The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1139 This is cheating

Chapter 1139 This is cheating

Gao Jiuding looked at the charming banshee, smiled and said: "You can pick your time, but I'm sure I don't have the strength to fight back?"

The woman's beautiful eyes turned around, and a suspicion flashed in her eyes!
But looking at the tenaciously shining flame that was still in the belly of the ice dragon, he immediately strengthened his confidence again.

If you want to get something, you have to pay, the woman said coldly: "You and I both know that this kind of fire must be extraordinary, even if we meet other fire Shuras in the future, I am afraid that we may not be able to obtain this strange treasure. Fight, don't you regret it in the future!"

During Gao Jiuding's fight with Huo Shura, his uncommon methods not only frightened Huo Shura, but also made the woman terrified, but if she was asked to give up this fire, it might imitate various forms of spiritual fire. She herself is unwilling.

"Forget it, if you hadn't been able to intercept this Huo Shura this time, at most I would have severely wounded him. It would be extremely difficult to keep him, so you are indeed qualified to compete It's just that you are taking advantage of the fire!"

The woman smiled proudly: "If it weren't for that, how would I dare to argue with you!"

Gao Jiuding glanced at Yihu hidden in the void, smiled, and said, "That's right, since that's the case, you can just fight for it!"

The woman also looked around, but she didn't lock the position of the Maverick, but she still smiled and said: "At the end of the crossbow, do you still want to be brave?"

After all, dozens of fire snakes rushed forward and fought with Gao Jiuding's ice dragon.

Although the ice dragon has a huge body, it was formed by infusing the magic power of Gao Jiuding into the spiritual water. The water and fire god python incarnated and walked to the Golden Wolf Palace, so naturally there is no shortage of Xuanyuan heavy water.

Relying on the special environment in the Xuanyuan heavy water and the vacuum of the universe, the water and fire python can manifest the supernatural powers like the dragon. Otherwise, relying on his original strength, at most he can produce a few small fat birds.

Refined a lot of lightning-type spirits, and refined a lot of Xuanyuan heavy water. The bloodline supernatural power of the water and fire python incarnation is more powerful and purer. Fire is fire, and water is water.

His current supernatural power of the water system is inherited from the blood of the dragon clan. Of course, the blood is not pure, otherwise it would not be so powerful.

If the blood is pure, it will be like a dragon and elephant. The dragon and elephant's dharma can be transformed into a white dragon, and the water and fire python's dharma should be able to derive two kinds, one is a fire phoenix, and the other is a black dragon. How can it be like now? , but a white dragon-shaped ice cube condensed out.

It's a pity that the water and fire god pythons are not very pure in the two bloodlines, and it can be seen at this time that hybrids are not all advantages.

Combining water and fire into one, being able to activate water and fire to generate wind and thunder at the same time is an advantage!
But the blood is impure, and the magic power caused by it is also weaker!
Otherwise, with the cultivation level of the water and fire python at this time, how could this banshee have a chance?
No matter what kind of monster this banshee takes form, she is inferior to the fire phoenix and the black dragon in innate ability!
It's a pity that the water and fire python is a python, not a dragon, nor a phoenix, and has no inherent advantages.

Therefore, at this time, although the woman's dozens of fire snakes are petite, they are flexible, and the flames that make up these dozens of fire snakes are also extremely extraordinary.

The two fought together, although the ice dragon smashed out more than a dozen fire snakes one after another by relying on its body and strength, but it was also consumed terribly!

In a short period of time, only a body less than one meter long was left, and the red light in the belly became more and more obvious.

The two didn't attack each other from the beginning to the end, they just relied on their own means to fight for the flame seed that was swallowed by Gao Jiuding's ice dragon!
This can also be regarded as a fair competition method recognized by the cultivation world to avoid unequal distribution of spoils and cause vendetta.

Seeing that she was about to succeed, the woman became more and more proud, and she kept smiling coquettishly at Gao Jiuding, but the movements of her hands did not show the slightest neglect!

As one after another of the magic formulas were cast, sufficient mana was continuously injected into the body of the fire snake under the guidance of the divine mind, making the fire snake's offensive even more fierce!

On the other hand, Gao Jiuding used divine sense to control the ice dragon from the beginning to the end, and never injected the slightest mana into it.

Seeing the ice dragon shrinking under the siege of the fire snake, the woman became more and more proud, but Gao Jiuding seemed extremely indifferent from the beginning to the end, as if he didn't care about it.

However, the more this is the case, the more uncertain the woman will be!

Although she has always had the upper hand, she has always shown great complacency to stimulate Gao Jiuding!
But in fact, he wanted to force out Gao Jiuding's hidden methods, so that she could be prepared.

However, Gao Jiuding didn't do what she wanted. From the beginning to the end, it was an ice dragon with a badly damaged vitality fighting with her, and it didn't even inject mana into it.

Could it be that he has really reached the end of his strength?
This conclusion, even women themselves do not want to believe.

Snapped!A splash of water splashed, and the ice dragon, which had been shortened to more than 30 centimeters, finally could no longer resist the siege of the fire snake!
A fiery snake took the opportunity to flick its tail and smashed the ice dragon's head into a splash of water.

The remaining dozen or so fire snakes all burrowed into the body of the headless ice dragon!

At the same time, the fire snake that just disappeared reappeared, and it also shot towards the ice dragon's body.

Seeing that the fire was about to fall into the woman's hands, the headless ice dragon suddenly exploded, and the scattered mist created a wave!
The ice turned into water, although the strength was not very strong, it happened to block several of the woman's methods.

At this moment, a scream piercing the air suddenly came from the sky!

The woman's complexion changed, and just as she was about to make a move, she saw a villain appearing in front of that fire!
The villain held the fire seed in his hand, and then he stretched out his hand, and a sword qi slashed out, cutting off the dozen or so fire snakes and the fiery snake letter in the air.

"You, you're cheating!" Seeing the tinder in her hand being snatched away by the villain, the woman burst into anger, and said, "You have an incarnation outside your body to help, don't I?"

Gao Jiuding looked at the crazy woman with a full smile, and spread his palms outward, expressing his innocence.

At this time, a little girl with a dark complexion but surrounded by gold threads jumped directly into his palm.

The little girl waved her hand, and a black vine with golden threads appeared in her hand. Could it be who is it?

At this time, the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda also came out from the space portal, and it happened to land in Gao Jiuding's palm!
A little girl lay on the edge of the pagoda, made a face towards the woman, and then disappeared in Gao Jiuding's palm together with the demon-binding rope.

At the same time, two Ice Soul Cold Light Swords also appeared from the space portal, revolved around Gao Jiuding for two weeks, but did not enter Gao Jiuding's body.

The woman's emotions that were about to explode suddenly stagnated, and she tried her best to suppress her rage!
Although she didn't dare to speak harshly anymore, she was still very dissatisfied and said: "Why, you still want to threaten my mother?"

Gao Jiuding said calmly: "Don't forget that when you made the move earlier, I wasted a lot of mana, and you can be regarded as taking advantage of the fire. In this case, why not join the battle with an incarnation outside your body? Don't forget , From the beginning to the end, I didn't inject a single bit of mana into that magical power, everyone depends on their own abilities!"

The woman shook her hands angrily, and said, "Anyway, the fire is in your hands, so naturally you can do whatever you say!"

With the return of several spiritual weapons, the surrounding battle is coming to an end.

This time, of course, Gao Jiuding's side won the overall victory. Although the demon group is well prepared and powerful, but with the long-distance teleportation array to support them at any time, Gao Jiuding is really not afraid of this group of monsters.

Dividing his mind, Gao Jiuding sensed the surrounding situation, mainly because this woman appeared too suddenly, judging by her performance, it is natural that she did not break in alone.

But no matter how Gao Jiuding observed, he didn't find other people hiding nearby.

The consciousness continued to spread, and not far from Gao Jiuding and the others, a monk smashed the head of a big Shura with a hammer, and then flew out with another copper hammer, smashing three small Shuras in succession. pulpy!
The warrior looked around him, but no Shura appeared in his field of vision.

The cultivator who was addicted to a fight raised his head to the sky and let out a tiger roar, shaking the entire asteroid belt: "Happy, happy!"

"Bastard, stop screaming, who doesn't know that your voice is the loudest!" A girl surrounded by Song Yue's avatar covered her ears with her hands and shouted.

As time went by, the human monks gathered together were simply not comparable to the devil.

The demon group relies on numbers to win. If there is no advantage in numbers, it can only be a crushing defeat.

Song Yue has quite a number of guards, and after years of training, they have all grown up at this time.

The demon group lost its numerical advantage, and with the strength of Song Yue's incarnation, it was almost like a crush to wipe out the big and small Shuras who besieged her.

"Whose incarnation is that?" Song Yue asked while standing in the void, observing the entire battlefield.

Song Yue's guard captain jumped out from the other side, and shouted at the monk from a distance: "It must be the Patriarch's Imperial Forest Army. Except they can cultivate the fire tiger incarnation, who else can do it?"

"We don't dare to compete with all the sisters. If the sister likes it, I will give you this tigress incarnation!" the monk wielding the double hammer said with a smile on his face.

"Brat? You say I'm a tigress?" The crisp voice, even the roar of the fire tiger, couldn't suppress it.

Song Yue watched with a smile on the side. The monk who was wielding a pair of big copper hammers that were out of proportion to himself was indeed very talented.

Even if Shura's combat power is not strong, he still has the realm of the Dharma Phase. I didn't expect that it was just an incarnation of a fire tiger, but he had such a strong combat power.

This group of monks participating in the war must be latecomers, and with their help, the war here can end so quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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