The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1141 Destiny sometimes has to be

Chapter 1141 Destiny sometimes has to be

Gao Jiuding was speechless. He seemed to have exposed this string of pagodas in front of Gao Xianzhi once, but unexpectedly fell into her hands.

This is what must be in life sometimes, and there is no time in life, so don't force it!
Gao Xianzhi, this little guy, you met him once when he was catching fish in his hometown on Earth, right?

He had prepared so well, this time when he encountered an opportunity, couldn't he just stare blankly?And Song Yue, this is her daughter's favor!
"Axe, cut another piece, I'll try to see if the Earth Spirit Orb can absorb it!" Gao Jiuding said immediately as he watched the Sun Moon Seven Stars God Ax absorb a large piece of space debris.

Ax Ling, who had become white and fat, rolled his eyes and said: "They are in my favor. If you want to be promoted to Dongtian Lingbao, everyone has to open up a small world in their body. With this kind of space fragments, it is very easy It’s easy to create a small space, and it’s much easier to expand it into a cave.”

"Then what are you waiting for? They are not stupid, so they will naturally accept your favor!" Gao Jiuding was happy, and immediately urged Ax Spirit to start breaking the space.

Next, not only the earth spirit beads absorbed a space fragment, but Gao Jiuding let them absorb a space fragment for any spiritual weapon, just like the demon-binding rope, this wood magic weapon also absorbed piece.

In addition to these, even some magic weapons that Gao Jiuding refined at will have obtained great benefits, such as some magic weapons such as flags and streamers, which are very often fused with space fragments.

After all the magic weapons absorbed the space debris, they all fell into a deep sleep. On the contrary, the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars Ax absorbed a large piece of space debris, not only did not go to sleep to digest the gains, but became more energetic.

"Master, there is a problem here!" Ax Spirit said.

"Of course there is a problem!" Gao Jiuding said indifferently.

Fu Ling said: "I mean, there is a small space that is about to be broken. If I read correctly, it should be a secret realm. If it is an inner secret realm formed by a treasure, that treasure may be a magical treasure. Unfortunately, the space has been destroyed. It's not stable anymore!"

Gao Jiuding was taken aback for a moment, and then he was overjoyed. Didn't expect this kind of harvest?
It's a pity that even the magic weapon of the cave seems to have come to a dead end, because the outer space is about to be broken, and the inner space can be imagined.

However, this is a cosmic vacuum, and the treasures that can be left behind are not simple, even if they are about to break, they are still very valuable for exploration.

"Brother, do you think that woman just came here for the treasure here?" At this moment, Maverick said.

Song Yue also said: "There are also those moras and Shuras. We killed a lot of Asuras, but all the Moroes ran away. We didn't kill a few of them at all!"

Both Yihu and Song Yue stopped their movements, because at this time, the space had been completely stabilized due to the large number of spirit stones they dropped.

Of course, compared to other places, the space here is still easy to tear!

However, even if it is torn apart, there will only be a crack in space, and it will not be broken into broken glass as before, as it was just touched.

"Master, as long as you can stabilize this void, I can open a passage and enter this space directly!" Ax Spirit said again.

Gao Jiuding nodded and said: "This place is probably destroyed by the demon group, where the magic weapon of the cave is hidden, the spiritual energy is naturally very strong, and there may even be spiritual veins, and only in this situation can so many Shuras be cultivated." and Moro!"

"That's right, there are so many Shuras and Moluos, even if people find out, they wouldn't dare to provoke them easily!" Song Yue said.

Yi Hu also said: "Are we being used as a gun?"

Gao Jiuding thought for a while and said: "It should be an accident. I came here by accident, and then I encountered a demon group. Maybe someone deliberately guided it. It's a trivial matter. No matter who is spying on us, can we still be afraid?"

Song Yue smiled and immediately began to dispatch troops.

No matter who was plotting against them, none of them thought that Gao Jiuding's strength would expand so much.

Gao Jiuding is very confident, and on the distant Demon Star, the others are also very confident.

In an unknown place, thirty real blood pills waved their hands, and all kinds of spiritual stones, spiritual materials, formation disks, etc., rushed towards the void with spiritual light, as if these real people had known the formation method for a long time. Average location!
As the actions on this side intensified, Gao Jiuding also found an opportunity on his side.

Gao Jiuding is doing the same thing.

He probed his consciousness into the space, but there was nothing but void, and he couldn't help but lament the power of the divine axe.

If it weren't for the keen perception of the void and space, Gao Jiuding would never have discovered that there is a secret realm hidden here.

"It's best to use the fragments of Longevity Mountain, so our harvest will be great!" Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

Song Yue rolled her eyes at him and said, "Even if it is, can you still take this secret realm away?"

"Longevity Mountain can't be moved, but the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda is there, it would be better if it took this secret place!" Gao Jiuding said.

After placing the formations, thirty Xuedan masters took their positions, and suddenly a beam of light appeared in each of their hands. They flipped their hands, and sixty beams of light pierced into the void.

The sound of "rumbling" sounded, and after a cup of tea lasted, the surrounding noises became louder and louder, and gradually became deafening, as if a giant was about to burst out of the air!

The surrounding void is also gradually vibrating, and the vibration is getting bigger and bigger, gradually forming a space storm. At this time, the large formation has played a role.

Under the blockade of the large formation, the surrounding space unexpectedly did not shatter, but in fact several openings were opened, from which a strong space storm gushed out.

The spread of the storm was too fast, and everyone flew into the distance with magic weapons.

The black shadow in the big formation is getting bigger and bigger, and it is getting closer and closer to an asteroid next to it!

Everyone was waiting eagerly, hoping to see what the secret realm hidden in the void would look like.

At this moment, the shadow in the darkness finally broke through the space and appeared in front of Gao Jiuding and others.

Everyone looked at each other, where is this secret realm?This is simply a huge group teleportation array.

At this time, Ax Spirit said loudly: "Don't rush into the teleportation array, send someone to test it, and see what level of power it can withstand!"

"What do you mean?" Gao Jiuding asked strangely.

Ax Spirit immediately said: "Too much power will break this space, so those who enter must suppress the realm of cultivation. If one is not well controlled, the space will be broken, and it will be troublesome to fall into the turbulent flow of space!"

Gao Jiuding was speechless, is this restricting the entry of cultivation?Wouldn't it be a secret realm specially prepared for the trials of low-level disciples?
No high-level monks can enter, only prefecture-level disciples can enter. Is this an opportunity for the younger generation?
Is this a mandatory setting?Although it doesn't feel very comfortable, Gao Jiuding's movements are not slow.

As soon as he waved his hand, a stream of mana entered the teleportation circle, and then the mana transformed into a fat bird.

The little bird fluttered and flapped its small wings, and as it kept moving, its momentum also increased.

The cultivation base of the hemolytic stage can't affect the teleportation array at all, and it seems that the golden core stage can also go in and stroll around. However, when the strength of the little bird is raised to the middle stage of the blood core stage, the void around the teleportation array immediately begins to distort. .

"Quick!" At this moment, the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars Ax aimed at the teleportation array.

The space that had just been distorted immediately returned to normal, and at this time a space crack appeared inside the teleportation array.

"Hurry up, it's best not to enter the initial stage of the blood pill. If you really want to enter, then you have to do it yourself. If you are exiled by the turbulent space, you don't know which time and space you have gone to. It is very difficult to come back. !” Shen Fu yelled loudly, and even his body flew into the teleportation array, restrained and took out the crack.

"Then disciples with a cultivation base below the golden core and blood core stage will enter, at most the early stage of the golden core and blood core stage, and don't think that there is no danger if you enter with a cultivation base of the early blood core stage, be careful!
If there is a battle, you must not increase the destructive power above the middle stage of the blood pill, because an attack of this level will still destroy the space, and you already know the consequences! "Song Yue began to order his disciples to enter.

Gao Jiuding was a little disappointed, he couldn't enter, of course, he can suppress his cultivation to enter, but if it's all his own people, if there are unknown enemies, then he dare not let the main body and powerful avatars enter up.

You don't want to launch an attack above the middle stage of the blood pill, but if you can't stand it, the enemy will frame you. If one is not careful and is lured by someone to launch a powerful attack, wouldn't it be miserable?

"The incarnation of the Zijin bee is good enough, it is unlikely to even release the initial attack power of the blood pill!" In the end, Gao Jiuding released the incarnation of the Zijin bee, and followed everyone to the teleportation array!

Of course, in order to save Zijin bee's life, Gao Jiuding gave it a lot of hole cards!
For a while, the incarnation of Zijin Feng only felt that his feet were solid, and immediately sacrificed a pagoda above his head, and at the same time turned his eyes to look around.

Now the most indispensable thing in his hand is the nine-story Xuanhuang Pagoda. Originally, he only absorbed some Xuanhuang Qi, but he did not expect to absorb some space fragments just now. If there are extra spiritual veins, let the Xuanhuang Pagoda absorb a few. Another heaven and earth Xuanhuang Linglong pagoda.

Standing firm, what catches the eye is a piece of lush green above the ruins!
The big trees on both sides of the vaguely discernible road are all crumbling, but they are tenaciously alive and well.

Unfortunately, these are some ordinary weeds and big trees, not spiritual herbs.

Gao Jiuding poked out his divine sense, his face was overjoyed, and he pointed out that a crystal stone in the grass was actually a middle-grade spirit stone!
Gao Jiuding was slightly happy in his heart, this is a good start, right?
The existence of this mid-grade spirit stone meant that the situation here was not as bad as they imagined.

Flying into the sky carefully, Gao Jiuding checked the surrounding situation.

Standing at a height of several hundred meters, looking at the huge jungle and this mountain, Gao Jiuding discovered that the space here is not small.

(End of this chapter)

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