The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1127 Frozen Spirits

Chapter 1127 Frozen Spirits
An Shenxiu said: "We have discussed for a long time, and we plan to go directly to the outer star cluster of the Milky Way, or cross the endless darkness, and directly enter another cantilever. No matter which path we choose, it is very dangerous!
If you choose to play steadily, you will continue to expand along the fourth cantilever. Others fly out ten light-years away, and we will go twenty light-years away. The time for the earth to enter space is very short after all, even if someone builds a Tier [-] warship early , It’s just a jump of hundreds of astronomical units at a time. This distance is nothing to the dark starry sky! "

Gao Jiuding listened to the plan of An Shenxiu and others, and felt that there was no other way.

Jumping out of the fourth cantilever is easier said than done!
However, this may really be the easiest way for them, because there may be an ultra-long-distance teleportation array in Longevity Mountain.

The teleportation array that Gao Jiuding can use now has a radius of ten light years, but in Wanshou's memory, the range of activities of the Royal Beast Sect was not ten light years in radius.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding, the ultra-long-distance teleportation array, has not been discovered yet. It may be hidden in the depths of Longevity Mountain, such as the Nether Space, or an unknown space that has not been discovered yet!
No matter what, there must be such a teleportation array in Longevity Mountain. Otherwise, Longevity Mountain, which can fly in the sky, is not a spaceship, but a super-giant warship that is better than a spaceship. How can it communicate with the demon star and the demon star?
"Don't worry, our strength has improved very quickly recently, wait for a while, we will not be afraid of anyone!" Gao Jiuding said.

An Shenxiu said: "Of course I know, but if a large number of disciples are allowed to advance to the Dharma phase, along with our body, the speed of cultivation will be accelerated. The Dharma phase disciples need to consume resources, and the low-level disciples also need to consume resources. With the help of the pagoda , is ten times faster consumption, we need a large number of heaven and earth spirits, and we need to find a way to get them, the only way now is in the starry sky!"

"Then send someone over here. I found a shattered living planet here. It should not have been mined by anyone. The resources here are very rich!" Gao Jiuding's smile became more and more intense, and finally couldn't help it Laughed out loud.

An Shenxiu was able to see the situation on Gao Jiuding's side through the jade document she carried with her. She saw that a piece of emerald green kelp was cut out of a piece of black ice?Or is it seaweed?

The transparency of the Xuanbing is not bad, if it is sliced ​​thinly, the aquatic plants with a length of more than ten meters are more vivid.

At this time, even if Gao Jiuding's Zijin bee incarnation did not have the clairvoyance to see through the aura, he could still feel the rich aura emanating from the aquatic plants.

This is definitely not a low level of aquatic plants. Even if it has been sealed in the Xuanbing for countless years, it can still emit aura that is not lower than the quality of the blood pill stage. This can only show that when it was alive, it had the least cultivation. There is also a blood pill period.

Palm wide, palm thick, a slender piece of kelp more than ten meters long, actually has the strength of the blood pill stage, is this a common phenomenon, or is it an accidental phenomenon?

"It looks like it's just a part, not a whole!" An Shenxiu said with a face full of surprise.

Gao Jiuding also noticed that maybe it was just a aquatic plant monster, a very small part of its body, because compared to its slender body, it was too narrow and too thin.

"Aquatic creatures, the aura absorbed and refined is of high quality. This is a kind of water and wood system heaven and earth spirit!" Gao Jiuding said with a chuckle.

The most important thing is that with this discovery, Gao Jiuding's deduction is proved to be correct, so how many spirits are frozen in this starry sky?These are resources!

"Can you refine the panacea?" An Shenxiu asked in surprise.

Gao Jiuding also said with a smile on his face: "You have to enter the visualization space to try this!"

An Shenxiu said directly: "Show the coordinates, I'll send someone to teleport there, but unfortunately I didn't test this distant teleportation array, and I don't know if it can teleport battleships!"

"As long as you can receive high-level space equipment, you can send it over!" Gao Jiuding said with certainty.

With the experience and lessons learned from the pagoda's fusion of the True Cosmos Bag and the Ten Thousand Beast Seal, Gao Jiuding already understood the laws of space superposition very well.

Reality is not a game, and there is no such thing as balance. In principle, Gao Jiuding's pagoda space can carry countless low-level space magic weapons. As long as it is not opened, even if a space is full, it will have no effect.

Therefore, as long as there are enough space magic weapons, no matter how many resources are found in the starry sky, they can be taken away. At most, space equipment is just equipped with space equipment.

Like using intermediate storage bags, small storage bags, as long as the small storage bags are closed well, the intermediate storage bags can hold a thousand cubic volume of small storage bags.

When An Shenxiu was chatting with Gao Jiuding, she had already made sufficient preparations, and just opened up the space coordinates here, and the teleportation began to flow continuously there.

"They're too scattered, or they can just pack them up and send them once!" An Shenxiu said with a regretful face as the teleportation was activated on one side.

Dozens of high-grade spirit stones are consumed for one transmission. If there are not enough benefits, such a transmission will lose money once.

"The harvest here will definitely make up for this loss!" Gao Jiuding said.

An Shenxiu immediately nodded and said: "What we lack most now are the heaven and earth spirits, and a living planet sealed by the low temperature of the universe is still broken into small fragments that are convenient for us to collect all resources. I believe there will be a big harvest!
Hey, fortunately, your side is not too far from the solar system. In some places, you can use mid-grade spirit stones for teleportation. As long as you confirm that there is value there, when the distance is far away, we can even build a large number of safe jumping points in the middle. Otherwise, we really don't have many high-grade spirit stones, so we can waste them like this! "

While talking, An Shenxiu still felt distressed. One long-distance teleportation would consume 36 high-grade spirit stones.

The teleportation array within the planet can be activated with low-grade spirit stones, while the teleportation array within the galaxy can only be activated with mid-grade spirit stones, and it is necessary to judge the distance according to the situation and add spirit stones, otherwise the teleportation array The array can't achieve the goal at all.

In the future teleportation between galaxies, you must use high-grade spirit stones. If the distance is very far, you must use top-grade spirit stones.

The more spirit stones used, the better the quality, and the burst of energy in an instant can form a stable transmission channel!

Therefore, the farther the teleportation distance is, the higher the quality of the teleportation array needs to be, otherwise it won't be able to carry too much aura explosion, and it will be broken in an instant, and an eggplant is also teleported!

Gao Jiuding found signs of life here, so he didn't continue to work, anyway, his subordinates had already arrived.

This batch of subordinates who came over were almost all put into the Golden Soul Palace and sent over, because the inner space of this pagoda has a diameter of 3000 meters, which is enough to fit a large number of warships.

It's a pity that this group of subordinates must not be able to fill up such a magic weapon for storage.

However, this kind of storage magic weapon can swallow a large planet with a diameter of 3000 meters in one go.

How many asteroids with a diameter of [-] meters, or more than [-] kilometers, can be split from a living planet that may be larger than the earth?
The diameter of the earth is about 12742 kilometers. Even if it is a cube with a side length of [-] kilometers, then one thousand times one thousand times one thousand asteroids can be cut out, which is one billion.

From this, it can be imagined that there are many asteroids in this asteroid belt.

And the earth is many times smaller than the demon star, which is the value of the demon star, and compared to the demon star, the demon star is nothing.

Gao Jiuding suspected that when the entire Nanmen [-] galaxy was formed, all the matter was used to condense three stars and three planets!
There may have been only a few fragments back then, forming some of the small satellites and asteroids now.

If one of the planets is shattered and flies here, wouldn't Gao Jiuding be mad?
Occupying the resources of a living planet alone, it's hard not to think about it!
It's a pity that this place is in the deep space of the universe, and the most indispensable thing is the demon group. Although no monks have discovered the resources here, it is hard to say how many resources have been buried by the demons after countless years.

Of course, no matter how many demons there are, there are still many treasures left for Gao Jiuding. Therefore, with the increase of personnel, more and more gains will be made.

Spirit stones and spirit mines are nothing. Only the discovery of heaven and earth spirits will cause a lot of discussion. There are more battleships, and some magic generals have also become scarce resources.

The difference with Gao Jiuding is that his subordinates live in the starry sky all year round, and they know how to use all the resources in the starry sky, such as magic generals, they can use them and skillfully refine them into Lingbao-level magic-suppressing banners !

After all, Gao Jiuding had been away from Xingkong for more than ten years, and he was already a bit out of date.

However, everything he needs is provided for him, and if he wants to, he will be armed to the teeth in no time!
Gao Jiuding activated the secondary teleportation array, but only ten treasure-level space halls were teleported, which was enough for him to order.

These palaces are suspended near the Fire Spirit, constantly spewing out spaceships!

When the spaceship stopped, Gao Jiuding saw hundreds of second-level motherships and tens of thousands of first-level mining ships.

When the teleportation array on Gao Jiuding's side was closed, a large number of mining ships had gathered around him.

In the void, surrounded by some large buildings, there are countless mining ships!
The mining ships are surrounded by warships. At this time, many warships have entered the asteroid belt to capture the devil.

As for the remaining spaceships, the most numerous are first-order crocodile-class mining ships!
They don't have Daohong Furnace, and they can't jump in space, so they can only mine near Gao Jiuding!

A large number of battleships jumped into the asteroid belt, and began to capture the demon group step by step.

In ten years, the strength accumulated by An Shenxiu and others is already astonishing!

 Thanks to the king of the emperor, the queen of the earth, poisoning you thousands of times, lads4017 brothers for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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