Chapter 1126 Foresight
Huo Ling said while working: "I can use fire and water to help each other. Using high-level ice-type spiritual materials to temper the spirit body will definitely be beneficial!"

"I don't need to think about Bing Po, if there is extra black ice, I can give you a little waste!" Gao Jiuding gave Huo Ling a blank look and said.

"You don't want to waste the ice crystals?" After removing the ice cubes more than ten meters away, all you saw were ice crystals, so this time Gao Jiuding gained a lot.

This is a large planet with a size of 500 meters. Although the shape is not regular, but its size is here, if you find a few high-level spiritual mines, the number cannot be small.

"Patriarch, cutting ice crystals consumes too much energy. Why don't we just cut off the outer layer of ice cores and put the rest directly into the Qiankun bag? You can also put them into the space tower. Anyway, those huge spaces with a diameter of more than 1000 meters are already empty! Huo Ling said while busy.

"Are you carrying a large storage pagoda?" Gao Jiuding was inside the battleship, but he didn't see the tens of meters high space pagoda.

"Have someone teleport some over, wouldn't that be good?" Huo Ling said directly.

"Okay, you can figure it out!" Naturally, Gao Jiuding would not object.

Now in the hands of An Shenxiu and the others, the ice crystal pagoda has the largest number. This kind of ice pagoda is similar to the Jinjing space tower, and the internal space is about 1000 meters.

The internal space of the Ice Crystal Tower at the beginning of the ceremony was only 600 meters, and later it reached 800 meters. Even the Ice Soul Pagoda had an internal space of only 1000 meters, but the Golden Soul Pagoda was different, with an internal space diameter of 3000 meters.

Although Ice Soul and Gold Soul are materials of the same grade, Gold Soul is better at withstanding space pressure, but Gold Soul has more functions, while Ice Soul is not used by many people.

Therefore, among Gao Jiuding's fleet, the most equipped one is the Ice Crystal Pagoda!

The space magic weapons made of ice crystals are different according to the number of layers made!

If only one floor is made, it is a palace; if it is made of two or three floors, it is an attic; only four or more floors are considered pagodas.

Such pagodas are generally two meters by two meters by two meters to form a layer!
If it is a nine-story pagoda, it is only 18 meters high. Compared with the folding space inside the Huoling battleship, which is only [-] meters high, the space is much larger.

"You've just been out for a few days? You need a large space tower? If it's near the second gate of the South Gate, I'll send a fleet to help you, so you don't need to bother!" Just as Huo Ling sent a message, An Shenxiu's communication came over. up.

Gao Jiuding laughed and said, "I'm tens of thousands of units away from Nanmen [-]!"

"Tens of thousands? One-half of a light-year? How long does it take? You've traveled so far?" An Shenxiu asked in surprise.

Gao Jiuding said proudly: "The solar system and the Nanmen [-] galaxy have been developed for many years. What can be gained by staying there?"

"Well, we've been quite ruthless recently. We almost encountered asteroids. Regardless of whether they have aura or not, they are all drawn into the solar system. I'm afraid you don't know that the Nanmen [-] galaxy and the solar system are approaching now!" An Shenxiu said.

Gao Jiuding was taken aback, there is such a thing?

An Shenxiu knew that Gao Jiuding was not aware of this, and she immediately said: "You should know that the greater the mass of two objects, the greater the attraction between them, and the same is true between galaxies!

After countless years of natural evolution, the Nanmen II galaxy and the solar system have maintained a delicate balance. They are neither far nor near, either far away, or slowly approaching. Anyway, it is difficult for us to observe that kind of change!
But in recent years, we have observed that the two galaxies are slowly approaching, but the speed is getting faster and faster. Some people suspect that it is because the mass of the solar system is increasing, while the mass of the Nanmen II galaxy is decreasing, so the two galaxies The gravitational force between the two galaxies has been broken, and now Nanmen Er is flying towards the solar system at an increasing speed! "

"After discovering this, they are even more crazily pulling asteroids towards the solar system?" Gao Jiuding felt a kind of confidence from this.

The original demon star, earth monks can't get close, they all hide far away. How long has it been since they dared to let the solar system approach the second galaxy at a rapid speed?
You must know that there are two big stars in the second galaxy of the South Gate. Although the value is huge, the major sects and monster races on it are not easy to mess with!

"How much has our strength improved in these ten years? What about other people? What's more, in the past ten years, there has been a steady stream of talents from the earth. Otherwise, where does the Daoist League get its confidence?" An Shenxiu said.

"It's good to have confidence. It seems that the war on the Devil Star is not far from the end!" Gao Jiuding said.

An Shenxiu said: "Well, a group of seniors from our disbanded alliance have all advanced to Nascent Soul, you should know? They are not the top combat power on earth, since they have all advanced to Nascent Soul, then the original group What about the old guys? They have gone farther than us, and they gave us this opportunity, do you think they will have any chance?"

Gao Jiuding said thoughtfully: "You mean, someone on our side has advanced to become a god?"

"There must be more than one, otherwise, where would the confidence come from? Also, is it really for the sake of future generations of the earth that the return of the earth's spiritual veins ten years ago? Through some clues, our think tank has a guess. With the help of the merits of heaven and earth to break through the cultivation base, and those who can make such a big noise to sacrifice to the sky, the cultivation base must not be low!"

An Shenxiu once again surprised Gao Jiuding by revealing another secret.

The news is hard to guess?Certainly not, as long as you have enough experience, you can easily guess it.

He didn't even need to confirm it, because Gao Jiuding knew that if he had the strength of the Nascent Soul peak, he could also take advantage of the great changes in the world to bring down countless merits, and use the countless resources he had accumulated in the starry sky to cross a big threshold.

What he can do, why can't those seniors who have entered the starry sky for more than 100 years not be able to do it?

"At that time, we thought that those seniors were trying to break through the transformation of the gods, so that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth could return. We didn't expect them to do even better, and directly advanced. If this is the case, the reason why they sent a large number of people to enter the demon star is because Is that because of bursting with self-confidence?"

Only now did Gao Jiuding know that those old guys were really scheming.

If there is no absolute power to suppress the various sects of the demon star, why would the Shenzhou Daomeng dare to send out so many disciples with superb aptitude?Aren't you afraid of being wiped out by everyone?
Also, if there is no strength, how dare the earth's cultivation world dare to participate in the battle on the devil star?

I'm afraid that the demon star cultivation world is really pushed into a hurry. Only when you really enter the demon star can you feel the embarrassment of the various sects above the demon star!

There are only a handful of high-level monks in Iron Sword Sect, not even many middle-level monks. They even send their children in the hemolytic period to fight in the starry sky.

Is it the same for other sects?If everything is like this, then wouldn't it be unimaginable for a smart person like Gao Jiuding to enter the demon star?
"The return of the earth's aura is probably not only for the advancement of a group of top combat forces on the earth to become gods, but also for the purpose of cultivating a large number of middle-level people, so that when they integrate into the demon star, there are still available people!

Only when we enter the demon star will we know that everyone above the demon star cultivates. If our number is too small, will we control the demon star, or will the demon star merge with us? "An Shenxiu once again challenged Gao Jiuding's cognitive limit.

It has to be said that Gao Jiuding really didn't think of this.

Gao Jiuding entered the demon star alone. His current cronies are all natives of the demon star. If his subordinates know that their patriarch is an earthling and an invader in the future, how will they react?
Of course, Gao Jiuding has many ways to control his subordinates, and after more than ten years of getting along, he doesn't worry about his subordinates betraying him, but what about the others?They have the means of Gao Jiuding?

It is very likely that there is such a method, but it is obviously impossible to use such a method to control all the demon star natives on his territory, even Gao Jiuding is impossible, he can only guarantee that some people around him will never will betray.

"Prepare for a rainy day, you're so resourceful!" Gao Jiuding couldn't help but admire the foresight of those old guys on Earth.

"So, we also need to speed up. Now the solar system is full of rudimentary mining ships, and they are even about to rush out of the Kuiper belt and enter the Oort nebula!
Have you not come back to take a look, the current spaceship is like a locust, any kind of planet will be mined, even some copper and iron used in the mortal world, will not be let go, from now on, it can be imagined that during this period of time on the earth, How many resources! "An Shenxiu said with emotion.

Although Gao Jiuding has not seen the current scene in the solar system, he can imagine what is going on.

"Fortunately, the solar system is big enough, otherwise the current resource would be exhausted soon?" Gao Jiuding said with a wry smile.

An Shenxiu said: "It's almost there. If the major alliances are not implementing sustainable development, the asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt will definitely be scourges!"

"Then let our people withdraw from the solar system!" Gao Jiuding immediately made a decision.

An Shenxiu gave Gao Jiuding a blank look and said: "We also have this idea, but where do we go after leaving the solar system? There is no need to think about the Nanmen [-] galaxy, which has been collected by local aboriginal masters for countless years. Both of them are living planets, so there is no room for mining resources at all!

If we want to enter deep space, or even move closer to the Milky Way, we have no advantage. Others have already thought of the problems we can think of. Anyway, I know that the galaxies within ten light-years are occupied by people. We are the later Or, in the past, it will either create conflicts or achieve nothing! "

Gao Jiuding fell silent. He originally planned to enter the Sirius Galaxy, but it seems that he was one step too late!
"Then what should we do?" Gao Jiuding asked involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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