Chapter 1131: Gold Shura

"Explosion!" Feng Zhiling's eyes were red, and his eyes widened, looking at the spirit snake puppet with a spine made of a branch of a thousand-year-old spirit wood.

The puppet's situation is very bad, it may not be able to support two or three face-to-face encounters under Shura's hands!

Gritting his teeth, Wind Spirit directly detonated the puppet.

boom!The spirit snake puppet exploded all over!

That spirit wood bone turned into twelve bone spurs and shot towards Shura!

Feng Zhiling's face turned pale, and a gust of reverse blood sprayed on the back of the puppet bird under his feet.

The base defense formation was finally approaching, but before Wind Spirit could show any joy, Shura suddenly broke through the barrier of twelve bone spurs, and chased after Wind Spirit more than a hundred meters away.

At the same time, a spirit treasure in Shura's hand flew out, turned into a flywheel, and slashed towards the wind spirit's back.

"Monster, die!" At this moment, Yihu's incarnation arrived, but instead of rescuing Wind Wing, he rushed towards another demon.

The avatar of Maverick sits in the void, and has spent a lot of time mining with the fleet, but he has never seen Shura once, so he naturally doesn't know what kind of existence is in front of him.

The devil in front of Maverick, he could see very clearly the soaring demonic aura emanating from the aura explosion!
Although the Yihu incarnation sensed that the spirit of the wind was in danger, but at this time in the base, this powerful demonic energy suddenly appeared, which caused the winged tiger to create a powerful force between the spirit of the wind and the base's guardian formation. hesitate!
However, Maverick still had to choose to keep the defensive formation in the end, mainly because there were still many ordinary subordinates protecting it.

If the formation is broken, with the number of monsters, there must be few of these subordinates who can survive.

This base asteroid is a place to stay that Maverick has only managed for a few years, and he doesn't want to abandon it now.

Yihu holds a mountain-opening ax in his hand. Its real name should be Liuding mountain-opening axe. Of course, this is an imitation Liuding mountain-opening axe. It is similar to the sun, moon and seven star gods, but not as powerful as the sun, moon and seven star axe.

It is just a mountain axe, there is no sun, moon and seven stars at all!
The power of this spiritual weapon can only be exerted by the user, and it cannot be like the sun, moon and seven-star axe, which comes with powerful power and can fight alone.

However, Yihu is also powerful now, especially his refined incarnation, which is even more powerful.

The six-pointed mountain-cracking ax in his hand slashed down with the might of splitting mountains and cracking seas, shaking the devil who was attacking and defending the formation violently, and kept dodging.

Gao Jiuding, who was standing high in the sky, could tell that this demon head should be a Mo Luo, not good at close combat, and a bit timid, he dare not fight close.

Even so, its strength is not weak at all.

Of course, in front of the incarnation of the winged tiger with the six-pointed mountain axe, it is not enough to look at.

A flame rose from the soles of Mo Luo's feet, and countless flames fled in all directions like fiery snakes, but they were still cut off by two-thirds of it with the axe of the winged tiger.

"Huo Ling Dun, Mo Luo? It's really miraculous, and a spirit body can be cultivated like you!" Yi Hu is now well-informed, and he has been doing kung fu for several years. are very familiar.

Having acquired knowledge and broadened his horizons, he naturally has vision, and he immediately recognized that what Mo Luo was performing was a kind of inherited escapism among the demon bosses!
Realizing that it was a Mo Luo, the Maverick incarnation became more cautious, and the attack in his hand inevitably stopped for a while.

If it is other kinds of demons, the avatar of the winged tiger will definitely slash and slash, and it is absolutely unambiguous, but when it comes to the legendary Mo Luo, he has to be careful, mainly because Mo Luo is too weird, it can ignore physical attack.

It's just this point that the incarnation of Yihu can't deal with it, and his Liuding mountain ax seems to be unable to do anything to this Mara.

But when it comes to using spells, Yihu doesn't have that confidence, and even all the demon star monks don't have much confidence, because they haven't learned many spells.

Fighting is their instinct, hot-blooded close combat, using magic weapons is the right way, as for the practice of law, forget it!

The winged tiger is hesitating and hesitates, but Mo Luo is also afraid, it is not low in intelligence, seeing that the winged tiger is slacking off, and has a chance, it immediately runs away.

Seeing Mo Luo fleeing away, Maverick heaved a sigh of relief!

Since it can't be killed quickly, it's better to let it run away, so that he can rescue the subordinates outside who didn't have time to enter the defensive formation.


The violent fluctuations in fighting skills quickly attracted everyone's attention, and the spirit of the wind was finally saved the moment he was beheaded by the flywheel!
Feng Zhiling, who had survived a near death, didn't care about the slightest joy in the pair of familiar flying swords. Facing the depletion of his true energy, he tried his best to support the puppet wooden bird under his feet, and flapped its wings fiercely several times, and then the wooden puppet The bird puppet wobbled and slammed headlong towards the defensive formation.

Crash!Before the monks in the big formation came to respond, the whole wooden bird hit the ground at an extremely fast speed, and then fell apart.

The monks who came to meet him saw that the moment the wooden bird landed, the spirit of the wind was thrown away, and then rolled on the ground several times without any image, and finally lay on the ground and couldn't get up.

Those people's hearts sank immediately, and they hurried over!

At this moment, they heard the spirit of the wind lying on the ground, groaning indistinctly, "Oh, oh!"

Obviously, he didn't suffer too much injury, but because of the depletion of true energy, he was unable to support protective spells such as shields.

A monk said angrily: "Get up quickly, there are still many newly recruited disciples in the base, if you let them see that the dignified commander-level figure is lying on the ground like this without image I know how many disciples will have their eyeballs smashed, especially those female disciples, it is rumored that you are the number one most handsome, don't let them down!"

These words really worked, Feng Zhiling quickly got up from the ground regardless of the pain in his body!
While arranging his clothes, Feng Zhiling looked around, only to find that the alarmed disciples were all raising their necks, watching the battle between Gao Jiuding and the Shura who was chasing and killing him in the sky, no one would notice he?
Gao Jiuding came down at his most dangerous moment. After all, he couldn't look at his disciple and was beaten to death by a Shura.

Seeing the ferocious battle in the sky, the spirit of the wind spirit that had just mustered up immediately let down.

Feng Zhiling said: "Let me just say, the ladies have tried their best, how could they put us in danger? What's more, the Patriarch is still sitting here, and it was the Patriarch who tested me just now!"

After finishing speaking, Wind Wing once again looked into the void.

Gao Jiuding's incarnation of water and fire god python is fighting with Shura, this scene is very rare to see.

Gao Jiuding's pair of flying swords struck back and forth, hitting the surface of the flywheel like raindrops!

In the hands of Shura, this flywheel can exert a power far beyond that of ordinary spirit treasures, because it is separated from Shura after awakening wisdom, relying on instinct, or relying on blood inheritance, and refining it to match himself companion Lingbao.

This kind of companion spirit treasure is equal to a part of Shura's body, so in Shura's hands, the companion spirit treasure is born with a trace of spirituality, and it is compatible with Shura, which allows it to exert a strength far beyond that of the spirit treasure.

If it is an ordinary person, facing this kind of Shura with an accompanying spirit treasure, he must run as far as he can.

But when you meet Gao Jiuding, it's not necessarily so.

The two ice soul cold light swords in Gao Jiuding's hands, the two swords combined, can also be compared with some powerful spirit treasures, not to mention the pair of flying swords, which are still in the hands of Gao Jiuding's incarnation of the water and fire python.

Of course, to deal with Shura who has a companion spirit treasure, the Sun Moon Seven Star Ax is the most effective. However, Gao Jiuding peeped at Shura's companion spirit treasure. He didn't want to break this treasure, so he chose the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword.

The most powerful of the water and fire god python is the evil spirit of water and fire, and the ice soul cold light sword is barely compatible with the water and fire god, and with his profound magic power, it is even more powerful.

From the beginning, Gao Jiuding used swordsmanship to entangle Shura's companion spirit treasure. The two flying swords scattered countless sword lights, and every thousand 290 six sword lights condensed into a sword dragon!
A total of one hundred sword dragons weaved a huge sword net in the sky, trapping the flywheel in the sword net, allowing it to rush left and right, but it still couldn't break through the shackles of the sword net.

As long as he controls this companion spirit treasure, after finally killing Shura, he will get a complete spirit weapon!

In such a situation, Shura also thought of it. In desperation, it wanted to tear up the sword net in person, but was forced back by the sword energy bursting from the sword net.

Most of Shura's abilities were focused on the companion spirit treasure. Gao Jiuding trapped the spirit treasure this time, and the strength of this Shura itself was only slightly stronger than ordinary monks at the beginning of Dharma Phase!
Even though Gao Jiuding also lost the help of the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword at this time, he himself never regarded himself as a pure sword cultivator.

The avatar of the water and fire python turned into a palm, and five torrents formed in the midair, entangled towards Shura.

This Shura obviously didn't expect that Gao Jiuding could display such a tyrannical supernatural power so casually after using the supernatural power of the companion spirit treasure that can trap it!
At this moment, it was obviously a little flustered, but it still rubbed its hands, and dozens of white rays shot out, cutting through the five torrents of Gao Jiuding.

However, the supernatural power in Gao Jiuding's hands, once used, is often continuous, and the split torrent suddenly splits up again, and the drizzle all over the sky pierces towards Shura's body.

This blood Shura is a golden Shura, and immediately after being attacked, a copper-colored light mask suddenly appeared all over his body!

Although the magical power of Xingyunbuyu has a fine attack, it still can't pierce this layer of protective mask.

However, this Shura didn't see that although the drizzle couldn't pierce its protective spell, when the drizzle fell under its feet, it slowly turned into a puddle of water.

(End of this chapter)

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