The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1132 Treasure of Innate Rules

Chapter 1132 Treasure of Innate Rules
After just a few fights, Gao Jiuding completely suppressed him. At this time, Shura was already a little frightened!

This Golden Shura has also fought against masters who invaded the asteroid belt several times, but it is often invincible in battles with early Dharma monks. Even if it encounters difficult mid-Dharma monks, it can retreat completely. After all, he It has a companion spirit treasure.

And at this moment, the person who is fighting against him in front of him, how many kinds of supernatural powers have he used?
As the leader of this raid, this Golden Shura's cultivation had reached the peak in the middle stage of the Dharma Aspect, but it was completely suppressed in the face of the incarnation of the water and fire python who was at the peak of the early Dharma Aspect.

Sensing the danger, Jin Xiuluo's heart was a little hairy, and an instinct made him realize that he seemed to have fallen into the trap of the person in front of him.
When he looked down in a trance, Shura suddenly saw that the water at his feet did not fall because of its depth in mid-air, but accumulated more and more, forming a small lake in the sky.

The crisis in Jin Xiuluo's heart became more and more serious, and the essence of Gengjin escaped from his body!

The flywheel trapped in the sword net suddenly shook violently, and struck out in four directions in the sword net, smashing four or five heads of the sword dragon in a row, almost breaking through the sword net and coming out.

However, it was already a little late at this time, Gao Jiuding raised his palms, and the lake in the sky suddenly had a huge wave, and with the momentum of Mount Tai, it smashed towards Jin Xiuluo's head.

Jin Xiuluo was as desperate as he was, and scattered out his Gengjin essence, trying to split the huge wave in front of him, but he couldn't see Gao Jiuding behind the huge wave. The huge wave that was originally monstrous suddenly increased by three feet, and the power contained in it became even greater.

As time passed, Gao Jiuding, the second incarnation, became more and more powerful in controlling water.

Originally some mediocre water control skills showed extreme power in his hands.

For example, now, thinking about the sea, this is already an absolute supernatural power!
Although the incarnation of the water and fire python awakened such a supernatural power, it was not able to upgrade it to the supreme supernatural power of life.

But even so, the power of this supernatural power should not be underestimated.

Jin Xiuluo could no longer resist the power hidden in the huge waves, he was completely blown away by the huge waves, and the Gengjin shield on his body was also smashed to pieces.

"Die!" A loud shout sounded suddenly, and Jin Xiuluo, who was shot flying, had no time to struggle to get up, and saw a huge ax blade ray, slashing down from the sky!

Jin Xiuluo only had time to let out a miserable howl, and then it stopped abruptly, and the mountain-opening ax came down from top to bottom, cutting Jin Xiuluo in two.

Yihu smiled "haha" at Gao Jiuding, and said, "Brother, I'm sorry, I made meritorious service by accident!"

Gao Jiuding smiled helplessly, but his expression suddenly changed, and he said, "Run!"

Trapped by Gao Jiuding in the sword net, the flywheel suddenly went berserk, and the flywheel, which was originally a foot in size, became suddenly large and small at this moment, appearing extremely unstable, which was a precursor to an explosion.

Yihu cursed loudly, how could he not be angry when he saw that a companion spirit treasure he got was about to disappear.

Although he was cursing, he didn't stop at his feet, and he returned to the defensive formation not far away!
He wanted to prevent the aftermath of the explosion from hurting the monks in the base.

Gao Jiuding was even more depressed. Originally, he was thinking of using the pagoda to see if he could absorb the original energy from Jin Shura when he killed Jin Shura!

Although this is a golden Shura, the essence of Gengjin cannot be used by him and will evaporate soon, but as long as some Gengjin can be left behind, that's fine!

He can't use it, but the dragon elephant incarnation may be able to use it.

The Gengjin Qi absorbed by Jin Shura is the purest original metallic spirit.

As for the accompanying Spirit Treasure Flywheel, Gao Jiuding can see it!
After Shura's fall, whether this thing can survive often depends on luck, and this luck will not come nine times out of ten.

The exploded flywheel fragments were flying in all directions, but in front of Gao Jiuding, who was protected by the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, the power of the accompanying Lingbao's explosion was really nothing!
What's more, perhaps because Shura's fall was too sudden, this flywheel didn't explode completely, and three large pieces burst out in succession.

Gao Jiuding's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and the hundreds of sword dragons that had fled towards the surroundings turned around and gathered the three fragments back together!
However, among the hundreds of sword dragons, the three fragments that were shot out in an instant smashed more than ten pieces in a row.

At this moment, the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda spat out a golden ball, which was formed by the condensed essence of Gengjin that had just been collected by the pagoda.

It turns out that the pagoda does not have this ability, but the seal of the beasts it fused has a strong ability to control, and now this ability is added to the pagoda.

Swish!A dazzling ray of light shot out from the base!

A flying sword shot straight into the battlefield, and the Gengjin essence, which was already gradually thinning, gradually tended to condense in that flying sword.

Gao Jiuding's divine sense can clearly detect that this trend is not too obvious, but this flying sword is quite famous, it is already a magic weapon for nourishing the spirit, and it has a very high potential for improvement.

After the birth of spirituality, it is a real spiritual treasure. If you raise it well, it is not difficult to achieve a heavenly spiritual treasure.

The Qi of Gengjin is not much different from the essence of sunflower water that Gao Jiuding obtained earlier, and it can be regarded as a kind of spirit from the origin of heaven and earth!
This is the treasure of innate rules, and it has a strong effect on the cultivation of Lingbao.

Gao Jiuding didn't know whose flying sword belonged to him, but the people here were all his own.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding threw a fragment of the companion Lingbao just now towards the flying sword!

At this moment, the owner of Feijian also flew out of the formation, and Gao Jiuding saw that it was a woman.

However, judging from her monster aura, this is another monster incarnation.

"Sister-in-law, I didn't expect you to take advantage of me this time!" Seeing the woman, Maverick immediately said with a smile.

As for Gao Jiuding, he was in a daze, how many elder brothers does Yi Hu have?It seems that he is the only one!

But looking at the unknown woman, why didn't Gao Jiuding know that he still had such a wife?

No, this is an incarnation of his wife, Song Yue's gorilla incarnation?

Looking at the woman's very delicate face, Gao Jiuding really couldn't imagine that this is actually that huge monster that is as tall as a ten-story building!
Maybe this is the only gorilla in the law phase?Unexpectedly, Song Yue would actually send this avatar here.

In the scene, Song Yue's incarnation ignored Gao Jiuding, she was already attracted by the fragment thrown by Gao Jiuding.

Although the fragments of companion spirit treasures can only be regarded as spiritual materials, they can also be regarded as extremely rare in the cultivation world, and they are top-notch spiritual materials of pure quality, which are also of great use to Song Yue.

At this time, Gao Jiuding didn't bother to ask Song Yue why he came. What he was concerned about now was why he was suddenly besieged by demons?
As Jin Xiuluo was killed, the Mo Luo was frightened away, and the demon group besieging the base had receded.

This is the difference between demon swarms with Mo Luo and Shura. If it is an ordinary demon swarm, it will never stop dying, and it will never give up halfway or run away.

Even with the leadership of a demon general, the demon group often fights to the last!
But now, the group of devils are organized and disciplined, and they can sneak attack and retreat, which is not easy to deal with.

"I suspect that it's not that no one has been here before. It is likely that they were attacked and destroyed. Some places around this asteroid may be traps!" At this time, Maverick pointed to a group of asteroids and said. .

Gao Jiuding looked over, and it was a cluster of dense asteroids, not too small, isn't there anything strange?
"The asteroids over there are all more than 100 meters in size, and they all have abundant resources. Anyone who sees them will be moved. If they stay here to mine, the surrounding situation will not be easy to detect. So when they are surrounded by demons, It's too late!" Yihu said.

"Is there something good over there?" Gao Jiuding asked with his eyes brightened.

This is his incarnation of the water and fire python, and he doesn't have clairvoyance, so naturally he can't see anything special about the asteroid group not far away.

"Our people found the golden essence over there, the golden essence of the golden essence. I heard that if this thing continues to be refined, it is possible to refine the refined gold. I don't know if it is true, but whether it is true or not, then All materials are precious!

Now that I found it, I naturally didn't want to let it go, but to collect gold essence, I had to go deep into the asteroid group, so I was attacked and besieged. "Speaking, Maverick shrugged.

Gao Jiuding saw that the group of asteroids over there is indeed a bit dense, the most important thing is the outer ones, there should be no resources, and naturally no one is mining them.

The outer layer of asteroids doesn't have many resources, but if they enter the interior of the asteroid group, it will be a bit troublesome to retreat.

The demon group fights because of this time difference, as long as you hesitate a little, you will be surrounded by the demon group, with Shura and Mo Luo blocking, ordinary people really can't stop it.

From Yi Hu's words, Mo Luo suddenly besieged them this time, it seemed quite strange!

Fortunately, the small base under their feet, after years of operation, can withstand the siege of this moro for a short period of time, but it can do it.

What's more, the Yihu at this time has already pushed its own cultivation to the edge of the third smelting of heaven and earth spirits!

In other words, this kid's cultivation has almost reached the peak of blood pills.

If he hadn't been sure to smelt a heaven-level high-grade spiritual object for the time being and directly achieve the dharma form, he would have already advanced to the dharma form.

Even so, it's not easy to kill a Shura with the winged tiger's blood-light supernatural power!
So if he delays, the other disciples will be out of luck.

Fortunately, most of the operators of the warships that came this time were incarnations of monsters. Even if some people fell, there was no damage to their bodies.

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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