The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1140 Space Debris

Chapter 1140 Space Debris
Seeing that there was no danger, Song Yue breathed a sigh of relief. The base defense formation was broken in an instant just now, which really shocked her.

Relaxed, Song Yue couldn't help laughing and said: "This is a fire tiger? I remember that it was a fire tiger that your Patriarch caught at the very beginning, right? Well, he is getting more and more powerful. Just now, that shy little girl didn't come from a humble background. Simple, right?"

The incarnation of Mo Dahu came out from nowhere, and said: "You mean the little guy who uses the cane, right? Madam must have seen it before. Do you still remember the gold noose used by the Patriarch?"

Song Yue was surprised and said: "Is it the demon-binding rope made by the demon vine? She also transformed into a form? Didn't it mean that Lingzhi and the like are the most difficult to transform into?"

At this moment, the cultivator using the double hammer came over, and upon hearing Song Yue's question, he immediately said: "It seems that Madam has not refined the demon vine, if she has used it before, she will know that kind of treasure is easier to derive Develop spirituality, and then cultivate into a spiritual body!"

Song Yue fell silent. She had never used the gains in the demon battleship. She never thought that there would be such invisible benefits in it.

Only now did she realize that there was a shortcut to why An Shenxiu and the others practiced the spirit weapon so quickly.

However, Song Yue thought about it in a blink of an eye, her busy work these past few years was not in vain. As long as she took out the Yin-Yang Demon Boat in her hand, it would definitely scare them.

Also, after getting the Longevity Mountain, the top spirit weapon doesn't seem to be so rare!

Song Yue's heart was ups and downs here, but Gao Jiuding's was not peaceful either.

A flash of light came, and the avatar of the winged tiger fell from the light.

Gao Jiuding asked: "How?"

Yi Hu's face was very ugly, he shook his head, and said: "There should be a base here, but unfortunately all the monks in it died, and all the monks in the base turned into mummies!

Even the spirit veins have been dissipated, and the storage magic weapon was smashed, and there was nothing left in it that contained spiritual energy. Many monks had dull eyes when they were dying, obviously their souls were swallowed by Mo Luo. "

"Sure enough, we are not the only ones being besieged. Fortunately, we are the ones who withstood the siege." When the woman appeared, Gao Jiuding thought that there were other monks here, but he did not expect that there was actually a base in this dense asteroid.

Regardless of whether it was the base of the monster race or the base of the human race, none of the monks survived anyway.

At this time, Gao Jiuding had a bad prediction in his mind, he suddenly raised his head, and said: "I'm afraid the spirit stones in the asteroids around here are more ominous!"

Yihu immediately said: "I'll send someone to investigate!"

Gao Jiuding stopped with his hand, and said: "Wait a minute, there are many demons in the starry sky, we should be careful, besides, the spirit stones and mines here must be occupied by Shura Moluo, you can't take advantage of it, and Others will die if they go, let’s recuperate their injuries first.”

After Gao Jiuding finished speaking, he flew towards the distance. This battle was an accident, and they were not prepared enough.

If they were to gather an army, Gao Jiuding would really not be afraid of the monsters here.

As long as Gao Jiuding thinks, he can gather a large number of incarnations of monsters in the Dharma phase. These avatars are above the monster stars. Gao Jiuding dare not use them easily, because they may attract powerful enemies.

The Beast Sect is a lesson learned from the past. This way of refining the incarnation of monsters will increase their strength very quickly, and as long as the two races of humans and monsters know about it, they will avoid attacking him and think about destroying him.

If it weren't for the incarnations of these monsters who went out, all of them were carrying the beast guarding circle, Gao Jiuding must have thought of a way to silence the woman when he saw the woman just now.

It's a pity that the woman didn't know where she came from, she came without a sound, and she left without a trace, so Gao Jiuding didn't even have time to implement the idea of ​​silence.

"Patriarch, we found an anomaly on an asteroid inside, maybe it's a weak spot in the void!" After the battle, the pig-headed monster who didn't know where it was hiding appeared.

After the woman left and Song Yue took control of the field, they had already occupied the dense asteroid field.

In addition to the base discovered by the Yihu incarnation, which was wiped out by the devil, there was another discovery.

"The weak point in the space?" Gao Jiuding repeated, why did the words sound familiar.

"That's right, it's a weak spot in the space that seems to break if touched. We experimented a bit and broke that space!" the pig-headed demon said again.

"Broken space? Space debris?" Gao Jiuding stared at the pig-headed monster, his eyes almost popping out.

"Space fragments? Things that are as transparent as broken glass?" the pig-headed demon asked suspiciously.

As soon as Gao Jiuding heard it, he knew that he had made a fortune this time. For many years, he dreamed of encountering space debris!
Gao Jiuding immediately sent a message, but he received the message, and Song Yue also received it.

When Gao Jiuding came to the thin space, Song Yue was standing in a void, reaching out to pick the glass.

Cultivators in the Dharma phase can already break the space, but that kind of breaking cannot separate the space crystal wall from the space.

Therefore, it is difficult to meet the weak space!
I don't know the reason here, which caused the space to be broken and separated automatically!

Only in this case, the space debris will be separated. If you encounter it, you only need to collect it slowly.

Gao Jiuding saw that it wasn't just Song Yue, many of his subordinates were holding some storage magic weapons around the void, and they were collecting space fragments!
Of course, while collecting space fragments, they haven't forgotten to throw spirit stones into the broken space of the black hole.

Conservation of mass is everywhere, and space debris does not appear out of thin air. How much you take, you must give back, otherwise it will cause space collapse!

Space collapse is like a black hole, it will absorb everything around it, including Gao Jiuding and others who are picking up space debris.

Of course, Gao Jiuding, who is strong and can withstand the tearing of the space storm, can ignore such a disaster, but the guy with weak strength should be careful.

And the most important point is that after the collapse of the space is triggered, and all the surrounding matter is absorbed instantly, this weak space will be strengthened, and naturally it will not be able to continue to pick up space fragments.

Everyone was instantly sucked into the unknown space, Gao Jiuding didn't care, but what he cared about was this opportunity.

Cultivators in the Faxiang period are naturally not afraid of space storms, but once you enter this kind of space turbulence, you don’t know where you will be exiled, maybe it’s nearby, maybe a few light years away, no one wants to experience such a thing again.

Gao Jiuding's incarnation of the water and fire god python took out a demon-suppressing tower, and he only carried such a demon-suppressing tower with him. Fortunately, it was an 18-story demon-suppressing tower, so he could charge [-] yuan for space fragments.

Originally, there was a Town Demon Tower with a radius of 1000 meters. After this expansion, the space will be even bigger.

When encountering this kind of opportunity, naturally, you can't just charge this time.

So, soon Gao Jiuding's clones arrived, and Gao Jiuding's main body was the one with the most space equipment. Unfortunately, he only brought five or six pieces.

As for those thumb-sized Xuanhuang Pagodas and Jinjing rings that he had refined, he didn't know where to throw them for a long time.

When he brought his wife and children back to his hometown, Gao Jiuding remembered that he had made a string of small pagodas and wore them to make a necklace, which he carried with him, ready to pick up space debris whenever he encountered them.

It's a pity that after more than ten years, he has never encountered it before, but this time he encountered it, and he didn't know where to throw the magic weapons of space that he had prepared for a long time.

There is no way, it is considered a blessing if you meet it, how can you still dislike the blessing and get too little?

Gao Jiuding's Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, Storage Ring, Cosmos Bag, Demon Suppressing Tower, and even Demon Suppressing Banner, etc., as long as there is a magic weapon of space inside, he made a piece of space fragments to fuse them.

"Pay attention, the space is about to recover, don't waste the opportunity for the useless magic weapon of space!" Song Yue's voice sounded at the moment when Gao Jiuding was enjoying collecting it.

Gao Jiuding took a look, sure enough, as a large number of spirit stones were thrown into the void, the broken space around was recovering.

Just a little touch at the beginning, dense cracks appeared around, and they could easily get space fragments from these cracks, but now, even with a slap, the space is not broken as badly as before.

It turns out that inexhaustible supply is just a fantasy, the more spirit stones are invested, the faster this space will be repaired.

Following Song Yue's reminder, many of his subordinates stopped their movements, leaving only the avatars of Gao Jiuding, Song Yue and Yihu around, collecting space debris.

At this time, Gao Jiuding realized that it was Song Yue's incarnation who carried the most space equipment with her, and she was collecting them almost non-stop.

The next one is Maverick, this guy seems to be a poor ghost who has been poor for several lifetimes, almost all of his bodies are interspatial rings and interspatial bags.

Instead, Gao Jiuding stopped without enough space and equipment.

Seeing that the space was already so broken, Gao Jiuding didn't want to waste this rare opportunity. With a thought, the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars God Ax appeared in his hand.

The Sun Moon Seven Star God Ax just appeared, without Gao Jiuding's manipulation, it swiped towards the space by itself, a large piece of space debris appeared, and he immediately absorbed it into the body.

"Damn it, it's so powerful, it's such a big piece!" Maverick's movements also slowed down, and the space and equipment he carried with him was limited after all.

As for Song Yue, Gao Jiuding had already seen a string of necklaces that he was very familiar with. What else could this be his string of space towers?
"Where did you find this?" Gao Jiuding asked curiously.

Song Yue smiled: "I was held and played by your precious daughter for a long time, and I couldn't come out no matter what. This was last time after she fell asleep, I secretly put it away, just because I was afraid that she would lose it. I thought that this time I would encounter such a great opportunity!"

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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