The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1124 Practicing and Getting Rich 2

Chapter 1124 Practicing and Getting Rich

"It's a real hammer, this is a living planet that has been smashed, hey, what a pity!" Once again a section of spirit stone was stripped, Gao Jiuding looked at the spirit mine wrapped outside, feeling very sorry.

The spirit stones he found within this range are all low-grade spirit stones of the earth attribute, and the minerals wrapped around them are very similar. If this was not formed after a vein of spirit stones was smashed, Gao Jiuding really wouldn't believe it .

Of course, the reason why Gao Jiuding discovered so many fragments of the spirit stone mine at once was mainly due to the role of the spirit detection array.

Purposeful mining, once you mine one accurately, you will never miss it at all, so if there are good things here, Gao Jiuding will not pull them down!

"Two meters square and [-] meters long, this is a complete miniature spiritual vein!" Gao Jiuding looked regretful when he pieced together a small spiritual stone vein with a length of [-] meters.

After the smashed Lingshi veins drifted in the universe for an unknown amount of time, the effect of attracting spirit energy is already very weak.

In addition, the demon here before also needs to consume spiritual energy to grow, which makes this spiritual vein even weaker. Now even if a miniature spiritual vein is pieced together, it is impossible to recover.

"Integrate into the earth veins, you can succeed, but you can't fail!" Gao Jiuding put all the spirit stones into the Qiankun bag, and he went to work again.

Gao Jiuding specially chooses asteroids with strong spiritual energy to mine. The demon group around this asteroid is also relatively strong. He can harvest a large amount of resources while practicing the demon-suppressing banner.

And the most important thing is that his body is still retreating in the space-time attic, so it can be said that he can get rich through cultivation!
"It's not challenging at all!" Gao Jiuding dug out another fire spirit stone, this time it was a huge fire spirit stone almost in the shape of a square.

The side length has reached six meters, which is more than 200 cubic meters, and all of them are composed of middle-grade spirit stones!
If it is completely cut, one cubic meter is seven tons, 14 catties, and one catty is divided into ten middle-grade spirit stones, which is [-] pieces.

This is one cubic meter, and two hundred cubic meters is 800 million middle-grade spirit stones, and there are more than a dozen cubic meters of fractions left uncounted.

Just such a one-time harvest can support the Fire Spirit battleship to jump [-] to [-] times!
It can be said that his battleship jumped here, and all the consumption was returned in one fell swoop!

If there is still gain in the future, it will all be earned.

"You're lucky!" Gao Jiuding smiled after harvesting so many middle-grade spirit stones.

It's just that Gao Jiuding was not so happy when he harvested nearly 3000 million middle-grade spirit stones. He mainly thought that since he could find a six-meter-square middle-grade spirit stone, would there be more middle-grade fire stones around? Lingshi?

Why this speculation?Because Gao Jiuding knew that a small fire spirit stone vein must have been shattered here!

If no one has ever mined mines here, and if this place has not been spoiled too much by demons, then there must still be a lot of middle-grade fire-type spirit stones here.

A miniature spirit stone vein was stripped out, and the radiation range of the main vein may only be more than 100 meters!
But for a small Lingshi vein, the main vein must radiate at least 1000 meters, and now Gao Jiuding has only discovered more than six meters of it.

Compared with the radiation range of 1000 meters, what is six meters?
"Well, it's a bit wrong. There are no asteroids with too much aura around them. Could it be that they were mined away? It's unlikely. The guy who can come here cannot be equipped with a spirit detection array that can't explore middle-grade spirit stones. Then Said, the other parts of the spirit veins flew to other places? Or is this one special? It flew here because of some accidents?"

After searching around, no asteroid containing middle-grade spirit stones was found. Gao Jiuding could only judge the range of asteroids that might contain middle-grade spirit stones based on the situation here.

"The deeper you go into the center of the earth, the richer the spiritual energy, and the more spiritual mines may appear, and when the planet exploded, it caused the greatest damage to the center of the earth. It is not surprising that a high-quality spiritual stone accidentally flew out !"

Gao Jiuding mined another asteroid and found that this asteroid is a combination of soil and ice, which may have been formed after the surface collapsed. It must have been water at the time, but now it has condensed into ice.

After countless years, the outer layer of ice core and the inner layer of black ice are a bit low in quality, but Gao Jiuding does not dislike it.

Now he knows that any spirit mine has its effect, it depends on whether you can use it.

Now Gao Jiuding is considered a big family and has countless subordinates. Even if he doesn't know how to use it, there must be others who know how to use it.

"Haha, my guess is correct, is this spiritual soil?"

Another ice planet was mined, and after peeling off the outer layer of ice, Gao Jiuding discovered the soil with rich aura.

Although it is not spiritual soil such as five-color soil and loam soil, the spiritual energy contained in it is also very strong!

After just a little inspection, Gao Jiuding was sure that when the spirit field on this piece of asteroid debris was kept in good condition, the quality would definitely not be lower than a third-level spirit field.

That is to say, there was at least one small spiritual vein around this spiritual field at that time!
Because the minimum requirement for producing a third-level spiritual field is around the spiritual acupoint of a small spiritual vein, or within a hundred kilometers of a medium-sized spiritual vein.

"Look at the situation, no one has discovered it before!" Gao Jiuding saved everything this time, including the ice cubes and frozen soil, and put them away in one go.

The inner space of his Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda has been expanded several times, and the soil layer inside it has become very thin. This time it just needs to be supplemented!
With this discovery, Gao Jiuding seems to have increased his luck to 99. After that, almost all of the spiritual fields he discovered were frozen soil, or some spiritual fields wrapped in ice, or pure spiritual fields. Obviously separated from a place with abundant surface water and soil resources.

The planet shattered and entered the void of the universe in an instant, and the water vapor would naturally freeze, which allowed the soil here to remain, instead of turning into cosmic dust and floating in the void when flying quickly in the starry sky.

"If the planet was shattered fast at that time, maybe some good things could be found from within the ice!"

With an idea, Gao Jiuding will not let go when encountering a pure ice planet again.

Around here = there are many ice planets with little aura response, but there is still a little aura.

He didn't think too much about it before, so he didn't waste his time collecting those little bit of spirit stones and spirit mines.

Thinking about it now, maybe the unknown life on the ancient planet was sealed inside that icy planet?

Even if some large creatures cannot be left behind, what about plants?At least some aquatic plants can be left behind, right?

"If no one has observed this asteroid belt, then no one has ever visited it. In this case, the harvest this time will definitely not be small!"

Gao Jiuding didn't rush to start treasure hunting, but looked at the astrolabe in the battleship.

The coverage area of ​​this asteroid belt is not small, the thickness of the coverage area reaches five astronomical units, and the length reaches a hundred astronomical units!

Beyond this range, the remaining asteroids are very sparse and can be ignored!
Such a large asteroid belt, approaching, naturally feels that the covered area is very large!

But in the universe, it seems very small, and even in the Milky Way, this place is just a drop in the ocean.

According to the star map surveyed and drawn recently, Gao Jiuding has now deviated from the course leading to the Sirius galaxy by hundreds of astronomical units.

This place is relatively close to the devil star, far away from the solar system, more than 2 astronomical units away from the devil star!

And one light-year is only more than 3000 astronomical units, that is to say, it is about one-third of a light-year away from the Demon Star.

With such a long distance and away from the course of the Sirius galaxy, most people really wouldn't come here.

However, the battleship can't fly over in person, can't it be possible to observe this asteroid belt through scientific means?
"Maybe it really can't be observed. Although science has developed rapidly in modern times, scientists can't even observe the large planets hidden in the dark starry sky, let alone an asteroid belt."

At this time, Gao Jiuding thought of some planets hidden in the Kuiper belt of the solar system with a diameter of more than several hundred kilometers. Those asteroids cannot be observed by people on earth, let alone the asteroid belt in an unknown area far away from the solar system. up.

Also, with the current technology, even the planets in the Nanmen [-] galaxy cannot be observed. They can only see three stars in the Nanmen [-] galaxy.

And the Sirius galaxy is a binary galaxy, how many days has it been proved?
Such a large hidden star was only calculated based on gravitational data in recent years.

"If this hadn't happened by accident, with the current technology of the earth, I really wouldn't be able to discover this asteroid belt!" After confirming this, Gao Jiuding's heart became hot.

If he does it well this time, he can get all the resources on a planet by himself.

Most importantly, this is likely to be a living planet. Needless to say, such a planet must have more resources.

If Gao Jiuding was lucky enough, when the planet exploded at a fast enough speed, more resources would be preserved.

"Don't worry, hold on, get some small detectors first, and let's talk about the detection!" Gao Jiuding flipped through the Qiankun bag and found a large number of deep-space drones.

This kind of drone is equipped with a particle thruster on the technology side, and it only turns on a little bit to increase power, and then it will turn off!
The particle thrusters are not activated again until the drone returns, which is used to change direction and allow the drone to fly back to the ship.

These drones have simple functions. They are equipped with spirit detection circles for the purpose of detecting resources. It is the kind of weak spirit detection equipment that can only detect large areas of spiritual energy reactions within a distance of [-] meters.

Of course, the spirit detection circle is activated by spirit stones, so it is inevitable to equip this kind of drone with a heavenly secret talisman!

Otherwise, as long as you encounter a devil, even a small devil can easily absorb all the spirit stones in the drone and make the spirit detection circle useless.

(End of this chapter)

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