star, it is the silk used to make clothes.

To put it bluntly, that thing is no different from the silk on the earth, and it is not troublesome to make it into a storage bag, because the people of Gao Jiuding are all monks.

"Amazing!" Knowing the turnover through the background, Gao Jiuding was only shocked.

In the past ten years, An Shenxiu, Song Yue and the others have not only earned back the resources he was fooled out of back then, they have even earned back a thousand times, ten thousand times.

Since he makes so much money, he naturally wants to carry it forward. Therefore, the best deal is a no-cost deal. He will get some no-cost resources now.

Gao Jiuding immediately got busy. If the asteroid belt formed after the collapse of a planet had not been patronized by others, then the harvest this time must be indispensable.

To mine on the planet, you still need to keep prospecting, so you may not be able to guarantee that you will find something, and it becomes much easier to find the treasures contained in the broken planet.

The simplest example is the mysterious and yellow energy. If the planet is not broken, how can it be so easily attracted?
Looking back, the Emperor's Cave Mansion is still continuously absorbing the mysterious and yellow energy!

Gao Jiuding controlled the battleship with a smile like a flower, released the fire forbidden net, and directly chopped the asteroid in front of him from the outside!
The useful ones were kept, and the useless ones were thrown into the Great Dao Hong Furnace. The spiritual energy that could be absorbed was absorbed, and some spiritual ores that could be smelted were integrated into the battleship itself. The last remaining slag was turned into dust and thrown into the void of the universe.

Cosmic dust will not affect the safety of navigation, and can be absorbed by other asteroids. Perhaps after countless years, new planets or stars can be regenerated. This is the cycle of life and death and disillusionment in the universe!
With things to do, time passed quickly. After cutting out a lot of black iron ore, Gao Jiuding cut more than a dozen asteroids in a row.

Although Gao Jiuding is still wandering around the outer circle of the asteroid belt, there seem to be quite a few good things found here, at least more valuable than he imagined.

After cutting more than a dozen asteroids one after another, he got three pieces of black iron ore with a diameter of more than 30 meters, and seven pieces of spirit stones with a diameter of more than two meters and a length of more than ten meters. Other bits and pieces got some magnets, Xuan Bing and Xuan Tie.

Of course, with good luck, some high-level materials such as ice soul and gold soul can be solved in these ordinary spirit mines, but the most spirit stones are found here.

Gao Jiuding really didn't expect that the outskirts of this asteroid belt harvested the most spirit stones.

 Thanks for the reward from the brothers of the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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