The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1135 Achievement of the Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure

Chapter 1135 Achievement of the Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure
The golden-winged roc that came suddenly landed on Song Yue's body, making Song Yue seem to be wearing a colorful dress of auspicious clouds!
A big roc flapping its wings, ready to fly, is lifelike on the colorful clothes.

A few Asuras attacked together and hit Song Yue's body, but only scattered a few auspicious clouds printed on the colorful clothes!
As the clouds gathered and dispersed, Song Yue was not harmed at all!
Song Yue was overjoyed. She naturally knew that Gao Jiuding also had an incarnation of the Purple Gold Roc, but this avatar had been in seclusion for a hundred years, and she didn't expect to be dispatched this time.

Gao Jiuding's incarnation of the Zijin Dapeng has been cultivating the Earth Spirit Orb. In a hundred years, even a spiritual meridian is enough. Therefore, he has already succeeded in cultivating it, and has been hiding in the Space-Time God Realm to practice since then .

Before Gao Jiuding refined this Zijin Dapeng incarnation, it was already at the peak of the blood pill, and now, although it has not yet reached the stage of advanced magic phase, it has already reached the peak of the blood core, only one step away from the advanced magic phase.

At this time, the Zijin Dapeng had reached the pinnacle of cultivation, especially his background, which was forged by Gao Jiuding to be extremely solid.

Originally trapped in the Daxue Mountain, the foundation of the delay was not only made up by Gao Jiuding, but also consolidated.

This is the benefit of having countless resources. If there are not enough resources, this monster incarnation with impure blood will definitely not be able to accumulate the current background.

You must know that Gao Jiuding has heaven-level fine gold in his hands, and with the help of such heaven and earth spirits, even if Zijin Dapeng incarnates, a little sacrificial training is enough to awaken several bloodline supernatural powers.

For example, now, after perfecting the shape, you can turn into a golden coat and enhance your defense. In fact, not only can you strengthen your own defense, but it can also protect your allies.

Song Yue, who had no worries about her future, didn't care about the attacks of the other three-headed Shura waving towards her continuously. With a pair of daggers hidden in her long sleeves, she just greeted Mu Shura, who just hit her with a whip. past.

With the sudden arrival of a group of people, the offense and defense went against the trend in an instant, but this only gave some people who were already in a desperate situation a hope of survival.

The demon group is not easy to deal with, and many people who came to reinforce did not make a move, so the situation became very delicate.

As long as he can control the field, Gao Jiuding doesn't want to crush the demon group. Besides, who knows if there are Shura and Mo Luo hiding in the darkness?

Since Gao Jiuding didn't even make a move, the other reinforcements naturally hid in the void and did not appear.

As long as no one dies, they will watch.

But in another battlefield, Shui Jingxiu's heart was not peaceful at all.

Even now that he knew the danger was over, he didn't look happy.

Since Xuehe Water Village was merged into Gao Jiuding's party, Shui Jingxiu got what he wanted.

With Gao Jiuding and Yihu fighting east and west, going south and north, Xuehe Water Village has become very safe.

If it was the original, Shui Jingxiu would definitely be secretly happy, what he wanted was this kind of peace and prosperity.

However, after that, he became more and more uneasy and unwilling, because he watched some garbage and ants become stronger day by day.

It was just some scum, but it suddenly turned into gold and jade. How could Shui Jingxiu feel at ease?

Later, he was cruel and worked hard. He joined the army of the Western Expedition, and made many military exploits. Finally, he got the opportunity and entered the starry sky.

He is not too old, he still doesn't want to die, he still wants to advance to the law, because those slaves have turned over, why can't he?

Therefore, entering the starry sky is an opportunity, and he also grasped this opportunity.

Now Shui Jingxiu is already a monk in the late stage of blood pill, but he knows his own ability, and he can advance to the late stage of blood pill, and he has an extra two or three hundred years of life, which is already a blessing. I am afraid that I will never be able to advance further.

He also learned later that after advanced blood pills, the higher the level of the fused heaven and earth spirits, the easier it is to advance to the dharma.

It turned out that he would not have extravagant hopes, not even a little bit, because he knew that a savage like him would be lucky not to be caught and used as cannon fodder. How could he have the chance to obtain the spiritual objects of heaven and earth?
Not to mention the heavenly and earth level spirits, even the Xuanhuang level heaven and earth spirits are not something that wild people like him can obtain.

However, it is different now, as long as you are lucky enough, as long as you can find the spiritual objects of heaven and earth in the starry sky, you will have his share anyway.

Wandering in the starry sky for two years, his luck was not good, he was already in despair, but recently, hope came to him again!

How many opportunities are hidden in a broken planet of life?

In this resource-rich asteroid belt, there are almost all spiritual creatures in the world!
However, when he looked at the seven or eight Shuras in front of him, he felt very desperate, because they were life-threatening talismans.

He is a little envious of people like Gao Shiba, but as for Luan Changming and others, he is not even qualified to envy them.

If he can have a cultivation level of eighteen high, the situation in front of him can be reckless, and even if it is not good, he will have a chance to escape!
However, now facing the siege of the seven or eight heads in front of him, who are only equivalent to the late-stage combat power of blood pills, he already feels powerless in Shui Jingxiu.

The little Shuras are all at the early stage of Dharma phase, but their combat power is far behind that of Dharma phase monks, because without various magic weapons and supernatural powers, they simply cannot display the combat power of Dharma phase.

However, he is still in the period of Dharma, he is a parallel importer in Shui Jingxiu, and now he is besieged by seven or eight little Shuras, he will definitely not end well.

Shui Jingxiu thought that he could not die, because behind him was the treasure house of the base!

All the foundations accumulated in starry sky mining over the years are in this treasure house!
More importantly, there are also his descendants in the treasury, which are the descendants with the best qualifications that he brought from the stockade.

Gao Shiba once said that these descendants of him are qualified to worship under the patriarch, as long as they enter the Golden Wolf Palace, there will be hope.

If there is a chance in the future, you can even go to the Patriarch's magic weapon to practice.

He has spent his whole life in meditation, and he has been a coward. Even so, he has already come to an end ahead of schedule, but no matter what, he still has to fight for his children and grandchildren.

The seven or eight little Shuras obviously didn't expect that the human cultivator in front of him, even though he only had the cultivation base of the late stage blood pill, blocked their successive attacks several times.

Although the portal behind this human monk was blocked by a seal, the aura inside still couldn't hide from Shura, who was born to devour spirits!

Facing the temptation, they were already unable to resist, and became agitated one after another, and their attacks on the water meditation became more and more fierce.

Shui Jingxiu held a wooden stick tightly in his hand. It was made of a dead spirit wood he found in the jungle. Although the processing was very rough, the quality was high enough, so he kept it as a treasure. Never dared to use it.

Now that he has a heel and a backer, he can naturally use it blatantly.

Shui Jingxiu wanted to laugh when he thought of how he was guarding his colleagues around him like he was guarding against thieves at the beginning.

This kind of magic weapon of his is crude, and people don't like it at all.

But this magic weapon is the only life-saving thing on Shui Jingxiu's body.

The seven or eight little Asura uttered a cry, and they all rushed towards him!
Shui Jingxiu's eyes were red, and the feeling of dying forced him to howl loudly to embolden him. The spirit wooden stick in his hand frantically moved towards the little Xiu Luolun who was rushing forward.

But seeing those seven or eight little Shuras suddenly howled in horror!

Shui Jingxiu didn't know why, one stick at a time, smashed the heads of seven or eight little Shuras to pieces in a blink of an eye.

Shui Jingxiu leaned on a wooden stick and bent over, standing on the ground panting heavily!

He looked in disbelief at the seven or eight Shuras in front of him who had been smashed by him, why didn't those Shuras fight back?
What just disappeared was the Demon Binding Cable?Shui Jingxiu has heard of this treasure, but this is the first time he has seen it!
The same scene was still happening in the base. Someone was beaten by a big Shura and ran away. Seeing that there was no way to escape, they suddenly found the vines in the surrounding forests, entwining around the big Shura from all directions.

This big Shura is also a Shura of the wood attribute, upon seeing this, he activated his innate supernatural powers, wanting to fight the hidden enemy!

However, it suddenly discovered that the vegetation, bamboo, and vines that used to be commanded by its arms in the past seemed to be completely disobedient at this time. It seemed that there was a higher level of power that was above it, making these vegetation, bamboo, and vines appear to be innate to its supernatural powers. dismissive.

In the starry sky, the very rare Wood Shura was soon entangled!
At this time, it already knew that it was afraid, and wanted to use the wood escape technique to escape from inside, but at this time, it seemed that the wood escape technique also lost its effect, and this time it really panicked.

At this time, how could the person who was attacked earlier not know that someone was secretly helping him?
Mining in the starry sky is dangerous, not to mention commonplace, and it is not so bad, and the grasp of the fighter is very accurate.

A magic weapon in this person's hand came out and hit the Mu Xiuluo. Mu Xiuluo struggled desperately and howled in despair, but none of this could save his fate.

This guy killed the Mu Shura with one blow, and quickly wiped off the cold sweat that just broke out on his forehead!

He said to the surroundings: "May I ask which commander rescued me? I am very grateful!"

A little girl poked her head out from behind a giant vine, gave the man a cold look, and then hid behind the giant vine again!
The man was taken aback for a moment, only to see branches fluttering like long hair on the little girl's head.

If anyone knows it, they can tell at a glance that it is a demon vine!
That giant vine that lifted the sky was a ten thousand-foot demon vine, and as for the little girl, it was obviously a demon spirit.

In the Time and Space God Realm for a hundred years, the weapon spirit inside the Demon Binding Cable is finally about to take form!
It is a natural spiritual weapon, as long as it grows smoothly, it will naturally take shape and become a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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