The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1133 Invisible Spirit Treasure

Chapter 1133 Invisible Spirit Treasure
Mining in the starry sky may encounter danger at any time, so the first ones are usually the incarnations of monsters.

It was also for this reason that when encountering a siege, the Maverick and Wind Spirit were the first to retreat, because they both carried their bodies.

Wind Spirit is Wind Wing's brother, and he didn't practice monster incarnation at all, but he has many puppets.

But the Yihu's avatar is powerful, its main body turned into bloody light, hidden in the avatar, making his avatar even more powerful, it is very difficult for a Shura to make him fall.

Therefore, with the help of Yihu, all those who could escape escaped, but the damage was naturally unavoidable.

"Go in and have a look, just in case anyone survives!" Knowing the situation, Gao Jiuding flew towards the dense group of asteroids without hesitation.

The incarnation of the water and fire python can also transform into a bloody light, so it is very fast, and he can also send out bloody flames to speed up the flight.

After Gao Jiuding's main body practiced Asura's blood flame, the water and fire god python practiced a little, and he also comprehended this supernatural power.

After passing through layers of asteroids, Gao Jiuding soon discovered the demon group, and within the group, there was indeed a battle going on.

On an asteroid with a diameter of more than 800 meters, a person was covered in blood, but his expression was still cold, as if the injuries on his body were not his own!
A one-meter-long magic weapon like a bayonet was held in his hand behind his back!

Drops of dense water fell from the thorns, and then evaporated into spiritual energy and diluted in the air.

Tens of meters away, a Shura stared at a transparent hole in his arm in surprise. He didn't expect that he would be injured by this little Xiu. This made it extremely angry, and at the same time made it a little more afraid of the person in front of it.

"It's Gao Shiba, he is the first group of disciples to enter the starry sky!" Yihu exclaimed when he saw that person.

"Not an incarnation?" Gao Jiuding didn't notice the danger, but his expression was not good-looking.

"This kid has practiced invisibility, who knew he stayed here!" Yi Hu also said with an ugly expression.

Both of them have a deep impression of Gao Shiba, naturally because they joined their cronies at the most difficult moment, and they almost broke one here unexpectedly.

Gao Shiba has been entangled with the Shura in front of him for more than ten minutes, and he has almost reached his limit at this time!
Just now he almost fell into Shura's hands, if it wasn't for his own style of play that hurt both sides, making the other side throw a rat's weapon, he would definitely not be able to withstand the blow just now.

At this time, Gao Shiba was facing the Shura, and its companion spirit treasure was also invisible!
It was because Gao Shiba ate the invisibility grass, and begged his wife to find out the classics on invisibility, that he cultivated a powerful invisibility supernatural power.

But he didn't expect to meet his nemesis.

If it wasn't for this Shura who could turn invisible, he wouldn't be in any danger even if he just wandered around among the monsters.

Unfortunately, he was really unlucky to meet his nemesis.

Gao Shiba regretted his conceit very much. If he didn't want to understand the situation of the demon group here, why would he stay here and be besieged by the demon group?

The movement outside seemed to be quieter, and it was unknown whether the battle ended after the base was breached, or the demon group outside was wiped out.

Gao Shiba knew that there was a family living outside, as long as Shura and Mo Luo could be held back, their base would not have to worry.

However, after a long time, he was miserable!

At this time, Gao Shiba didn't dare to be distracted at all, because he knew that the invisible flying sword in the opponent's hand was very difficult to deal with. This thing was stronger than the invisible effect of the ice soul cold light sword practiced by the Patriarch.

If it wasn't for his experience in dealing with invisible flying swords, he might have suffered a real disadvantage.

If it weren't for his high attainments in hiding his whereabouts, he might have died countless times already.

Gao Shiba was a little relieved that there were no monsters returning in the distance!
At least the other Shura who besieged the base, as well as the more than 100 subordinates it led, were probably wiped out.

"Tch!" At the moment when Gao Shiba was happy, Shura on the opposite side also found Gao Jiuding and his party!

Shura was naturally not happy about Gao Jiuding's appearance, so he really wanted to kill Gao Shiba immediately.

Encountering a sneak attack, Gao Shiba was startled suddenly. How could he be distracted and think about these things at such a time of life and death?

When Gao Shiba looked at Shura in front of him, he saw that Shura was also looking at him and smiling coldly!

The wound on the arm was still dripping with Shura's blood, which made Gao Shiba's eyes hot, and it was a pity for the essence of spiritual energy.

Gao Shiba knew that the person facing him was a water Shura, and every drop of his blood was the essence of sunflower water.

"Not good! This guy's innate supernatural powers, how do you look like clouds and rain?" Gao Shiba wandered on the edge of life and death, but his instinct told him that he had reached the moment of life and death at this time!

He turned and turned sideways, the long thorn in his hand!
With a crisp sound of "Dang Clang", the Xuanyin Thorn that had just practiced for a short time was opened a big gap in it by Shura's invisible spirit treasure.

Gao Shiba didn't care about his heartache either, this Xuanyin thorn is really not suitable for head-to-head confrontation, it's just a magic weapon suitable for sneak attack in the dark.

This is not a moment of heartache. Although he blocked Shura's invisible treasure, and then tried his best to dodge sideways, a huge force hit his back without any warning.

Following this force, Gao Shiba suddenly flew forward to more than a hundred meters away!
Unable to hold back a mouthful of blood, the blood arrow shot out three feet away, and then turned into a blood-colored ice cube with a cold air, and fell into the void.

Shura, who laughed strangely, showed his figure from where Gao Shiba had been standing before, but the phantom statue turned into a puddle of water and fell from the midair.

Damn it, it's actually an illusion like a mirage!

At this moment, there was a loud noise that shook the sky suddenly in the distance, and then there was a soaring cry of killing.

The phantom collapsed, and Gao Shiba's heart was shocked: It's broken!

He pulled away and wanted to retreat, but he ignored the injury on his body at this time. How could he retreat if he wanted to?

What's more, there is a Shura staring at him, and at this moment, this Shura seems to be more anxious than him!
With a strange howl, Shura rushed towards Gao Shiba!
A strange force bound Gao Shiba firmly in the air.

Gao Shiba tried hard to break through this layer of restraint, but no matter how he broke out, he couldn't break through this layer of restraint.

If Gao Shiba's strength is still there, there will be no problem, but at this moment, he is seriously injured, how can he escape?
Gao Shiba sighed, knowing that he could not hide, but he is not someone who closes his eyes and waits for death!
In Gao Shiba's chest, a heart was already beating rapidly, waiting for Shura to explode at the moment when he got close.

Chirp!A strange whistling sound suddenly pierced the sky!
Gao Shiba suddenly looked up, but saw a portal suddenly opened in front of him, a pair of familiar flying swords shot out from the portal, and slashed into the void!
Bang!For the first time, a strange long sword showed its figure in front of Gao Shiba, but it was blocked in front of Gao Shiba by the Bingpo Hanguang Sword.

At the same time, that strange whistling sound seemed to break through the shackles of space, piercing towards Shura's head.

Shura seemed extremely panicked at this moment, standing there completely unable to move, the expression on his face had already froze.

Crash!The Bingpo Hanguang Sword disappeared in a flash, but split a puddle of flowing water.

Tens of meters away, Shura showed his figure and was about to retreat quickly!
Unexpectedly, its appearance did not seem to be beyond the expectation of those who rushed to help, a white light shot towards it the moment it appeared.

Shura couldn't dodge in time, the white light sank into its body, as if it wanted to freeze everything in its body.

"Kill!" A one-meter-sized villain suddenly appeared in front of Shura's face. The long sword behind his back was pulled out and stabbed by it, directly entering Shura's head from his eyes.

Gao Shiba narrowly escaped death, and the Bingpo Hanguang Sword in front of him shook his head and tail, as if greeting him.

He spat out a mouthful of blood and looked around, but he never saw the Patriarch appear.

Gao Shiba was surprised and said: "Sword refuting supernatural powers? Refuting swords for thousands of miles, taking the enemy's head, isn't this a space supernatural power that only monks in the middle stage of the Faxiang can control?"

Immediately, Gao Shiba turned his eyes to the one-meter-sized little man in the distance, but his face was exactly the same as Gao Jiuding's. This was the incarnation of the Patriarch.

This avatar had obviously heard Gao Shiba's previous words, smiled at him, and then inserted the small sword in his hand into the scabbard behind him!
The avatar put the thumb and index finger of his left hand in his mouth, and whistled loudly!

Seeing that other Ice Soul Cold Light Sword vibrate, it immediately circled towards the left and right sides of the direction the avatar's right hand was pointing at.

Gao Shiba was startled suddenly, could there be opponents hiding nearby?
But saw that this avatar suddenly jumped up, and when it fell, it happened to be standing on the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword!

At this time, the two swords appeared to be pinching from both sides, and there was a clang, and the weird invisible flying sword that Gao Shiba had seen before was struck out of shape by the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword again, but then it was hidden again whereabouts.

Gao Shiba was overjoyed: It turned out to be the invisible companion spirit treasure!

He didn't care about his own injuries, so he had to step forward to help!

Unexpectedly, he saw the incarnation of the Patriarch, two blue lights suddenly appeared in his eyes, he found the hidden sword at once, and he jumped forward, as if he had caught something with his hands.

Yin Jian showed his figure again, but the avatar's small hands grabbed the hilt of the sword!
The little man was carried by the hidden sword, flying randomly in mid-air, and the whole little man was hanging on the hilt of the sword, staggering.

At this time, the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword also stepped forward to flank again, trying to completely suppress the hidden sword.

(End of this chapter)

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