The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1134 Lure the enemy to go deep

Chapter 1134 Lure the enemy to go deep
Just when the incarnation released by Gao Jiuding used a pair of flying swords to suppress the invisible Lingbao flying sword, a dark hole opened again in the sky above the falling water Shura!

A golden pagoda rushed out from the opening, a ball of light created a vortex, and the fallen Water Shura, most of the original essence that was dissipating and volatilizing, was swallowed up by the pagoda in one go.

At this time, an illusory shadow suddenly emerged from the pagoda.

Some people around could see clearly that it was the phantom of a little girl, she was lying on the edge of the top of the pagoda, she poked her head out from inside, smiled and shook her head towards Gao Shiba, and then the pagoda slowly moved Turning around, it plunged into the dark space again and disappeared, and the split space slowly closed up.

At this time, Gao Jiuding had already gone all out, because something happened outside again.

Not far from the periphery of the asteroid group, the small base where Song Yue's incarnation is located has just followed Gao Jiuding into the dense asteroid group.

Just when Gao Shiba was wounded by Na Shura and was on the verge of death, Song Yue's small base was once again besieged by demons.

After Gao Jiuding entered the asteroid group, no one expected that outside the asteroid group, there would be another Shura and several demons attacking the small base at once.

Song Yue's incarnation knew how powerful it was. After sending a message to Gao Jiuding at the first time, he immediately retreated to the big formation and used the defense of the small base to keep the demon group out again.

In the past, the small base was able to persist because of the power of guarding the large formation. Although it has gathered the strength of nearly ten blood core monks, most of them are the incarnations of monsters in the early and middle stages of blood core. Luo's strangulation, this base has almost no resistance.

At this time, Song Yue looked puzzled, why did this group of devils fall in love with such a small base?And you know how to smack east and west and lay traps?
Standing above the formation, Song Yue, who helped the formation strengthen its resistance, found it hard to believe that this group of monsters could evolve to be so smart. Unfortunately, this is the truth!

A big Shura rushed towards Song Yue, and the companion magic weapon in its hand, with the power of the forward charge, rushed towards Song Yue.

Song Yue snorted coldly, a pair of long sleeves churned into a curtain in mid-air, blocking the attack.

Although the power of the accompanying magic weapon is impressive, it was obstructed layer by layer when hit under the curtain. In the end, the power carried by the magic weapon was dissipated, and then the pair of long sleeves rolled up, forming a curtain wall, covering Da Shura completely. in it.

Shuras are divided into big and small Shuras. Small Shuras are naturally Shuras who have just advanced, while major Shuras are Shuras whose combat power matches the realm of their cultivation.

Because some Shuras are relatively poor and have not accepted the inheritance, they have no cultivation realm, but do not have the matching combat power.

Of course, Song Yue didn't care too much about the strength division of these devils.

Although many of the devils who have been promoted to Shura have condensed companion spirit treasures, they are not very intelligent after all, and they do not have an orderly inheritance of civilization. Let them receive education. Compared with human monks of the same level, Shura's combat effectiveness Still weaker.

Under the attack of Song Yue's pair of long sleeves, this big Asura rushed left and right, but the magic weapon in his hand was useless wherever he hit it, and it still couldn't break through the envelope of the curtain wall.

Da Shura had never encountered such a strange situation, but he was in a hurry for a moment. He couldn't help but raised his head and roared, and began to call other companions for help.

Song Yue's face was as gloomy as frost, a pair of daggers appeared in her hands along her long sleeves, and then she rushed into the curtain wall with two daggers in hand.

The sword in the sleeve is a supernatural power that Song Yue has practiced, but now she has used this supernatural power in such a way that as long as the enemy is trapped, it is like being in a maze.

A moment later, there was a miserable cry from the curtain wall, and the big Shura, who had been cultivated in the Dharma phase, had died under the double swords of Song Yue, the incarnation.

Song Yue's incarnation is a top-level monster that is not weaker than the water and fire python, and it is still a primate, and its spiritual cultivation is not weak. In addition to its body shape, as long as it is advanced, the accumulated mana will Definitely deep.

Song Yue accompanied Gao Jiuding to retreat in Longevity Mountain for ten years, and it was a hundred years in the Space-Time God Realm. She was already familiar with refining this avatar, otherwise it would be impossible to control the avatar to display such strength.

Song Yue was not very happy after killing a big Shura. The strength of this kind of big Shura is equivalent to that of a human cultivator in the early stage of Dharma.

As early as a few years ago, Gao Jiuding was able to kill the Dharma Xiangqi monk who was more powerful than this Asura.

The curtain wall turned into two long sleeves again, retracted into Song Yue's cuffs and disappeared!
When I looked up, the entire base was already filled with the roar of fighting skills, and roars could be heard from time to time.

The main combat forces here are almost all incarnations of monsters. It can be said that these incarnations of monsters are no different from the demons, and they don't look like humans in battle.

It can be said that the battle scene at this time is the night walk of the ghosts, and the timid will be afraid when they hear it.

In the pitch-black universe, the small base under their feet was brightly lit. Those monsters obviously hated the lights, but they continued to attack the outer shield of the base ferociously.

Although this small base is nothing, it is the hard work of these soldiers over the past few years, and it is also a kind of sustenance for them in the void!
Now that one is not good, it may be destroyed, Song Yue is naturally anxious.

But she also knew that there was nothing she could do at this time!
Even though she was able to kill one big Asura, the total number of Asuras besieging the small base was more than [-] or [-], not to mention a group of Mo Luo who had never made a move.

Escape, only by escaping can there be hope!
If it doesn't work, they have no choice but to exit this area. As long as they return to the battleship, it is impossible for these monsters to catch up with them.

"Could it be to lure the enemy to go deep?" Song Yue was startled when she saw so many Shura and Mo Luo.

How many years have accumulated on the demon star, and how many Dharma phase monks are there?

And in this asteroid belt, or the periphery, forty or fifty monsters of the Dharma stage have gathered with no difficulty?

Just when Song Yue was thinking of ordering everyone to retreat, a scream came from a distance, which forced her to stop.

More than a hundred meters away, a cute and cute girl in her teens was lying on the ground, a magic weapon in her hand was scattered, and a Shura was rushing towards the girl with a grinning grin.

That was one of Song Yue's guards. Although she was just an incarnation of a monster, she couldn't just leave her alone.

Seeing Shura's arrogance, Song Yue was furious. The dagger in her hand shot towards Shura, but unexpectedly, it was blocked by an ice wall that suddenly rose halfway.

An Ice Shura came down from the ice wall, raised ice cones behind him, and flew towards Song Yue's avatar!

Song Yue was eager to rescue the incarnation of the guard, but the dozens of ice cones exploded suddenly when they flew in front of her, and countless ice needles blocked her in all directions.

Song Yue had no choice but to spin her long sleeves into a whirlpool, and crushed all the ice needles that filled the sky!
But at this time, where is there still time to save the incarnation of the guard?

Song Yue was so angry that she headed towards this ice Shura!

However, at this time, she realized that she had also fallen into the siege of four big Shuras, obviously the companions attracted by the Shura who died at her hand just now.

Song Yue's heart sank again and again. The situation in front of her was a question of whether she could get out of trouble, not to mention the guard.

At this moment, a long cry suddenly resounded from the sky, Song Yue looked up, and a big bird with a handsome appearance suddenly jumped down from the sky, and Shura, who was bending over to bite the girl's neck, was suddenly caught by the big bird's The claws tore a pulp.

"It's the chief of the guard, have you advanced to the advanced stage?" Seeing the familiar big snow-white bird, the girl wept with joy, she stretched out her hand and yelled at the big white bird that was hovering again.

"Snow sculpture? Are all the guards here?" Song Yue asked happily.

"Ma'am, everyone is here. In fact, we have already come, but we were ordered by the Patriarch to hide behind. The Patriarch has long realized that this place is not easy!" The big bird directly transmitted the sound, and the hearts of everyone around All calmed down.

"It's Commander Xue, they're here!"

"I heard that they are the first batch of guards for Madam, they are powerful!"

"I've heard that too. It turns out that they are a group of housewives. Don't look at them all as delicate and beautiful as flowers now. They are all old mothers!"

"These are all snow sculptures, right? I heard that they are all monsters in the hemolytic period, and they have advanced to the stage so quickly?"

"Don't you look at who this is? Didn't you hear that it was Commander Xue? Her monster incarnation, how could she be weak? She wasn't weak in the first place, and she hadn't seen Commander Xue in these years, she must be in retreat , Isn’t it normal to have an advanced form?”

"Hey, I heard that Mrs. Li's guards are all golden birds, and the eldest lady's guards are all snow sculptures. What about the other ladies?"

"The black tiger who is the second lady's guard, in fact, most of the eldest lady's guards are spirit apes."

The arrival of backup made everyone in the base excited, and Song Yue lost her mind for a while, and was thrown on her back by a wooden Shura behind her.

Snapped!A streak of cyan energy directly reflected the back of Song Yue's avatar.

It's a pity that the defense of the gorilla incarnation is unparalleled in the world, and this heavy blow only made her take a few steps back.

Being hit, Song Yue felt annoyed, the dagger in her hand turned around and shot at Mu Xiuluo behind her!

At this time, the other three Asuras stepped forward to meet him, and greeted Song Yue from different directions. For a while, Song Yue's side was full of dangers.

The wisdom of these high-level demons really cannot be underestimated. They are also aware of the danger and are already about to jump over the wall in a hurry.

But at this moment, a group of clouds suddenly fell from the sky, and then turned into a golden-winged roc, rushing towards Song Yue's body!
 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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