The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1125 Sit back and enjoy the success

Chapter 1125 Sit back and enjoy the success
"There are more than a hundred astronomical units in the radius, and there are more than a dozen space jumps in parallel, and hundreds of times in the vertical and horizontal directions. This starry sky is three-dimensional. If you go deep into a hundred astronomical units, you need to make more than a dozen space jumps. In this way, you need to jump vertically and horizontally." Thousands of times, can roughly put enough drones?"

While locking the position, he made a space jump. This time Gao Jiuding used the secret talisman to cover up the aura of the battleship, so that even if he jumped into the demon group, those big and small demons would not be able to find him!
If you encounter a demon general, even if there is no aura response, a wise demon general will know that there is a problem with the fire spirit battleship, and will naturally launch an attack immediately.

Gao Jiuding first dropped drones along the periphery of the asteroid belt. These drones were all round, like small meteorites, thrown into the void. If there was no aura response, even if they encountered Shura, they would not be found.

As the area Gao Jiuding reached became larger and larger, the star map of this starry sky was gradually outlined by him. At least the shape of this asteroid belt was completely scanned to the star-drawing disk by him. Inside.

Then, Gao Jiuding merged this star map into the outer star map of the Milky Way!

Immediately, Gao Jiuding discovered that this asteroid belt was moving away from the Nanmen [-] galaxy and the solar galaxy, but it was rapidly approaching the outer circle of the Milky Way.

It has almost left the fourth arm of the Milky Way, but it is approaching the outer galaxies of the Milky Way.

Perhaps at the beginning, a huge force made it break away from the attraction of the Nanmen [-] galaxy, but it will not escape the shackles of countless stars within the fourth cantilever!
But because of the coincidence of the direction of flight, this asteroid belt was attracted by another stronger gravitational force, which made it break away from the shackles of the fourth cantilever and flew to the outer star cluster of the Milky Way.

"If there are enough resources here, maybe relying on this asteroid belt, we can enter the outer star cluster of the Milky Way!" Looking at the flight trajectories of countless stars on the astrolabe disk, Gao Jiuding said with a little emotion.

He really wanted to break away from the fourth cantilever and go directly into the Milky Way to see it, but unfortunately, it was too far away from the solar system, as long as he set sail, he didn't know if he could come back.

"The teleportation in the starry sky is the most important thing!" Feeling the long distance again, Gao Jiuding realized the importance of the teleportation array more and more.

"Eh? The earth's cultivation world is desperately attacking the Devil Star. Is it entirely because of the resources of the Devil Star? Or is it the inheritance of the Devil Star? There are also inheritances on the Devil Star, and there is no shortage of resources in the starry sky. Then there is no need to attack the Devil Star desperately." Reason enough!
If it was because of the ancient teleportation array, it would be even more believable! "It has to be said that Gao Jiuding's thinking is still jumping very fast. Combined with his own actual situation, Gao Jiuding has already deduced a lot of secrets.

"I can't think too much, and I don't have the strength to participate anyway. If Long Xiang can advance to Chunyang, he may be qualified to negotiate at the table instead of being cannon fodder to fight for others!" Gao Jiuding shook his head and continued For a space jump, this time he chose to go deep into the asteroid belt.

After jumping, Gao Jiuding immediately saw the dense group of demons, big and small, all gathered together.

Fortunately, there are no magic generals here, so even if they saw the sudden appearance of the Fire Spirit, they did not fly over in a swarm, but flew in the void after being disturbed.

The place where the demons gather must have a strong aura. Gao Jiuding dropped a drone, immediately selected the coordinates, and jumped away.

Big devils don't have much wisdom to speak of, let alone little devils, no matter how many these big and small devils are, they are all resources on his way of cultivation.

"There are a lot of resources here, so we will definitely be able to give birth to demon generals!" Gao Jiuding calculated the number of demon heads just now, and the concentration of spiritual energy displayed on the spirit detection array. He knew that even if there is no now, there will be some in the future. Because the aura is enough, the big devil can slowly pile up into a devil general depending on time.

The demon general is king, but there may be other places nearby, but Gao Jiuding is not in the mood to hunt and kill the demon general now.

After jumping out more than a dozen astronomical units, Gao Jiuding immediately locked the coordinates of the next jump, and immediately started the space jump.

Going deeper into more than a dozen astronomical units again, the inner asteroids are denser, and there are more demons here.

Gao Jiuding's deduction was correct. He directly spotted the two demon generals when he appeared this time, and they all flew towards the Huoling battleship at the first time.

Without any hesitation, Gao Jiuding launched the space jump immediately after launching the drone.

For a distance of tens of millions of kilometers, even for a demon general, it would take more than a dozen seconds, but the space jump interval of the Huoling battleship is only ten seconds. This is the preparation for the world.

The demon will come, and the battleship jumps away, just like this, Gao Jiuding keeps jumping in this asteroid belt.

Jumping hundreds of times, for the current Gao Jiuding, there is no burden. The main thing is that he has the help of Huo Ling, so he doesn't have to worry about it at all.

After jumping more times, Gao Jiuding has a good understanding of this asteroid belt. At this time, he also figured out that inside the asteroid belt, almost every tens of millions of kilometers, there will be a demon general.

In other words, the territory of the magic general is an asteroid within a radius of 1000 million kilometers. As long as it invades within this range, the magic general will find it and launch an attack immediately.

In the starry sky, the ubiquitous Yin Qi made the Demon General look like a fish hiding in the water. As long as there was a slight fluctuation in the water, the Demon General would feel it and quickly appear in an abnormal place.

The area with a radius of tens of millions of kilometers is like the domain of a demon general. They can feel the wind and grass in it. It can be said that this is also a kind of supernatural power that is not a supernatural power.

Gao Jiuding slowly went deep into the asteroid belt and found many demon generals, but he was not in danger, which made him very disturbed.

The situation was a little bit wrong. In this starry sky, there must be a power that surpassed that of a demon general. However, he wandered around such a huge starry sky, but he didn't even notice a single Shura or Mara.

He has encountered many demon generals, and Gao Jiuding also understands the abilities of demon generals, so he naturally has a way to avoid them, but Shura and Mo Luo, who don't know where to hide, are like sharp arrows hanging above Gao Jiuding's head. Keep him on his toes at all times.

The deeper Gao Jiuding went into the asteroid belt, the more cautious he became.

In order to avoid risks, Gao Jiuding released the drone at a faster and faster speed. Even if he encountered a surprise attack from Shura and Mo Luo, he could escape immediately.

As more and more drones were released, more and more resource stars were marked on the star map of the asteroid belt drawn by Gao Jiuding.

The flying speed of the UAV is too slow, and after the propeller is turned off, it will be affected by the surrounding asteroids. If it flies into the path of an asteroid, the asteroid will be able to hit the UAV in an instant smash.

Therefore, the Fire Spirit has to be the main brain and the main control center, constantly receiving information, feeding back information, and analyzing information. Now its main job is to plan the flight path of the drone.

Flying slowly and carefully, the range of detection will naturally not be too large, nor will it be too fast.

The speed of a drone can only be accelerated to [-] kilometers per hour, and one astronomical unit is [-] million kilometers.

"Let's probe slowly, anyway, the things that are discovered now cannot be collected in a short time!"

Gao Jiuding controlled the Huoling, docked on an ice planet with a relatively strong aura response, and stopped jumping around and dropping drones.

He works alone, and his efficiency is too low. If he has this time to waste in boring work, he might as well find something interesting to do.

The resources discovered now are enough for Song Yue, An Shenxiu and other women to pay attention to, and as long as they pay attention, there will naturally be countless subordinates who will come to collect demon heads, collect spirit stones and spirit mines, and Gao Jiuding can just sit back and enjoy his achievements .

There are many ice planets in the starry sky, but ice planets like this one should be rare.

Looking at the ice planet that was frozen like waves, Gao Jiuding extremely suspected that it was formed by freezing waves splashed from a lake or an ocean.

Gao Jiuding rubbed his eyes, his small body that took shape was really too bad, and he didn't have clairvoyance, so he couldn't see anything at all.

Three feet high, a little over one meter tall, is already the limit of the Zijin bee's incarnation. Fortunately, after entering the hemolysis period, this Zijin bee has absorbed some evil spirits, and it has also taken the step of merging the heavenly and earthly evil. It can generate a layer of bright white protective energy, which is the pure golden evil spirit.

Of course, the quality is not high, this is just the incarnation of Zijin Bee, who found a gold-type spiritual mine on Longevity Mountain and absorbed some evil spirits.

This kind of evil spirit derived from the golden spirit vein is of high quality, because it is pure!
Therefore, smelting such a kind of evil energy to form a protective energy is enough for Zijin bee's incarnation to use.

Protected by the body qi, the Zijin bee turned into a volley and stood on the ice planet, observing the situation inside the ice planet at close range.

The ice planet is not small, it exists in the shape of a wave with a diameter of more than 500 meters!
There are impurities inside the ice planet, so it is opaque, and even looks a bit cloudy, otherwise Gao Jiuding would not have chosen this ice planet to explore.

"Cut slowly, be careful, don't chop anything inside, and don't waste the ice, fill a Qiankun bag and send it back to the mountain gate, whether it's a pagoda or a snowy mountain, you can use it! "Gao Jiuding was researching, while directing the fire spirit to cut the ice planet.

"Hey, I don't know how many years it has existed. The outer shell is full of ice cores, but I don't know if there is any ice soul inside!" Huo Ling said happily.

"You are the spirit of fire, even if you find the ice soul, you can't devour it!" Gao Jiuding said.

Fire Spirit controls the battleship, releases the forbidden net of fire, covers a range of hundreds of meters to cut, and starts to cut. It also hopes to find some high-value treasures.

 Thanks to the King of the Queen of Heaven, the King of the Earth, who poisoned you thousands of times, and the bookish brother of the scholarly family for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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