The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1128 From Extravagance to Frugality

Chapter 1128 From Extravagance to Frugality

Most of the warships dispatched by An Shenxiu this time are Tier [-] motherships!

The first-level ordinary mining ship, the second-level crocodile-class warship, and the third-level warship are made of gold crystals, ice crystals and other materials, which are like ball-like motherships.

Although these third-tier warships under Gao Jiuding are equipped with Dao Hong furnaces, these Da Dao Hong furnaces are only treasures and do not produce device spirits. These warships are all controlled by large-scale computers, so compared with Gao Jiuding's Fire Spirit Battleship, the difference is too far.

However, their combat effectiveness is not weak at all, because they seem to be more familiar with the routine of starry sky mining.

With the increasing number of warships, they have gathered together to form a large formation!

As long as you encounter a group of demons, the demon banners will flutter, cutting, separating, capturing, suppressing, and refining in an instant.

Their movements of catching the devil were so smooth and too fast that Gao Jiuding was a little dumbfounded.

It seems that not only he is aware of the role of the suppressing magic banner, but also the professionals who have been mining in the starry sky all the year round have seen the role of the suppressing magic banner. The magic suppressing banner they refined can be seen as extraordinary.

Gao Jiuding clearly saw that a demon leader was quickly suppressed by a battleship in charge.

Gao Jiuding knew that among his subordinates, there were not many advanced blood pills, or only a few dozen people, and these were masters from some big families in his territory, and Gao Jiuding didn't trust those people.

Later, some of his guards refined some monster incarnations with peak blood pills, but they were at the critical moment of advancing to the law, and they would not come out to mine.

Only some guys who have refined the incarnation of monsters in the early stage of blood core will enter the starry sky because of the resources!

Only they can control the spirit weapon-level demon-suppressing banner and easily suppress a demon general.

"Report to Patriarch, found a small residual spirit vein, the damage is a bit serious, the high-grade spirit stone in the main body of the spirit vein has been consumed a lot, and it is about to collapse!"

Just when Gao Jiuding was surprised to see a group of battleships, like a dragon coming out of the water, and wiped out a large group of demons in a destructive posture, a familiar person appeared in front of Gao Jiuding.

"You Li Changsheng?" Looking at the familiar young man in front of him, no, it should be a young man, Gao Jiuding was a little dazed.

"Patriarch, I'm Li Changsheng. I'm just a handyman in charge of the logistics of this fleet. After all, they are not familiar with the situation of the solar system!" Li Changsheng blinked his eyes and said.

Looking at Li Changsheng who looked a little strange, Gao Jiuding suddenly realized that those guys above the demon star are familiar with the solar system.

Needless to say, Li Changsheng has returned to his old job. He has become a guide again, but he should be doing well now. After all, it is not easy to be in charge of the logistics of a fleet.

"Found a small spiritual vein? Can you still gather spirits?" Gao Jiuding returned to normal after only being in a daze for a while.

Li Changsheng said with a smile: "It can still gather spirits. We entered the spiritual cave to check. The spiritual veins over there have lost a lot of spiritual energy. Some high-grade spirit stones have degenerated into middle-grade spirit stones, but there are still some inside. High-grade spirit stones can also absorb heaven and earth spirit energy from the void, if you invest in some high-grade spirit stones, you should be able to keep them alive!"

"If the big devil wants to advance to the level of a demon general, he must need high-grade spirit stones, but the absorption speed is not fast, which makes sense." Gao Jiuding said.

There was a strange expression on Li Changsheng's face, he hesitated for a moment before saying: "I'm afraid that's not the case, the devil caught by the captain should be a mid-stage Demon General, which is equivalent to our mid-stage Golden Core!

With such a cultivation level, the high-grade spirit stone absorbed is indispensable, and based on the situation here, it is unlikely that it came from other places, so there is only one possibility, that small spirit vein may have spirit beads!

The demon general used the spirit beads to advance, and only a small amount of high-grade spirit stones were consumed in his cultivation afterwards. Otherwise, the small spirit vein should have dried up or degenerated long ago, and it would definitely not stay until now! "

Gao Jiuding nodded, the possibility is very high: "So, the spirit veins here have been occupied by demons for a long time?"

Li Changsheng sighed and said: "It should be like this, but I don't know if there are any larger spirit veins!"

Gao Jiuding said: "Well, I see, put it away, ask the wives to see if they need it, if not, send it back to the Yaoxing Base, where you can raise spirits!"

After sending Li Changsheng away, Gao Jiuding couldn't help feeling sorry, it seemed that the demon group here was stronger than he had imagined.

If this is the case, there may not be many spiritual veins left here.

It was Li Changsheng who came to remind Gao Jiuding not to place too much hope in order to avoid disappointment.

Needless to say, Gao Jiuding was really disappointed, but he just felt a little distressed, and then he returned to normal!
Finding a small spiritual vein just outside the perimeter is always a big gain.

"Huh?" A palace in front of Gao Jiuding was activated, and it flew forward slowly. Those boys wanted to let this space hall take that small spirit vein?

Sure enough, as he flew forward, the hall of space really began to become a hall.

Originally, this hall was nothing more than a small miniature palace measuring two meters by two meters, but at this moment, the hall, amidst the flashes of spiritual light, turned into a behemoth with a length and width of more than 200 meters.

Is this fully mobilized?The complete space hall consumes a lot of spiritual stones all the time. Otherwise, why is the spiritual light outside the hall so bright?
Although this consumes a lot of energy, it is also powerful.

The palace flies forward, as long as it is an asteroid encountered in front, it will be locked by the palace at the first time, and it will be collected instantly.

A huge palace with a side length of 200 meters can easily collect an asteroid with a diameter of less than 200 meters!

Even if the diameter exceeds 200 meters, when the palace is fully activated, it can still have a larger teleportation entrance, directly swallowing those asteroids with a diameter of more than 200 meters.

"This is built according to the interior of the demon battleship, the square hall, that hall is not simple!" After learning about the situation, Gao Jiuding was only surprised.

It is not too strange for Gao Jiuding to be able to become bigger and smaller. He can fly, and it seems that he can easily do it with a little modification. But it is not easy to be able to control such a huge monster perfectly.

"It seems that there are still many formation masters manipulating formations in this space hall, otherwise it would be impossible to achieve this level!" Gao Jiuding shook his head, he now has enough manpower, such a labor-intensive magic weapon, He can also use it easily, this is the gap!
In the past, Gao Jiuding operated as unmanned as possible, because he was alone, but now it is different, he has plenty of people to help.

After thinking about it, it was useless to keep the Fire Spirit in his hands. Gao Jiuding simply entered the hall ahead, but the Fire Spirit was taken over by Li Changsheng, and he ran directly to the front to fight.

Entering the main hall, looking at the vast space, Gao Jiuding let out a sigh of relief, who wants to stay in the dark void every day?There is nothing around, people get depressed after a long time.

After leaving Xingkong for more than ten years, he really didn't get used to it.

Therefore, it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal!
Surrounded by birds singing and flowers fragrant, and people around you buzzing, this kind of scene is definitely not comparable to the dark starry sky!



Gao Jiuding's one-meter-high avatar flew over, and everyone saluted and said hello to him.

Although Gao Jiuding has never met these people, or doesn't remember them, they all know Gao Jiuding, and they seem to understand that this is an incarnation of Gao Jiuding!
Here, Gao Jiuding also saw some incarnations of monsters, even the incarnations were not complete, such as the guy with a pig's head, did he refine a wild boar monster as an incarnation?
It's really possible. Wild boars don't look ugly. They can eat anything and can give birth. There are so many of them that they can be considered a tyrant in the Monster Star Forest.

When Gao Jiuding entered that forest for the first time, he saw several demon cultivators and hunted down a hemolytic wild boar demon.

This one here is definitely not the cultivation base of the hemolytic period, but the cultivation base of the Golden Core stage. This kind of cultivation base can also bear a pig's head, which shows that the blood level of this monster is relatively low, and the cultivation potential is not high. It's big.

Perhaps the cultivation speed is fast during the hemolysis period, but in the blood pill period, I am afraid that the cultivation speed will be slow!

And the possibility of advanced Dharma appearance is not too high!
Therefore, anyone with a little ambition would not choose the wild boar demon to refine into an avatar.

Of course, people are incomparable. The group of guards who followed Gao Jiuding and got the help of Gao Jiuding, all of them are well-informed and have resources, so they naturally look down on this kind of monster!

However, Gao Jiuding has too many subordinates now, how can there be so many high-quality monsters that can be refined into incarnations by everyone?
Therefore, the wild boar demon is also a choice, anyway, it is just an incarnation, without the potential to advance, it will not advance!

At least the current strength of this wild boar demon must be stronger than the body!

When it is no longer needed, it naturally means that the main body has a higher level of cultivation. At that time, if conditions permit, it is better to cultivate a better monster incarnation.

Obviously, the pig-headed demon is the one with the highest cultivation here, so he must be the person in charge here.

Seeing Gao Jiuding approaching, he ran over cheerfully with a pig's head on his head.

"Patriarch, look, it's this small spirit vein. The second lady doesn't want it, so she let us watch and deal with it!"

Gao Jiuding came to the busiest area and immediately saw a huge asteroid.

This asteroid is definitely over 200 meters and has just been sent back by a warship!

Now this huge asteroid has been placed in a big pit, and it seems that it wants to be buried in this hall.

"Is this intended to integrate into this hall?" Gao Jiuding asked strangely.

(End of this chapter)

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