Chapter 1136

Ever since the pagoda swallowed the True Cosmos Bag and the Seal of Ten Thousand Beasts, the Demon Binding Cable has taken root in the land of the pagoda space. After that, the pagoda has undergone several changes, and even derived the Hualing Pond, which gave birth to the spirit of the fairy spirit. For a plant monster like Yaosuo, it is really beneficial.

Don't you see an ordinary eucalyptus tree has turned into a world tree?
Don't you see that a blood vine with few qualifications has also become a giant tree that drills into the sky?
The demon-binding rope has already accumulated, and when the environment is right, its evolution will be faster!

This time, the moment Gao Jiuding realized something was wrong, he pulled out all his combat power.

Regardless of whether there is any danger here, there is nothing wrong with letting the accumulation of the past few years show up.

This is a military training, if the subordinates can support it, Gao Jiuding's hole card will not appear, if not, then exercise his background and see if it can really exist as a background.

The pagoda appeared, and its interior also gave birth to a weapon spirit. It was the eucalyptus tree. It was able to transform into a phantom. It was definitely because of Wanshou's help. It kept growing rapidly like cheating, and finally grew into a demon-binding rope tool. Spirits exist almost.

Now they are all phantoms, and only after passing through the catastrophe can they transform into spirit bodies and achieve heaven-reaching spiritual treasures.

All the psychic treasures around Gao Jiuding were released, and they were all very busy, and they were very excited.

On the other side, an incarnation of Mo Dahu was also in danger.

Taking advantage of his position, Mo Dahu got a monster incarnation at the peak of blood core, and he had already advanced to the level of Dharma.

However, also because of his position, his avatar couldn't leave the demon star and could only sit in the Golden Wolf Palace.

In desperation, he got another incarnation of a hemolytic peak monster, and he had also cultivated to the fifth level of blood pill.

The monster with the fifth level of blood pill has good aptitude. After transforming into the starry sky, he can be regarded as a master in this small base!

Although this avatar of his is not high in cultivation, low cultivation does not mean low aptitude. He just took a fancy to the good aptitude of this avatar, so he cultivated it with all his strength.

With his training and various opportunities in the starry sky, the cultivation of his avatar will naturally rise all the way!
Everything was going smoothly at first, maybe in a few years, he sent this avatar to the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda to stay for a few years, maybe there will be another incarnation of Dharma phase!
However, what I thought was a big opportunity turned into a big pit unexpectedly.

He obediently controlled the avatar and hid in the base defense formation. He didn't expect that the formation would be broken in an instant, and it was overwhelming Shura and Mo Luo who broke in.

No matter how well he hid, he was in danger.

Just when he was feeling uneasy, a big Asura suddenly rushed over from the opposite side!
Mo Dahu was shocked, just now he had already escaped with his life under the hands of a little Shura who was equivalent to the combat power of the late forging alchemy, but the strength of the big Shura in front of him was obviously higher than that of the previous one.

Mo Dahu's heart sank involuntarily, and the two water thorns in his hands criss-crossed. He gritted his teeth and said in secret, and then with all his strength, he rushed towards Da Xiuluo who was rushing in front of him.

The big Asura looked very anxious, and a Yanyue Broadsword was formed in his hand, and he slashed towards the incarnation of Mo Dahu who was rushing towards him!

When there was a crisp clang, the two water thorns were thrown into the air, destroying several walls in the base one after another, only to offset this huge force!

Finally, Mo Dahu's incarnation stopped in front of a three-foot-thick metal wall.

Under the attack of this huge force, Mo Dahu smashed his whole body on the wall, and directly spit out a bloody arrow.

Only at this moment did Mo Dahu suddenly realize that the big Asura in front of him was not coming for him, looking at his panicked appearance, he seemed to be running for his life instead.

Mo Dahu, who was seriously injured, tried his best to look behind Da Shura, but happened to see a teenage boy, holding a big ax far exceeding his height, chasing him from the woods behind him!
Taking advantage of the gap where the big Asura was blocked by Mo Dahu, the little boy chased after it, and slashed towards the back of the big Asura with an axe.

In the middle stage of the Dharma phase, at least!
Mo Dahu watched the little boy in front of him slash out with an axe, and his whole body burst out with powerful attack power, his eyes popped out, and he even forgot about the injuries on his body.

And not far away, Mo Xiaohu's avatar was running around like a headless chicken.

His incarnation here is naturally not the main incarnation, but also the second incarnation he practiced.

Mo Xiaohu was lucky. He accidentally caught a monster in the late stage of Xuedan on the outskirts of Daxue Mountain, and his aptitude was not bad. However, it was his main incarnation, and he was at the critical moment of advancing to the stage, so naturally he couldn't run around .

So, he got a wild boar demon and came out to take a chance.

He has been refining this wild boar demon for a short time, and he has not yet been able to fully display the strength of this incarnation. He is also unable to display many of the original methods of the monster.

However, what really worries him is his own body. This time, he has received reliable information and wants to send a fortune.

And now it is because he is more greedy that he puts the main body in danger.

Although his main body was always by Song Yue's side, in the siege of a group of big and small Shuras, even a Dharma Phase monk like Song Yue's incarnation was nothing.

The little Shura is a weak scum, and the big Shura can be regarded as a serious Dharma phase combat power.

Mo Xiaohu could sense that his body was in a bad situation, and he was eager to go to help, but he didn't notice the abnormality that happened when he passed through the forest on the island!

By the time he realized something was wrong, several demon generals had emerged from the trees and the ground respectively, besieging him.

Mo Xiaohu was terrified, with long fingernails growing out of the ten fingers of his hands, he took out a flying sword from the stored magic weapon, ready to fight to the death.

Mo Xiaohu's incarnation is now at most not as good as the strength of the early stage of the blood pill. Although he has the combat experience of the late stage of the blood pill, but these are at most just to help him, under the siege of the demon general, to persevere for a while.

Even so, he was besieged by several demon generals and was covered in injuries!
The dripping blood further fueled the demon general's rage, and soon he was hit hard again.

Seeing that Mo Xiaohu's incarnation was about to fall here, a big Shura grinned and rushed towards him!

But at this moment, Da Xiuluo suddenly tilted his neck back, and tried his best to grab it with both hands. A rope had been strangled there at some point.

Da Shura leaned forward and flew backwards suddenly, his body and head separated in the middle, and then there was an explosion in the air, and a whip shadow swept over again!

A demon general couldn't dodge in time, was pulled out of the black mist by Whip Shadow, fell to the ground and twitched a few times, then couldn't move anymore.

Before the incarnation of Mo Xiaohu fell into a coma, he saw a little girl holding a long whip in her hand. Every time the whip was thrown, a demon would be sent flying.

If you look carefully, this little girl is very illusory, but the long whip in her hand is completely blue, as pure as the sky.

After the little girl landed, the long whip transformed into a pair of daggers.

A pair of short daggers flew up and down in the little girl's hands, but they only protected her whole body, while she herself was using the magic power of ice soul. Every time she struck out from the air, a demon general would be frozen into an ice sculpture!
Every time an ice sculpture is formed, the little girl giggles proudly!
But once a demon general escapes her ice soul magical power, he will be chased into the sky and into the earth in anger, until the opponent obediently turns into an ice sculpture.

Transforming into a phantom of the spirit body, and the spiritual weapon of the Ice Soul Cold Light magical power, needless to say it is the Ice Soul Cold Light Bead.

There is more than one such bead in Gao Jiuding's hands, they are all top-level spirit weapons, and their strength is equivalent to the peak of Xuedan.

With such strength, under a surprise attack, even a big Shura was killed, not to mention some demon generals.

The real combat power of a demon general without a companion spirit treasure will drop by a small level, so it is naturally not as powerful as a half-step heaven-reaching spirit treasure.

"Third brother, father wants you to go to find mother, why haven't you gone yet?" A little girl in light blue, supporting the unconscious incarnation of Mo Xiaohu, came out of the woods, saw the little girl before, playing Excited, she immediately sank, and shouted displeased.

Although the third child was naughty, he respected this eldest sister quite a bit, and said in a displeased voice, "I know, I know!"

After finishing speaking, he casually smashed a magic general who had been frozen into an ice sculpture, and then it turned into a blue ray of light and disappeared.

Gao Qingming no longer intends to run away. The comfortable life in the starry sky for these years made him have no idea of ​​dealing with the crisis at all.

Although Gao Qingming has the cultivation base of the foundation building period by virtue of Gao Jiuding's relationship, this is just a fake foundation building!

His foundation is too poor, and he was too old when he practiced, even with various nourishing medicines, his limit has reached the foundation.

Even though he was lucky enough to prolong his lifespan by more than a hundred years, because the condensed true essence is impure, his body cannot be nourished by the true essence, and his body is already gradually aging. I am afraid that it will collapse in a few decades, and his life will be destroyed by then. , will come to an end.

Looking at the apprentice who was running wildly with him in front of him, Gao Qingming laughed at himself. As Gao Jiuding's grandfather, how long has he not been in such a mess?

Anyway, he can be regarded as a monk in the foundation establishment period, but now he is about to be taken away by a junior who has just refined Qi.

"Tao'er, you can go on your own, you can't walk anymore as a teacher!"

Without turning his head, Chen Tao said, "Teacher, we are about to escape. As long as we persist for a while, someone will come to rescue us. Besides, these demon generals may not chase us!"

Gao Qingkui looked behind him, there were several demon generals chasing up quietly in the distance, he said with a smile: "Actually, the lifespan of my teacher has come to an end, and now I brought you here, it's a place of death, As long as you don't die in the future, my grandson will never treat you badly!"

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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