The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1130 Siege of the Demon Swarm

Chapter 1130 Siege of the Demon Swarm (300 Monthly Ticket Plus Changes)

Immortals in the Dharma-ending Age are already legends, and no one has ever seen them!

Even above the demon star and the devil star, the immortal is not a Chinese cabbage.

Gao Jiuding knew that during the heyday of Yulingzong, for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years, no monk at the peak of Chunyang had achieved the celestial career, let alone the present after its decline.

Immortals are extinct, but Gao Jiuding accidentally obtained the treasure for cultivating to become an immortal. Why doesn't this make him happy?
"Collect as many as possible, especially high-quality ones, and keep them well!" Gao Jiuding solemnly said immediately after closing the jade slip.

At some point, the boss here, the pig-headed demon, came to him again.

"I know Patriarch, if we can find the essence of sunflower water of first-class sky level, then this time we will gain a lot!" said the pig-headed monster cheerfully.

Gao Jiuding also laughed: "Since there is Xuanhuang Qi and Sunflower Essence here, there may also be Renshui Essence, Gengjin Essence, and Jiayi Wood Essence. Tell people outside to be serious and not miss the treasure!"

"Understood, but if there is a chance, there is danger. We humans know the importance of the original spirits in the world, and the devils will instinctively notice it, right?" The pig-headed demon is still a sensible person.

Gao Jiuding nodded and said: "When I launched the drone, I saw many demon generals, but Shura and Mo Luo didn't see them, but I didn't go deep into the asteroid belt, and I didn't investigate those areas with strong aura. It is really possible that there are a large number of Shura and Mara, tell the following, let them be careful, it is best to slow down and slowly advance from the periphery!"

The pig-headed demon nodded immediately: "Patriarch, should you tell the base camp? I heard that many brothers have advanced to the level of Dharma, and they continue to stay in the base camp for retreat, and they haven't gained much. Why don't you call them over and look for opportunities. Even if you don’t have a chance, you can still make some contributions!”

"Huh? Which one are you? You know what you're talking about!" Gao Jiuding looked at the pig-headed monster strangely and said.

Recently, people who have advanced to the stage of Dharma are usually people around Gao Jiuding, either the commanders of the major legions, or the guards around him, and this pig-headed monster is obviously a young man who is released, how does he know so clearly?
"I" the pig-headed demon hadn't finished speaking when the ear-piercing siren sounded.

"Woooo." Gao Jiuding saw red lights in many places in the space, which was the highest alert for a fatal attack.

"What's going on?" Gao Jiuding's face became very ugly.

"Patriarch, call someone, it must be a group of monsters!" The pig-headed monster reacted quickly, and he pulled it directly, and a water mirror appeared in the void, showing the situation outside.

Sure enough, there was no warship invasion outside at all, so it was easy to judge, it must be a powerful demon group encountered in the asteroid belt.

Gao Jiuding also reacted, he immediately had a thought, and a message was sent out.

At this time, Gao Jiuding's body, who was cultivating in the space-time attic, immediately received the induction message, and he immediately sent a message to Song Yue and An Shenxiu.

In less than a minute, the teleportation array flickered again on the Fire Spirit that was deep inside the asteroid belt, and this time it was a pagoda that flew over.

As the pagoda flew out of the Fire Spirit, a majestic monk flew into the void.

With the arrival of a large number of masters, Gao Jiuding's body continued to practice, while Zijinfeng's incarnation continued to struggle, mainly because its strength was too weak, and it would die if it went out.

"What's going on?" The incarnation of the water and fire god python holding an ax appeared in the starry sky. He immediately stretched out his hand, and the heaven, earth, yellow and exquisite pagoda returned to him.

Holding the pagoda in one hand and the axe of the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars in the other, the Water Fire Python immediately flew forward quickly.

"Huh? I met Shura? I'll hurry up and go over first, I was beaten badly by the demon group in front!" Gao Jiuding immediately knew what happened through Huo Ling.

After ten years of closed-door training, the incarnation of the water and fire python is now at the peak of the early stages of the Dharma Aspect, and he is only a little short of being able to advance to the Dharma Aspect. The middle stage of the advanced method.

With him coming, no matter if you meet Shura or Mo Luo, you should be able to easily suppress them.

What's more, he also brought with him a dozen or so early stage masters who had stabilized their cultivation.

Armed with Gao Jiuding, the first batch of guys who refined the incarnation of monsters have entered the Dharma phase for several years now, and they have been in the space of the pagoda for decades.

With decades of solid cultivation, not only have they become qualified Dharma phase monks, but each of them sacrificed their handy spiritual treasures.

The harvest in Daxue Mountain is great. Although some of the treasures collected by Gao Jiuding have degenerated into treasures, their original foundation is not bad at all. After decades of nurturing, they have returned to the state of spiritual treasures. It's not difficult at all.

If it wasn't for spirituality that needs to be cultivated, relying solely on the spiritual prohibition inside the spirit treasure itself, there are even ninth-level spirit treasures among those spirit treasures.

It's a pity that those spiritual treasures have been harmed by the cold light of ice for thousands of years, and now it is not easy to recover a little spirituality. It will take a long time for them to become spiritual bodies.

But this is enough. It is not bad for monks in the early stages of Dharma to have a top-level spiritual treasure, at least they can display their normal strength.

Seeing the battle ahead, Gao Jiuding was furious.

He waved the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars God Ax casually, and a space crack was formed in front of him, and then he led a group of monks at the beginning of the Dharma Form into the space crack.

In the next second, Gao Jiuding and his team broke through space from another place and appeared above an island-like asteroid.

Gao Jiuding glanced casually, and knew that this was an advance base created by his subordinates. Unfortunately, this advance base has now been captured by the demon group.

"Bastard, court death!" Gao Jiu's group had just arrived at the front line when they heard a loud roar, followed by a shocking murderous intent that swept across the entire asteroid.

Now Gao Jiuding already knew that this powerful incarnation of monster was stationed in this fleet, and after hearing this sudden roar, he instinctively activated all his mana!
Gao Jiuding's soaring aura was equally violent, but it startled the cultivator on the asteroid, and also made his killing intent stagnate.

After seeing Gao Jiuding, that person knew it was a misunderstanding, but now he didn't have time to explain, he disappeared in a flash!
At this time, Gao Jiuding also knew that he had set an own goal, and quickly restrained his momentum.

He really didn't expect that there was such a powerful subordinate here.

"Who is that?" The avatar of the water and fire python turned his head and looked at Zhan Jiyan beside him, who also came in an avatar.

"If it's not our brother, then it must be the second patriarch!" Zhan Jiyan said immediately.

"Ying Hu? That kid's incarnation?" Gao Jiuding hasn't seen Yi Hu for a long time, but he knows that Yi Hu has been in the Golden Wolf Palace for the past ten years, which is considered a great achievement.

Of course, Gao Jiuding didn't forget his hard work. Although he didn't enter the Space-Time God Realm, he had more materials for cultivation than Luan Changming and others.

Since Yi Hu also has the supernatural power of the blood shadow divine light, in the past ten years, he has easily refined a peak blood core monster, and has advanced to the next step.

Now that there is Yihu sitting here, Gao Jiuding felt relieved, and the group of them dispersed directly to save the ordinary disciples who stayed behind at the base.

As for the warships and mining ships flying in the sky, they all have their own ability to protect themselves, and there will be no danger for a while, so Gao Jiuding doesn't have to worry about them.

The others were busy, and Gao Jiuding stood above the void, looking at the situation in the asteroid base below.

The most dangerous of these is the edge of the asteroid, where the fighting is fiercest.

Especially one place, where there are some familiar things, the most conspicuous, Gao Jiuding saw a wooden puppet and a wooden bird puppet at a glance.

The wooden puppet was a magic weapon that Gao Jiuding gave to Feng Zhiyi. As for the wooden bird puppet, it was probably imitated later, but I don't know what the relationship between the controller and Feng Zhiyi is.

When Gao Jiuding looked at the battlefield below, the spirit of the wind below was already going crazy.

He stuffed the last piece of high-grade spirit stone into the puppet wooden bird under his feet. The wooden bird, which was already sluggish and jerky, was full of spiritual light all over its body, and its flapping wings became much more flexible, and its speed suddenly doubled.

Feng Zhiling's heart was bleeding. The three top-grade spirit stones on his body were obtained from his eldest brother after wasting a catty of saliva. He never thought that in just a short while, these three high-grade spirit stones would cost Scrapped.

This is not what makes Feng Zhiling feel distressed the most, but what makes him feel the most distressed is the wooden bird puppet under his feet. You must know that the wings of this wooden bird puppet, but the elder brother has spent more than ten years of effort, using countless top-quality materials Refined out.

It is said that the spiritual materials were taken from the spirit trees that were killed in the base camp, and it took a lot of materials to barely imitate this one.

Many of those spiritual woods have been accumulated for thousands of years. Although they are only made by using some branches and leaves and integrating them together, this cannot deny its strength.

Otherwise, where would he have the chance to escape so far under the pursuit of a Shura?
But now this puppet has reached its limit under the continuous overload of the spirit of the wind, and it has reached the verge of being scrapped!

At this time, the spirit of the wind only hoped that it could persist until the reinforcements arrived, otherwise not only would its own life be lost, but the ordinary soldiers behind would also be slaughtered.

A ray of white light chased closer and closer behind Feng Ling, and he could even see Shura's grinning face hidden in the white light.

Feng Zhiling had no choice but to release the last spirit snake puppet on his body, hoping to buy himself the last period of time.

 Thanks to the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brick movers of nature for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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