Chapter 1138
Gao Jiuding's cultivation was obviously not as good as this Shura's, but Gao Jiuding was able to compete with cultivation with vigor, and as time went on, Huo Shura's feeling of powerlessness became stronger and stronger!

No matter what supernatural means Huo Shura used, the person in front of him was still surging like sea water, and the supernatural spells in his hands hit him one wave after another.

At this time, Huo Shura already had the intention to retreat, but Gao Jiuding on the opposite side obviously wouldn't let him retreat easily!
Huo Shura's offensive slowed down a bit, and he saw Gao Jiuding raised his head first, causing a huge wave of spiritual energy, and then pushed with one hand, with the help of his powerful magic power, the half of the dark blue in the sky quickly Expanding, pressing towards the other half of the fire red.

Not to be outdone, Huo Shura suddenly lit up a little spark in the void, and then the spark of a single spark counterattacked towards the huge waves with the momentum of a prairie fire.

In the space, it was red and blue, and a large amount of water vapor evaporated, and then condensed into clouds at a higher altitude, but there was boundless spiritual energy in the clouds, and then it turned into rain and fell in the dark starry sky. .

The vacuum was icy cold, and the rain instantly turned into a rain of arrows.

Seeing this situation, Gao Jiuding thought for a moment, as if another magical power was more useful in this situation.

Unfortunately, Gao Jiuding's purpose was not to kill Huo Shura, so he just gave up after changing his mind.

Gao Jiuding pushed with one hand, and the magical power of Xingyunbuyu took advantage of the situation to turn the drizzle into an offensive, pouring it towards the sea of ​​fire!
But at this moment, Gao Jiuding saw a fire tiger roaring through the rain curtain and rushing towards him in the dense rain curtain.

Gao Jiuding couldn't dodge in time, and was swooped down by the fire tiger, and his whole body turned into flowing water in the fire tiger's mouth, and then evaporated and disappeared.

Seeing that something was wrong, Huo Shura turned into a ball of flames and rushed towards Huohu!

And at this moment, in the sea of ​​fire domain formed by Huo Shura, a space portal suddenly burst open!

The space that was originally burned by Huo Shura's gifted flame supernatural powers was about to collapse, but was forcibly torn open by Gao Jiuding's water and fire god python incarnation. surprised.

Gao Jiuding stepped out from the space portal, and the surrounding flames licked his body, but an invisible force spread out around Gao Jiuding with Gao Jiuding as the center, clearing a distance of ten meters in a row.

The Huo Shura ran all the way through the rain curtain formed by the magical power of clouds and rain, his whole body looked a little sluggish, but when it stepped onto the fire tiger, the whole body began to glow with blue flames again!

Huo Shura's spirit was shaken immediately, and he turned around to kill Gao Jiuding again.

At this time, Gao Jiuding smiled, and tightly clenched and closed his outstretched palms. The place where Huo Shura was originally standing, the dark blue field created by Gao Jiuding suddenly rolled up into waves, every time Each wave turned into an ice sword, coming from all directions to assassinate Shura on fire.

Gao Jiuding had two Ice Soul Cold Light Swords, and he gave them away, but Broken Sword, the flying sword that he had practiced for the longest time, he didn't give away this time, he still brought it with him!
Do you really think that Gao Jiuding is not afraid of death?You must know that there are a group of Mo Luo and Shura who have reached the stage of Dharma. Although their strength is a bit weak, the difference is only in Taoism, supernatural powers and magic weapons. Others are not bad at all.

How could Gao Jiuding be careless in the face of such a group of fake monks?

The Huo Shura seemed a little flustered at this moment, he had already seen that this was a trap set by Gao Jiuding!
Gao Jiuding's original purpose was to separate it from the accompanying spirit treasure that turned into a fire tiger. That's why Huo Shura rushed into the water realm that Gao Jiuding had just created to join the fire tiger .

However, when it got in, it discovered that it was another trap!
But after reuniting with the companion Lingbao, Huo Shura obviously calmed down a lot!
The fire tiger under Huo Shura suddenly stood up, dismembered in mid-air, and turned into countless fire crows, fire scorpions, fire rats, fire wolves, and fire sparrows, rushing towards the ice swords rushing in all directions!

This attack, in an instant, smoothed out the great supernatural sword technique formed by flowing water.

Huo Shura, who turned around, wanted to use the same method to fight back against Gao Jiuding who had entered the field of fire he created earlier!

However, Huo Shura found that the flame fortress he carefully built had already been extinguished by Gao Jiuding's magical ability of cloud and rain.

Huo Shura was terrified, turned around and was about to retreat, but he noticed that Gao Jiuding behind him seemed to be moving again!
When Huo Shura turned to look, he saw clouds of water vapor coming from all directions!

With Gao Jiuding's incarnation of the water and fire python as the center, a larger and larger cloud gradually formed.

The cloud roll stretched out longer and longer, until it was injected into the vacuum of the universe, and strands of water vapor were sucked up along the cloud roll, making this huge cloud roll a veritable water roll.

After the dazzling changes of Gao Jiuding's finger art, the water scroll gradually began to bend and circle, and finally the head, horns, limbs, tail, and scales gradually formed on the surface of the water scroll appeared one by one, and finally formed a ten-foot-long Long, two feet thick and weird ice dragon.

The ice dragon opened its mouth and hissed long, a loud roar burst out suddenly, and the flames pervading Huo Shura's body were all extinguished at once!

A look of fear appeared on Huo Shura's face, even the winged tiger hiding aside felt a palpitation at this moment.

Fortunately, this feeling came in a flash, and the huge and strange ice dragon had already rushed up behind Huo Shura.

Gao Jiuding didn't expect that, on a whim, he combined the water control formula and the magical power of moving clouds and rain, and the fusion magical power displayed would have such power!

While running away, the Huo Shura activated the companion spirit treasure in his hand, and planted twelve fire walls and fire shields in a row, but they were all smashed by the huge ice dragon with every move.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Huo Shura merged with the companion spirit treasure in his hand, turning into a rainbow light, and was about to run away!

At this moment, Huo Shura groaned softly in his ears, and suddenly there were countless fire snakes rushing towards the rainbow light in front of his eyes.

The rainbow light was smashed, and Huo Shura staggered and fell from the rainbow light, but saw a female correction standing in front of it.

If it was in the past, although this female cultivator is strong, she is definitely not its opponent. However, at this moment of life and death, the person in front of her has become the last straw that ruins her life.

The huge ice dragon charged forward and swallowed the unavoidable Huo Shura in one gulp. A fiery red light immediately rolled down the ice dragon's throat and down its body.

The body of the tens of meters long dragon began to shorten rapidly, and a large amount of water mist began to evaporate. At the same time, the waist of the ice dragon, which was several meters thick, also shrank.

And with the consumption of the ice dragon itself, the mass of red light in its belly also became weaker and weaker!

Until the ice dragon was only three meters long and one meter thick, there was only a little bean-sized red light left in its belly!

Only then did Gao Jiuding wipe the sweat off his forehead, and heaved a long sigh of relief!

In this fight, Gao Jiuding didn't have much of an advantage, he simply used his abundant mana to kill his opponent, and at this time the mana in his body was also consumed severely.

However, at this moment, the Maverick not far away suddenly made a move, but his action seemed to hit an empty space.

A several-meter-long blood-flame snake letter protruded from mid-air, shooting towards the red light in the ice dragon's body.

The fiery snake that appeared out of thin air was about to penetrate into the belly of the ice dragon and capture that red light!
The ice dragon under Gao Jiuding's control swung its tail suddenly, and knocked out the fire snake letter with a "pop".

At this moment, a female voice sounded and said: "This fellow daoist is not authentic. Without my help just now, the fire Shura would have run away. With the water-attribute skills of this fellow daoist, it is already at the peak. What is the use of this fire seed of Shura? How about giving it to my little sister?"

Gao Jiuding's face changed. He had already guessed that this asteroid belt might have been discovered by others, but he never expected that outsiders would find it so quickly.

It seems that this asteroid belt is very greedy!
Not far from Gao Jiuding, a woman appeared, and Gao Jiuding knew it was a demon cultivator at a glance.

This woman is probably from the Devil Star, because when the earthlings did not enter the starry sky, this piece of starry sky belonged to the Devil Star.

The woman was wearing a fiery red dress, standing in a vacuum, although she was joking, but her hands were not idle!

The woman's hands popped out one after another, each time a flame burst out, forming a winding fire snake in mid-air, besieging the ice dragon.

She knew that if she wanted to gain benefits from Gao Jiuding, now was the best time, but if Fan Gao Jiuding recovered even a little bit, she would no longer have the slightest hope.

It is not so easy to snatch food from a tiger's mouth.

Although Gao Jiuding used up a lot of mana to kill a Huo Shura abruptly by virtue of his strong mana, it also consumed a lot of mana himself, but this does not mean that he has no strength to fight back.

Dozens of fire snakes surrounded him, and the ice dragon spewed out a huge wave, extinguishing most of the dozens of fire snakes in front of it.

The woman's complexion changed, but she immediately noticed that the ice dragon, which was originally three meters long, shortened by 1.5 meters again after spouting this mouthful of water!

Seeing this situation, the woman's face was covered with a smile again.

The woman smiled and said: "Why hold on, let this flame be given to me, my little sister, even if I have paid back the favor I gave you just now!"

While speaking, the remaining dozen or so fire snakes had their heads and tails cut off one by one, but they grew into new fire snakes from their broken bodies, and once again surrounded the shortened ice dragons.

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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